Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1072: make trouble!

The Battle Assessment Competition ended in this way. Lin Feng did not continue to win the game. In the past few days, he treated his son in the secret room, and then waited until the day of the return of the day, and he would have a chat with Tianzang. .

No one is more important than the injury of his son. Lin Feng absolutely does not allow anyone to dare to hurt themselves and the children of dreams, nor to let others hurt themselves and other women's children, and which child is treated the same.

Three days later, the assessment contest was over. Tianzang and Tianchen and even Lunhai also returned to Tianmen Gate. At this time, Lin Qiongsheng could only come down to the Chamber of Secrets to tell Lin Feng that he would not be able to hide it, even if he was worried about his father’s safety. But the father insisted on doing one thing, there is no reason to stop him.

When Lin Feng heard that Tianzang and others had returned, his face became a lot more gloomy, and at the same time, Lin Cetian stood up from the slate. After more than three days of life, the knife wound was completely good. The wound is no longer bleeding, only a little weak.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Lin and Lin Qiongsheng, and then faintly said: "Let's go, go up together, and another Qiong Sheng, be ready to break with the heavenly gate!"

Lin Feng is not salty or not a word, but it makes Lin Qiongsheng’s face suddenly change dramatically. He is shocked to see his father and prepare himself to break with the door of the heavenly gate. That is to say, Lin Feng has already thought about Lin Qiongsheng’s departure from the gate. It is.

Lin Qiongsheng sighed and then nodded heavily: "I listen to my father."

"Well, good boy, leave the gate, my father takes you to the battlefield, where it is easier to develop." Lin Feng smiled with satisfaction. Lin Qiongsheng was able to make this decision simply. It is clear that he is very clear in his heart. Which one is more important to Master and Father.

Lin Qiongsheng listened to Lin Feng to take him to the battlefield. His face suddenly showed a look of anticipation. He would not have such an opportunity at Tianmen Gate. Neither Tianzang nor Tianji would take him to the war.

Lin Feng and Lin Yuntian are behind the body of Lin Qiongsheng, walking towards the main peak of the mountain, and this time did not choose to fall into the foot of the mountain, but walked directly from the mountain and the peak adhesion.

At this moment, there are countless disciples in front of the square in the gate of Tianmen. Whether it is a generation of disciples or a second-generation disciple, the elders and disciples of each side are also here.

"Father, something happened in these three days, you should not know."

On the way, Lin Qiongsheng took the initiative to talk to Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at his son and then asked: "What?"

"Father, shortly after you came to the gate, there was a white woman who wanted to challenge the Tianjiao of the Tianmen Gate. The Tianjiao of the Tianmen Gate went out. Finally, she met the red girl who was preparing to leave the gate!" Lin Qiongsheng said At this point, my face was a bit gloomy.

Lin Feng frowned, saying that it should be very clear, there must be a fight between the white woman and the red girl, otherwise Lin Qiongsheng will not become so dignified.

"The result?" Lin Feng looked at his son and continued to ask.

"The red woman was seriously injured and left the door of heaven." Lin Qiongsheng’s complex face said, and there was a hint of complexity on his brow. He did not know whether to say something or not.

Lin Feng listened to the results of the two men’s battles. After the red woman was seriously injured, her face could not help but change. The red girl was the first day of the ancients. It was not weaker than the existence of Yantiantian, but this battle would be defeated. White woman, that is to say, this white woman's strength is stronger than the red woman, and naturally it is also pressing the sky.

"After seriously hurting the red girl?" Lin Feng did not believe that this white woman just wanted to reinvent the red girl, she should have other things to do, but Lin Qiongsheng did not say.

"Father, she mentioned you after defeating the red girl. He wants you to wait for her in the war." Lin Qiongsheng said, recalling that the scene of the day was really shocking. The red woman was seriously injured and lying under the white woman, while the white woman was browed and declared that she had a battle with Lin Feng on the battlefield.

Lin Feng is more and more confused. She does not seem to be offended. She does not know who such a white woman is. She does not know why this woman is challenging herself, and she is challenged above the war, not here.

"This is not finished. After she left the gate of the heavens, she went to the ancients, defeated the ancient people's Huang Tianba, Fu Niu, Fu Huo, and Bauhinia, and then went to the ancient Yan people to infuse Yan Shanming. It is the raging sky that came across the return."

"Results?" Lin Feng's heart is also tense, especially when Yan Cangtian returns to the scene where the ancient Yan people met the white woman, which makes Lin Feng's heart speed up and beating. This exciting battle can inspire Lin Feng's war.

" Lost, Yan Cangtian also lost the game and gave up the first position." Lin Qiongsheng smiled bitterly, and he wouldn’t think that the arrogant Tianjiao would be defeated by the white woman’s hand, and as a result, the rankings have undergone major changes.

The white woman ranked first, has surpassed Yan Cangtian, but because the battle victory has not been more popular, but this does not delay the ranking, the fallacy is the qualification to enter the war.

Hearing this, Lin Feng waved his hand and did not understand that he had only one purpose in the gate of the heavens to kill the sky. As for other things, he would kill Tianzang and say it.

"How far is it to the main hall." Lin Feng looked at Lin Qiongsheng and asked, Lin Qiongsheng pointed out that the magnificent grand hall in front of it is the center of the heavenly gate, and it is also the place where all the disciples gather at this moment.

Lin Feng stepped up and walked alone in front of the main hall. This is a square in front of the temple. White boulder is covered with tens of thousands of squares around the square. It can stand tens of thousands of people side by side, just the door of the heavenly gate. The core disciples are only a few thousand people, and the outside disciples are hundreds of thousands, but they are not qualified to come here.

Lin Qiongsheng and Lin Yuntian can only follow Lin Feng as much as possible. When Lin Feng stood on the square, the two talents barely ran over, and then stood behind Lin Feng and looked at the scene.

Tianfengzi has returned, standing in front of the main hall, the majesty of the face, the eyes of the deep-eyed eyes flashing with the cold killing, people dare not look straight, a white robe is worn on the body, more Out of his hegemony.

Beside the Tianfengzi are three old men with white beards, all wearing grey robes, holding whisks in their hands, and the blue-white smog gathering the horrible energy. This is the first time Lin Feng has seen the dust in different worlds. .

Tianfengzi is the strength of the Emperor's eight-fold strength, and the three old men with white beards are also the strength of the Emperor's eight-fold strength. Four people standing in front can shock everyone, and people dare not come to trouble?

In addition to the three white-bearded old men, Tian Fengzi stood next to a dozen men of different ages, among them there was a remuneration, but only in the last position, Lin Feng can also guess that these people should be Tianfengzi's brothers and brothers, and the strength of these people are also below the Emperor's seven heavy, the Emperor is more than three.

Lin Feng also looked at the disciples surrounded by the eyes. Most of the disciples of the Shenzun class were numerous, but the disciples of the Emperor and the Emperor were also hundreds of thousands. This is the enthusiasm of the Heavenly Gate and become one of the four clan. Bottom gas.

Lin Feng saw the details of the Tianmen Gate, and thought about his Tiandaoyuan. He said that it was decadent. Compared with the Tianmen Gate, Tiandaoyuan was almost a clan of being killed.

Not to mention the strongest of the Emperor's level, that is, the disciples of the Shenzun level are far from the heavenly gate. As for the Emperor of the Emperor, there are only a dozen or so full of counts, but the Heavenly Gate has reached hundreds of people.

In the end, where is the problem, the gap between Tianjimen and Tiandaoyuan is getting bigger and bigger. If you want to catch up, this is not something that can be completed in a short time. There is no one hundred years to catch up. Tiandaoyuan does not want to catch up with the gate. Ok, my disciples are quiet! ”

At this moment, Tian Fengzi made a sound, and everyone angered and let everyone close their mouths. The sound disappeared neatly, and the square suddenly calmed down, and even the breathing could be heard clearly.

Tian Fengzi looked at everyone, but in the end he fixed his sight on Lin Feng's body, and his eyes became a little gloomy. The assessment game was over. Lin Feng has not yet returned to the ancients, but here is the Tianmen Gate?

make trouble?

Tian Fengzi’s heart was raised at once, and some did not know how to do it. The rules of the assessment contest did not allow the seniors to intervene. However, after the assessment contest, it is still impossible to intervene. That is because after the assessment contest. Entering the Tianjiao of the war, the high-ranking clan executives are not allowed to move their hair, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Tianfengzi has not yet reached the level of the ancestors, so it is very taboo for this heavy penalty, which will cause Lin Feng to make troubles even in the Tianmen Gate, but it can only be shot, defeated or killed by Tianjiao.

Tian Fengzi looked at Lin Feng for a long time before he shifted his gaze and put his gaze on other people. Lin Feng also felt that Tian Fengzi’s eyes stayed on him for a long time, but he didn’t care.

"Well, I am now publishing the list of my family's arrogance entering the war."

Tian Fengzi exhaled a deep breath, and then took out a book of glittering golden light from his arms. The book was written with the word token, which is a token to the war, not a simple book. Cambodia.

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