Path of Medicine With a System

Five hundred and seventh methods of eating with mines

For banquets, to be honest, when it comes to food, the food of Chinese people is estimated to rank among the top three in the world. The taste buds of Chinese people may be specially made. Once you leave Huaguo, to be honest, the food here is really nothing to eat.

Either sheep or cattle, if it wasn't for the deliciousness of the meat, Zhang Fan probably wouldn't have much appetite for it.

The plates are not expensive, they are all silver tableware. But so is the food. Zhang Fan was holding the air-dried beef in his hand, biting bite after bite. It was too much work, and the veins on his neck were bitten out.

As the banquet progressed, the chef brought up the last big meal, that is, five or six strong men, like carrying a sedan chair, brought up a food that looked like a camel, a golden roasted camel.

"Hey! It's meat again." Zhang Fan was helpless. Except for a plate of small cherry tomatoes, the rest of the banquet was all meat.

"My God! Roasted camels, what a big meal." The slightly plump head nurse said in a low voice. The head nurse loves to eat and is greedy. Of course, most people who love to eat are cheerful.

Zhang Fan didn't expect much, "Shouldn't it be bigger, what's the difference with roasted whole lamb!" Zhang Fan didn't think it was special, just big.

A camel, an adult camel, is much bigger than ordinary horses and cows. It can directly give people a feeling of Roshan.

"Zhang Yuan, you don't know, if this is a serious roasted camel, it's so special. You see, you see, the chef has started to cut it, and you will know if it is an authentic roasted camel when you cut it open."

With the nod of the young man, the chef, with the assistance of his assistant, began to disassemble the roasted camel. The sharp machete with a long blade began to cut the camel's belly.

It's right here, if this kind of knife appeared in the back kitchen of Huaguo, it would probably be thrown out by a sophisticated cook, it's too vulgar!

The camel was cut by the chef under the sharp knife light. When the cut surface appeared, the camel's belly appeared like a frontier cut cake.

This roasted camel is layered, layer by layer, and there are red, green and green things sandwiched between the meat.

Zhang Fan originally thought that he could still eat it, but when he saw the colorful layers inside the camel's belly, he suddenly felt bad!

"Did they give the camel an enema when they roasted the camel? Why does this belly look so weird!" Zhang Fan didn't finish his sentence.

He thought the intestines in the camel's belly hadn't been cleaned.

"Hehe, Zhang Yuan, you don't understand this. This is an authentic roasted camel, which can only be eaten by a real rich man." The head nurse stared at the camel without moving.

No wonder the head nurse is greedy. To entertain guests on the prairie, you usually kill a sheep and make a roast sheep. This etiquette can be regarded as a banquet. If it's slaughtering a cow, it's really because the identity of the guest is not ordinary.

If you want to kill a horse, not only the condition of the host must be very good, but also the identity of the guest must be very honorable, otherwise the etiquette will exceed the standard!

If you want to have a roasted camel, you must have gone abroad, and only rich locals with mines in foreign countries can entertain people with this dish.

A sheep, when the price of sheep is expensive, is only a thousand yuan, a cow, generally less than ten thousand, and a horse, no matter how it is, it is between ten thousand and twenty thousand.

As for camels, an adult camel costs 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. If the breed is better, the price will be even more expensive.

Moreover, it is not the camel that is really expensive to roast a camel. An authentic roasted camel must first be a huge adult camel, not some kind of tool camel for walking across the desert and Gobi.

It must be a camel that eats well and serves well since childhood. The camel meat that travels through the desert and the Gobi is too thick to dry.

The fiber of this kind of camel raised since childhood is comparable to that of a calf. That’s not to mention, the camels are slaughtered, the stomachs of the camels are discarded, and after cleaning, they are put into the yellow sheep unique to the grassland.

Yes, it is the very precious Gazelle. Not to mention other things, this kind of gazelle is said to be able to pass through a normal ring with its fur. In the luxury market in Europe, the fur of gazelle can be as valuable as gold of equal weight!

After cleaning the camel's belly, put a layer of fresh red pepper and spices unique to the grassland, and then put the cleaned and peeled gazelle into the camel's belly.

When the gazelle was put into the belly of the camel, it was half-cooked. When the gazelle exudes the fragrance of meat, the chef will heat a layer of honey on the gazelle.

Then put a layer of various spices and wild vegetables in the belly of the gazelle. Continue to put in the half-cooked geese or geese that have been cleaned up and roasted.

Wild geese or geese need to put a layer of jam on the surface, usually blackcurrant jam.

Finally, eggs are put into the belly of the geese or geese, and the half-boiled eggs are boiled in mutton soup. Generally, a few eggs will be put in as many guests as there are dinner parties.

This egg is not an ordinary egg. It is an egg from a Gada chicken that can half run and half fly on the grassland. This kind of egg is slightly smaller than domestic eggs. When the egg yolk and egg white inside have just solidified, the egg needs to be taken out of the pot.

Many small holes are made on the surface of the egg, and then put into the abdominal cavity of a wild goose or a big goose.

The chef then roasts the camel in a special roaster. This dish cannot be cooked without five or six professional chefs.

The special woody flavor produced by the fruit wood fireworks from the outside and inside slowly penetrates into the camel's body.

As the temperature and time increase, the solid fat in the camel's body begins to liquefy, and the high-temperature fat is soaked into the gazelle. After the gazelle is soaked in the camel fat, the fat mixed with the scent of gazelle and camel is then soaked into the body of the goose.

In the end, all the flavors are concentrated in the gada chicken eggs.

Compared with cattle or horses, camels have a lot more fat content, while gazelle, running in the grasslands, has less fat content, and it is very firewood to eat alone.

And the big goose is half fat but not thin. The flame of the fruit wood in the barn roasts the surface of the camel so that it is crispy but not burnt, and a higher temperature is formed in the camel's abdominal cavity.

Evaporation of gravy, boiling of fat. The gazelle and goose in the camel are half-steamed and half-fried, while the eggs on the last layer are thoroughly steamed.

This dish is not considered artificial, and the cost is at least 100,000 RMB or more. Really, I really can’t afford it without mines at home, and it’s not allowed to eat like this in China!

The chef first took out the light yellow eggs soaked in the gravy from the discarded meat, and with the approval of the young head, each guest put one on the plate. Then, like cutting a cake, start to cut the camel meat.

"Distinguished guests, please have a taste of our roasted camel." Following the young man's words, everyone began to pick up their knives and forks.

Zhang Fan has really learned a lot, and he still eats like this. Gently cut the eggs, the aroma of the meat is accompanied by the unique spice smell of the prairie, and the aroma hits the face.

Gently put the egg into the mouth, eh! There is no way to describe this taste, really no way to describe it, it is so fragrant. There is no smell of eggs at all, only the aroma of special fat.

Camel meat, which is like cutting cakes, has a special taste. The outermost layer is about four to five centimeters thick, which is camel meat. The skin is slightly burnt, and the outer layer is a thin layer of burnt fat.

The inner layer is yellow sheep. The fat-soaked lean lamb is so soft and tender that it melts in the mouth. The inner layer is wild goose, mixed with the aroma of camel meat and yellow mutton, the wild goose meat, which is already very soft, can still taste a kind of Q-bomb.

fragrant! It smells a mixture of fruit wood and meat, with a hint of spicy taste in the sweetness, and a unique aftertaste between the oil and tenderness.

There was no voice in the big tent, only the sound of chewing softly.

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