Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 738: First encounter Yu Wenzhao

Qin Shi’s heart trembled fiercely, because no one knew better than him. There were only two pieces of the body in the chaos, one on his body, and the other on the body of Yu Wenyu.

"Is he Yuwen?"

Qin Shi’s fierce fists, looking up at the handsome young man over the sky, the young man’s long white, a little rich disciple, but from his body can not see the slightest exaggeration, but give a very practical steady.

He thought about the scenes that met Yu Wenqi countless times, but he never thought that it would be this scene.

He was not reconciled, he was clenched with fists, but he had to admit that it was Yu Wen’s @猪@猪@岛@小说 hand saved him, Yu Wenxi is really too strong, That natural gas field can even smash you with Step Jingxian.

"Yu Wenhao?" A few people in the Qingqing were shocked. They asked Qin Shi: "Qin Laodi, you said Yu Wenzhao, but the enchanting sensation that was raging three years ago?"

Qin Shi shrugged helplessly, which is the default.

Qing Qing’s eyes wide open: "Is it really? Qin Qin, do you know him?"

Qin Shi shook his head and sighed: "I don't know, this is my first time, see him."

"Why did he save you?" Qing Qing was curious.

On this issue, Qin Shi is awkward. He doesn't know how to explain it. He just looks at the black scorpion toward Kong Xianhui in the distance.

Yu Wenzhao appeared, so that Kong Xianhui was lost. Her whole person was like a blue sky, and she was lost in an unprecedented way.

The man, let her love, hate, miss, anger, and even how many times, she thought about going with this man.

But when she saw him again, she hesitated, and the ups and downs of the heart, waved.

Seeing Kong Xianhui's strangeness, a few people in Qingqing seem to understand what they are, and they have no eyes, but in the hearts of several people, they are more curious about Kong Xianhui's identity.

"Yu Wenhao!"

It is not only Qin Shi who recognized Yu Wenzhao, but Xing Mozhen and Deng Kai all of them were trembled, especially Deng Kai. He took a step back and shook the cloak hard.

"Oh, Elder Deng, don't hide, I have already seen you." Yu Wenyu said, his voice is very dull, but full of a special magnetic, as if the whole world is spinning around him.

Deng Kai’s old body trembled: “Yu Wenyu, have you broken through?”

"Yeah, three years, it is a breakthrough."

Yu Wenzhao was very free and easy, and immediately he glanced at Qin Shi and yelled at Xing Mozhen. "Xing Elder, as an elder of the foreign domain, is it wrong for you to openly hurt foreign disciples?"

"I...!" Xing Mozhen's veteran squatting, has not had the arrogance just now, sly laughter: "Oh, where is this, all of them are misunderstandings."

"Misunderstanding?" Yu Wenxiao smiled and said: "The best, then, I want to bring these people to go, Xing elders should have no opinion?"

Xing Mozhen heard the words, the old eyes sank, but after a while, he nodded again and again: "That is of course, I told Zhao Xin before, after waiting for you to go out, let us find a chance to get together, how to say When I was in the foreign domain, I was watching a few of you grow up. What do you say?"

"That is natural."

Yu Wenxuan scorned slyly, and his eyes swept across the bodies of Xing Mozhen, Deng Kai, and many disciples of the creation group. The corners of the mouth rose coldly, and the short-lived moment seemed to solidify even the air around him. Let everyone in the room hold their breath, and the atmosphere will not dare to breathe.

His eyes were swept to the end, and he only slightly converges: "Exactly, some grudges have never been counted. When I come back to the chaotic domain, I will do well with some people."


Xing Mozhen, Deng Kai, the people of the creation group trembled at the bottom of their hearts, and the pressure of the domain was like the collapse of Mount Tai, and the lifeline of the people would be defeated.

"That's good, then I am waiting for the chaos in the chaotic domain." Xing Mozhen ironed his face and nodded at Yuwen, and he did not hesitate, even the Caixia Yun Lingzhi did not want to, slowed down the gods to the Sikong Several people in Lingnan shouted: "Let's go!"

After all, he fled and fled, although Caixia Yunlingzhi can help him enter the chaotic domain, but he can't dare to make it with Yuwen, a domain power, even if all of them unite and multiply by ten, it is not Yuwen. Awkward opponents.

Compared to entering the chaotic domain, he would like to live more.

Watching Xing Mozhen and others leave, Qin Shi’s heart is finally put down.

Shortly after Xing Mozhen left, the four figures slowly explored in the clouds. The four were Zhao Xin, Dong Qing, Tian Yang and Bun Ning.

Donning to see the Qin Shi of the cockroach, worried about rushing forward: "I said that you, this person, how to make yourself so embarrassed? Is the injury serious?"

Qin Shizhen’s shaking his head: “It doesn’t matter.”

"It's not a big deal. The last time I saw you, you were almost killed. This time again, this is the case." Donning was distressed by the Qin Shi bandage.

On the other side, Zhao Xinyi stood beside Yu Wenzhao. His gaze was a bit resentful. He yelled at Yuwen: "Big Brother, Juyan is dead."

"Well, I am still late, I am hurting him." Yu Wenxi shook his head in blame, and an anger burst like a flame.

"It’s all because of Xing Mozhen, I want to say that I should kill them just now!" Tian Yang’s angry haiku.

Yu Wenxi shook his head: "It is not the time, this occasion is not suitable for him to die!" When it comes to this, his fists are slightly mingled, and a clear coldness flashes between his eyes: "But, he will do it for him sooner or later." The price paid is the price of blood!"

Wen Yan, Zhao Xin three people look at each other, that killing is not hidden.

So far, Yu Wenzhao bowed his head and stayed on the delicate body of a shadow, all the resentment, all the anger, everything seems to be melting, leaving only the endless thoughts and love.

Kong Xianhui felt the blazing fire, and the weak and delicate body couldn't help but tremble. She was intoxicated, like falling into the deep sea.

Qin Shi looked at the two people who had been looking at each other for a long time. He could not help but shake his head. He knew that the truth he said would be revealed to the world soon, but no matter what the truth is, he would stand beside Kong Xianhui. Accompanying her, this is his promise.

To this end, he took a step forward.

"Don't go!" and Bunning suddenly pulled him next to him, blaming: "Let them both exchange. The hatred of the big brother is misunderstood. Brother has never betrayed her, and the older brother has been deceived. ""

Hearing, Qin Shi stunned, and after he looked up, he felt a deep love in Yu Wenzhao’s eyes, letting him know that he would not lie to him. Anyone can pretend that there is no such love. It means that it can't be installed, and the feet that are finally lifted up are suspended in the air, and they are not dropped.

He also wants to know what the truth is.


In the hope, Yu Wenzhao finally sighed and slowly fell in front of Kong Xianhui.

Listening to the soft words with self-blame, Kong Xianhui's jade eyes scattered, but she immediately shook her head and stepped back: "You admit the wrong person, I don't know who you say is good, I It is called Kong Yueyue."

"You can fool everyone, but you can't lie to me!" Yu Wenxi said seriously, he wanted to hold Kong Xianhui.

And Kong Xianhui, like an electric shock, fiercely raised the jade hand and pushed him away. He said, "Don't touch me, I said that you have mistaken people. Kong Xianhui three years ago died long ago!"

"You don't do this, I know that for three years, I told you to be wronged, sorry...!" Yu Wenyu's painful lightness.

Hearing this saying, Kong Xianhui couldn't help but cry, she snarled in silence: "Drink? Sorry? Don't say sorry to me, do you say sorry for me now? I ask you, when I need you." Where are you? When I am humiliated, so helpless, tell me where you are?"

"Now I have easily forgotten you, and gradually removed your figure from my world. You have appeared again, why? Why, why are you doing this? Why are you so cruel?"

Listening to the woman’s resentment for three years, the world seems to be stunned.

Zhao Xin, Dong Qing, Tian Yang, Bun Ning, Qin Shi, You Qing, and a few people all widened their eyes, and several people in Qingqing were also slightly obsessed, as if they had thought about it.

"It turned out that she was three years ago, Kong Yinhui who was inseparable from Yu Wenxuan?" Several people shook their heads with a smile.

Three years ago, no one did not know Kong Xianhui. At that time, she and Yu Wenzhao were really lovers of people in the chaos.

And this love that is so weeping is inexplicably broken three years ago, it has always been a confusing puzzle, no one knows why.

Yu Wen trembled and no longer had the prestige, but it was like a child who did something wrong: "Not like this, things are not like this. I never thought about abandoning you, I love you so much."

"Love me? Are you so loving me? You are using me, cheating me from home, let me suffer the humiliation for three years, do you love me so much? Then Yu Wenxi, I tell you, your love, I can't afford it!" Kong Xianhui shook his head in disappointment.

"Not like this!" Yu Wenzhao raised a few decibels. It can be seen that he is very painful now. He holds Kong Xianhui's shoulder and bows his head. He trembles: "I admit, I am close to you, it is purposeful. I also admit that I have deceived you, but you can't doubt my heart. I really love you. I used to be, now, and will be, I will always love you!"

Zhao Xin can't stand any more, biting his teeth: "Da, you listen to Big Brother to explain, big brother, he is also deceived, the real misunderstanding between you, all because of the chaotic domain!"

Qin Shi also stepped forward a few steps. He whispered to Kong Xianhui: "Hyun Hui, don't be embarrassed yourself, you come back to the chaotic domain, don't you want to know the truth? If you don't want to know, then we are now Just leave, but you ask your heart, are you willing?"

"I...!" Kong Xianhui choked, and her crying was particularly distressing. So she sobbed for a long time, only to wipe the tears hard, self-deprecating and sneer at Yu Wenxi: "Okay, let's talk, you Explain, let me listen, what is the so-called misunderstanding in your mouth."

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