Path of Medicine With a System

Five hundred and twenty-one thanks,

"The patient's current vital signs are normal. After the anesthesia wakes up, you can have a brief exchange. For later treatment, you can find a rehabilitation doctor, or contact me through Mr. Wang." After speaking to the young chief, Zhang Fan Turning to the head nurse, he said, "Give the excised tumor to the family members, and let them see if there is any way to do a medical examination."

After speaking, the head nurse handed the tissue bag to the little chief. Tissue bags are just plastic bags, but thicker than regular plastic bags. When the tissue bag was handed to the little chief.

The young chief and Mr. Wang felt nauseated unconsciously. After the tumor was completely cut off, it looked like a big sheep egg or a sheep brain, white and greasy, with blood dripping in the middle.

"Uh!" The young chief covered his mouth with one hand, and held the tissue bag in the other, holding it far away. God! What they eat in the morning is fried sheep eggs. It is said that eating sheep eggs in the morning is the most aphrodisiac!

The patience of the two was pretty good, and the young chief immediately handed over the tissue bag to the grassland doctor who rushed over. After a long day of gas.

After reluctantly swallowing the nauseous egg, he said to Zhang Fan: "My dear friends, you have worked hard, please move to the tent, have a bowl of milk tea and a bite of cheese."

Zhang Fan nodded, and just as he was about to get out of the car, Lu Ning came out. "I'll go with you, I just happened to be thirsty too." Zhang Fan turned to look at Lu Ning.

On the fleshy face, the muscles were trembling unconsciously. Gold-rimmed glasses were worn on the fat face, but the eyes behind the lenses were extremely firm.

Humans are really social animals. Lu Ning and Zhang Fan haven't known each other for a long time, but ever since they became brothers, Lu Ning felt like he wanted to take care of Zhang Fan.

In terms of surgery, there is no way to take care of it, but after hearing about the dangerous situation here, Lu Ning has a kind of obligation as a senior brother, and he is unwilling to let Zhang Fan act alone.

"I'm going too, I want to drink too!" Ma Yichen came out poking around, and Lao Xiang also stood up. The head nurse put her arms around Zhang Fan's arm.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that they were all greedy people. It's okay. I'm here. I'll let you drink your fill later. Don't worry." Mr. Wang finally swallowed the fat that nauseated his mouth.

The face that should be given is still given, Mr. Wang still has to do business with others, after appeasing everyone, Zhang Fan and Mr. Wang followed the young chief to the biggest tent.

A group of doctors and nurses stood watching at the door of the operating vehicle, but no one spoke. Zhang Fan was vaguely accepted by them as a leader, a real leader.

The big tent has not changed, but now there are many, many people missing. The beautiful veiled girl gently placed the milk tea in front of Zhang Fan and the others.

"My honorable brothers, I thank you on behalf of my father and the people in the tribe. You are the doctors with the highest medical skills in the world. Your feelings are like snow lotus on the snow, white and sacred." Nonsense, continuous nonsense, Xu Xu Chatting, chattering, Zhang Fan almost vomited.

I wanted to interrupt, but they spoke quickly and solemnly. For the first time, Zhang Fan knew that flattering can also make people spit up. For more than half an hour, the young chief was really good at talking, and he kept praising Zhang Fan without repeating it.

What eagle, what snow lotus. "Hey!" Zhang Fan endured and endured, he was waiting, waiting for the little chief to pay, no matter how beautiful the other party said, Zhang Fan still didn't want to give up the money.

Just when Zhang Fan couldn't bear it any longer, the private doctor of their tribe came in quietly and whispered a few words in the young chief's ear.

The young chief, who was talking nonsense in a serious manner, finally showed a smile on his face. After the private doctor left, the young chief stopped talking and reached out to rub his face. It seems that the chewing muscles have become sore.

"Doctor Zhang, my father said he feels good. This is one million dollars. We agreed at the beginning, and our grassland peoples did what they said. Thank you." As he spoke, he came out with a bag behind him. .

"Oh! So I was waiting for his father to wake up!" Zhang Fan suddenly realized at this time, what a chicken thief.

"Hehe, it should be, it should be." Zhang Fan also smiled from the bottom of his heart at this time.

Zhang Fan reached out to take it, but how did he find that the little chief held it firmly. Zhang Fan tried a little more, but he was still steady. "Mmp, don't you want to give it!" Zhang Fan's mind immediately came up with this idea.

"Doctor Zhang, I have a proposal!" The young chief smiled. Zhang Fan couldn't laugh anymore, he thought to himself, "As far as you are talking with a gun, I won't agree to anything you say."

"Ha ha, what happened."

"Can you stay in our tribe for a while until my father fully recovers... As for the reward, I think I can give you another one million."

If you have a life to make money, you have to have a life to spend money, Zhang Fan shook his head like a rattle when he heard it, "No, it really can't, I have done the operation, and the rest of the recovery must be brought in by a rehabilitation doctor. surgery."

Zhang Fan directly refused. Mr. Wang also spoke, "Dr. Zhang is good at surgery, and the chief's recovery. I think we can invite rehabilitation doctors from Kazakhstan."

Anyone could tell that what Zhang Fan said was an excuse, but the situation is stronger than others. The young chief really didn't dare to force Zhang Fan. Not to mention anything else, the oil security team not far from the tribe would be enough to drink a pot if they turned their faces, not to mention the frontier boss was by his side!

The little chief had a forced smile on his face, "Okay, thank you very much." After speaking, he let go of the money in his hand. He really doesn't think much of this little money.

When Zhang Fan got the money, he didn't show any courtesy, and just pissed off. There is no friendship here, and there is no friendship that is as pure as snow lotus and more expensive than gold.

Taking the money and leaving, fleeing thousands of miles in urine, Zhang Fan really has the demeanor of an ancient assassin.

Mr. Wang appeased the young chief in the tent. He still needs to do business, so he can't be as free and easy as Zhang Fan.

"Have you packed it?" Zhang Fan asked the first sentence after entering the tent where they had been camped for the past few days.

"Zhang Yuan, pack it up. Everyone will be waiting for you."

"Okay, the money is in hand, haha, let's go, we can go home!"

"go home!"

"Go home!" It had only been a few days since they came out, but everyone seemed to be wanderers who had traveled far away for many years. When they heard that they were going home, they were extremely excited.

Mr. Wang didn't fool Zhang Fan, Datule really had a team. All security team members in black uniforms drove, and there were two team members with guns in each car to escort the car!

This is the muscle, this is the sense of security!

After getting in the car, Zhang Fan immediately took the doctors and nurses into the car. The little chief didn't come to see Zhang Fan off, but Zhang Fan didn't mind at all, love will come or not!

The convoy was galloping on the grassland, watching the cars run fast, in fact the speed was not high, but the grasslands, forests, and bags of dollars in their arms were quickly retreating.

Cozy! It's so pleasant.

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