Path of Medicine With a System

Six hundred and fourteenth reincarnation

The personality of Chinese people is very peculiar. On weekdays, a little bit of trivial matter, not to mention strangers, even neighbors can hate each other so much.

But if there is a catastrophe, everyone will unite as one, grit their teeth against the natural disaster, and even sacrifice their lives for strangers.

Regardless of the government's guidance, in short, under such circumstances, the Chinese people are the most united.

Perhaps this is the magic weapon that this nation has passed down for thousands of years.

Just as Zhang Fan fell into a deep sleep, the phone beside the bed started beating. After two years of working as a doctor, he has already made subconscious movements.

As soon as the phone rang, Zhang Fan immediately turned over and got up. His eyes were so sore that he couldn't open them, but the call had already been connected.


"Zhang Yuan, gather urgently, mass food poisoning occurred in Quake County."

"Okay!" Zhang Fan didn't talk nonsense, and now was not the time to talk nonsense. Before the phone was hung up, he had already started putting on his clothes with one hand.

The old Wangtou downstairs is too old to be able to fall asleep. His daughter works in the government, and his son-in-law is a small leader.

He used to be very arrogant in the community. Whenever Zhang Fan set off in the middle of the night, the old man knew that he would come to talk to Zhang Fan several times. Finally, under the persuasion of his daughter, it was nothing. Every time he greeted, he was a little indifferent.

As Zhang Fan became more and more famous, the old man became more and more polite, and sometimes he would send some welfare tea leaves from his daughter's work unit to Shao Hua's family.

When Zhang Fan started to close the door, the old Wangtou said to his wife: "It seems that there are some people who can't do it anymore, hey! From now on, it seems that we still have to walk around with the people upstairs!"

"Sleep! Dead old man, I just fell asleep!"

"Hey!" The old Wang opened his eyes wide and didn't know what to think, maybe he was recalling his neighbors back then.

Diarrhea, in modern society, this disease seems to be less scary. Especially some foodies, who are so greedy that they often have diarrhea, and they also know some conventional medicines.

Those who have a vague understanding generally know about norfloxacin, and those who know a little know about montmorillonite powder.

In fact, the disease of diarrhea is very terrible. According to the statistics of epidemiology all over the world, diarrhea is the second leading cause of death in the world.

This second largest is not only a disease, but the second largest of all causes, is it terrible? Very scary. Diarrhea kills countless children under the age of five in developing countries.

Even the most powerful old beauty on the blue planet, there are more than 1,600 elderly people who die of diarrhea a year, and those older than 74 years old. Just for one diarrhea, Laomei spends 1.2 billion US dollars in treatment costs every year.

Therefore, when the Center for Disease Control and Prevention learned that so many people had food poisoning and diarrhea, they were shocked, and the hairs of the director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention stood on end.

The Chinese government sometimes doesn't make sense. For example, in the CDC, if a typical large-scale outbreak occurs in the region, the director of the CDC will be replaced afterwards. There is no reason to talk about it. This is an iron law.

How many people can make it to the director of the sub-provincial CDC in their lifetime? So, after hearing the report from the Quark Hospital, the director of the CDC directly called the leader of Cha Su.

Because the situation is unclear, it is not known whether it was artificial poisoning or other factors. And the number of people poisoned is so huge, it is directly a very big accident.

The armed police and the police cleared the way with real guns and ammunition, followed by Chasu, and all the medical forces that could be dispatched were dispatched.

An emergency team was also set up in a short time. The team leader, Cha Su, deputy leader, deputy team leaders Ouyang, Zhang Fan, the director of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and the leader of the armed police, and the director of the CDC have been excluded from the leadership team.

Zhang Fan used to sit in the car and do whatever he was asked to do. Now he has been entrusted with important tasks by his superiors.

"Dean Ouyang, Dean Zhang Fan, it's up to you now. I promise here. As long as it is the deployment of personnel involved in this time, you have full command.

Once there are disobedient persons, they will be dealt with according to criminal responsibility afterwards. Let me stress again here: the lives of the people are more important than anything else. I hope our medical staff can overcome difficulties and unite as one to become angels in white in the new century. "

After Chasu leader explained to the hospital leader, he emphasized to the police, "We must find out the situation of the incident before dawn. I need to get the report before I go to work. The superior province is already waiting for my report."

"Yes!" The leader of the police station saluted with a livid face. It was only a few hours before dawn.

The convoy set off, and set off in a mighty way. In fact, there are not many vehicles for the personnel, a large truck can pull many people. In special occasions, the personnel usually take the vehicles of the army.

One is to save space, and the second army vehicle must be able to ensure that it will not break down halfway.

There are not many cars to pull people, and the most are medicines. Thousands of people have diarrhea, and all of them are adults. Think about how much fluid is needed!

Flashing lights but no horn, special vehicles set off. Zhang Fan's Kuluze took the lead. After Zhang Fan performed the operation on the armed police soldiers, he is now well-known among the armed police.

In the car, Ouyang kept in touch with the Chasu Hospital while opening the personnel list, planning in his mind.

In such emergencies, it is not easy to be a leader. Although the dean of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine and the dean of the CDC were not convinced by Ouyang, none of them stood up at this time and dared to challenge Ouyang.

This kind of medical rescue, in Cha Su, Ouyang's experience is directly unmatched.

"First of all, we need to divide the personnel into three categories. This is like fighting a war. There must be pioneers. If trauma such as a car accident is the main cause, it is necessary to send general surgery and orthopedic doctors as the vanguard.

This time it was diarrhea caused by food poisoning. In general, a doctor in gastroenterology should be sent, but there are more female doctors in internal medicine.

Therefore, at this time, the male doctors in the emergency department and general surgery should be the pioneers. Their task is to sort out the seriousness of the patients in the fastest time.

With pioneers, there must be generals. At this time, the generals are the female doctors of gastroenterology. Heavy, extremely heavy, or dying, there must be a corresponding disposal team, and it must not be caught at the eyebrows and beards.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that when grouping, one unit must be grouped into one group, because they have a tacit understanding.

Moreover, a group must have a backbone, and it must not be leaderless.

Where there is a general, there must be a reserve army


Ouyang was holding a notebook, writing and drawing, while talking as if talking to himself.

In fact, Zhang Fan understood that this was Ouyang's precept and example. This kind of experience seems simple and clear, but it is all in exchange for human life, and the price is not too much compared to gold.

The government of Quake County is also in a hurry. A medical team was dispatched immediately. As the number of people increased, the message became clearer and clearer.

"Three hundred and eighty-five people, uniform diarrhea." Ouyang received the news immediately.

Diarrhea, what happened for a while, most people have had it, but to be honest, few can explain clearly.

Simply put, normal defecation is 3 times a week to three times a day. In other words, three times a week or three times a day are considered normal.

And diarrhea is not simply diarrhea when you have too many times, maybe it's because you eat too much!

Diarrhea was defined as stools of reduced consistency with abdominal discomfort with urgency to defecate.

This is a professional term. In layman’s terms, it’s diarrhea that you can’t hold back and your stomach hurts. This is diarrhea.

There is a saying in Huaguo, "You can travel a thousand miles by holding back your urine, but you can't walk an inch if you have diarrhea." That’s what it means, diarrhea here is diarrhea.

The terrible thing about diarrhea is not how much you pull, but the electrolyte imbalance inside the human body.

Generally speaking, the human body is actually an electrolysis plant and a chemical plant. And these two plants are operating in a dynamic balance and stable pH.

Diarrhea, on the other hand, will lead to the loss of a large amount of fluid in the intestines. This fluid is not feces, but is rich in some very critical ions such as potassium ions and sodium ions.

When these ions are lost, the acid-base balance of the human body also begins to be disordered, which directly leads to the strike of the human body's power plants and chemical plants.

For example, if you take a sip of a drink, which is super sweet, then the ions in your tongue will be pressed out by the pressure difference. As food enters the intestines.

The intestinal tract sucks back these useful ions trapped in the feces, and then the intestinal tract looks, yo, this person’s mouth and tongue are deficient in ions, and it directly sends the ions through the blood to your liver after being sterilized. tongue and mouth.

This is a reincarnation.

The simplest, such as muscles, when the electrolytes are out of order, the muscles start to have problems.

Whether the muscles start to twitch, or the muscles start to stiffen. For example, after someone is poisoned, the whole body twitches and foams at the mouth. This is the manifestation of muscle abnormalities.

And the heart is a big muscle. When the electrolytes are out of order, the heart will start beating wildly. The original bouncing bouncing may become bouncing.

If the heart beats wildly, the blood cannot be pumped out. If the blood cannot come out, the cells of the human body will start to lack oxygen, and the feedback will aggravate the danger of the body.

And once diarrhea reaches a critical value, it can be said that its danger is not much simpler than hemorrhage.

In the early years, one of the children was afraid of having a fever, and the other was afraid of diarrhea. Because there was not a large amount of intravenous fluids for rapid rehydration back then, almost one or two brothers and sisters of many people's parents passed away because of diarrhea and fever.

There are too many foods that can cause diarrhea. Monosodium glutamate and seafood can cause diarrhea.

Moreover, food poisoning from seafood is even more terrible. Some special fish are directly poisonous, with neurotoxicity, so it makes sense to eat them after stewing.

After entering the highway, the military and police vehicles turned on their searchlights directly, and the moonlight was covered by this bright light.

gallop! On the expressway in the middle of the night, the speed of the car was almost 140. Zhang Fan's car took the lead, and was speeding along the road that Zhang Fan had traveled countless times.


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