Path of Medicine With a System

Four hundred and sixty-five hurdles that cannot be passed (thanks to the lord Lu Renyi)

Zhang Fan is young, full of energy, and doesn't have any so-called airs. What was his attitude before, and what is his attitude now.

It is his habit to see the patient first when performing an operation, and it is a very good habit. "It's okay, your tumor is not big, and you will definitely recover well after the operation, so don't drink this wine anymore!"

On the morning of the weekend, Zhang Fan took Ma Yichen and the doctors from the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of the affiliated hospital to conduct a preoperative round.

When Zhang Fan came to have an operation, the directors and deputy seniors were very active, because they could learn techniques, but Wang, who was hospitalized and transferred to another department, felt as uncomfortable as his dead father.

"It's a big weekend, and I'm here for surgery again. It's been several weeks, can't you take a week off!, can't you change the place!" A group of people hugged Zhang Fan for rounds, and the young doctors walking behind were helpless!

"Okay, okay, I must listen to you, please use snacks!" There was a very young patient in today's operation, the child was just three years old, and the family members held Zhang Fan's hand and wanted to kneel down.

Although Zhang Fan was young, surrounded by a group of doctors in the provincial hospital, he naturally gained an aura, the aura of an expert.

The liver is most afraid of three things. The first is all kinds of viruses, especially hepatitis B virus, which is directly the killer of the liver.

The second fear is long-term heavy drinking and a lot of dietary fat. This can be prevented and cured.

The third one is afraid of aflatoxin. If you eat bitter melon seeds or moldy peanuts, you must not drink your saliva and let it go down. You must vomit. This thing is aflatoxin, and the liver is very afraid of it.

In the operating room, Zhang Fan sat and watched the patient's examination. Although he had already printed the patient's examination in his mind, Zhang Fan still took the trouble to watch the examination.

The two liver and gallbladder directors also accompanied Zhang Fan to see the examination, and the two directors slowly began to adapt to Zhang Fan's habits.

Although Ma Yichen was brought by Zhang Fan, including the director of the Hepatobiliary Department, he was very polite to him, but the young man is a sensible person and knows his position.

Zhang Fan was resting with the director, and he actively helped the anesthetist to position himself and the nurse to tie up the patient. It won't work if you don't let me do it, so I took the initiative to start with a smile.

Zhang Fan glanced occasionally and felt a little proud when he saw the busy Ma Yichen, "I have a good eye too!"

"Zhang Yuan, prepare to wash your hands!" The director of the anesthesiology department said softly. The dean of the affiliated hospital specifically explained that as long as Zhang Fan came to perform the operation, the anesthesiologist must be the director of the anesthesiology department to come on stage.

"Good! Wash your hands."

At the beginning of the operation, Ma Yichen was also pulled onto the table by Zhang Fan, "One pony will rest for the other. There are not many such patients in our hospital. Let's use the light of the affiliated hospital to learn more."

Although Zhang Fan can designate the personnel for the operation, he still has to say what is necessary, and he cannot eat alone. The vice-senior, who had already had a bad complexion, immediately improved a lot after hearing what Zhang Fan said.

People who work hard are always worthy of respect.

The medical industry is too special, it is an even more special existence in a special industry. Not only a good platform is needed, but the personal efforts of doctors are also very important.

For a simple abdominal color ultrasound, the machines are of the same advanced level, but the reports produced by good doctors and poor doctors are different. Therefore, although doctors are not ranked in the world, hospitals are.

Doctors work hard to improve, and then work hard to go to bigger and better platforms. Big platforms also work hard to improve various benefits and benefits, and work hard to absorb excellent doctors.

The particularity of the industry also creates the particularity of this profession. The high-end will always be concentrated in a few places, and medicine may develop very quickly. Perhaps a lot of high-end medical technology will be created, and then gradually popularized, slowly benefiting the general public.

However, relatively, this also forms a threshold, forming a relative imbalance or inequality. Right and wrong are really a very contradictory issue.

Mr. Wang took his father and almost went to Shanghai. For his level,

Money is not a problem, but for most people, money is the biggest problem, which is why exercise is so popular in European and American countries.

In Huaguo in the early years, many people scolded them, but those who had no money to see a doctor just threw the patients in the hospital and turned away.

It is not an exaggeration that the hospital not only takes care of food, but also does its best to treat people. This is also one of the main reasons why private hospitals cannot develop in China.

"How big is the liver? The human body develops the liver in the first few weeks. What are its characteristics." Zhang Fan took alcohol to disinfect his skin, and then asked without thinking.

The two directors knew that it was Zhang Fan who was asking his little assistant a question, and they looked at Ma Yichen with a smile.

"The liver weighs about 1200-1500g and is about 25cm long. At the fourth week of the embryo, the liver protrudes from the foregut to form a liver.

The liver is the largest chemical factory in the human body, and almost all hormones are inactivated in the liver.

Most vitamins are stored in the liver..." Ma Yichen did not disappoint Zhang Fan, and explained the liver from physiology to pathology, from anatomy to biochemistry in an orderly manner.

"Little Ma's foundation is pretty good!" After Ma Yichen finished speaking, Director Li from the Second Hepatobiliary Department praised him.

Zhang Fan didn't say anything, but just nodded his head. If he didn't even have any foundation, Zhang Fan wouldn't expect anything from him.

At the beginning of the operation, Zhang Fan has already penetrated the operation on the liver, and the speed of entering the liver area is very fast. Before entering the liver, there was nothing to say. When choosing the incision, Zhang Fan said something deliberately, and then he was speechless.

In the first operation, the patient was a man in his fifties. When he entered the liver area, the tumor was clearly exposed.

The liver, as long as it is normal and not diseased, can actually give people a pleasing feeling.

The normal liver covered by the membrane slightly reflects a soft luster under the shadowless lamp, slightly rose red, which can be regarded as oily and slippery. It can really make people feel close to each other.

But after having a tumor, it will be different immediately. Cancer cells are too domineering. If the normal cell growth speed of the liver is walking, the growth speed of liver cancer cells is an airplane.

When one cell becomes cancerous, the cells that cannot be found under a light microscope usually begin to grow, one becomes two, and two becomes four.

Rapid growth, almost all the nutrients in the area are absorbed by it, the growth becomes bigger, bigger circle, the outer cancer cells continue to proliferate, while the inner cancer cells continue to die.

When the number of deaths increases, the cancer cells rupture. Something like pus will come out.

And the shape is different, the most typical one is a giant tumor, protruding from the liver like the abscess on a mangy dog, it is white and greasy, because of the existence of the liver capsule.

The cancer cells are tightly wrapped by the envelope, like a brain flower tightly tightened by a plastic film, and the obvious blood vessels in it rot and die while growing.

The coexistence of freshness and corruption can not only make people feel disgusted, but also make people feel afraid, yes, it is afraid, this thing is like the underworld (a) society, lying on the liver with teeth and claws.

The scalpel opened the way, and the liver and gallbladder were peeled off little by little, and the blood was coagulated with the electric knife. The electrocoagulation of muscle fat tastes like roasted meat, with a meaty aroma.

Because the liver is rich in many chemical substances, after electrocoagulation, the smoke produced is a little irritating, a bit like overnight urine.

"When separating the tumor, if you are not sure, use the handle of the knife." Zhang Fan explained while doing it.

The two directors have already started, and what Zhang Fan chooses now is a technique with many steps but relatively less difficult.

The two directors kept nodding and concentrated on learning Zhang Fan's steps.

After cleaning, the disgusting tumor was completely removed by Zhang Fan, just like a damaged brain.

The liver tumor was removed. Although there was a big pit on the liver, the liver at this time seemed to know that the danger had been touched. Even the blood that flowed out was cute.

"How is it? Do you feel it?" After the tumor was removed, Zhang Fan also breathed a sigh of relief. Tumor surgery is not a fracture fixation.

Even if the fracture fixation technique is a little rough, and the steel plate is a little ugly, it is not a problem, but the tumor is different.

Ulceration and unclean cleaning can make the operation fail, so every operation for liver tumors is not easy for Zhang Fan.

Only after the resection was completed, Zhang Fan could breathe easily with relief, which is not an exaggeration at all.

"It feels a little bit, but it still seems to be lacking a little bit." The director of the Fifth Department of Liver and Gallbladder said after thinking about it.

"Yes, it seems that it's just a short while now." The director of the second hepatobiliary department also said.

"Well, then continue to do it, make more than a dozen more, and I think you can try it out." Zhang Fan said while sweeping the beginning and end of the operation.

Ma Yichen still didn't understand the difficulty of the operation, after all, he was not a master of liver and gallbladder, but he admired the precision of Zhang Fan's knife.

It is very rare that there will be bleeding after a single cut, which shows that Zhang Fan is quite familiar with anatomy, and every cut can avoid larger arteries.

"It's too fierce, even a place as complicated as the liver can clearly understand the deformation of the vascular system! It's scary!" Ma Yichen unconsciously compared it with Zhang Fan, and found that the gap was too great.

One operation in the morning, the nurse changed, but the doctor and anesthetist could not change. After a hasty lunch, they continued to the next operation.

In terms of the physical exertion of surgery, it is estimated that orthopedic surgery can definitely rank in the top three of all surgeries, but orthopedic surgery is relatively less energy-intensive for doctors.

Tumor surgery is different, it is quite energy-intensive, and the doctor must force himself to concentrate on the operation, especially when it comes to cleaning, he must not be distracted.

Sometimes, perhaps a small omission will cause endless pain to the patient.

After taking a few mouthfuls of food, Zhang Fan sat in the lobby of the operating room and began to rest for a few minutes with his eyes closed.

There is no intermission for this kind of continuous operation. After one operation is completed, the patient of the other operation has already been given antibiotics and sent to the operating room.

The chief surgeon can still rest for about ten minutes. If there is no other replacement doctor, the assistant will be busy arranging positions and helping with anesthesia.

Posture is very important in surgery. It is not enough to just throw people on the operating table and cut the knife.

The position of the patient must first ensure the convenience of the surgeon, and because the patient does not move for a long time, some cushions should be placed in the weaker subcutaneous fat of the patient to prevent the skin from being crushed.

This is no joke, as long as two hours of compression, there will be necrosis and rupture in places with less subcutaneous fat, and it is ischemic necrosis and rupture, which is particularly troublesome to recover from this kind of damage.

It will still spread. When a patient from one department is transferred to another department, the handover nurse will perform a comprehensive skin check on the patient.

Once bedsores appear in the hospital due to improper care, this is medical malpractice.

Why is the cost of nursing care in the ICU so high? Let alone other things. First of all, nurses turn over and slap patients on the back very frequently, once every 15 minutes.

In the ICU of a large hospital, there must be no less than 30 patients, and no more than six night shift nurses. One can imagine how heavy the workload is.

He wanted to sleep after eating, and Zhang Fan hardly drank coffee, but for this kind of surgery, Zhang Fan had to drink some instant coffee, and sometimes he had to drink Red Bull, otherwise his energy would not be able to keep up.

In the afternoon's operation, Ma Yichen was the crowd eating melons under the operating table. The young man was very winking. He helped the nurse wipe the doctor's sweat for a while, and adjusted the air conditioner for a while. He was not idle anyway.

This is a learning attitude.

For the operation in the afternoon, Zhang Fan did not have as much energy to explain it as in the morning, after all, human energy is limited.

Zhang Fan did it very quickly and carefully. The two directors also knew that Zhang Fan was a little tired, so they didn't talk too much. The only sound in the operating room was the ticking monitor.

Mr. Wang's father's surgery was scheduled for the next morning. The night he separated from Zhang Fan, he began to inquire about Zhang Fan through various relationships.

Although according to the director of the affiliated hospital, Zhang Fan is very powerful, but after all, he is his father, so he is still a little uneasy.

"Old Zhao, Zhang Fan from Cha Su..." This was calling Zhao Jingjin.

"Principal Ouyang, I am..." This is to ask the leader Zhang Fan specifically.

"Old Chang, ask someone." After asking a few people, they all said that Zhang Fan was very powerful.

He felt relieved, but they were all doctors from the frontier. He decided to ask the doctors who left the frontier. After all, they were not in the same area, so they should not cover up for him.

Lao Chang, who was far away in the mainland, felt that the sky was covered by dark clouds, so he changed his number, but for this kind of rich man, he still sent his new number in a stupid way.

However, when he heard the other party say to inquire about a person, he started to become bad. He didn't dare to hang up the phone, and he didn't even dare to tell lies. He could only grit his teeth and say that he was not familiar with him.

Zhang Fan, isn't he familiar with it? He is so familiar!

After Mr. Wang finished understanding, he began to tell his secretary, "Is Zhang Yuan satisfied with the place where he lives?"

"Satisfied, the best suite in Frontier Hotel. When I woke up in the morning, Dean Zhang was in good spirits." The female secretary lightly clasped her hands and placed them slightly below her abdomen.

"Prepare 200,000 yuan in cash and deliver it directly to his room at night, so I won't show up. Be more polite and tell Zhang Yuan that the labor fee belongs to the labor fee. This is my heart."


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