Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 713: Liu Ming's City House

This scholar, isn’t it really inseparable?

Kong Xianhui was stunned and awake.

At the beginning, she was still curious. Qin Shi and Liu Ming should have no grudges. How could they suddenly want to kill Liu Ming as their own enemy? But now that she sees Su, she will understand.

Although Su is not very handsome, but the long is very delicate, so that people who have seen him are hard to forget, especially his weak and determined twilight, very attractive.

"You didn't die?"

Seeing this scholar, Liu Ming’s thief’s eyes are stunned, and it’s instant. {Pig} Pig Island {Small} says that 3.zhu is white, and immediately he is also decisive. After biting his lower jaw, he turns over and wants to fly far away. escape.

"Want to run? Not so easy!"

Qin Shi’s eyes sank, and a smattering burst of color, he had long promised that he would not leave his hand, Liu Ming, this moment he has been waiting for a long time.

Every time he thinks about the story of Su and the abandonment of Su, he will rush to the crown.

call out!

Ben Lei flashed on his feet, and a step broke through the sky, floating behind Liu Ming and stopping his retreat.

"Qin Shi, don't be too much, kill two creation clubs, you can't afford this crime!" Liu Minglian did not have the heart of resistance, only hope that he can rely on the creation team to force Qinshi.

He never thought about doing right with Qin Shi from the beginning to the end. He still remembers Tian Yang’s threat to him.

"Oh? Oh, you should understand from the time I shot the Jane, in fact, I am not afraid of this so-called creation group." Qin Shisen shook his head coldly, the slightest force between the five fingers, the quenching of the palm of the body The power of the attribute, into a sharp rushing long cone, savage.

"I am fighting with you!"

The dog rushed to the wall and his life was threatened. Liu Ming couldn't help it. The sound became a lot of noise. The air around the raised hand trembled, and a palm shook the chest of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi was a little surprised, and quickly flashed back a few steps.

In the midst of his retreat, Liu Ming seized the opportunity and quickly split a half of the gap on the Scorpio, suddenly narrowed the distance from Qin Shi and attacked again.


Unexpectedly, the cracks in the space have not been revealed, and suddenly it was stagnated by an unusually evil force. The heart of the Qin Shi’s hands was beating a few times, and an exclusive evil spirit’s suffocation came out.

Qin Shi blinked: "Blood Wizard?"

He will never admit his mistakes to the Devils. It is the blood wizard who just saved him.

But I don't understand, blood wizards have never taken the initiative to help him for so long.

"Don't be surprised, I am not helping you, just want to help the kid." The blood wizard's voice is a bit weird, pointing to Su.

"In this blast, I can't reach my fingers, and I have a companion guy. I don't want to let him die."

Hearing, Qin Shi’s face was moving, and he couldn’t help but laugh: “No matter what, just thank you, and leave the rest to me.”

"Well, give me the life of the kid." The blood wizard pouted.

Qin Shi nodded, the blood wizard did not say, he would do the same, wrapped in black robe and moved 100 meters above the business district, the chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit quickly applied, the spiritual power consumed before was immediately filled.

"People always pay for their own sins, Liu Ming, now it is yours." Su is not as close to the past, obviously calmed down a lot, perhaps with the blood wizard, he actually infected a bit of murder .

His soul came forward and blocked Liu Ming firmly.

At this critical juncture, Liu Ming was attacked by Qin Shi and Su. He suddenly became very calm and looked up and laughed: "Haha, hahaha, you want to say, I want to be retribution? Hahaha I tell you, this is impossible, no one wants to kill me today!"

"Stubborn!" Qin Shi screamed at the black scream, and immediately he waved his hand, a golden stupa stood: "Buddha one!"

The stupa burst, and the endless waves are never ending, and even the clouds are pierced.

The power of the soul suppresses different spiritual powers, and the disciples watched the disciples screaming at the gods. They felt the pain in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the views on Qin Shi were strengthened.

"This kid is a magician?"

"Well, look at this level, the spirit is still very high. When he and Jane are fighting, they still have a card?"

Everyone exclaimed, Liu Ming is also calm, quietly smiled after a while: "Qin Shi, your ability is really not small, simply let you lose in your hand, it should be reasonable, I have already reminded him But he doesn't listen, but I am not him, you want to kill me, whimsical!"

He lifted his fingers, and suddenly there was a pillar of no ignorance around the light. The beams were connected to each other to form a strange disc. The center of the disc was a hurricane.

"No kill!"

He has five fingers and one hook. The hurricane in the center of the light column is like a smasher, and the golden stupa is poured into it. It is actually torn apart.

Qin Shi fiercely frowned, and just in his accident, one, an invisible wave of waves broke through the clouds, and the pressure between the heavens and the earth seemed to be shaken and smashed.

When this power came out, Fu Jun and others frowned.

"Good spirit!"

Qin Shi discovered that the power of Liu Ming is even more powerful than Jane.


Liu Ming stood in the sky above the city. His eyebrows were distorted, and his eyebrows suddenly shone with deep shadows, and a mark with different twists rose.

"Is it a thunderbolt?"

Many onlookers exclaimed.

"Do you really think that I am better than Jane? You really thought that Liu Ming, you can let you trample? Joke!" Liu Ming's voice is very cruel.

Seeing the thunder and robbery, Qin Shi’s black scorpion is a bit deep: “You deliberately concealed strength?”

This is something he did not expect. In his impression, Liu Ming should not be as good as a simple one, but now it seems that the opposite is true.

Eight days of thunder and robbery, that is to say that Liu Ming’s cultivation is seven days old, and it is the existence of the battle between the athlete’s foot and the defending army. Although it seems to be only the gap between the late and the peak, it is already a different day.

Qin Shi can beat the late seven days, but it is not the opponent of the peak of seven days. He is clear in his heart.

"Hey, did you find out? I was forbearing in the creation team, but I didn't want to expose myself. I want to enter the inner domain, but if you force me today, don't blame me." Liu Ming yells, his power Once again, the Scorpio began to gather together the thunderclouds.


A strong sense of oppression and whistling, many disciples slammed back a few steps.

Fu Jun also sinks into the bottom of his eyes, and just as he wants to get up, a broken star like a meteorite falls and slams into a group.


The power of this star is very large, and the army is forced to retreat several steps.

"Oh, it’s so lively, I said how to return to the creation group. There aren’t even personal figures inside. It’s all here?” Xu Yan wore a green shirt and smiled in the starburst with his hand.

"Xu Yan!"

Fu Jun’s face changed, and the look became more serious.

Xu Yan is also the peak of seven days, and the strength and the army are comparable.

Youqing, Dunhuang, Shen Fengchun, the three quickly moved toward the army, a short moment in the field has undergone tremendous changes, hundreds of Chuangshi group disciples will encircle the business district.

Lin Xing was slightly lost from the distant auction.

The atmosphere on the battlefield is getting more and more tense, and the smell of gunpowder is strong.

"Big Brother, what do we do?"

Yu Qing looked around and watched the black pressure of the creation team disciples dignified a lot.

Shen Fengchun is not fearless, and he is arrogant: "I am afraid of a ball and fight with them. I really think that the fog alliance is afraid of them?"

Opposite Xu Yan, Fu Jun has never spoken, but his face is extremely embarrassing, and the lonely right eye reflects the wreckage.

He is not worried about Xu Yan. What he really worried about is Liu Ming, Qin Shi who is opposite Liu Ming.

He swore that he must protect Qin Shi.

"Fu Jun brother, you deal with this, I went to help Qin Shi." And in his mind, like a mess, a touch of Qian Ying suddenly came forward.


Fu Jun is full of suspicious look to Kong Xianhui.

Kong Xianhui’s hand, flashing a few vain forces from the surrounding of the army, the horrible power of the power, with a bit of ancient meaning, even the air has been crushed?

Fu Jun fiercely glared, but did not wait for him to open, Kong Xianhui Yu hand grip, quickly recovered the power of the eight days, smiled: "Yes, just rely on me, now paying the army big brother letter? And I want to use his character, he should not let me shoot, don't underestimate him at any time, he is not a person who will easily admit defeat, because as long as you are willing to believe, he will give you an unexpected miracle, You said that I am right? Fu Jun brother?"

Fu Jun was shocked for a long time, only to shake his head helplessly.

He suddenly discovered that whether it is Qin Shi or Kong Xianhui, these two people are simply a mystery.

"I know."

"Don't let this side disturb him." Kong Xianhui spit a scent, and leaped to Qin Shi.

"Want to go?"

Xu Yan frowned, and the wind and sand of the sky surged, and he became a giant hand of Baizhang and grabbed it with Kong Xianhui.

Without waiting for him to attack, a fire dragon burst, and the army slammed into Xu Yan: "Your opponent is me, and you don't have to intervene on that side!"


Xu Yan was shocked back, although the strength of the two is similar, but he still lost to the army in the gas field, biting his teeth: "Fu Jun, you are so bold!"

"It’s always been big, don’t you know?”

Fu Jun gave a free and easy smile, and with the protection of Kong Xianhui, he never worried The flame of fury continued to burn beside him, and the temperature in the entire business district rose several times.

The air is distorted at high temperatures, and the stones on the ground melt a lot.

The fire burned the sky.

Xu Yan screamed at the gods and his claws extended: "Well, you want to fight, then I will accompany you."

"Sand storm tears the claws!"

With a wave of force, the space was immediately crushed by Xu Yan. He quickly stepped forward and stepped forward. A huge hurricane rolled up the boulders and dragged them up to a height of a thousand meters.

"The dragon is broken!"

Fu Jun pinched, and quickly stretched, bringing together infinite flames into a hurricane.

The fire dragon quickly swayed in the center of the hurricane, disintegrating it from the inside.


Two shocking forces horrified the audience.

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