Path of Medicine With a System

Six hundred and fiftieth sparrows become penguins

Standing by the side of the road, Zhang Fan was blown by the late summer breeze from the northwest, like a veil across his face, making the originally sweltering heat after the rain instantly dry and refreshed.

When I first met the doctor, although the girl could not be said to be repulsive, she was as cold as a lotus flower.

Putting his hands in the pockets of his white coat, he stood quietly in Shan's hometown. To be honest, he was a representative of a modern intellectual high-end woman.

Coupled with a delicate face, when viewed from the side, the tip of the nose and forehead are covered with a layer of wax like a new car, and a faint white light can be seen vaguely.

But now, after a meal of mutton, the faint white light disappeared. Under the urging of cumin mixed with chili noodles, the energy of the mutton radiated.

Small dewdrops of sweat can be seen slightly on the tip of the nose. The originally fair skin is now transpired with a layer of blush, which is really white with red.

To be honest, Zhang Fan felt steaming all over his body after a meal of Gobi mutton from the grasslands in the Northwest. Moreover, Director Li was very enthusiastic, and he would not like to eat less, so now Zhang Fan really couldn't swallow one more mouthful.

As for the doctor beside him, he didn't eat less mutton. After drinking another bowl of old yogurt just now, he is now looking pitifully at the handmade ice cream sold by the Uighur aunt.

"It can't be that it's spoiled! I haven't heard that anyone who eats mutton has a personality problem!"

Zhang Fan was worried. According to the doctor's way of eating, he was afraid that he would not be able to explain to Old Chen in the future. "Ah! My granddaughter was as slender as a swallow back then, now you bring me back a penguin?"

My head hurts just thinking about it!

In fact, Naduo is also in a kind of entangled emotion now, leaving her hometown and parents, are you happy? Are you uncomfortable? She didn't know, but she had a way to transfer her entanglement.

Just like a man who is depressed, either smoking or drinking and losing his temper, Naduo plans to eat all the delicacies in the bird market, so that he has more reasons to convince herself.

I can't talk to Zhang Fan about the entanglement in my heart, so eat delicious food!


Just when the doctor was deciding whether to eat ice cream or not, and Zhang Fan watched worriedly as he suddenly became a foodie, Shao Hua's beast-like pickup truck squeaked and stopped at the curb next to Zhang Fan.

"Zhang Fan!" Shao Hua opened the car door and jumped out, Zhang Fan was so nervous.

"My fairy,

Slow down for such a tall car! "As Zhang Fan spoke, he ran up quickly. Before he could help the girl, Shao Hua jumped into Zhang Fan's arms like a bird.

"Hey, did you miss me?"

"Think about it!" Zhang Fan couldn't help but want to go to have a scent, but was pushed away by Shao Hua.


"That's the doctor, haha, hello, I'm Shao Hua. Welcome to the Great Frontier, you will definitely like it here."

"Hehe, hello, hello." Naduo looked at Shao Hua's attire with envy in her heart.

Shao Hua was wearing a short denim jacket, thin-soled pony boots, and sunglasses hanging on his head. Looking at the wheat-colored skin of the other party exposed to the sun for a long time, he suddenly felt a healthy breath.

She thought about herself again, struggling day after day in the department and in the ward, how many days she hadn't seen the sun properly.

She has to wear a mask all the time, she has to have a wise and firm expression when facing the family members of patients, she has to work hard when facing her superiors, and when facing her family, she...

When she saw Shao Hua, the girl suddenly felt that this is the gorgeous youth, and there should be other things in life besides medicine.


After getting in the car, "Are you tired, or I'll drive!" Shao Hua felt sorry for Zhang Fan.

"It's all right, nothing to be tired." Zhang Fan lit up and started. To be honest, he was used to driving big cars, and it was really comfortable to get started with Shao Hua's pickup.

All the way west, following the footsteps of the sun, Zhang Fan and the others circled the Tianshan Mountains.

Bird City, Stone City, Mayikra, these famous cities in the frontier, to be honest, almost one by one than the Gobi, the desert is so straight, it’s really these cities.

On the vast Gobi, the highway stretches until you can't see the end at a glance, and the Tianshan Mountains hang far away in the sky like a flickering colorful ink landscape.

The vastness of the sea and the vastness of the earth give people a different feeling. The vastness of the sea will make people feel turbulent, and there is a trace of uneasiness in the profoundness.

But the vastness of the land can make the doctor who came to the frontier for the first time feel relieved. Although it is all about the Gobi Desert, the frontier is so vast that the Qilu Hills can't match it.

In the tomato base of 10,000 mu, a little bit of red fruit is hidden in the green leaves, like stars.

"Uh! I've eaten tomatoes before, I never thought that tomatoes can be so shocking!" Naduo looked at the scenery beside the car, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Hehe, this is the 10,000-acre tomato base in Stone City, and it is also the largest tomato base in Huaguo." Shao Hua introduced Naduo like a tour guide.

After running across the tomato base, a scene like a flame appeared in the eyes of the girls.

To be honest, there is nothing unusual about one or two red peppers, but think about it, at a glance, except for the road, there are endless pepper fields on both sides, which is directly the red world.

Just like a sea of ​​fire, the breeze blows and the fire waves rise and fall. It makes people feel hot when they look at it, and their hearts feel like they are on fire.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Tomato Base is still like a shy chick who hides secrets, while Chili Tian is like a fiery mature woman, releasing her passion directly in front of people's eyes.

"Shao Hua, Shao Hua, look, over there, my God, it's so beautiful, take a picture for me!

I envy you so much, you live in a fairyland-like place! "

"What is this? There's nothing to see in the Gobi Desert here. There are only a few tomatoes and red peppers. You won't know what is beautiful until you pass the Tianshan Mountains."

Zhang Fan couldn't help but flinch. When he came to the frontier back then, he didn't have the mood to look at the scenery, but slowly, he liked the scenery here more and more.

The relationship between people is actually very simple, the emphasis is on communication. Sometimes, young couples quarrel and quarrel to death.

After inquiring, it turned out that the girl felt that her boyfriend didn't understand her feelings, and the boyfriend felt that the little girl didn't understand his feelings.

One person hides and a hundred others find it, not to mention the other party's complicated brain thoughts. Even roundworms don't necessarily understand the thoughts of their hosts.

Therefore, communication between people is important. When Zhang Fan got on the plane, he told Shao Hua about the situation. For Zhang Fan, Shao Hua was very relieved.

Now Shao Hua is not worried about other things, but worried that Zhang Fan is going faster and faster, slowly making her lose herself and become a vassal in Zhang Fan's life. Therefore, the girl is also working hard to make her own value Reflected.

Chasu is located at the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain, while Niaoshi is in the south. Crossing the Tianshan Mountains is not a straight-forward climb up and down. It may be possible on the small hills in the south, but in the northwest, it is an extravagant hope.

To cross the Tianshan Mountains, just like the lines on the screws, the expressway is coiled on the Tianshan Mountains in circles, and then goes down in circles.

When you cross the Tianshan Mountains, the scenery suddenly changes, just like changing the world. The scenery in southern Xinjiang, to say the least, is still dominated by blue stones and yellow sandy soil, and the scenery dotted in it is also artificially created later.

But Northern Xinjiang is different, just like the Creator's back garden, super beautiful.

Turning around the top of the mountain, a large piece of dark green grassland appeared in front of Naduo's eyes. The grassland like a carpet covered the whole world, just like entering a fairy tale world.

On the far side of the mountain, there is a lush green virgin forest, and further up is a white snow-capped mountain.

What Norway, what Switzerland, what meatball country, their scenery is beautiful, but how can it be as vast and beautiful as the northern border of Huaguo. Their scenery is only one point, and here, the hundred-mile scroll is just the most inconspicuous point.

The slightly opened mouth watched obsessively. The car passed by like the wind, just like a boat in a green fairyland.

When climbing over the last big slope. Naduo immediately screamed.

On the grassland under the blue sky, snow-capped mountains, and primeval forests, a tile-blue lake suddenly appeared. Half of the lake reflected the snow-capped mountains, and half reflected the sky.

Obediently! Looking from a distance, it is so beautiful, just like a lady, sitting quietly on the grassland.

The blue here is a quiet blue, which is different from the sea, which is like a naughty child, constantly clattering, while the lake here is like a lady from a big family.


Grasslands, herds, white tents dotted in between.

The urchin who sprinkled flowers and chased the flock, and the shepherdess who sang loudly.

Blue sky, white clouds, snow-capped mountains in the sky,

All worries and troubles are gone here. The girl who grew up in the city looked at it like a fool, greedily...

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