Path of Medicine With a System

Five hundred and nineteenth large scale gold

The next day, I don't know what Mr. Wang said, anyway, the security of the oil system also entered the grassland. Although they didn't enter the tribe's gathering area, they were not far away. Between each other, shouting can still communicate.

This is the advantage of monopoly. When the Istanbul team was there, Wang was always on the weak side, but now Mr. Wang has become stronger.

Having to rest for a day, Zhang Fan and the others adjusted their mood and rode around on the grassland without going far. The Mongolian grassland is different from the grassland in the Chasu River Valley.

There are many Gobi and deserts around the Mongolian grasslands, but the Chasu River Valley is different. It is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and forests on three sides, and the gap is facing the warm and humid air of the Indian Ocean.

It is really a treasure land, with snow-capped mountains as a big air conditioner, the weather is really smooth all year round, and the minerals here are also very rich.

It's a pity that more than half of it was taken away by someone back then, so Mr. Wang had no choice but to come here to be his grandson.

The chief is a sensible person, and he also inquired about it. There are not many doctors who can perform his kind of surgery. With his strength and environment, the doctors who can be invited are probably Zhang Fan and the others. If you want to survive, you have to be polite. treat others.

Therefore, in order to allow Zhang Fan and the others to perform the operation with peace of mind, he not only allowed the security team to be stationed next to their tribe. I wanted to invite Zhang Fan and the others to dinner again, but Zhang Fan refused, and the labor fee for the operation was settled in cash.

Zhang Fan wasn't polite at all, and just accepted all of them. According to Zhang Fan's personality, he might be polite, but this time Zhang Fan was not polite at all.

Because Xiao Wangfeng described the situation to Zhang Fan vividly the next day.

"Zhang Yuan, you don't know what kind of eyes they had at that time. They were like wolves. Everyone has a gun. If it weren't for Mr. Wang, I guess I wouldn't be able to see you."

"Did they shoot?"

"It moved, but I didn't shoot. You were operating at the time, and I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, I was almost scared to death. My legs were shaking. If it weren't for Mr. Wang, I would have peed my pants."

"Are you okay?" Zhang Fan looked at Wang Feng. Wang Feng has a hot personality, is also tall, and is a girl with a very high EQ and IQ.

"I'm fine. But let's pay more attention these days."

"No, let's go straight after the surgery tomorrow." Mr. Wang leaned over from the side.


I think so too. Is it safe to get to your base? Zhang Fan said after looking at Mr. Wang.

"Don't worry, as long as it's not a regular large army, no one can take this area. Besides, we are right on the border, so we don't have to be afraid at all. If something happens, the armed police will come directly."

"Can the armed police come over?"

"Hehe! Don't worry about it, anyway..." Mr. Wang murmured a few words in Zhang Fan's ear.

"So fierce?"

"Of course, otherwise, do you think people in Shanghai can use natural gas? If it weren't for our armed police, people in Shanghai probably still use liquefied petroleum gas."

President Wang proudly lit a Chinese cigarette. Xiao Wangfeng waved her hand in front of her nose in dissatisfaction, and Lao Wang quickly took a couple of puffs, then embarrassedly extinguished the cigarette.

After listening to Wang Feng's words, the operation became a business. No matter how generous a person is, they probably won't be happy when they encounter this kind of thing. If it weren't for the face of Meijin, Zhang Fan would really lead the team away.

If it is reasonable, we will do it in a reasonable way. If it is not reasonable, we will do it in an unreasonable way. Anyway, this is a foreign country, and the health bureau can't control it here.

Zhang Fan and the others wandered around for a day on the grassland, eating in the security team's tent. Originally, Zhang Fan didn't want to go back to the tribe at night, but he was persuaded by President Wang to go back.

He took his colleagues abroad, and if something happened, how would Zhang Fan explain to his family when he went back. Zhang Fan was really angry.

In the evening, Zhang Fan drove away Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang expected Ai Ai to be as unhappy as a child bride and left. Only Zhang Fan's team was inside the tent.

There was one anesthetist, three nurses, and five surgeons including Zhang Fan, that is, nine people. "Wang Feng, go and see if Mr. Wang has gone far."

"Yeah." Wang Feng, who was sitting cross-legged in the tent, got up quickly and went to look outside the tent.

"Zhang Yuan, President Wang is not here."

"Okay, let's have a small meeting today." Zhang Fan looked serious, and after Wang Feng took his seat, Zhang Fan spoke.

"First, emphasize discipline. We will leave here immediately after the operation tomorrow. During this period, try to avoid going out of the tent as much as possible. Even if it is convenient for you to go out of the tent, don't go out alone.

Especially the three of you girls, it is best to go with three of you for convenience. "

"Alright, Yard Zhang, we understand." The nurses nodded. Zhang Fan looked at a few more male doctors, and they all nodded.

"Second, it's about the bonus share this time. Originally, I wanted to share it according to the more work you get. But, you also know what happened yesterday.

I was the one who proposed to come here at the beginning, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. A journey of life and death, I think..."

"Zhang Yuan, don't put all the responsibility on you. In fact, when we came here, we were mentally prepared. Although we are all here for the first time, we have heard of it." The team Inside, Doctor Xiang is the oldest.

When he spoke, the others nodded.

"No matter what, I took the lead. If something goes wrong, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life. Therefore, everyone will share the bonus equally this time.

Now we have 400,000 yuan. As for tomorrow's 1 million yuan, whether he gives it to us or not, I think it should be shared equally. Do you have any comments? "

After speaking, Zhang Fan looked at several doctors first. According to the conventional allocation of flying knives, the chief surgeon gets 60%, the assistant 30%, and the nurse 10%.

"Zhang Yuan, to be honest, you can bring other people to do this operation. Without you, we can't do it. The equal share is not appropriate. You take half, and we share the rest equally. Even so, We all got a big deal."

Dr. Xiang shook his head, "Yes, Yuan Zhang, you take half, and we share the rest equally."

"Zhang Yuan..." The head nurse was about to speak.

"Needless to say, when I am the leader, just listen to me. That's it. Let's talk about tomorrow's surgery arrangements.

Doctor Xiang, I will help tomorrow... Wang Feng will be a nurse with equipment tomorrow. "When they heard that Zhang Fan had arranged for an operation, everyone straightened up and listened carefully.

"Oh my god, Zhang Yuan is so handsome. He is really handsome. With a big wave of his hand, he looks like an iron-blooded general. I like Zhang Yuan so much." After the meeting, they went back to their respective tents. Three girls huddled together in the same bed, muttering, their fragrance boundless.

"You little money addict!"

"Aren't you a money fan? See if I don't know the secret (homophony) of you, a little money fan!" The two little nurses started to quarrel.

One hundred and fifty thousand dollars, but the head nurse fell silent. The two little nurses were arguing, and when they realized something was wrong, they turned around and put their arms around the head nurse's arm.

"Boss, what's the matter? Are you not happy when you have money?"


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