Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1069: Heavenly door!


"A good Lin Feng, it is quite domineering."

"I want to know more and more about this famous Lin Feng!"

From the woman's voice into the bushes, a white shirt woman's figure will soon disappear here, her flight direction is not the direction of Zhao Dian, but ... Lin Feng flight direction.

From the beginning to the end, no one knows who the woman is, what she looks like, she can only guess from the words that this is not a good class. Zhao Yunqi’s woman is probably extremely dangerous. I don’t know how many times he is stronger than him. Or perhaps because of this woman, Zhao Yunqi can have such a position in Zhao Dian.

After Lin Feng left the bushes, he flew back to Tiandong City with full force and headed straight in the direction of the heavenly gate. He was about to embark on a journey.

Lin Fengyuan did not know that he was followed by a woman, and he was the wife of Zhao Yunxi who was originally interested in it; Lin Feng did not know that he even killed 19 people, and it was the Emperor III and the Emperor IV. The heavy superpower shocked the entire continent.

Anything can't be hidden, so Lin Feng has completely ignited the eternal kingdom, killing only 19 gods, and all of them are the elders and disciples of Zhao Dian.

All the people who have relationship with Lin Feng heard the news and the reaction was different. In the Tiandaoyuan, except for the tears of the Iraqis, the rest of the people felt shocked and excited. The Iraqi tears were deeply worried and others died. She doesn't care, as long as Lin Feng is not dangerous.

After hearing the news, the royal family of Leimen and the French Blue Empire were all in a state of semi-sluggishness. Whether it was Lei King Kong or Fa, they could not imagine how Lin Feng achieved this step. Killed the 19th Emperor-level powerhouses, and they are all Zhao Dian people?

What is Zhao Dian? That is the superpower, the same force as the Tianmen Gate, but Lin Feng said that killing them killed 19 people, and the decisive decisiveness was unprecedented.

People across the continent don't know that this moment is a war game assessment contest, so it has been very quiet. Suddenly such a shocking news came out, all mainlanders were frightened by such news. For a time, Lin Feng’s prestige was once again transmitted. Throughout the continent.

In the halls of several big monks, Zhao Zuxin was crying, but his face was gloomy and iron. The killing effect from his body made anyone dare not provoke him.

The strong men of the 20 gods were all killed overnight, and they were all killed by Lin Feng, but they were not Lin Feng’s initiative to kill, but they surrounded Lin Feng and angered Lin Feng and killed them. .

It can be said that this kind of loss of the wife and the soldiers, Zhao Dian has done it for two consecutive days, naturally let Zhao Zu is very angry, he is even more angry, Zhao Yunxi’s wife dared to intervene in Zhao Dian’s affairs, even though she Some special identities and status, but they can't be so arrogant.

Under his own hands, he used it and said that he would kill it when he killed it. He simply did not put himself in the eye!

Zhao Zu is very confused now, because he does not know who to ask for this account, the life of twenty people is so gone, and that all the people who spread the mainland are Zhao Dian’s face. If he asks Lin Feng for a request, he can This is what they asked for. Lin Feng is just doing what he should do, and whoever changes it will be desperate.

If I go to Zhao Yunxi’s wife, but she is also venting for Zhao Dian, I want to solve Zhao Dian’s affliction, Lin Feng, isn’t it?

Repeatedly, he still didn't know who to ask for this account, because of this, he felt angry, and his anger was nowhere to vent.

Zhao Zu was sulking in his own life, and Fuxi was equally unspeakable at the moment. He thought that it was impossible for Lin Feng to kill these twenty people. However, after such facts, he really understood it clearly. Ignore Zhao Dian, the murder will kill.

I will not be afraid of what Zhao Zu and my ancestors want, and he wants him to be fatal.

Such a young man with personality is indeed very good, but it is easy to break when he is just over. Lin Feng’s performance is so bright that he must offend Zhao Zu. He is not afraid of Zhao Zu. However, Zhao Zu can still kill him easily. A fist thing.

Fuxi is very clear, it is necessary for him to warn this kid, otherwise he will continue to let Lin Feng do so unscrupulously, do not know how many people to offend, and now come to the gate.

The new battle is estimated to be re-enacted.

When Lin Feng came to the gate of the heavenly gate, it was already afternoon. The gate of the sky gate was not big on the map. It was less than a hundred miles away. It was above a mountain range. This mountain range is called the Tianji Mountain Range. There are millions of this mountain range. In the year, Tianmen Gate lived here from the beginning.

Lin Feng appears at the foot of the mountains. This endless mountain range has more than 20 peaks, each of which is surrounded by green old trees.

Lin Feng doesn't know these peaks, which one is the main peak, and which one is the peak of Tianjiao.

Lin Feng’s killing of the 19 people of Zhao Dian spread throughout the mainland, and naturally spread throughout the heavenly gate. When Lin Qiongsheng heard his father’s heroic record, he could immediately guess that Lin Feng’s coming is definitely the gateway.

Therefore, Lin Qiongsheng walked out of the main peak of Tianji in advance and waited for Lin Feng.

Just before, he saw his father's figure and walked over the mountains in the west. The mountains on the west side of the mountain were the peaks of a generation of disciples, and the mountains above the mountains in the east were their second generation disciples. Mountain peaks.

The so-called first-generation disciple's mountain, and this representative person is the remuneration, the remuneration is the representative of the first generation of disciples, Lin Qiongsheng can also represent the second generation disciples in a certain degree.

The two central peaks of the mountain range represent the two supreme powers. One is the gatekeeper of the Heavenly Gate, and the other is the elders.

Lin Qiongsheng rushed to the west and hopped to take Lin Feng into the foothills to stop Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did have the intention to walk into the foothills, but Lin Feng at the moment has already felt that the breath from Lin Qiongsheng is slowly approaching himself, and gradually clear, Lin Feng will stop and wait for his son.


Lin Qiongsheng ran from the bushes. At first glance, he saw Lin Feng, who was looking at himself. Lin Qiongsheng was shocked but quickly shouted his father.

Lin Feng looks at Lin Qiongsheng. At this moment, Lin Qiongsheng is already the dual realm of the Emperor. In the age range of Lin Qiongsheng, it is already a very powerful Tianjiao. The achievements in the future are definitely limitless. The cultivation of Tianmenmen does have great benefits.

"Joan Sheng, Tianjimen, which Tianjiao is still there?" Lin Feng looked at his son and smiled and asked, Lin Qiusheng was not seen for a long time, but still some missed, especially through Lin Qiongsheng, the feeling of touching the scenery is inevitable. .

Before going to the battlefield, Lin Qiongsheng and himself should return to Shenlu once, and take over the faint Tang and other women and bring the family together. This is the family of reunion.

Lin Qiongsheng looked at his soft eyes, it is really difficult to imagine, that is, the father in front of him has just killed the superpowers of the middle of the 19th Emperor, and this moment can speak with his heart calmly, without any tension or no adapt.

This is the father, this is his own son, change someone else, how can there be such domineering and self-confidence?

"Father, Tianjiamen’s Tianjiao has almost gone, especially in the days of the war, a few days of arrogance, the sea of ​​the sea, the broken jade and the sky is not in the door of the heavens, the sky dust master has not returned, almost everyone has gone. ".

"Oh, yes, the reward is at the gate of the sky, not going." When Lin Qiongsheng said this, he remembered the killing. Except for him, no one else was at the gate.

Lin Feng knows that his son will not lie to himself. These people are not normal at the gate. The assessment contest has passed six or seven days. If they are still at the gate, it is not normal.

The remuneration is still at the gate? This is to make Lin Feng somewhat surprised. He is not a member of the assessment contest. Do you want to give up?

"Joan Sheng, take me to see the killing."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was drinking against Lin Qiongsheng. Lin Qiongsheng nodded and walked in front, leading his father to the last mountain and heading for the rescuing residence.

At the same time, another news that shocked the mainland, Yan Cangtian went to Zhao Dian, and defeated Zhao Qi, Zhao Yunqi and defeated Zhao Dian, who was guarded by the elders of the gods, in a strong posture. Leave away.

As soon as the news came out, the mainland was shocked, and even more confused, what happened to Zhao Dian, how did he offend these arrogance? Overnight, Lin Feng even killed the strongest of the 19th Emperor's middle class. Later, it was revealed that Zhao Dian, who was smashed by the 50 elders of the Emperor, was left behind.

Zhao Zu is almost mad, and this is Zhao Dian, who is in a downturn. At this moment, he even hits the sky and hits it again. This time, I am afraid that the disciples and elders of Zhao Dian will lose confidence.

"I am gone, I must go back." Zhao Zu sighed and drank, and then the figure disappeared into the room. He must go back to Zhao Dian to guard at this time, otherwise Zhao Dian will be chaotic.

At this moment, no one dared to stop him. Zhao Dian is indeed the most miserable one. He was robbed by Lin Feng and Yan Cangtian, and needs to go back to appease the emotions. Otherwise, it is very likely that Zhao Dian will not enter the war. The most miserable one.

Lin Feng followed his son and came to the place where he was paying for the remuneration. However, before that, he also heard the story of the disciples of the heavenly machine, and Yan Tiantian abused Zhao Dian.

Lin Feng regrets that she left Zhao Dian a little early. If she is late, she may have come across Yan Tiantian. Lin Feng did not recognize the position of this flamboyant boss from beginning to end, especially when he used Yandi as a slave. Lin Feng has only one idea for him, that is to kill!

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