Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 11 During the contraction, do it!

Li Hui's current state is sweet potatoes and potatoes, and when they are cooked, they are noodles!

With tears, snot, and desperate eyes, he sat slumped on the floor. Although he was not a gynecologist, and he hadn't been transferred to a gynecologist, he was very aware of the consequences of the weak birth canal.

On TV, there are often such scenes where a doctor comes out and asks, "Save the older ones and protect the younger ones?" In fact, this kind of situation is not very common. This may only happen if the birth canal is weak.

What is going on when a pregnant woman gives birth to a child? In layman's terms, the placenta, like the base of the child, is adhered to the uterus.

This base is a channel connecting the parent body and daughter body. The sperm (a) forms a placenta in the womb (a) at the end of the fourth week, and the child's five sense organs and limbs and cardiovascular pulsation appear in the eighth week.

At 20 weeks, this little thing starts to swallow and urinate. When the baby is in the mother's body, all the nutritional oxygen it needs is transmitted from the umbilical cord to the baby's body through the placenta.

And this gadget swims in the amniotic fluid, which is actually a small swimming pool purified by the mother's blood.

The little kid is constantly swimming in this swimming pool, and he is also a little kid who doesn't pay much attention to hygiene. He not only urinates and defecates here, but also drinks the liquid containing his own secretions here from time to time. go down.

When this little thing felt that the swimming pool couldn't hold it, he started to make a fuss to go out and have a look.

Then, just like the Kesai, with the head facing the cervix (a), the whole body curled up, ready to break through.

Back then, the Kesai in the Maruko Kingdom, it is estimated that the director of this animation may have been a medical student, because the preparations before the launch of the Kesai were very similar to the preparations for the birth of the fetus.

This time is the most dangerous time for children and mothers. When the child is in the mother's womb, it is a closed inner circle.

What does it mean, it is the result of the evolution of the human body, and this inner ring is to prevent the child from falling off without maturity.

When the child matures, the inner circle becomes a gate, waiting for the child and mother to break through together.

The child must first climb out of the womb (a), walk through the pelvis, and enter the vagina (a) before being born.

Among these three points, the most dangerous one is the pelvic point, because this point is directly a bone, even if the ligament is expanding,

There are still some limitations.

The child works hard, and the mother puts all her life's effort into getting through these three barriers.

So when the baby is born naturally, the head is not round, but a small stick like a thermos.

Being able to get through these hurdles depends on the productivity of pregnant women. When the child is stuck at a certain threshold and the pregnant woman loses strength, it is called insufficient labor force.

It is called a pass, so the simplest thing is that the place is narrow, and the child's breathing is from the mother's placenta through the umbilical cord to transmit oxygen. Often at this time, the umbilical cord will be squeezed and the oxygen cannot pass through normally, so the child will suffocate.

At this time, it is often the most dangerous time. The placenta peels off because of the child's whereabouts.

The placenta is connected to a network of bloody capillaries, and if one is not careful, it will cause massive bleeding.

Just like the blood scab on a wound, people with itchy hands like to peel off the blood scab. When the blood scab is lifted, blood will start to ooze out, and the heavy bleeding of a pregnant woman is actually similar to this blood scab, but it is only magnified how many times.

There is heavy bleeding in the uterus (a), and the baby is stuck in the birth canal. This is the time to choose, that is, when the doctor asks the family members on TV, and the election is young.

Also, some naughty children don't calm down very much in the mother's womb, without toys.

He played with the umbilical cord and wrapped it around his neck as he played. Then there is the so-called navel around the neck, which is the posture of hanging.

This situation exacerbates the danger of childbirth. Therefore, prenatal inspections are quite important. These inspections are to determine whether it can go smoothly.

If there is no birth inspection, it can really be said that it is a blind birth. You must not be careless. Even if you have a regular birth inspection, there may be accidents, let alone no birth inspection.

Therefore, regular check-ups are very important.

Let’s talk about the advantages of natural delivery. First, natural delivery is the least harmful to pregnant women. Although caesarean section seems very simple, in fact, the incision of cesarean section is quite large and the damage is huge.

Second, the little boy, when he was in the mother's womb, not only drank the amniotic fluid containing his own urine and feces, but also sucked it at sixteen weeks, that's right.

At sixteen weeks, the respiratory system of this thing began to move, and then he would take two sips of the amniotic fluid when he was fine, and the amniotic fluid mixed with black and green meconium entered his respiratory tract.

During normal delivery, because of the narrow birth canal, it can almost be said that the child is squeezed out like a meatball.

This squeezing will push out the feces in the child's respiratory tract. So, when the newborn is just born, it is such a scene:

The whole body is pale, because there is no oxygen, and the blood has not circulated. Therefore, when a child is born, the whole body is pale, and there is still black in the white, just like the little zombies in Hong Kong movies.

Then there is a small stick head, with vernix like tinea vernix on his face, and the most weird place is the corner of his mouth.

Some black pasty liquid hangs, just like the blood on the corner of the mouth after being slapped on TV. This black pasty liquid is his own meconium.

Because the child is connected to the umbilical cord, the child cannot breathe yet. When the child comes out, the doctor will pinch the child's mouth open immediately, insert the index finger into it, and take out the disgusting objects in the respiratory tract.

Then cut the umbilical cord and stimulate this little thing. As long as it is normal, the child, the lungs will start to expand at this time. When the first cry, it means that he has started to breathe.

This is going well, and when it is not going well, there are too many accidents.

While Zhang Fan was running, the little nurse was chasing after him with a white coat. She ran so fast that the nurse's little white shoes could be seen as phantoms under the fluorescent light.

It's a cruel department. When these little nurses get older and can't escape the phantom, they will be slowly cleared out. How many administrative positions can there be?

Zhang Fan took the white coat, put on a hat, put on a mask, and rushed into the delivery room.

"How about it?"

"Yuan Zhang, it's too late for the operation, forceps have already been used."

The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department didn't even raise his head.

"Can't the negative pressure suction device work?" Zhang Fan asked while walking.

What is a negative pressure suction device? Elderly people should know a tool for the bathroom. After the toilet is blocked, there is a thing with a suction cup.

This is the negative pressure suction device. When the labor force of the mother is insufficient, it will be inserted into the birth canal and suck the child's head, just like pulling a carrot, and the doctor will help to pull it out.

Sometimes, there will be a bang! Boom! Boom! The sound is that the doctors are sucking with negative pressure suction.

"No, the head is not upright, and the position is not good."

Forceps, when the caesarean section is not formed, this instrument is the ultimate weapon of obstetrics.

It is powerful, but it is quite dangerous if it is not operated well. Forceps are actually quite large forceps.

It's like two badminton rackets joined together with big pliers. The racket is made of metal and has no net. It is this one thing that must be inserted into the birth canal of the mother to hold the baby's head and then pull the baby out.

It can be said that this operation is quite dangerous. The clamping position is wrong, and it is not uncommon to hurt the child's nose and eyes. This thing is made of metal!

Moreover, if the force is not enough, the child cannot come out, and the child caught in the birth canal will die of suffocation after a long time.

If you use too much force, the child's ears and even the cervical spine may be damaged. It can even be said that sometimes, when the child is pulled out, the child's head and cervical spine...

Therefore, forceps, this instrument, in the obstetrics and gynecology department, doctors who have no confidence, dare not use it at all. This confidence is accumulated by doctors in decades of work. This strength cannot be experienced in decades.

"It's been half an hour! I'm exhausted, and I don't have any strength in my hands. What should I do!" The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department was about to cry.

This force is not reckless, but rather strenuous like skating a fish.

The director of the obstetrics and gynecology department is already a fifty-year-old lady. After more than 20 minutes of fighting, her hands began to tremble.

The deputy director of the obstetrics and gynecology department and another attending doctor were on the stage of another pregnant woman, and none of the pregnant women gave birth smoothly.

The director of obstetrics and gynecology here and Lu Shuyan.

The head of the obstetrics department was sweating, and there were tears rolling in her eyes. She was old, really old. Ten years ago, she would never let this situation catch her, but now, she really What's more, he wanted to kill the thief, but he didn't have the strength.

The negative pressure suction device can be handed over to Lu Shuyan to operate, but the director of the obstetrics department did not dare to give it, and Lu Shuyan did not dare to take it, so the obstetrics director asked someone to call for help.

"No, no, director, the child's heartbeat is getting slower and slower." The midwife's head grew bigger. This kind of situation is the most dangerous.

The mother was in extreme pain. The child and the forceps were stuffed into the body together. The excruciating pain of exfoliation before giving birth has almost brought this mother to the brink of collapse.

"I can't do it, doctor, I can't do it." The screaming was gone, she didn't even have the sound of screaming, and she looked at the doctors and nurses with pleading eyes.

"Shut up for me, eat, open your mouth, eat, hurry up! Your child depends on you now, do you still have the qualifications to be a mother? Quickly, shut up, come out once again."

Red Bull and chocolate were directly stuffed into the pregnant woman's mouth like a plug. The midwife did not dare to be warm or comforting, for she was afraid that if she relaxed even a little bit, the woman would give up.

Sometimes, the desire to survive is very important. When life and death are on the line, all comfort and warmth are fake, only iron-blooded reprimands make her unable to think in her mind, and make her subconsciously survive.

Really, for doctors and nurses in obstetrics and gynecology, sometimes we have to be considerate, they are not born vulgar, they are forced to.

"I'll come!" Zhang Fan saw the desperate expression of the obstetrics director, and he opened his mouth.

"You? Zhang Yuan, it's too dangerous, you've never..."

To take over at this time, to be honest, the risk is quite high. In the hospital, to be honest, it is too common for someone to die. Especially in the tertiary hospitals, it is strange that no one dies for a day.

However, the obstetrics and gynecology department is different. In other departments, no matter what the situation is, the death is not as serious as the obstetrics and gynecology department.

In this way, Huaguo is quite unreasonable in this regard. There is a quota for obstetrics and gynecology deaths every year. I don't care what your situation is. If you exceed this number of deaths in a year, you will be held accountable.

Therefore, everyone can criticize the government and the hospital, but for this rule, really, everyone can be thankful, because the country's unreasonableness has made the mortality rate of pregnant women in Huaguo one of the lowest in the world.

"It's too late, can children and pregnant women persist until the arrival of the doctor?"


"There's nothing else to do, come on, leave it to me, you stand on the platform for me. Lu Shuyan, change my clothes quickly."

Zhang Fan's words were like an iron rod, every time Lu Shuyan got motivated, she immediately helped Zhang Fan put on the surgical gown, and when she was tying the last strap of the clothes, she whispered: "Be careful!"

Zhang Fan didn't look back, as if he didn't hear it.

At this moment, the director is just as exhausted as a pregnant woman, and the other doctors can't take care of them. If Zhang Fan is not there, they won't say anything, but Zhang Fan is here. Although he is not sure, he can watch helplessly. Did pregnant women and fetuses die in front of him?

cannot! do it!

"Director, I'm getting started! I'm starting to use my strength."

"Yuan Zhang, you must exert force along the way. When the opponent's muscles contract, you have to release the force. When the muscles relax, you must exert force. Be careful not to hurt the child's cervical spine."

While the director of the gynecology department was talking, while Zhang Fan was doing the work, the director of the department of gynecology department trembled with desperation in his tone.

At this time, what's the difference between turning a book after a doctor's surgery!

However, she underestimated Zhang Fan. Hand feeling, for ordinary doctors, is a tasteless condition, but the more doctors reach the peak, the more they value this hand feeling.

As for Zhang Fan's hand feeling, it can be said that at present, he himself said that his hand feel is the second in the world, and no doctor would dare to say that it is the first.

"Shrunk!" Zhang Fan felt quite clearly the feeling of the mother's muscles coming out. As the muscles contracted, the muscles of Zhang Fan's arms also began to relax.

"It's relaxed!" Zhang Fan began to use his arms muscles.

Just like a tug-of-war, the muscles of the mother's body push and suck the fetus outward and inward during the contraction, so the pregnant woman has to use all her strength to offset the inward force when she is in extreme pain.

Really, being a mother is not easy, and the gentlemen really have to be right at this moment.

When Zhang Fan was exerting force, the midwife yelled loudly: "Hurry up, give me more strength, our director has done it, you must be able to persevere, hurry up, give me all the strength to eat (a) milk. "


The door of the delivery room opened suddenly, and a nurse came out with a signed book.

When Li Hui saw it, he broke down immediately, "I'm here to sign it, I'm here to sign it!

Zhang Fan! "

For some reason, he called out Zhang Fan's name.

"Hurry up, call your wife's house! What's the use of crying!" Shao Hua was also awakened by his voice.

"Good! Good!" Although he said good in his mouth, he kept his eyes on the little nurse.

As a result, the little nurse ignored him and walked towards the others.

"Uh!" Li Hui's shiny teardrops hanging on his face seemed to have froze.

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