Path of Medicine With a System

Five hundred and fifty-five cars have arrived

At the end of the operation, when Zhang Fan finished the last step of pasting the accessories, the one-and-a-half-hour operation was also over.

No obvious abnormalities were found in the patient's blood pressure, respiration, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. When the circulating nurse and anesthesiologist pushed the patient out of the operating room.

Outside the liver operating room of the affiliated hospital, a group of on-call nurses and hepatobiliary surgery doctors immediately took over the patient.

The patient will be sent to the ICU and monitored throughout the process. This is the second doctor in China in decades to perform a huge tumor resection in the middle lobe of the liver at room temperature.

Moreover, it was carried out by the doctors in the frontier in the frontier hospital. From the dean to the director of the department, everyone paid attention to it. With the recovery of this patient, N papers will be derived.

Doctors, nursing professionals, and even pharmacy can make a lot of things about this operation...

Everyone knows about the weirdness of the medical industry. This is a meaningless thing that can be assessed...

That is to say, there are more and more means of treating liver diseases, such as the invention of biological target molecular therapy, liver transplantation, various ion laser gamma knife, interventional embolization and other means, which has made the importance of this kind of surgery drop a lot.

Otherwise, Zhang Fan's surgery is definitely an atomic bomb in the medical field. Unfortunately, time has changed, and now its power is much smaller.

Although it can't make waves in the entire medical system, it is still very powerful in the field of liver and gallbladder.

When Zhang Fan and his fellow surgeons took a shower and changed their clothes, the venue was under the auspices of Mr. Qin.

The daring masters from all sides came to the stage to look forward to the future, or to check for gaps and fill in gaps, but everyone knew that this was just a foreplay for Zhang Fan.

Dana on the stage spoke boringly, and the audience in the audience was bored. It's like having a big meal, and when you face naan bread, you don't have much interest.

"Having a good teacher and a good teacher is a bull. Look, although there are no academicians to report, so far no academician has left.

Moreover, all the people who went up to the hot stage were the leaders of the top three at the ministerial level, and none of them were professors. "

The two directors of Sanchuan and Yaxiang muttered quietly.

How to put it, there was a saying in the early years of Huaguo's medical circle that Nan Yaxiang, Beizhongyong, Xisanchuan, Zhongtongji, and the four tigers of the army were the top medical schools in Huaguo back then.

Everyone chases after me and goes hand in hand. If you have a kidney transplant today, I can reproduce it tomorrow, let alone a liver transplant.

Southern Europe, Northern Soviet Russia, a great collision of medical ideas, the blue bird asks for advice from the country of Maruko. The development of medical care in those years was super rapid, and those years were also the years when Huaguo's medical circle made more and more achievements.

However, with the transfer of the economic center, the medicine in the capital and Shanghai gradually became two peaks. Perhaps the medical industry became more difficult as it reached the top, and the other medical schools gradually fell. Lost into the second ladder.

In particular, Tongji Medical College is in a mess. It was a school that was super awesome back then. It belongs to this school.

With the development of the past ten years,

Looking at it again, the editor-in-chief is either from the capital or Shanghai, and the proportion of editors from the capital and Shanghai is as high as 90%.

Therefore, the current directors of Sanchuan and Yaxiang all witnessed the glory when they were young, but now they can only sit in the hall and eat.

The development of the medical industry is costly, time-consuming, and talents are indispensable. The centralization of the most high-end medical care is good or bad.

The advantage is that the concentration of advantageous resources can accomplish great things. The disadvantage is self-reproduction, more and more homogeneity aside, and because there is no external pressure, the internal...

In addition, after the centralization of top medical treatment, it is extremely difficult to seek medical treatment, and it is also difficult to find experts for colds and cancers, which makes X dealers...

Just like the provincial-level affiliated hospitals in various provinces are so busy that the doctors urinate blood, while the doctors in the county-level and even some city-level hospitals are too busy to touch their sparrows.

There are some delicious ones, but most of them are still envious, especially some doctors in ordinary hospitals, when Zhang Fan completed the operation perfectly.

Everyone really applauded and celebrated sincerely, especially some young doctors, who secretly made up their minds, "He can do it, why can't I!"

If, if...

I hope that the slap of the society will be lighter, so that they can retain this confidence for a longer time.

Walking is difficult, climbing is even more difficult, and climbing is even more difficult under the pressure of life. How many people are not defeated on the way to climb, but they often fall down on the preparations before climbing.

After taking a shower, putting on a suit and tie, in the mirror, a few people were arranging their already handsome appearance. Several nurses are also tidying up their appearance. After taking off their white coats and washing clothes, they are so beautiful in their gowns.

Zhao Quanping and Lao Song looked at each other. When they walked into the passageway of the venue, they slowed down slowly, and slowly put Zhang Fan, Ma Yichen, Doctor Song and other young people into the room. highlighted.

Zhang Fan was lying when he said that he was unhappy, he is not a fool, he can show off a lot of glory in front of the whole country, that is, Shao Hua is not there, if Shao Hua is there, Zhang Fan will probably laugh out loud.

And Ma Yichen was even more unbearable, the young man's heartbeat was almost suppressed, he didn't dare to open his mouth, he was afraid that his heart would jump out of his mouth.

Standing on the highest stage of liver and gallbladder doctors after one year of graduation is something that ordinary doctors can't even imagine. Hepatic and gallbladder observation surgery is held once a year, and no matter how many doctors have whitened their hair, they have never attended it.

Excited? Almost excited to death!

After all, Dr. Song didn't take off his mask in the operating room, but the more he walked towards the stage, the more excited he became, his hands were trembling slightly, and his eyes were slightly red.

Three beautiful nurses and an anesthetist followed Zhang Fan, walking steadily in the aisle.

Everyone walked with their heads held high and walked towards the aisle of the venue, "Doctor Zhang, please prepare for 30 seconds, and then you and your team will go up."

"Okay, thank you." Zhang Fan nodded slightly, then turned to look at his team and his comrades.




But when Zhang Fan turned his head, he found that Lao Zhao and Lao Song were slowly leaving the team.

"Director Zhao, Doctor Song, come on, come on quickly! How do you..."

Lao Zhao and Lao Song pointed at each other's gray hair and smiled. Zhao Quanping smiled and said to Zhang Fan: "Go, perform well, enjoy yourself, we are getting old, so we won't go up."

Before Zhang Fan and the others could open their mouths, the two old doctors who were over fifty years old turned around and left with neat but slow steps.

They have already discussed it, let the young go up, they will not go up, because of their age and their gray hair...

They didn't want Zhang Fan's honor to be questioned because of themselves. Update the fastest mobile terminal::

This is a grassroots doctor, an ordinary person who never understands what it means to be overwhelmed.

As the saying goes, "Your life, I will accompany you on this journey, and you can't say goodbye, but the bus has arrived, and I will return the same way. I wish you all fly higher and higher!"

The more ordinary people are, the more people can suddenly feel their blood boiling.

"Doctor Zhang, Doctor Zhang, hurry up, it's time for you to go on stage. Doctor Zhang!" The officers in the backstage froze and pulled Zhang Fan's arm firmly.

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