Path of Medicine With a System

Four hundred and eighty-two, elated, yes, there are no teeth

Ouyang has completely handed over surgery to Zhang Fan and Ren Li. The old lady is a bit strange, aggressive, really aggressive.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Fan was not old enough, or because of other reasons, Zhang Fan couldn't understand Ouyang's aggressive character. She does not fight for sentiment or interest, but for a right to speak, just for an ideology. Like a fighting chicken, always ready to take care of her two lieutenants, what a strange generation.

Lao Gao and the hospital secretary are now defeated by her, making it impossible for Ouyang Dou to express his opinions in the hospital. A collective will has suppressed the two big men to death.

However, for Zhang Fan, Ren Li and even the directors of some hospitals, Ouyang was very generous and delegated authority. If you need equipment, want to study, or even fight with your husband at home, if you lose, you can go to Ouyang. Ouyang will never shirk if he can solve it.

Protecting the calf, seizing power, delegating power, and dictatorship are a complete contradiction. Zhang Fan doesn't understand. He understands Batu and Lao Gao, but he can't understand Ouyang!

Ouyang was not there, but the hospital secretary and Lao Gao were there, and the director of the medical department did not notify them. They would rather go to Ren Li who was resuscitating the patient or Zhang Fan who was in the operating room.

When Zhang Fan arrived at the administrative building, several people were already in the medical office. The clerk of the medical office hurriedly poured tea and water.

"This is the assistant to the president of our hospital, Assistant Zhang. This is the leader of the city, and this is Section Chief Zou of the Electric Power Bureau." The director of the medical department, as the chief housekeeper, was busy introducing each other.

"Hello Zhang Yuan, Section Chief Zou is the hero of our tea power system, please take care of the hospital. When you came to the hospital, the superior leaders repeatedly emphasized that no matter the cost, you must give Section Chief Zou the best treatment."

The accompanying cadres introduced and handed over to Zhang Fan very formally. Zhang Fan took the time to glance at Section Chief Zou.

A section chief of the electric power bureau looks like an old farmer who has worked hard in the fields for 30 years.

Thin, emaciated, black, scorched black, Zhang Fan's black is natural black, with a slightly dark and pretty posture, but this one's black is as if it was put on the side of the fire and blackened with smoke from an ignorant flame, Like bacon, with a black skin.

Look at the hand again, like a plow. Although the cadres are handing over, this section chief Zou is not in a hurry, with a slight smile, seeing Zhang Fan's gaze, and nodded slightly.

"Cough! Cough!" Seeing that Zhang Fan was so unreliable and half-hearted during the handover, the cadre had to cough twice. Zhang Fan hurriedly smiled embarrassedly. There was nothing he could do, the doctor was just curious about the patient.

Zhang Fan currently speculates that the patient is not nourished first.

The handover from public to public is very troublesome. When superiors say they attach importance to it, subordinates must attach great importance to it.

"Section Chief Zou, who has been in the power system for 20 years, has advanced almost every year. In XX, the mountains were blocked by heavy snow, and Sutai County on the border, the entire county was cut off. Section Chief Zou took the lead in rushing into the heavy snow. In the case of inaccessibility, they ensured the power supply of the county.

In 20XX, the flood broke through countless telephone poles, Section Chief Zou..." The cadres told the deeds of Section Chief Zou one by one like reading a cadre's resume. Zhang Fan was surprised when he heard it. He is really a model worker. !

"The higher-level leaders hope that the city hospital will not only pay attention, but pay great attention. We must send elite soldiers and strong generals,

Form a preliminary treatment plan, and report to the superior regularly, and form a medical leading group if necessary. Form a medical responsibility system, and the responsibility falls to the individual..."

Balabala talked for a long time, that is, Zhang Fan, if Ouyang had left long ago, would you still need to direct my mother's treatment? But Zhang Fan just listened to it. If he really listened to laymen for the specific treatment, it would be too...

However, the director of the medical department sitting on the side took notes of the conversation stroke by stroke.

"Okay, my task is completed, and the next step is to look at the city hospital. Section Chief Zou, if you need anything, please tell Xiao Li directly, he will be a liaison officer in the hospital all the time." When the cadre left, he still stayed behind. A secretary was hired.

"Trouble, trouble leader." Section Chief Zou's voice was very hoarse, and Zhang Fan knew it was an old smoker, and his soot voice was too obvious.

After the government cadres left, Zhang Fan smiled and said to Section Chief Zou: "Section Chief Zou, why are you feeling uncomfortable? Can you tell me first?"

"Okay, hehe, I'm sorry for bothering you." Section Chief Zou smiled with a scorched face like an old farmer, very warm and peaceful. It makes people feel like a rural uncle.

"At first, I was in good health, able to eat and sleep, but after the first two months, I felt a little uncomfortable. My stomach hurts from time to time. I didn't eat anything delicious, and I was very thin.

It wasn't a big deal at first, maybe it's because of old age, but last month when I had a meeting at work at work, I passed out. It was an on-site meeting of the leaders.

This time, the leaders were worried. They took me to the bird market for an examination, but no disease was found. Originally, I was going to be hospitalized in Bird City, but I was worried about my family, so I didn't stay. No, I'm here to trouble you. "

Section Chief Zou spoke unhurriedly, as if talking about other people's illnesses. Zhang Fan looked at Section Chief Zou's expression without a trace of falsehood, and he was filled with emotion: "So indifferent, either he is big-hearted or stupid!"

Seeing Section Chief Zou touching his pockets unnaturally, Zhang Fan said to the officer, "Give the box of cigarettes to Section Chief Zou."

"Hehe, I still don't smoke anymore. It's not good to smoke in the hospital."

"You can smoke here, but you can't smoke in the ward." Zhang Fan smiled.

Older men have a special charm, not because of the muscle bumps all over the body, nor because of the collagen on the face, let alone because you are shallow or deep.

But a kind of precipitation of him. This kind of precipitation depends on time and time. Zhang Fan can see a little bit from Lao Gao, but seeing Section Chief Zou today, Zhang Fan knows what the charm of an old man is.

Between talking and laughing, life and death are bearish. This is great wisdom and great courage, also called open-mindedness.

"It's not troublesome, the hospital is supposed to take care of this kind of trouble. Section Chief Zou, let me see what your test results in Bird City look like." Zhang Fan said with a smile.

The officer next to him immediately took out Bird City's medical records and examination results from the briefcase. The officer in the medical office had already taken the cigarette and ashtray, and Section Chief Zou held the cigarette and did not light it.

The little officer wanted to light it for him, but he refused with a smile.

Zhang Fan looked at the test results and frowned. It wasn't serious, but there was no major problem in the test results, at most it was malnutrition.

"Section Chief Zou, is there something wrong now?" Zhang Fan asked while looking at the medical records and examination results.

"It's just fatigue, I want to lie down all the time, my legs feel weak when I stand up, nausea, abnormal stool, sometimes constipation and sometimes diarrhea."

Zhang Fan was surprised, even if he was malnourished, he wouldn't have such severe symptoms.

"Go to the hospital first." Zhang Fan couldn't think of a clue for a while, so he said to the director of the medical department.

"Which department do you live in?"

"Let's live in the special needs department. The conditions are better and it's quiet."

"it is good!"

"Section Chief Zou, go to the hospital first, and let's check it systematically. It's not a serious illness, but you are probably too tired." Zhang Fan said to Section Chief Zou with a smile.

"Thank you, I actually thought so too."

Only Section Chief Zou said with a smile that the remaining officers began to despise Zhang Fan, "Hey! The city hospital is still not working, it's too unreliable."

Modern medicine has developed so far, especially the medicine of Huaguo, which can be regarded as catching up with the developed countries, and even has surpassed in some fields.

However, the human body is very complicated, and this thing is not a product of the assembly line, so the differences are quite large. Today, as long as Section Chief Zou can diagnose, Zhang Fan can give him treatment.

Although the internal medicine department is not opened in the system, although the surgery department is not fully opened yet, has Zhang Fan's own liver been eaten by dogs?

Everyone's inspections are almost normal. Moreover, the medical records signed by several directors of the Bird City Affiliated Hospital will definitely not have any major problems, which is difficult.

Zhang Fan was sitting in the office looking at the medical records and examination results. After a while, the director of the medical department came. "Yuan Zhang, I heard from the officials of the government that they want to invite experts from major hospitals in the mainland for consultation.

It's not convenient in Niaoshi, after all, it's a capital unit, so it's much more convenient in Chasu. "

The director of the medical department conveyed some information he knew to Zhang Fan.

"Please don't invite experts. Let's not talk about it. We have to have a preliminary diagnosis. We can't ask three questions. It would be a bit embarrassing."

"Well, that's right. What shall we do next?" asked the director of the medical department.

"Consultation, the results of the examination are very comprehensive, please ask the director of the hospital's department for a consultation."


"Let's do it now. It is estimated that the dean will come later. The government attaches so much importance to it, the dean may already be on his way."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Sure enough, Ouyang came before the director of the medical affairs department notified several directors.

"How is it?" She believed in Zhang Fan's level. This is also the reason why Zhang Fan's surgery is too fierce, covering up the fact that his internal medicine is a scumbag.

Now Zhang Fan can be said to be the pinnacle of the city-level experts in terms of definite diagnosis and surgery. In this way, there is no problem at all. But internal medicine is the level of an ordinary resident doctor. Maybe it's not as good as some top-notch physicians.

"I can't see it, Dean, please show me, you are much better than me in this area. I am still lacking in internal medicine." Zhang Fan handed over the medical records in his hand to Ouyang.

Ouyang smiled. After Zhang Fan became the dean's assistant, she smiled more and more at Zhang Fan. It's not like the one who just turned his nose up and stared at him without a pause.

"You, now you know the importance of internal medicine. Medicine, especially modern medicine, internal medicine is still very important. You can only use a knife, but you can't diagnose a disease. How can you use a knife?" Ouyang said with a smile, while flipping through the examination .

While talking, Ouyang stopped talking. Smiling and smiling, the old lady stopped laughing, "The words on this examination are too small, I can't read them clearly. Let's have a consultation." After speaking, she glanced at Zhang Fan and put the medical records into Zhang Fan's arms.

"It has been notified. If you are not tired, then..." Zhang Fan smiled awkwardly, flattering his hemorrhoids! The level is still not in the middle!

"Where is Secretary Ren?" Ouyang asked. In terms of diagnosis, Ren Li is better than Zhang Fan, and of course better than Ouyang. Ouyang knows it very well.

"There is a critically ill patient who is in charge of rescue." The director of the medical department hurried over. He envied Zhang Fan too much. When Zhang Fan was a doctor since he was a child, the dean treated him differently. How could the other middle-level people dare to talk to the old lady with such an attitude.

"When Secretary Ren finishes her work, let her preside over the general consultation." Everyone will look at the results of the examination first, and do a physical examination first. Ouyang's biggest advantage is his ability to employ people.

If it is a patient undergoing surgery today, she will ask Zhang Fan to preside over the consultation. However, it is not Zhang Fan's job to be embarrassed by other experts on stage for this kind of disease that is considered an intractable disease.

The special needs department, the directors of each department, and secretary Ren Li of the cardiology department are also busy. In fact, there are not many consultations at this level in hospitals.

To be honest, the director of a tertiary hospital is very busy, and the coordination of a consultation is very cumbersome. To be able to be the director of the medical department of a tertiary hospital, other skills are hard to say, this kind of coordination must be in place, otherwise it will definitely be burnt out.

Dozens of doctors surrounded Section Chief Zou and started working. When the director comes, the smarter doctor will come too. I will not talk about what I have learned, but I have an attitude. And this kind of consultation, as long as it is not a special case, usually involves young doctors.

"Secretary Ren, you can take the lead." After watching everyone start checking, Ouyang said something to Ren Li, and then gave Ren Li the position of chairing the meeting.


"Who will talk first." Ren Li's personality is no better than Ouyang's. If it were Ouyang, the roll call would start at this time.

"Dean, Secretary Ren, let me talk about it first!" Wang Hong stood up with a smile.

"Well, you go first." Ren Li nodded, and Ouyang also smiled. She likes this kind of courageous female doctor.

"Well, the patient's current nutritional status is poor. Although there is no abnormality in the examination results, I think it is necessary to re-examine some examinations..." He said a lot of nonsense, but he was well-organized and not stage-frightened.

Wang Hong is now a doctor in the Department of Gastroenterology and a senior official of the hospital regiment. He is considered a leader of the younger generation. Of course, Zhang Fan cannot be counted among them.

The directors said one by one that the surgeons were very straightforward and continued to check. There was no obvious tenderness and rebound pain in the abdomen, but there was dull pain and a small amount of irregular blood in the stool. If necessary, a laparotomy could be performed.

It means, what kind of disease is not obvious now, but the problem is in the digestive tract, if it doesn’t work, just open the stomach to have a look!

People don't understand technical terms, and people think it's fucked when they are spoken in layman's terms. In fact, in general surgery, when most diseases cannot be clearly diagnosed, laparotomy is performed. This is no joke.

The contemptuous eyes of the chiefs of internal medicine were so obvious that Zhang Fan was ashamed to stand in front of the surgeons. If you can't make a diagnosis, you have no status. Really, this is a hospital.

"Do a gastroscopy, do a colonoscopy." At this time, the retired director of the geriatric department said.

This old director is a wonderful thing. He was born as a barefoot doctor in his early years, with a low education background. He has been walking in the countryside for most of his life. After getting old, he was taken into the city hospital by the government, and his sense of presence in the hospital was not strong.

What's more, the old man's knowledge is very complicated. He knows a little bit of Chinese medicine, a little bit of Western medicine, and even a little bit of medicine from some ethnic minorities.

The internal medicine association and the surgical association can even perform caesarean sections at critical moments. Although they can only perform some minor operations, they are really a wonderful existence in this era. There is such a doctor.

However, in the era of modern scientific and technological inspection and discipline refinement, these specialties of his have become tasteless.

"The hospital in Bird City has already done gastroscopy and colonoscopy." A director retorted.

"One time is not enough, even three or four times. If necessary, you can do it once every two days. Or do it in the early morning, especially the colonoscopy." The old director said in a spirited way.

"what do you mean……"

"Yes, if you ask about the medical history carefully, I think the possibility is very high."

"It shouldn't be!" This became a code word in internal medicine. A group of surgeons were confused, but Ouyang understood it.

"Yes, I think it is very likely that the old director said it. It is necessary." Ren Li looked at Ouyang and said.

"Okay, then be patient. Get ready." Ouyang left after speaking.

Zhang Fan is puzzled, it's not bullying, you should make it clear~!

"Old director, what do you mean?" Zhang Fan caught up with the old director a few steps. He didn't feel embarrassed. Medicine must have an attitude of bowing its head and being a human being, otherwise it will not be good.

"Go and ask about the medical history, hehe. Zhang Yuan, you can only use a knife, but you can't hit it! Hehe!" The old man made a move, very proud.

What does Zhang Fan think, why does he think this old man is wretched!

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