Path of Medicine With a System

Three hundred and thirty first sleep here

What is a country's deterrence, generally speaking, is its comprehensive national strength, weapons and equipment. To put it in a small way, it means how many people in a country are willing to contribute silently.

Many people are dismissive of these things, and it is a blessing to have this dismissal, because you have this condition, because someone has created this condition for you to let you put down the bowl and scold the cook after you are full. In a peaceful country, the happiest people are still the common people, and in troubled times the saddest people are still the common people.

When two people are fighting, the retracted fist is something that can make the other party vigilant or defensive. In fact, the same is true for the country, which also needs to have a retracted fist. However, for Huaguo back then, it was very difficult for this flexible fist.

Red Star Farm is literally located in a Tianshan mountain depression, but standing on the spread out military map, you can see that it is at a node, facing west is a foreign country. The left border is south, the right border is north, backed by the Tianshan Mountains of the motherland.

People back then insisted on building a road in this place where the birds are extinct, and it can only allow ordinary people to pass for three or four months in a year. But this also shortened the distance between the north and the south, and also allowed the car cannons of the Lanzhou Military Region to arrive at night. This is an example of flexibility.

With the improvement of the country's strength, Huaguo's railways have also opened into several Stan countries, and expressways have been paved all over the country, but this place has not been ignored.

The road to Red Star Farm is not easy. Not to mention crossing mountains and ridges, but almost always driving along cliffs. Surrounded by lush virgin forests and snow-capped mountains. Sometimes, looking out of the car window, it seems like walking in mid-air.

"It's so beautiful! You can see that the goshawk seems to be right under our feet." Lu Shuyan is really courageous. She has such a nature on such a dangerous road.

Zhang Fan stared at the road ahead without turning his eyes, fearing that if he was not careful, he would fall into the cliff. Pan Xing, spiraling around the Tianshan Mountains, rising and falling. When approaching the snow line, Red Star Farm arrived.

If tents and horses on the prairie are free, unrestrained, or petty bourgeoisie’s favorite or most envied life, this is the embodiment of rigidity, rigidity, and silence.

Red Star Farm is a base not a military base built against a mountain. The houses lined up horizontally and vertically have the same style.

Gray tiles and white walls, row by row, row by row, even the small poplar trees planted in row by row, the roads in the farm are in four rows and four rows, and the fronts of each house are cleaned up, unlike usual As in the rural areas, there are sundries piled up at the door. The village is so quietly set up here.

The leader of the government, Section Chief Wang, went to the grasslands, and even if he was not arrogant when he arrived in the county, he was somewhat reserved. But when he came here, he arranged his clothes in advance, just like a subordinate meeting a superior.

There was no grand welcome, just at the corner of the col, a lame old man was smoking a pipe, quietly sitting on a stone by the side of the road, waiting for the medical team.

Wrinkles hacked by knives, dark skin, and increasingly hunched body with eagle-like eyes.

"Here we come!" The old man spoke with a distinct Suzhou-Hangzhou accent. The scene at this moment was so weird, as if he met a retired old man in a Suzhou-Hangzhou park, but this is not a park, but a border.

"Hello old head, I'm Xiao Wang from the municipal party committee office. This time I'm going to the countryside for medical treatment. I was supposed to arrive a few days earlier, but something happened, so I'm a few days late." Section Chief Wang reported to the The old man explained.

"You too, what a waste. We went to the hospital ourselves when we were sick, and it's not that we have no way out. Besides, we also have a hospital. Look at your team, it's not worth it for us." He said it wasn't worth it, But the old man still warmly greeted everyone. Shake hands one by one.

"How can it be unworthy? The number of times we have come is too small, and our work is not in place. This is the old head of Red Star Farm, Head Chen, a fighting hero, who was received by the head of the country No. 1!" Wang Wang The section chief smiled and introduced each other to everyone.

"Nonsense, what are you talking about. Besides, can you come to this place frequently! Come to the regiment headquarters. I originally wanted everyone to come to welcome you, but the weather has become hotter, the snow has melted, and the combat preparation road in the mountains has collapsed. Young people People have gone to dig soil and move stones, and I, an old man, welcome you on behalf of everyone, don't take it to heart!" The old man tried his best to straighten his back which could no longer be straightened up.

This farm in Huaguo is a bit special. Although it is no longer a military establishment, their establishment and system are still the same as those of the army, with their own public security laws, and the leaders above the farm regiment level have military ranks.

In the past few years, the farm has shrunk tremendously. Later, I felt that it was still useful, and I began to pay more attention to it. The identity of the farmer is also very special. It is not considered a soldier, but they have regular military training and a weapon warehouse. Let's talk about farmers, because they are still a big group. Probably they can be regarded as special workers, because they are said to be retired.

The people who gather from all over the country are so mixed that they don't have any special dialect characteristics. Except for the accent of their hometown in the small family, they usually communicate in Mandarin.

"Everyone pack up your clothes, let's go to the Martyrs Cemetery first." Section Chief Wang took a bottle of liquor in his hand at some point.

Zhang Fan and the others hurriedly tidied it up, and were also very surprised that there was a martyr's cemetery here, which they had never heard of! Head Chen didn't say much, smoking a pipe like a small train, leading a group of people, limping towards the back mountain of the farm.

There is a small path made of marble in the back mountain, which can only accommodate two people walking side by side. Although everyone was very curious, they didn't speak, and quietly followed the old leader.

After turning over the hill, the sudden appearance of the cemetery left everyone dumbfounded. On a sunny hillside, there are many stone monuments. At first glance, there are too many stone monuments to count.

The ground in the cemetery was clean, there were no wreaths or fences, just simple steles, stone steles made of white rock, and countless stone steles with red five-pointed stars.

"There are more than 3,000 martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the frontier since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Some martyrs died in small-scale conflicts, and some died for the construction of war preparation roads. Please bow to the martyrs." Section Chief Wang While speaking, after presenting liquor, he led everyone to bow three times neatly.

The old regiment leader was like a stone, silently looking at his colleagues or comrades lying in the cemetery, holding a cigarette pouch in his hand. The people who originally wanted to see the surrounding scenery were not in any mood, and the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy.

War-ready highways, skirmishes. It is too long away from the modern people in the city, so far away that even Zhang Fan and the others don't know it. Forgot? No, it's just that I don't want too many people to bear the burden. There are still people who are sticking to the place they created.

Dedicate your youth and dedicate your children and grandchildren, the slogan of the year. Now it seems to be nonsense, very nonsense. However, there are people who chanted this so-called nonsense slogan and persisted. Not only one generation, but four generations now. This is the hero of Huaguo, the unknown hero. That's all!

"Let's go! It's fine if you think about it. It's a pity that you still know these things. Let's go! Go to the regiment headquarters and drink some water." The old regiment leader said let's go, let's go, but his eyes looked back from time to time. Look at those comrades who have been in the trenches, comrades who have fought together.

There are thousands of people in the resident of Red Star Farm. How should I put it here, anyway, it can be regarded as the pioneer of all kinds of agriculture in the frontier. If you want to plant or do something back then, the farm is an experimental field, and it will be implemented in the frontier after the results are obtained.

"This is the residence of Sanlian. They mainly engage in some breeding, a special breeding industry. The situation has gotten better and better in the past few years. The railways opened by the country have all furs abroad. The old man likes to wear animal fur as a fool. What was worthless in the past can actually earn foreign exchange!" The old man limped and led everyone along while introducing, and when he talked about what he was proud of, he actually had a smile on his face, and the smile on his toothless mouth was so cute!

"This is Silian, engaged in forestry. It used to be logging, but now it is planting trees. Look at the forest over there, and the hillside is full of economic forests that were planted later."

"The regiment headquarters is here, everyone, please come in." The old man led a group of people standing in front of a large courtyard and said. Zhang Fan and the others took a look at the gate, the number of a certain unit could still be vaguely seen on the gate that had been weathered for a long time.

The yard is very large, all of which are bungalows. There were some people inside, not many, and they were all women.

"Grandpa, has anyone received it? Is it an expert from the city hospital?"

"Yes, I got it." The old man said to one of the houses with a red cross.

"Then hurry up and help, there is a pregnant woman waiting to give birth." No one was seen, only a voice was heard.

"I'm a gynecologist, I'll go." Lu Shuyan stepped across the crowd and entered the room. The old man watched Lu Shuyan go in and said: "This is where the office is. The hospital, police station, and school are all here. There were quite a lot of people at first, but because of the collapse of the war preparation road, young people were pulled up. So there are not enough people."

"Come on, I'll take you to clean up the place first."

"Do you need help here? I am an anesthetist and he is a surgeon." Lao Liu looked at the delivery room and said hesitantly.

"It's okay, she has a third child. The family wanted to have a boy, and they criticized her man many times, but they didn't listen. The second child was born in the wild. It seems that the family planning is not very strict now. Came to the hospital."

Zhang Fan and the others lived in an old one-story house, which was tidy inside and the floor was still old-fashioned red bricks.

"You rest today, don't be in a hurry to work. After the leaders of the regiment go down the mountain, I will invite you to eat in the cafeteria. I will go home to see my grandson first." The old man was about to leave after speaking.

"It's okay, we're not tired, we can see a doctor now." Section Chief Wang said.

"Nonsense, there is no reason to let others work after a long day of driving. Hurry up and wash up and rest."

As the sun went down, with the ringing of the bell in the nearby yard, the students got out of school, and the chattering and chasing children rushed out of the school gate.

Zhang Fan and the others couldn't sleep either, so they just stood at the door looking at the surrounding environment. The little ones who came out of school suddenly looked at this group of strangers and surrounded them curiously.

"Are you from the division?" A boy with a snotty nose asked boldly.

"No, look at the license plate, it doesn't belong to our teacher." Another girl with pigtails stood up and pointed out his mistake.

"You just like to show off!" As he spoke, the dirt-clothed boy tugged at the little girl's braid, and then ran away. Not to be outdone, the little girl turned around and chased after him, but failed to catch up.

"Wang Suhang's son, you wait, I will sue when Wang Suhang comes home!" The little girl threatened the local boy loudly! The soft and tender shout made Zhang Fan and the others couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe, it's so naughty, I made you laugh. I heard that you are doctors from the city to the countryside?" A young girl dressed like a teacher came over and asked.

"Yes, we are the medical team of Chasu City Hospital. Who are you?" After Lu Shuyan helped the pregnant woman give birth, she also stood at the door with Zhang Fan and the others to watch the scenery.

"I'm the principal of Tuanli Primary School. Everyone went to the road today, and there were a little few people."

The hours of sunshine in the frontier are long, and it was after 8 o'clock in the evening that the crowd slowly returned home. The house in the regiment field looked old and dilapidated, but there were a lot of mechanical tools that came back with people, and they looked brand new.

Seven or eight large excavators, various trucks, professional construction trucks that are rare in the mainland, all of which looked taller than people. When the car arrived at the regiment headquarters, almost all men and women were covered in dirt. Jumped out of the car, spread out and slapped each other's dirt on their bodies.

"Haha, you are the experts of the city hospital. Welcome, really, those who look forward to the stars and the moon finally look forward to you, you watch me do it~~" After getting out of the car, a strong man said to Zhang Fan and the others said, the earthen hands that had been stretched out were retracted, and they rubbed on the body again and again.

"I'm sorry, I had an operation at the last point, so there was a bit of a delay. I'm the secretary of the Chasu Municipal Party Committee Office."

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, as long as you can come. I'm the head of the Red Star Group, Wang Suhang. This is the secretary of the group, this is the deputy head, this is the secretary of the group department, and this is the dean of the health center of the group department~ ~" Leader Zhou introduced his colleagues to everyone.

How can these people be seen as leaders, one by one are dressed like small workers on the construction site, they are all gray like earth monkeys, only their flickering eyes are bright, like morning stars rising from the sky bright.

Section Chief Wang also introduced the people on his side. How can I say that although one is the city and the other is the regiment, they are two independent units, each with its own system.

"You guys have something to say. Today I finally cleared up the landslide. The canteen in the regiment specially slaughtered a pig. Let's kill the pig's food and eat it. Go~! Go!" As they spoke, the leaders politely led Followed Zhang Fan and the others to the cafeteria.

Zhang Fan and the others thought that only the leaders would eat the mess in the cafeteria. As a result, there was a cafeteria that was almost as big as the auditorium, and there were adults and children, old and young, all holding their own lunch boxes and queuing up to eat.

The huge cafeteria was not so noisy. "Go! Go! You are guests, so you don't need to line up. There is a small private room here, let's sit in it."

Although it is a private room, it is actually a curtain made of silk. The food is nothing special, it is all cabbage vermicelli made in a big pot and a big stove, and it is served directly in a big pot. Because Zhang Fan and the others were guests, the chef specially served a plate of cold radish, spicy red skin, fried peanuts, cold pig ears, and a scrambled egg.

Although there are not many styles, they are all large plates. "Come on! You're welcome. Since we are in the frontier, we are all frontier people. The rule of the frontier people is to sit down and drink three glasses before eating. Our dishes can't be served on the table, but the wine has been around for a long time. It's from our own winery. The original grain wine is not blended, it is pure in a word, and it does not hurt your head after drinking it."

While talking, Head Wang took out a bottle of white wine without any trademark. Although it was white wine, the color of the wine was slightly yellow. When the bottle cap was opened, a scent of wine spread over the surface, and it seemed a bit sticky when poured. , There is a feeling of drawing.

"Come on! Man Shang. I respect all the leaders and experts. You have worked so hard to come from afar to deliver medicine to our farm people. I thank you on behalf of the farm people. I will do whatever you want. Three or two big cups, white wine, Take a bite and do it straight away!"

In the medical team, except for Zhang Fan who couldn't drink, everyone else, including the female nurse, could drink more or less. "Hey! Why doesn't this doctor drink? Our place is remote, and the hospitality is a bit crude, but the heart is full, it's red! Haha! Come and do it!"

This is not a descendant of the southerners, just like a rough guy in the frontier! Zhang Fan clasped his hands together, and said apologetically, "Commander Wang, I really can't drink it, otherwise I will definitely drink it. The frontier Moutai is so famous that my mouth is watering when I smell it. I can't drink it, I don't have such a good taste!"

"Haha, forget it. Just eat more. Domestic pigs, wild vegetables and corn are not available in the city." The crowd warmly greeted a few people.

This so-called Pilahong is actually a dish of Piyazi mixed with green peppers and tomatoes. This dish will not have that taste away from the border.

The Piyazi here is not particularly spicy, but has a slight aftertaste. The peppers are particularly flavorful due to the long sunshine time. The most outstanding thing is the sweet tomatoes. It tastes really good when mixed.

The dishes on this table are just average, but the wine is not. Sanchuan Jiuniu has gone to heaven, but it doesn't work in the frontier. Neither Bluebird's beer nor Sanchuan's baijiu would work in the frontier.

For beer, there is deadly beer in the frontier, and liquor, this is the old cellar produced by the frontier farm itself, directly monopolizing the frontier. Moreover, the price of this kind of yellowed original wine is said to be thousands of dollars per catty in the market, and even if you have money, you can't buy it.

The wine is good, Zhang Yanfeng and Liu Yaowen are greedy, they know this wine too well, good wine. With the company of the cadres of the farm, the cup is full when it is dry, and the cup is full when it is dry. There are really a variety of persuasive words in various ways.

"Dad, my mother said that if you get drunk again, you won't be allowed to enter the house!" The slug who had just pulled the little girl's braid had also washed his face at this time, and it was probably washed by his old mother when he returned home. He opened the curtain and poked his head in and said.

"The sky is turned upside down, and I can still let her take care of it. You go and tell her that these are doctors from the city, but they are precious, so please greet them! You can't lack courtesy!"

"Haha, Lao Wang is also stubborn, haha!" Other cadres who are familiar with him joked.

"Hey! It's not easy for women. After catching up with this kind of landslide, the work is as heavy as that of men. Is it reasonable to not feel sorry for your mother-in-law when you go home. I don't believe you don't feel sorry for your mother-in-law."

"Hey! It's better for adults, it's just children, hey! Stop talking, come and drink."

"I made all the experts laugh. Children in small places have no rules. Don't disturb your interest. Come and let me sing a song for you. The field song of our farm." After wiping the wine on his mouth, Captain Wang stood up .

"Only the sound of my piano is left on the prairie. I want to write a letter to a girl in the distance, but unfortunately there is no postman to express my love!" The bold, high-spirited, beautiful singing.

"Drunk again, hey!" A tidy woman outside the curtain sighed. However, she didn't come in, but went to cook with her children.

drunk. Regardless of the farm leader or the doctor, everyone except Zhang Fan was drunk, even Lu Shuyan was drunk, pure wine is purer.

In Selen, no matter what, everyone seems to feel that they are guests. And here at Red Star, even though it was the first time they met, it felt as comfortable as if they had been friends for many years, as comfortable as returning home. Liu Yaowen dragged head Wang to dance a ballroom dance that has long been out of fashion.

Elegant, really elegant, this is also a product of collective life back then. Lu Shuyan wanted to drag Zhang Fan to drink a cup of wine, while Baoyin grabbed the wooden bench and shouted: Drive! drive! drive! I don't know whether I am riding a horse or thinking of playing games with my boyfriend!

It is not every day on the farm that this kind of collective life exists. That is because these days because we have to do heavy work together. That's why we eat together like this. On weekdays, each family usually eats by themselves. Or when it comes to holidays, everyone gathers together.

Usually each company has its own industry. Although people are on the border, they have already achieved self-reliance, and some industries are still very famous.

For example, wineries, such as large-scale farms, such as special planting, it seems that some of the seeds brought down from the sky by God are given to the farm. How should I put it, this place is considered militarized management, and many special plantations are planted here.

Moreover, all the things they grow do not enter the market, but are uniformly controlled by the state, so they are not considered farmers.

"Okay! Drink some sour soup, oops!" Zhang Fan's head grew big, and drunk people are really sticky and unreasonable. Zhang Fan was sweating from Lu Shuyan's body.

"Don't drink, quick! Let's dance."

"Hey! If it doesn't work anymore, I'll overwhelm myself!" Zhang Fan's threat floated over the Red Star Farm like the wind. Floating above the sky where heroes rest!

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