Path of Medicine With a System

Four hundred and ninety sixth, I am so worried!

Novel Network

"Dean!" After Zhang Fan answered the phone, he nodded to the two directors, and then answered the phone while walking.

"Have you eaten yet? Are you done with today's surgery?" Ouyang asked Zhang Fan with a smile on the other end of the phone.

"Hi! The dean, did someone tell you something? You just say it directly." After Zhang Fan became the dean's assistant, Ouyang spoke softly to Zhang Fan. If it was before, Ouyang would have asked directly .

"Hehe, someone has filed a complaint, saying that the doctors in our hospital have a bad temper. What's going on?" Ouyang didn't tell the other party what he said. The other party's original words were that Zhang Fan was not organized and disciplined, and he was not educated! But Ouyang didn't take it to heart, no matter how big the oil company is, it can't control her Ouyang.

However, Ouyang still has to ask clearly, after all, the other party is too big, and the leader of the health system is the leader.

"It's like this... He insisted on my guarantee. It was obvious that he didn't trust me. I was fine, so I stood up and left the office." Zhang Fan told Ouyang what happened.

"Oh, so it's like this. It's okay. They can do whatever they like. In the future, if this kind of thing happens, if you think it's difficult to deal with, just push it to the hospital. That's fine, let's not talk about it. I still want to watch TV dramas." Ouyang Yi Hearing the whole story of the matter, he didn't take it seriously.

Listening to the old lady's heart-warming phone call, Zhang Fan felt really good, like a warm current.

Zhang Fan walked away, and the boss of the oil company directly complained to the leaders of the medical system around him. Huaguo's medical system is rather special. Doctors, for example, are not directly managed by the government's health system.

The government's health system is mainly supervisory power, but not direct management power. Therefore, people passed Ouyang's phone number to the boss of the oil company through the tea health system.

The boss of the oil company despised the deputy minister, "You are Mao's official, you can't even do anything for a little doctor." Calling Ouyang, who is Ouyang, is a cliché, and he is not a direct leader. After talking nonsense, the old lady hung up the phone.

Although Mr. Wang filed a complaint, the problem was not resolved. The directors of the affiliated hospital here were originally very enthusiastic, but it turned out that this man was too official, and one or two left. Only the director of the hospital remains.

"I don't believe it anymore, go to the capital!" After speaking, the boss also walked away. The leader of the health system looked at the director of the affiliated hospital and smiled wryly at each other.

The mean, the troops 3XX, and even their own hospitals in the oil system have all gone.

"This kind of surgery is too risky! Let's treat it conservatively!" Zhang Fan is not an expert in moderation. He is so busy, and he is disturbed by people on big weekends. .

"Mr. Wang, this operation is difficult, really difficult." In the hospital of the petroleum system, Mr. Wang finally received some corresponding treatment, and he suffered a lot along the way.

"No one in the capital can do it?" Mr. Wang was a little disbelieving.

"This operation, according to the method of northern experts, involves interventional embolization instead of complete resection." The director of the Petroleum System Hospital said after some consideration.

"Don't give me technical jargon, just say,

Can interventional embolism completely cure this disease! ~"

"Uh!" Mr. Wang's words really stopped the dean.

Liver tumor intervention, in fact, means that when surgery is impossible, drugs are used to block the blood vessels around the tumor. There is no way to do it. It is not a complete cure, but it can delay the life of the patient.

"There are experts from the Southern School who have done it before, but it seems that I haven't heard of it in the past few years."

"Which hospital?"

"The dean of the foreign-related hospital in Shanghai used to be!" This person directly pointed to Shanghai.

"You help me get in touch!" Mr. Wang didn't want to run away, and he could tell that his boss was nothing in the eyes of experts.

"President Wu, hehe, excuse me, excuse me. I'm Lao Chen from Capital XX Hospital. We talked about it at the last meeting." It seems that the other party remembered.

The dean here immediately smiled like a flower. The top three hospitals in the capital and Shanghai are also divided into three, six and nine grades. Foreign-related hospitals can be ranked among the top three in Shanghai, especially the hepatobiliary department, which is even more fierce.

Because Lao Wu is a disciple of the ancestral sect, in the surgical books, many hepatobiliary procedures were invented by Qiu Lao. As for the hospitals in the oil system, they were quite powerful in the past, but these few years have been regarded as Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year.

"That's right, we have a patient here..." The dean explained the situation of the patient again, and then asked his subordinates to take pictures of the inspection and send it by email.

"Let's wait and see what the other party says."

"The doctors in the capital and magic capital are reliable!" Boss Wang didn't know if he was stimulated by something, so he said such a sentence.


It didn't take long before Director Wu of the Shanghai International Hospital called.

"Oh! I know, I know. Oh! Got it. Thank you, I'm sorry to bother you on the big weekend!"

After hanging up the phone, the director of the Petroleum System Hospital looked at Mr. Wang wonderingly.

"How do you say it?" Mr. Wang raised his body and asked.

"Dean Wu said that he was too old to perform this kind of operation. He said that the last operation of this kind was performed five years ago."

"Is there no younger doctor? Isn't there no other doctor who can do it? Isn't this bullshit!" Mr. Wang's hair stood up angrily.

"This kind of surgery is too difficult. There are very few in the world that can really do it. Why did the northern faction want to intervene..."

"Okay, what are you talking about." Boss Wang waved his hand irritably.

"However, Dean Wu said that he has a younger brother who is doing this kind of surgery now, but he can't guarantee that the other party will be able to do it." Old Wu just heard Lu Ning say it, but he didn't Seeing it with his own eyes, he didn't say for sure.

"Really! If you didn't tell me, which hospital is his junior brother in? It can't be abroad!" Mr. Wang's eyes lit up.

"It's not that he's abroad, he said his junior is in the border province!"

"Frontier Province? What's its name." Mr. Wang felt that he was not well, and there was a dark wind blowing over him!

"Zhang Fan! That's right, it's called Zhang Fan. The name is simple and easy to remember!" the director of the oil system said with certainty.

"Zhang Fan? Zhang Fan of Chasu?"

"That's right, that's Zhang Fan from Tea Su. You know it!"

"I know a bitch!" Mr. Wang lay on the sofa, pinched the bridge of his nose and stopped talking. "Damn, after a big circle, it turned to this kid again!"

Divided by region, the main battlefield of the petroleum system is in the north, including the northwest, and the south is the site of the petrochemical system. But the two systems are also secretly struggling.

Here, the resources on the headman's site are divided in half by the petrochemical company and the oil company. Mr. Wang has been the boss in the frontier for several years, but he can't get up. This is an opportunity, so he attaches great importance to it.

"What to do!" Mr. Wang pinched the bridge of his nose and thought.

As for Zhang Fan, this meeting has already left this matter behind, Ouyang didn't say anything, he has nothing to care about.

"Well, this dress is nice."

"I'll buy you a hat! But your head is too big, it doesn't look good in a hat!"

Seeing Shao Hua's cheerful appearance, Zhang Fan didn't feel tired anymore. The two held hands and happily lived a short weekend belonging to the two.

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