Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1146: The ancestor of the 5th party, the 4th party overlord...


"Lin Feng, the old man thought clearly, decided to tell you something, let you know that some of the old people's past sadness, but after the old man said it, you must also have some sustenance, you, have this preparation?"

"Or, do you dare to accept some hatred from the old man?"

After a long time, the Tujin ancestors looked at Lin Feng with a heavy face. After considering it for a long time, he finally decided to tell Lin Feng some secrets, but the premise was that Lin Feng had this decision and tolerance, accepting his hatred.

Lin Feng listened to the words of the gods of the earth, and he was shocked. Although he might have thought about the former, it was not easy. However, after listening to the warnings of the gods of the earth, he still thought that what happened to him would be a big event, and It is very likely that it is too big to be imagined.

However, since he followed it and promised the year's agreement with the dream, so within this year, he was a ‘amnesia’ Lin Feng, to do a ‘ Shura’.

"You say, I have this mental preparation." Lin Feng took a deep breath and adjusted his mind. He only waited for the folks of the land to tell him about him. Even if it was shocking, Lin Feng would not have any idea of ​​retreating.

For the **** of gold, this is a chance for revenge, and for Lin Feng, it is also an opportunity to go out. The battlefield is indeed too cruel and cold-blooded. It leads hundreds of gods from the eight great gods. When Jielong Zhenzun came to encircle the Nebula Academy, you can see that people above the war are not talking about human feelings.

Blood killing can best explain the nature of the warfare, so Lin Feng realized that the promotion of strength is the most realistic goal and purpose, and that he can enhance his strength and popularity, and the **** of the earth has this ability.

Although I don't know the background of the goddess of the earth, but how can it become the maker of the battle list if it is an ordinary ancestor, how can it make the giant eagle **** so awe and even panic?

All of this, I am afraid it all stems from the background of the gods of the earth, Lin Feng thought.

"You have this preparation, and the old man will tell you all about it." The goddess of the earth and gold sighed deeply. He was still nervous than Lin Feng at the moment. For so many years, he could only suffer from severe pain alone and did not dare to speak with others.

Now that there is Lin Feng, he can also vent his depression and will not feel so disappointed.

Lin Feng nodded, then quietly stood in front of the tombstone to listen to the story of the goddess of the earth, perhaps also witnessed with the nebula gods, his future sage is to fight from here little by little!

"Lin Feng, this battle world, you have not fully understood it." Deeply sighed, the Tujin ancestors asked Lin Feng about the war situation straightforwardly. He could guess that Lin Feng was not enough to understand the war world, and even the most core things in the war world could not be reached.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng first was a glimpse, then nodded faintly, acknowledging the old man's guess, he really did not understand the war, in addition to knowing that there is a hegemon above the war, he does not know anything.

The appearance of Lin Jin’s ancestors, Lin Feng’s reaction, and a bitter smile on his face, Lin Feng’s expression and reaction at the moment, like the ‘he’ that was 100,000 years ago.

It is a pity that 100,000 years later, ‘he’ is already the peak of Wanzu, and his own master has become the presence of everyone’s shouting.

Now I met Lin Feng, who is very similar to 'he'. The original Tujin ancestors were afraid of Lin Feng. They were not afraid of Lin Feng’s strength, but Lin Feng was too similar to that person. He dared not tell more about Lin Feng and avoid Lin Feng. Be the second one.

But now the local gold ancestors have completely understood, and now they have been so miserable, and even have to use the battle list to hide his identity, already at such a degree, then need to fear another one?

Even if the last Lin Feng is like that person, what is the relationship? It’s nothing more than the tragic death of his native ancestors. Now it’s only a game. If you win, you will win all. If you lose, you will die again.

The earth gods thought of this, their faces became more and more complicated, and Lin Feng was also infected by such an atmosphere, and he was silent and waited for the former.

"The war world, the ancient and the ancient clan of the eternal kingdom, they gathered together, opened up the battlefield of this tens of billions of land, and existed parallel to the eternal kingdom. The purpose is to have a eternal kingdom in one day. Can help the mainland."

"However, you have also seen that today's warfare is far stronger than the eternal kingdom. If you send out dozens of ancestors, the eternal kingdom may be destroyed. It is also because under such circumstances, the people in the war gradually forget the mission. ".

"The eternal kingdom is also forgotten by people in the war, especially those who were born in the pre-war era. They don't know that their roots come from the eternal kingdom, and the war will become more and more chaotic." .

"In such a chaotic battlefield and complex warfare, many particularly powerful fields or forces will be born. In addition to the hegemony on the battlefield list that I see with you, there are some more existential beings than they are. The people above the war are calling them the ancestors of the five parties, the Quartet!"

"The ancestors of the five parties? The four sides overlord?" Lin Feng's face was a little surprised. After all, I have never heard of such a warfare pattern. I only know the hegemons on the battlefield list and the forces in which they are located, but this pattern is the first time. Hear.

The earth **** ancestors were not surprised by Lin Feng’s surprise. Those who first came to the battlefield would be shocked by this. Lin Feng was only surprised that it was enough to show that his mood was better than other people.

"The ancestors of the five parties and the hegemons of the Quartet are not special traitors, or should be accurately said that the forces led by a powerful overlord have always become the ancestors of the five parties and the hegemons of the Quartet."

"The hegemons on the battlefield list are indeed very powerful. However, from the formation of the war to the present, and the history of millions of years, the existence of the strong powers born in these years is nothing more than a 50-strong squad. Understand?"

"These hegemons are indeed on the battlefield list, but some are not on the list of hegemons, but they are still overbearing, and they are unmatched. They are the existence that no one dares to provoke, such as the golden moons you see. Niang, Nihuang."

"Neon phoenix?" Lin Feng is still full of strange faces. I don't know the identity of Qianjin Caiyue, let alone know the phoenix, but the ancestors of Tujin can mention this phoenix, which is enough to explain the hegemony of the phoenix, not the average person can compare of.

"Yes, Nihuang, you may not know it. Now the nebula gods have been managed by Nihuang, or they have been handed over to the drunken building. When you are seriously injured and return to the world of Wuhun, the golden moon will hold the neon. Huang’s token, which retreated from the Eight Great Gods, was announced that the Nebula Academy was managed by the Drunken House.

"And the master behind the drunk fairy building is the Nihuang, of course, this is just one of the forces, and it is the power to play for the fun."

"From here, you can see the power of the Nihuang." Tu Jin's ancestral words said here, then raised his eyes and stared at Lin Feng. He wanted to see what Lin Feng was reacting to, but he was somewhat disappointed. Even after he said it, Lin Feng was only plain and not too much. Shock.

"Don't tell you so much, the old man tells you straightforwardly, the old man is the ancestor of these five parties, one of which is the northern ancestor." The goddess of the earth gold squatted with a beard, and straightforwardly announced his identity, no longer **** with Lin Feng.

"Northern ancestors?" Lin Feng listened to the old man's words, his face changed a little, was shocked, of course, some awkward.

"Yes, the northern ancestors, in addition to the old man, the remaining five ancestors are still there, the Oriental ancestors, the Western Buddha, the Southern Devil and the Chinese Hongmeng."

"This is the ancestor of the five parties, covering the three realms of heaven and earth, and also the collision of the three highest powers of the Buddha Magic Road. It can be said that the height of all the people above the warworld wants to reach."

"But the ancestors of these five parties have no definite candidates. If someone can kill any party and replace it, then they can become the family of this party."

"And, and the hatred of the old man, huh, huh, it starts from this." When the Tujin ancestors said this, suddenly the tone was weaker and the face was a lot more gloomy. It seemed that they remembered the scene of the year and could not help but anger.

Although it has been so many years, he still can't forget the pain of the year. The betrayal of the children is more likely to make him feel depressed. At the same time, the children want to assassinate him three times and five times, which makes him feel disheartened.

Now that 100,000 years have passed, the ancestors were no longer his, and of course the sinister child, the ‘he’ in his mouth.

"The ancestors of the five parties today are the ancestors of the Orientals, the patriarchs of the Terran. The Western Buddhas are the great Buddhas, commonly known as the Big Buddhas, the Southern Devils, and the enchanted ancestors of the Devil. Knowing what the situation is, after all, Hong Meng is very complicated and it occupies 40% of the territory of the war."

"In the end, that is, the uncle who is the filial piety of the old man, the northern ancestor, Kun Dao!"


For the first time, Lin Feng knew the composition of the warland so clearly. For the first time, he heard the detailed story and hatred of the Tujin ancestors. He and his children, now the northern ancestors, and the hatred of Kun Dao.

It’s sad to hear, and it’s sad for the goddess of the earth.

Being betrayed by a child is indeed a taste of death!

"Predecessors, what do you want me to do?" Lin Feng listened so much, but did not forget the purpose of the Tujin ancestors, he must do something himself.

Lin Feng looked at the **** of the earth, his face was dignified, and the **** of the earth and gold also looked at Lin Feng, and his eyes were also reflected in a haze.

"The old man wants to train you into the next generation of ancestors, just don't know, you, Lin Feng, dare to accept?"

You, Lin Feng, dare to accept it?

The sound of vibrating and screaming resounded in Lin Feng’s mind, and Lin Feng’s whole person was shocked by the gods of the earth, and the heart could not help but speed up the beating.

I? Do you dare to accept it?

Be the next ancestor?

Directly speaking, it is to kill Kun Road and replace it!

Own, dare?

[Sorry, the home has been out of power, and now I’m calling, I’m going to grab the codeword and speed up the third update.]

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