Body, most of the junior high school students more than ten years ago still look like children, not tall, often show shyness when there are many people, and hide behind adults. A bit of youthfulness.

But now, the children served by fried chicken legs and Coke, the boys are as strong as bears, with unshaven beards, and the height is getting taller than the other.

As for the girls, one is better developed than the other, secretly painted a little dress up, put on some Yandai, and they are directly youthful and beautiful girls, and there is no youthful atmosphere.

Excess nutrition makes the body develop rapidly, but self-control does not keep up with it at the same time, so problems are prone to occur.

As for Xu Lili, her boyfriend is a small official with some power, and she is considered a beautiful woman, so the arrogance in her heart doesn't need to be shown, it is directly portrayed in her every move.

Wang Xiaohu gritted his teeth and stared at Xu Lili's porcelain white legs while watching a class, of course he watched it standing up. He was punished by Xu Lili to stand for a class with a dictionary on his head.

After class, as soon as Xu Lili went out, Wang Xiaohu chased her out.

The schools in the urban-rural fringe area are still old schools. Because they have to be demolished and merged, many facilities can no longer keep up, such as toilets.

At that time, this place was used to supply the surrounding vegetable fields of the city, so the toilets were old-fashioned dry toilets. Perhaps many people in the city don't know what a dry toilet is.

In fact, it is to build a shed first, build a lot of pits in the shed, and then dig a big hole behind the shed, which is the dry toilet.

This kind of dry toilet was used to accumulate manure in the past, and the pit is generally very large, but the dry toilet in the school has a larger pit, because there are hundreds of students, the pit is small, and it can be filled for you in a few days, so at a glance, it is very It is very large, and together with the rainwater accumulated by the rain, it is directly a small pond.

In the pond, in the yellow-black paste soup, there are non-stop bubbles. This is the gas fermented after being exposed to the sun in summer. The gas bubbles blow all kinds of toilet paper floating on it, like thousands of Like a boat moving.

Because it is a demolished area, the vegetable fields have disappeared long ago, so this dry toilet has not been cleaned for a long time.

Not only feces, but also white worms, because in the yellow-black soup pool, the white is particularly conspicuous, twisted and densely packed, floating in the soup water, and climbing on the walls. Constantly twisting.

Not to mention the smell, anyway, you are absolutely not allowed to take your mobile phone to the toilet leisurely here, not only to suppress the nausea in your heart, but also to shake your hands around your butt from time to time,

Look at your feet, because there are too many white bugs, if you don't pay attention, they may crawl to your butt.

Xu Lili didn't take this matter to heart, not at all. However, Wang Xiaohu gritted his teeth in hatred. The little boy has matured physically, so he feels that his face is quite important.

Xu Lili was so shameless, so he wanted to take revenge. Xu Lili finished class and hurried to the dry toilet.

In school, this is how girls go to the bathroom. If you slow down, you won't have a place.

Xu Lili's feet were fast, and Wang Xiaohu was even faster. When Xu Lili first entered the gate of the dry toilet, Wang Xiaohu accelerated and ran to the back of the dry toilet, which is next to the pond.

The late summer sun hangs in the air, and the light shines directly into the aqua toilet through the mottled shade of trees.

After Wang Xiaohu ran into the dry toilet, he immediately paid attention to the shadow in the women's toilet. Both of them were fast, and the bathroom was empty, so when the light was blocked by a figure, Wang Xiaohu knew which pit Xu Lili was squatting in.

Sometimes, I have to admire this kind of half-grown kid. When doing the questions, the brain is like a paste.

After Xu Lili finished her convenience, she wiped it with a tissue. At this time, her shadow was reflected in the pond, like a capital w.

At this moment, Wang Xiaohu made a move, and Wang Xiaohu threw a large cement slab towards Xu Lili's hole.

Wang Xiaohu, who was as strong as a calf, held a half-person-high concrete slab like a giant, and threw it towards the pond, "Go!"

I saw countless paper towels floating in yellow and black, and the pond with countless fleshy worms was like a bomb. The yellow and black sticky liquid with white worms and white paper towels flew like waves.

Crashing, the sticky liquid was crackling like a torrential rain, and the highest liquid was hanging on the roof. One can imagine the power of this cement slab.

And when Xu Lili lowered her head just now, her pupils dilated infinitely, because she saw a terrifying scene that she probably would never forget in her life.

Yellow ones, black ones, white ones, and wriggling ones all rushed over.

Xu Lili uttered a voice that she probably couldn't shout in her life: "Ah!" The sharp fear pierced through the lazy summer afternoon.

The women screamed one after another, not only Xu Lili but also many girls were also affected, but the most serious one was Xu Lili, because the explosive point was running towards her.

Paji, paji, countless liquid ideas hung on Xu Lili's body, Xu Lili staggered and rushed out of the dry toilet, thanks to her skirt.

Only one word came to her mind, she was going to rinse! Wang Xiaohu immediately stood outside the dry toilet.

When Xu Lili came out, Wang Xiaohu shouted: "Teacher, touch your hair!"

Xu Lili touched her hair subconsciously, then her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

Because Xu Lili's hair was covered with a lot of wriggling bugs, when Xu Lili touched it, the bugs struggled.

These insects with sufficient food were all vigorous and fat. When Xu Lili started to hold them, these insects started to dance in Xu Lili's palm like a brush.

Extreme stink, nausea, fear, nervousness, anger! It teased Xu Lili's tense nerves like tongs.

And the last squirming worm, like the last slap, made Xu Lili dizzy on this scorching summer day.

Hot and angry, Xu Lili was completely stunned. If it was something else, Xu Lili might not be so embarrassed.

A young and beautiful girl loves cleanliness very much, but Xu Lili has a little bit of cleanliness, this time...

The teachers who rushed over after hearing the news pinched their noses, and hurriedly carried Xu Lili to the classroom with a towel, and then called 120.

After all, Wang Xiaohu was still immature, how could he not show off after doing such a big thing, and then one or two people knew that this feat was done by Xiaohu.

When Xu Lili's boyfriend rushed to the hospital and saw his girlfriend's appearance, he was almost out of breath and bled.

On the white porcelain skin, there are yellow and black mud spots, and occasionally white creeps can be seen from between the hair. And Xu Lili's face was directly sallow and sallow.

He was an education officer, and within minutes he had the teacher find out who the murderer was, and then Wang Xiaohu was beaten by him. Although Wang Xiaohu was as strong as a calf, he was not as ruthless as an adult.

Xu Lili's boyfriend was also involved. Wang Xiaohu was beaten into a pig's head, and his overnourished face was like a dye shop.

Black and dark eye circles, swollen lips, wobbly head.

When Wang Xiaohu's father saw it, he quit. I am rich and still being bullied. Can I stop? No.

Then, after chasing to the hospital, he and Xu Lili's boyfriend started boxing at the gate of the hospital, and then turned into wrestling.

Restless end of summer, restless world!

Zhang Fan entered the emergency room and saw Xu Lili, "Ugh!" In an instant, the pilaf at noon came out of his throat like a colony of thousands of ants to see the world.

To be honest, it is not uncommon for Zhang Fan to be a doctor who is bloody and disgusting, but this time he is really disgusting.

Many people think that the medical industry is all about white, clean and bright halls, brand new coats, and proud expressions.

In fact, this is an illusion. This is often the case in hospitals, with pungent smells, painful groans one after another, crumpled gowns, and sluggish expressions.


If Zhang Fan hadn't squeezed his arms so hard, he would have almost vomited here.

"How?" The result of the nausea was the extreme secretion of saliva in the mouth, Zhang Fan asked like a big tongue, he really couldn't swallow the saliva in his mouth.

"Under strong stimulation, the patient will experience vision and then faint."

The rotating female doctor in the emergency center is about to gnaw her teeth. Originally, she wasn't on duty today, because her colleague had something to do at noon, and she changed shifts with her, and she almost hated herself to death.

"Clean up quickly! Do a complete physical examination."

"Yes..." The resentful female doctor looked at Zhang Fan. In her eyes, Zhang Fan was like a prodigal son who played with women.

What she said was, really, very unreconciled. However, if she wanted to continue messing around, she had to go.

Under the summer sun, the black and yellow viscous fluid had already started to dry out a bit, covering Xu Lili's body like warts. The occasional white worms reminded the doctor that this was not a wart!

Without smelling the smell, just looking at this kind of wart all over the body can make people feel sick to death, let's talk about other things.

The female doctor wiped it with alcohol and wiped it vigorously. When one piece was wiped off, the stench became thicker once. The more the female doctor rubbed, the more sad she felt.

"Why do I have to change shifts today! Why do I want to eat durian cakes today! I don't even wash the pot at home, why do I do this...uh!"

After rubbing and rubbing, Xu Lili finally woke up slowly after the alcohol and iodophor took away a lot of heat.

"Ouch!" After a long sigh, Xu Lili felt that her throat was a little uncomfortable, "Cough! Cough!" Following the cough, a white fleshy worm came out of Xu Lili's red lips and white teeth, sticky The saliva flew out in a silky way.

The white worms changed from unclear to clear, Xu Lili's pupils dilated again, this time she didn't cry out, she just passed out again.

The female doctor who wiped saw Xu Lili's tongue, pink mouth, and her lips, which were red.

When the bug landed on the ground, the female doctor couldn't help it anymore, and she finally couldn't help it, and the yellow durian cake overflowed directly from the mask.

Immediately, the female doctor quickly tore off the mask as if she was throwing a punch.

This time it was not disgusting anymore, because the sticky cake blocked the airway and stuck the nasal cavity, and I almost couldn't get out of breath.

The other medical staff were already at their limits, but the female doctor's eight punches caught everyone's attention. After taking off the mask, they saw, darling, her face was covered in feces and yellow feces.

Thoroughly, the doctors and nurses stooped and fled with their lives. Everyone ran to the bathroom and hiccupped continuously while running.


"I went to see my classmate. My classmate's boyfriend called me, so I called you first."

As Zhang Fan became famous, the ordinary classmates who had a relationship with Shao Hua also began to get in touch with Shao Hua.

"Be obedient, don't go in yet." Zhang Fan blocked Shao Hua.

"It's serious? I heard that there was a conflict with a student. I'll go and have a look. They are all classmates."

"Be obedient, don't go in!" Zhang Fan refused to let Shao Hua in, Shao Hua looked up at Zhang Fan, and then did not insist.

Shao Hua was very good at this point. Although she didn't understand it, she knew that Zhang Fan must have a reason for not letting her in.

She stopped asking, "Go to my office first, and wait for me to call you. Come back when the time is right!"

"Yeah!" Shao Hua left, Zhang Fan entered the emergency room, and the medical staff, after vomiting, were busy cleaning up with tears in their eyes.

It's not the tears in the eyes, but the smoke, the stench of feces, the sour smell of fermented food, and then mixed with the pungent smell of the strong August 4th disinfectant, it is directly a biological weapon.

Xu Lili was finally wiped clean, but her body was no longer porcelain white, but a piece of yellow, which was the color of iodophor.

"Zhang Yuan, the patient's heart rate is a bit fast, and he woke up, but it seems that the effect is not good."

Zhang Fan stepped forward and took a look, "Not good! Quickly, contact the cardiologist."

"Okay!" The doctor in the emergency center couldn't care less when he heard it.

Zhang Fan's words were like a strong wind, directly blowing away all the hiccups in the hearts of the doctors and nurses in the emergency center.

After a phone call, the director of the cardiology department came with Naduo.

Since Naduo came to Chasu, she was originally planning to come to scare her family, and she didn't take the disease here to heart.

How could a doctor from a hospital directly under the Ministry of Health be timid in a top three hospital in the area?

But after going to work for a few days, Naduo began to tremble with fear.

Chasu area is far away from Niaoshi, and it is much better now. With the railway, in the past, there was heavy snow in winter and heavy rain in summer, so this place could not directly communicate with the outside world.

Here, once there is a serious disease, the city hospital will end, and life and death are here, so the disease is very complicated.

In a hospital directly under the Ministry of Health, the Department of Cardiology can be divided into seven or eight departments, while the Chasu Hospital has only one department, which deals with all heart diseases. Even vascular diseases are dealt with in the Department of Cardiology.

There are many patients, few doctors, and complex conditions, which are different from the single hospitals directly under the Ministry of Health.

After a few night shifts, Naduo couldn't take it anymore, "No wonder Zhang Fan is so powerful!"

Naduo's temperament was originally a bit unyielding, and the complicated source of the disease did not scare the girl away, but instead aroused her aggressiveness.

This girl is also a militant, Zhang Fan's vision really got Ouyang's mantle, and he saw it very accurately!

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