Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1025: Do you dare to confront me?


Qing Xinyue raised her head slightly and looked at Qing Ling Xuan, who had already reached out her hand. After a slight hesitation, she extended her jade arm. Qing Lingxuan took the initiative to hold the hand of Qing Xinyue. It started with a smooth and delicate, with a trace of silk. The coolness of the Qing Ling Xuan had to think about lustful things.

Qingxinyue was tired of this feeling, so Qingxinyue only took a hand, and then immediately took it back. Qinglingxuan still had no idea. Qingxinyue had already released his hand. He was a little embarrassed, and there were some small dissatisfaction in his heart. Once again, I took the hand of Qingxinyue, but I was stopped by the coldness of Qingxinyue.

"Well, the engagement has been completed, and you will find a good day to marry in the future." Qing Xuan broke the beard and laughed. He worried that it would be considered as an engagement completion for a long time. At this time, Lin Feng did not have a big engagement ceremony. He was somewhat pleased.

The Qing Tombs were a little anxious. He didn't understand why Lin Feng didn't make troubles or drink it now. Why is this?

Lin Feng is not a trouble, but has not yet arrived, because Lin Feng is asking them to make trouble after the end of the engagement ceremony. It’s a good ‘theory’ and it’s just right now.

"Prepare for action?" Chu Chunqiu casually asked, he did not worry that Lin Feng would be in danger. In the Taiqing Gate of Nuoda, he still dared not make a big bully. Don't look at the nine elders. Adding to the clear, but did not dare to take a junior shot of Lin Feng.

Therefore, Lin Feng is safe. With the strength of Qing Ling Xuan, I am afraid that it is not enough for Lin Feng to make a small tentacles. It is impossible to pose any threat to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, but did not speak, but walked out silently, and his bulging naturally attracted the attention of countless people. At first, some people were surprised and surprised. How dare you come out at this time? And also have to log in to the high platform?

"Hey, you are crazy, come back soon." A disciple kindly reminded Lin Feng that Lin Feng was unable to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Only his words did not have any effect. Lin Feng continued to walk on the high platform, and the appearance of Lin Feng completely disrupted the ceremony.

Qing Xuan's complexion gradually became cautious and cautious, but he could only watch Lin Feng go to the stage. There is no other way, and the other nine elders are also the same.

"You, stand up."

An elder elder suddenly spoke out, waving to Lin Feng, but did not shoot but pressed the four imperial powers of the Emperor. For Lin Feng, the four emperors are no longer a sacred level. For Lin Feng, There is not much pressure.

Lin Feng still walked on the high platform without hesitation, and ignored the embarrassment of the elders. The old man was amazed, or was shocked. He was obviously a strong emperor and he was not afraid of him. This quadruple?

Interesting, really interesting.

At the first sight of Qingxinyue, Lin Feng walked up and suddenly had some expectations in his heart. What should he do? Is it because of me? What does he want to do? Stop engagement?

Qing Xinyue’s heart is full of life, but Qing Lingxuan’s face is a rare indifference and anger. This is his long-awaited engagement ceremony. It is impossible to be destroyed by someone who doesn’t know where to come. .

Looking at Lin Feng in anger, reaching out and angering Lin Feng said: "Boy, don't go forward, look down and roll down!".

"Well? Hehe, are you sure?" Lin Feng listened to Qing Lingxuan's angry voice, suddenly mysteriously laughed out, raised his head and black hat to cover half of his face, but revealed the corner of the evil mouth.

Suddenly, Qing Lingxuan’s heart has some bad feelings. It seems that this mouth is so familiar. This smile is also so familiar, but I want to think about it. After all, I don’t know who it is.

"You didn't understand me? Today is my engagement ceremony, do you want to destroy?" Qing Ling Xuan screamed, his eyes full of anger and embarrassment.

Lin Feng took a few steps and finally came to the high platform and stood opposite Qingling Xuan. The two people were only a hundred meters away. Lin Feng looked at Qing Ling Xuan and did not speak.

"How? You can stand on the stage without speaking? Give me a roll." Qing Ling Xuan was completely angry, and some people were disturbed. He did not allow it, so he shot, and quickly stepped out, and went straight to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled faintly and extended his left hand. He quickly grasped the punch of Qing Ling Xuan. Qing Ling Xuan’s eyes changed. He found that no matter how much strength he used, he could not break away from Lin Feng’s palm, and he was in a hurry. Kick out the left leg and go straight to the Lin Fengmen door.

Lin Feng loosened his fist, still this hand held the left leg of Qing Ling Xuan, extremely relaxed, then slightly exerted force, Qing Ling Xuan was turned to the ground by Lin Feng, after Lin Feng extended his left leg, forceful Kicking out, kicking Qingling Xuan directly, and went straight to the stage to fall.

Under the ambiguity of the Qing dynasty, he quickly shot and seized Qingling Xuan, only to ensure that Qing Ling Xuan was not thrown out, but this scene was shocked by everyone, Qing Ling Xuan Shen Emperor is two, Lin Feng is also the Emperor, But not at all above a level.

Complete defeat, only used one hand, just a move!

Suddenly, the shocked exclamation filled the entire Taiqing Gate.

There was something that couldn’t be hanged on the face of Qing dynasty. Lin Feng’s work was indeed vigorous and vigorous, and he did not say that he directly knocked down Qing Ling Xuan, simply and decisively.

"Bastard, Lao Tzu is a waste of you!!". Qing Ling Xuan's violent and embarrassed face was knocked down by Lin Feng in front of his fiancee. This is a shameful shame and the most shameful thing.

Qing Lingxuan stood up, clenched his fists and broke out the thunder of the thunder, went straight to Lin Fengchong, but went straight to the half and was stopped by the Qingxu. As a teacher, he could not let Qing Lingxuan continue to be shameful. It’s his people, his disciples can’t do it, and he’s the best.

"Lin Feng, you are a bit too much today." Qing Xuan stopped Qing Ling Xuan at the same time, but also looked gloomy at Lin Feng, angered a sigh.

Wen Yan, Qing Ling Xuan face changed dramatically, cold sweat penetrated the whole body, looking at the black robe man in front of him, he turned out to be Lin Feng?

The sinful anger of the anger made everyone grow up, Lin Feng? The black robe is actually Lin Feng? Lin Feng who just destroyed the Yuan Temple? This crazy man?

Nine elders in the elders were also completely shocked, especially before they yelled at Lin Feng’s elders, who could not believe that the black robe man was Lin Feng.

The storm started again and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Lin Feng knows that there is nothing worthy of concealing. It directly reveals the black hat and reveals the original face. More people have seen this face and revived. It is indeed Lin Feng. There is no falsehood. Lin Feng really came too clear. door.

"It's you, it turned out to be you!!". Qing Ling Xuan bit his teeth, roaring, his face full of sinister poisonous color, clenched his fists are even more violent.

"Yes, it is me." Lin Feng smiled faintly, and was not affected by the previous scene.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Qing Ling Xuan screamed, and the voice shouted.

"I? Are you talking about me?" Lin Feng looked at Qing Ling Xuan with amazement, then grinned and his eyes looked extremely savage.

After Qing Lingxuan said this sentence, he seemed to be somewhat guilty. After all, he did something clear, but he can only be denied it.

"You coward, you are so embarrassed to come to Taiqingmen? Inviting you to save the heart of the month, but even a refusal, it is simply a miscellaneous." Qing Ling Xuan broke out and was afraid that everyone would not know about it.

As for the disciples who knew that Lin Feng was rescued, he was pushed out for various tasks for various reasons, as was Chen Guangyu.

Therefore, the current people do not know Lin Feng’s rescue of the heart of the month. When Qing Lingxuan said this, many people were angry. Lin Feng was so strong that he did not accept the rescue of the heart.

The public anger, Qing Lingxuan's words made Lin Feng cause public anger, Lin Feng saw countless entries went straight to himself, and wanted to tear himself up.

Lin Feng sneered, did not answer the words of Qing Ling Xuan, but directly looked at the Qing Xuan, faintly asked: "Predecessors, what do you mean?"

"I? I..." Qing Xuan listened to Lin Feng's question, suddenly hesitated, because he did not know how to answer, is it a violation of things again?

Qingxinyue saw here, and already saw a trace of clues. She was disappointed with the two people in front of her eyes. Qing Lingxuan used tricks to deceive herself, and Qing Xuan actually helped Qing Lingxuan to deceive.

"I do not know either". The Qing dynasty replied with a slap in the face, but the bottom gas was really insufficient.

Nine of the elders of the elders really can't stand it anymore. Most of them know that Lin Feng rescued the Qingyue month, and they knew that Lin Feng was in deep trouble in the valley, no one helped.

It’s simply devastating to do things like this.

"The door owner They don't tell you the truth, the old man tells you."

An elder elder stood up and looked at Qingxinyue. After that, he told the truth of the matter from beginning to end. After hearing these facts, Qingxinyue became paler and he couldn’t help but shed tears.

She didn't know, she really didn't know that Lin Feng was saving herself, and she was deeply immersed in Shibuya. She didn't know that Lin Feng almost died in Shibuya. Qingling Xuan didn't have much use, but finally took over the credit of Lin Feng. Only.

Disappointment, even despair, disappointment with Qing dynasty, despair for Qing Lingxuan, the brothers who were very impressed in their hearts suddenly burst, and so is the master.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Many disciples have stopped cursing Lin Feng because they are ashamed of the practice of Qing Xuan and Qing Ling Xuan.

However, at this moment, Qing Ling Xuan is still a hard duck, refused to admit it, but blushing red neck and red roaring said: "You are all deceiving, I did not, I saved the Qingxin month, as everyone knows, can you blacken me?"

"Oh, you saved the heart of the heart, then you dare to confront me?"

Another indifference of laughter came, Chu Chunqiu flew directly from the stage to the high platform, took off the black hat, revealing the face, but also caused a burst of exclamation.

"Chu Chunqiu?"

Qing dying completely gave up the last save, and he knew that everything was in vain.

[There is no flower renewal system this month, only the reward system, tell the brothers]

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