Path of Medicine With a System

Four hundred and seventy-six 2 developments

People are fat Feibu, food is more oily, there is nothing wrong with what he said. As soon as Zhang Fan entered the muscle layer, the fat boss began to show physical activity.

There are people who are resistant to numbness in the world. After regular doses, the effect is very poor. Especially in the past, many small hospitals did not have ventilators.

Forced to do nothing, some people have used local anesthesia for the appendix. Local anesthesia for the appendix, which is really scary.

Don't tell me it hurts! The feeling of cutting flesh and pulling intestines can be clearly felt by the patient, which directly leaves infinite fear in the patient.

Although the fat boss is sleeping, as long as Zhang Fan moves, his right foot will move, and the operation can only bind his hands and feet that do not use the knife.

As for the lower limb to be operated on, it cannot be tied, so the fat worm in the hat was thrown around.

"Lidocaine, local anesthesia, hurry up, I guess he's about to wake up." Zhang Fan instructed the surgical nurse.

Wang Yanan was dumbfounded, "Is the effect of the medicine over?"

"It's not over, it's not enough, it can't achieve the effect of paralysis, but I dare not increase the dose." The anesthesiologist spread his hands helplessly.

What if the operation is slower today, and what will happen after the fat man wakes up? Add some local anesthesia, find someone to forcefully press him to perform the operation, even if he cries for his father and mother, he will have the operation done.

"Hurry up, you have to speed up. With his physique, if he really starts to struggle, we won't be enough to watch."

Xu Xian became anxious when he saw signs of activity from the fat boss. He knew too well the power of this fat man.

Infiltration with lidocaine local anesthesia. Zhang Fan said to Xu Xian and Wang Ya, "Press his leg, I will sew it by myself, you press it hard."

"Okay!" Wang Yanan nodded firmly.

Zhang Fan increased his operation speed, and the needle holder supported the round needle and flew in the tendon.

The imported absorbable thread comes with its own suture needle. To be honest, the imported absorbable thread has a good price, but it is also very easy to use.

Tendons are like beef tendons. This thing is very tough, unless you have very good teeth, you have to tear and eat it along the grain.

Therefore, the tendon is sutured along the texture, and it is very easy to split and open. When suturing, it cannot be sutured close to the wound like other tissues.

For tendon suturing, first of all, it should be four or five centimeters away from the incision, and many stitches should be sutured across the grain, and then the thread ends should be drawn out from the broken end.

The same operation was performed at the other end, and finally the ends of the thread at both ends were used to forcibly tie a knot, pulling the tendon to close.

Zhang Fan chose this most conventional method to repair the fat man's tendon. If you are an athlete, you have to pay attention to a lot, and this method is not suitable.

Zhang Fan wanted to make a better repair method for the fat man, but he couldn't help him. Fatty's strength is here, so Zhang Fan can't help but choose the simplest repair method.

The threads at both ends of the broken end were knotted, not only Zhang Fan, but also Xu Xian heaved a sigh of relief. The toughest part is solved.

The rest of the skin was sutured, even if there was no anesthetic, according to Zhang Fan's skills, it only took a few minutes.

At the last second before Fatty Laopang opened his eyes, Zhang Fan closed the incision.

"Doctor, is the operation finished? Why do I feel like my feet are burning like fire." The fat man was still confused.

"It's done, don't move, we'll put a plaster on you."

"Doctor, doctor, why don't you, why don't you!" The fat boss spoke incoherently.

"What's the matter? Speak well, is your tongue numb?" The others didn't feel anything. The anesthetist was anxious, and while patting the fat man's fat face with his hands, he was anxiously preparing to examine the fat man.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, doctor, don't hit me, I'm fine."

"Speak well, you scared me to death." The anesthetist's mouth was so frightened that the fat man crooked.

"Aren't I shy!" A rare red cloud appeared on the fat man's fleshy face!

"Tell me, what are you going to do?" the anesthesiologist asked angrily.

"I heard, I heard..." Fatty saw the anesthesiologist's unfriendly eyes, and quickly said: "I heard,

This is circumcised, my younger brother can still grow again, why don't I trouble you to circumcise me by the way! "

"After leaving the hospital, go to the outpatient clinic!" Zhang Fan said with a grin. He thought what the fat man was going to do.

"Hey! I'm all in the hospital, so I might as well just let my brother grow up. Now I have trouble peeing. If the weather is colder, I can pee on my hand with just a shiver."

Zhang Fan, the anesthesiologist, and Xu Xian held back their laughter and remained silent. After all, there were female doctors and nurses.

Of course, as an orthopedic surgeon, Wang Yanan actually did not see anything uncommon. However, she is an unmarried girl after all, so she can't imagine the issue of length.

But itinerant nurses are different. The children are all soy sauce, "Haven't you heard of short fat, short fat, really!"

"Haha!" Even Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Really, don't laugh, my husband wasn't fat before, but he got fat later! It's just..."

"Haha!" Even Wang Yanan laughed this time.

"Hehe, Zhang Yuan, please tell the chief nurse for me. I have applied for advanced training many times. If you don't let me go, my husband has gained weight for several times!~"

The itinerant nurse looked at Zhang Fan and smiled for a while, then seized the opportunity to make a request.

"Uh! Alright, alright. Let me tell you something!" Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing. None of these people are fools.

After the operation, Zhang Fan was going to the animal laboratory of Chasu University to do experiments. As a result, she was called to her office by Ouyang before she left.

"Dean." Zhang Fan knocked on the door and greeted him.

"Sit." Ouyang, who was looking at the document, saw that it was Zhang Fan, took off his reading glasses, got up and walked to the sofa for the reception, and sat opposite Zhang Fan.

"Look at this." After speaking, Ouyang handed Zhang Fan a piece of paper. Zhang Fan took the paper and looked at it, "The director of the anorectal department is going to resign?"

"Well, it was given to me this morning. It doesn't matter if he resigns. What do you think about the anorectal department? Is there any doctor who can take the lead? Let's unify our opinions first, and then go to the meeting."

After a little thought, Zhang Fan said, "What do you mean, Dean?"

"Hehe." Ouyang smiled, "I mean if no one can provoke the leader, we can directly merge the anorectal department into general surgery.

There is no need to keep a department that can only treat hemorrhoids alone. "

Ouyang is now full of confidence. The hospital's surgery department is no longer when she first took over. Not to mention other things, even the orthopedics department has suppressed the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to death.

"Although the development of the anorectum is average, it has been developed for several years, and it is a pity to merge it back now.

I think Zhuang Hongxu in the anorectal department is good. He took the sub-high school entrance examination this year, and he did a good job in surgery, and he is very solid. "

"Oh, it's just a little too honest, without the air of a surgical director." Ouyang said after recalling Zhuang Hongxu's character.

"Hehe!" Zhang Fan smiled helplessly, and thought to himself: "This resignation is quite imposing, suppressing the doctors in the department, and he is old-hearted."

"In this way, let him act as an agent first, and observe for a while to see if he can do it. If he can't, let's think of a way."

"Okay." Zhang Fan nodded.

"However, you have to worry more recently. After all, you are a newcomer. Although there are not many accidents in the anorectal department, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

"Well, I will."

"How are the experiments on the portal system and skin transplantation going..." Ouyang and Zhang Fan started chatting after finishing their formal talk.

Since Zhang Fan was promoted to assistant to the dean, Ouyang changed from beating Zhang Fan to a friendly discussion. Encountering things that Zhang Fan didn't understand, Ouyang was like an old bird feeding a little one.

He broke the matter apart and explained it to Zhang Fan.

Although Zhang Fan was not the reason for the resignation of the director of the anorectal department, he had a lot to do with it.

Since Zhang Fan acted as the director for a while, the doctors in the department are not convinced by their director anymore.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan rotated the hospital director, and the anorectal director was even more difficult to do. He couldn't suppress the doctors, and of course he couldn't get the most of his income.

Coupled with the scavengers from the Antai Private Hospital in Niaoshi, his tender wife, and his growing desire to consume, he became ruthless and chose to resign.

After dealing with the hospital affairs, Zhang Fan drove to the laboratory of Cha Su University. As soon as I entered the door, I heard laughter and laughter in the laboratory.

The world of scientific research dogs is very boring. Including Zhang Fan's junior brother, Lu Ning, they are all the same. Sometimes, I can't say ten words a day.

Such a warm atmosphere can only explain one thing, the experiment has yielded results.

"Zhang Yuan, come in quickly and take a look. This is the survival time curve of animals in the past few weeks after surgery." After seeing Zhang Fan, Professor Zhao Jingjin was very happy and handed Zhang Fan a form.

Senior brother Lu Ning also looked at Zhang Fan with a smile.

"Oh, it's improved a little bit! That's it?" Zhang Fan is no better than Lu Ning, Dr. Liang and the others.

Zhang Fan has not received special scientific research education, so he is not very sensitive to these data.

"Well. So far, our surgical improvement has taken the most difficult step, and now we only need to expand the data.

Once the data is standard enough, clinical trials can be carried out. "

Seeing Zhang Fan's confused look, Lu Ning explained.

"Oh, hehe! That's great." Zhang Fan was still confused, he was really not familiar with this kind of thing.

Not to mention other things, once this technology can pass clinical trials, there will be no problem at all with Dr. Liang's graduation, and there will be no problem at all with Zhao Jingjin winning the second prize of frontier scientific research.

As for Lu Ning at Jade Bird University, it is estimated that he can reach the standard of an associate professor in the shortest possible time. This is the result.

That is to say, the application of this scientific research project is relatively narrow. If it is widely used, it may not be a problem to leave a name in the textbook in the future.

As for Zhang Fan, as long as he wants to reach the top of the medical field, this kind of scientific research is indispensable.

"Come on, let the data reach the standard before the end of the year, and enter the clinical trial as soon as possible." Zhao Jingjin encouraged everyone.

That is to say, surgical improvement. A grass-roots team like them can still try it. If it is to develop drugs, it will be troublesome.

Funding and test data are not of the same order of magnitude. For example, Viagra, originally used to treat heart failure, turned out to be...

This is an example of success, and there are many, many failures. There are not a few people with hundreds of millions of funds that have been blistered.

Because Zhang Fan has improved the operation, now several other people can do it, as long as they follow Zhang Fan's operation method.

So although the required data has increased, Zhang Fan's work has actually decreased.

The success of the liver porta experiment also made Li Housen's team, who was next door to the skin transplantation, enthused, and the two teams became even more enthusiastic.

In the evening, Xue Fei wanted to invite Zhang Fan to dinner. Zhang Fan took care of Xue Fei's further studies.

Zhang Fan contacted the big brother of Modu through Lu Ning, and the reputation of the big brother in Modu has already surpassed Lu Lao.

He is already a new generation of liver and gallbladder specialists in Shanghai, and he is also the top spot in foreign-related hospitals.

He had also heard about his little junior brother, this time the little junior brother begged at his door, without further ado, he asked Xue Fei to report directly.

When necessary, they can also send a letter through the hospital to invite Xue Fei to come to study.

Zhang Fan simply sent someone to the west, and directly asked the elder brother to send a letter through the hospital, inviting Xue Fei to study.

This face is too big. Not only Xue Fei has face, but even the old lady Ouyang has face. The old lady read the invitation letter over and over several times, and she was a little bit reluctant to give it to Xue Fei.

Huaguo's medical care is very special. The north and the south are distinct, and the north is the territory of the capital's medical community. And the military medical treatment is also very fierce, but relatively conservative.

The south is the magic capital, especially the foreign-related hospital of Zhang Fan, and international exchanges are very common.

Xue Fei invited Lao Gao and Zhang Fan, but no one else. And he doesn't eat in restaurants outside, he just stays at home and lets his wife handle the cooking.

Xue Fei is afraid of his wife, and the whole hospital knows it. It's not that Xue Fei is weak, but that he loves his wife very much.

His family was poor, and Xue Fei and his wife were classmates back then. Xue Fei studied well and was admitted to high school, but his wife failed the exam.

The two had flirted with each other since they had just entered junior high school. When Xue Fei held the high school admission letter, he cried so much.

Because the family has no money and has many brothers, it is unlikely that he will go to high school. As a result, his wife was also stubborn. He insisted on working part-time to support Xue Fei in high school.

After graduating from high school, Xue Fei also lived up to expectations and was admitted to the medical school. In Sanchuan, it is too difficult to be admitted to university.

His wife stubbornly endured the scolding of her parents and the jokes of the villagers, and continued to support Xue Fei in college for five years.

After graduating from university, Xue Fei didn't become a ungrateful person. He brought his wife with his bedroll and came to Chasu with 2,000 yuan supported by the west of the school.

Zhang Fan picked up Lao Gao and went straight to Xue Fei's house. Lao Gao's family has a good relationship with Xue Fei's family, and they have always gotten along very well.

Xue Fei was able to gain a foothold in the emergency center, on the one hand, thanks to Zhang Fan's help, and on the other hand, Lao Gao also contributed a lot in private.

"Master!" Xue Fei restrained himself in front of Lao Gao, who nodded solemnly.

For this apprentice, he is very gratified, knowing the knowledge and gratitude, now that he has quit mahjong, he is directly a very good disciple.

After greeting Lao Gao, facing Zhang Fan, Xue Fei showed his white teeth and said with a smile, "Leader, hurry in."

"Hehe!" Zhang Fan lightly tapped his shoulder with his fist.

"Uncle Gao, Yuan Zhang, come in quickly, Xue Fei, go and pour tea, you sit down first, I'm stewing meat in the pot."

Xue Fei's wife is very capable, with a Sichuan (a) accent.

"They're all on their own, they can't eat much, cook less, don't let you eat leftovers every day." Lao Gao is always stern towards Xue Fei, but he is very kind to his apprentice and daughter-in-law.

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