Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1084: Feel free to leave! (already edited)

"I will not go to the nine continents, but I will now resurrect the old, the old, and the Nangong."

At night, late at night, Lin Feng was reluctant to leave the emperor's hall, and after the emperor restored his memory, he was able to remember everyone. This scene made Lin Feng very happy, and Shizun had restored his memory, then everything is worth it. .

Now, Lin Feng began to resurrect the old man and the old man, the Nangong lord and others, these predecessors who once had their own kindness.

According to Lin Feng’s method of leaving himself to himself, and then adding his own strength to the level of the Emperor, he found their own degraded place in the past, and then exerted the power of time and space to reverse the space. In addition, there are ways to empty the ancestors. .

The combination of the three, in order to allow people who have died for a long time or even those whose souls have disappeared, hopes to be resurrected. As long as he once existed in this world, he can be resurrected.

It’s just that the time to resurrect others is very slow, and it’s extremely costly. Lin Feng had to open the world of Wuhun, absorb the power of life inside and then transform it into vitality. Otherwise, he would not be able to stand up for a few hours.

Under such circumstances, Lin Feng still used it for nearly eight hours. After the resurrection ended, the sky was already bright. Not only was it bright, but it was coming to noon, and the sun was dazzling.

Lin Feng sighed and stood at the highest point of the rooftop. Today is a tower with a tens of thousands of meters high roof tower. Looking at the distance, if you guessed it well, above Jiuyi, there are already many more deaths. People.

Bei Lao, Kong Lao and Nan Gong Ling Zong are all there. They have been resurrected by Lin Feng, but their memories have all been cleared. Although they have been resurrected, they have not remembered the previous things. After all, time has passed. For thousands of years, memories have long since dissipated.

Now they are a person who has nothing to do with the front, become a new one, new thinking, but as long as they are still alive, then Lin Feng has no regrets.

Turning around, Lin Feng began to prepare to resurrect the blood-stained and the Emperor of Heaven. These two were their own predecessors, and the other one was an enemy from beginning to end, but after death he seemed to know some truth.

These two people deserve to pay the price to resurrect, because they are the heroes of this world, the real heroes.

Ye Chen and Fu Shen followed behind Lin Feng, waiting for the Master to resurrect everyone. After some words, they need to talk to the Master, but they can’t say it now, they can’t bother the Master.

Lin Feng did not know that the two apprentices had something to say to themselves. Moreover, at such an important moment, they could not distract themselves, so they naturally did not pay attention to the two, but concentrated on the resurrection of blood and the Emperor.

The difficulty of resurrecting blood-staining and the Emperor of Heaven is not as big as the resurrection of Nangong Lingzong. After all, the time of blood-staining and the death of the Emperor is very short, only a few years, and after the resurrection, all the memories will not be dissipated.

Lin Feng adjusts his breathing and mentality, and at this time, he recovers his vitality and physical strength. The resurrection of blood and the Emperor of Heaven cannot allow for a trace of flaws. Otherwise, it may be forever eternal, and there is no chance to resurrect blood and the Emperor. It is also impossible to resurrect.

Lin Feng’s feelings about blood staining are very deep. It can be said that in addition to Yan Emperor and Shi Yihuang, the most trustworthy masters and predecessors, and the **** dyes sacrifice all their taboos only to fulfill Lin Feng, this scene is even more Let Lin Feng repent and be embarrassed.

Blood dyes can sacrifice themselves and fulfill themselves. Now that they have a future, blood must be resurrected.

It’s just blood staining after the resurrection. I won’t see him. I’m afraid I can’t help but cry when I meet, so I’m still missing, let the blood dye well and live.

Lin Feng sighed deeply, then mobilized the power of time and space, and prepared the resurrection method of the empty ancestors. Lin Feng’s **** immediately found a canyon when the blood was dyed and died, and also found the place where the Emperor and the Emperor died.

Lin Feng clenched his fists, and his fists were covered with a thin layer of golden energy. The light shone a little bit, and the atmosphere became more and more tense. People didn't dare to breathe. They were afraid to disturb Lin Feng and affect the resurrection.

Of course, those who dare not breathe, in addition to Ye Chen and floating Shen, there is no one else, the two apprentices are honestly standing in the same place, without the command of the master, they will not move a little bit.

The power of time and space of Lin Feng runs through the whole Shenlu. The four tyrannical strength of the Emperor is absolutely dominant for Shenlu. No one can resist such horrible momentum and strength.

In a little bit of time, Lin Feng combined the power of time and space with the vitality, combined with the resurrection method that the ancestors handed over to him. At this moment, it has reached a dangerous moment. A little carelessness is the danger of resurrection. .

However, this kind of danger has no harm to Lin Feng, but blood dyeing and the Emperor may not have a chance to resurrect in this life. This is unacceptable to Lin Feng. Blood is like taking care of himself like his own master. If this time is resurrected Failure, then it is definitely a big blow.

Therefore, Lin Feng is not afraid to worry now, and even dare not increase the strength and strength of time and space, for fear of resurrection of blood and the Emperor has a slight danger.

Four hours passed quickly, and within four hours, Lin Feng did not bother to end the resurrection immediately. If he could stabilize it, he would need to be stable. Even if the time to return to the eternal kingdom was reduced, he even missed going to the war. Lin Feng also It is absolutely impossible to speed up the resurrection for this.

Four hours passed and six hours passed. In the twinkling of an eye, it was the evening. From morning till night, I worked hard to resurrect the blood and the Emperor. Now I can announce that I can resurrect the blood and the Emperor at any time.

"Ye Chen, floating and sinking, back!" Lin Feng suddenly burst into a voice, and then stepped on the footsteps, the whole person jumped into the sky, the gorgeous golden light 璀璨 numerous times, shrouded the distant void.

Ye Chen and Fu Shen did not need to say a word, directly back tens of thousands of meters, or even leave the square of the rooftop, the purpose is not to disturb the process of resurrection of blood.

Lin Feng stood at high altitude, his hands were open, and there were two more traits on the palm of his hand. The golden body was formed by the combination of Lin Feng and the power of creation. It can be said that it is part of the creation of the spirit. The traits, blood stains after the resurrection and the Emperor will be a special physique.

But it is not a creational spirit, but there are some connections, but such a constitution has surpassed the taboo.

Hey! !

Two crisp sounds rang at high altitude, and Lin Feng waved with his left hand. The golden radiant body in his hand had already flown into the opposite empty space and entered the golden light filled area. At this time, two illusory souls appeared to appear above the void. Gradually integrated on the body.

The two bodies with crystal clear and glittering golden light gradually have flesh and blood filling, and the bones with rich bones have a lot of flesh and blood, which looks pleasing to the eye and a lot more comfortable.

After a moment of time, the two bodies have not seen any golden torso, they are completely the body of two people, and there is a body of flesh and blood, and the appearance of the two people has been greatly different.

The figure on the left is blood stain, but the blood stain at the moment is much younger than the blood before death. If the blood stain is just an old man, then the blood stain is a middle-aged man with a beard. The blood stains appear to be more spiritual.

The figure on the right is naturally the Emperor of Heaven. Today, the Emperor of Heaven also faded the skin of the past. His eyes also flashed with anger, no evil atmosphere, and no such feeling of disgust.

One death, one transformation! Sublimation once!

Both the blood dyed and the Emperor of Heaven experienced the marrow wash of the soul to the flesh and even the blood. Now they have already washed away the lead, resurrected as a human being, and the strength has increased accordingly. The two did not reach the realm of the gods before they died. And now it is the realm of the median god.

It’s just that compared to the current Xuanyuan Mo Huang and Yan Shanming, the two have been left far away. Apart from the blood, the Emperor and the Xuanyuan Mo Huang are the same era, but now they are already a heaven. One underground.

The Xuanyuan Emperor is ready to go to the war, and the Emperor or Lin Feng is resurrected, or it will continue to be a history and soul.

"Ye Chen, floating and sinking, the master is gone, they still need a long time to wake up, you are waiting for them here."

Lin Feng looked at her two apprentices, and then with a reluctant gaze to leave, Ye Chen and the floating and swearing, but finally silenced, originally prepared a lot of words, but Lin Feng's words made them suddenly wake up, to If their strength goes to the eternal kingdom, it is still too It still needs to be refined for a few years. Otherwise, even if you go to the eternal kingdom, you can only be humiliated and survive under the people. Its breath.

Ye Chen and floating silently looked at Lin Feng's figure disappeared above the tower, and eventually disappeared into the square.

Lin Feng came directly to the quiet courtyard, and the Tang secluded, as well as Qiuyuexin and Duan Xinye, as well as Lin Henger and Lin Nianer, all came into the world of Wuhun, and then walked out of the courtyard with Lin Qiongsheng.

At this moment, the eight brothers, including Emperor Huang and Hou Qinglin, all came outside and waited for Lin Feng.

Li Chuan and Ling Xue also stood here, Li Chuan buried the Qinglong, and now gradually eased a lot from grief.

"Xiao Feng, you don't know how long it will take to meet, huh, huh." The emperor's kindness reveals a trace of reluctance, and there is a slight concern in the discourse, but he is very clear about the world of Lin Feng, they can no longer match, can only bless.

"Master, you are not filial, you forgive me." Lin Feng sighed in a deep breath, and the whole man was kneeling in front of the emperor, and his deep bow was a remorse.

"Get up, fast." Yan Huang’s face changed slightly, and he quickly helped Lin Feng. He couldn’t bear such a gift, because Lin Feng’s work was a big deal, and he was not sorry for himself, nor was he sorry for anyone.

"Go, I hope to have tea together when I see you again!"

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