Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1241: the truth!

"From small to large, no one dared to talk to me like this, even my brothers and sisters." Eight-headed face was extremely dignified, and there was a sigh of anger in the depths of his eyes, but it did not break out. Instead, he sighed with the wind. Again: "Okay, come back, you passed the test."

A sigh rang behind Lin Feng. This time Lin Feng wanted to go, but his feet were like listening. He turned around and saw the Eight Diagrams sticking out his left hand to control his legs. Of course, if he could forcibly break through. If you control it, you will leave, but since the Eight Diagrams is about assessment, there is no need to leave.

"I want to know what the assessment is, I don't want to be in the end when you are in the dark." Lin Feng’s face was slightly complicated and stared at the Eight Diagrams. The previous Eight Diagrams did not have such an attitude. This caused his own suspicion. Now that the Eight Diagrams Head is said to be an assessment, this is a sudden realization, but I still don’t understand that this is What assessment.

Examine your patience and timidity? Still assessing other content?

"Shu Luo, do you know the composition of our ancestors?" Ba Shutou did not directly answer Lin Feng's doubts, but instead asked a question, his face was flat and staring at Lin Feng, seems to be waiting for Lin Feng's affirmative answer, and Lin Feng saw her asking herself, I have to think carefully.

There are a total of eleven ancestors, except for the top ten sacred gods under the light group. There are also the first old-fashioned old men, and these top ten strongmen seem to call them the old man. That is to say, this old man’s status is the highest, but now the Eight Diagrams can test himself, that is to say, her status is not low, otherwise there will not be so many strong people who look at themselves with pity and seem to pray for themselves. .

Lin Feng thought of this, shaking his head without hesitation, not knowing the things of the ancestors, the eight-headed smile staring at Lin Feng for a long time, but unfortunately his appearance was ... otherwise, marriage can also be considered.

"Well, I am not embarrassed about you. Our ancestors said that simplicity is very simple, but it is complicated and complicated. In simple terms, we are divided into two levels of members, ten strong ones are one level, lame The old man has another level."

"Complicated, that is, among the ten strong, except for me and death, the other eight people have experienced the night that was defeated by the Jielong people, and my brother and I died after the ants were bullied. Born 100,000 years old, and our father is not someone else, it is the old man who is a lame, the brothers call him a teacher, but we call it a father."

"My gossip is now responsible for the survival of the entire ancestral ant, so as long as you pass my test, I can arbitrarily decide the direction of the future of the ancestors. You may also know that the ancestors are going to follow the dragons. "Oh, the head is suddenly ugly, and the squad is raised. He hates to itch his teeth. Although he has not experienced it with his own eyes, the brothers who have seen that scene are still angry.

"Yes, your ancestors want to protect the entire ant by way of returning to the dragons. From this point of view, I admire you, because you are all heroes of the ants, for the survival of the ants, to the opponent Bow down." Lin Feng solemnly nodded, these things have been known within the black ants.

"What you are talking about is only one aspect. On the other hand, the women of our ancestors are still being held in the border dragons, so we have to resort to the rat and have to return." The eight-headed bitter smile came out, and there was anger and decadence on his face, and he did not want to recall the painful history.

Lin Feng listened to her words, but it was even more shocking. The women of the ancestors were actually in the prison of the Dragons. If this is true, then the ancestors may really choose carefully.

"The women of our ancestors, including the brothers of several brothers, and the daughters of other teachers and uncles, and my scorpion head was born to the father of the father and the tiger ants. It can be said that there are ancestors in my body. The blood of the tiger also has the blood of the tiger ant. I am the young master of the ancestors and the young master of the tiger ant."

At this time, there is nothing that can be concealed. Since Shura passed the test, he said it all. As for how to choose, Shura needs to be considered.

Lin Feng opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't know how to comfort him. When he was shocked, he felt that there was a bitterness around the head of the ancestors, and the identity of the Eight Diagrams was even more complicated.

"Do you know that the birth of the ancestors is the realm of the gods?"


"But I was born, I was born just a god. I have been working hard in these tens of thousands of years to achieve the sacred ancestors of today. You may not believe it, but this is a fact, because my body is not pure. The ancestors have blood, so there is no inheritance of the ancestors."

"But because of this, the ancestors will have a future, and this future is in me!" Eight-headed talk about this, the color of worry on his face is much less, more like expecting his future achievements.

Lin Feng doubts, do not quite understand what the meaning of the Eight Diagrams, can not help but ask: "Why is the future of the ancestors in you? Is there a future for your brothers?"

"Of course, they are destined to be the sacred gods in this life. They can't go one step further. Do you know why this is for you?" Eight-headed girl smiled bitterly, and then asked Lin Feng why, Lin Feng himself After a slight guess, I know the reason: "It seems that it is still a trait problem of the ancestors."

"Oh, you are not stupid, yes, because the birth of the ancestors is the ancestor of the ancestors, which is also doomed that the ancestors will not have the existence of the hegemonic level. This is true for generations, the strongest. The sacred ancestors of the sacred ancestors, because of the birth of the ancestors, caused the ancestors to be blank before, so that the ancestral ants will practice hundreds of times or even thousands of times slower.

"Other people may need to break through a level for decades or centuries, and our ancestors need tens of thousands of years, which is why the hundreds of thousands of years ago we still only have the ancestral level." . There is nothing concealed in the Eight Diagrams, and I told Lin Feng about this.

After listening to Lin Feng, I only felt bitter. I still remember listening to my ancestors and talking about my ancestors. I am envious of my face. I am born in the realm of my ancestors. How many people do I have to know the truth of the matter, but I have to be the ancestors. The ants are sad.

This is equivalent to predicting the level of cultivation. So many levels are blank before, naturally it takes time to make up for it.

But the Eight Diagrams will not be like this. He was born not a ancestor, nor a ancestor of the ancestors, so she is the only strong person who is likely to break through the ancestors of the land.

It is only now clear why the Eight Diagrams can make other strong people jealous, why is it qualified to assess themselves, because she is the future of the ancestors.

"Sura, you just passed a part of the test, then you need to challenge me. If you catch me ten strokes, then you will get the recognition of the ancestors, you, understand?"

Before the end of the Eight Diagrams, the tone of the moment was suddenly a lot colder. The words were solemn and serious. There was no such thing as a joke. Lin Feng also stood up straight and was able to get the recognition of the ancestors. This is not the case. What have you always wanted?

One challenge after another is not an endorsement of the ancestors, but now there is no need to challenge one by one, just need to hold on to the eight-headed tricks in front of you and you will be able to get it.

Lin Feng himself is very clear. There is no such thing as a grace and a shortcut in the world. Since the other party has done this, it does not mean that the difficulty factor is reduced. That is to say, this Eight Diagrams may be different from those of the Holy Spirit.

It is conceivable that one relies on his own talents and means to break through to the sacred ancestors, while the other eight are congenital gods. This gap should be there.

From the very beginning, Lin Feng himself was able to detect that the Eight Diagrams and other people were different in temperament, and now they have realized it through the guidance.

"You rest for three days, and three days later, you get up and challenge me." The Eight Diagrams tone had some bluntness. After licking Lin Feng’s handsome face, she turned back to her light group and the lotus seat was formed.

Lin Feng put down the vertical tiger, then fanned a few times on the face of the vertical tiger, and screamed, the tiger would wake up.

"Big brother ~ ~ me, I am unconscious?" Longhu wakes up the first sentence is to ask, Lin Feng nodded, then went to Qinghuangtian, I know that there should be an explanation for Qinghuangtian, otherwise it would be green Phoenix will have doubts.

Qing Huangtian looked at the handsome and handsome Lin Feng slowly walked towards her, some strange faces, but it was a person, still her husband, Shura, just...

"You, you are not Shura?" Qing Huangtian's tone was slightly trembling, pointing to Lin Feng's trembling question.

Lin Feng went to the front of Qinghuang Tian, ​​looking at the girl of the Phoenix family in front of her eyes, some inexplicable pain in her heart, especially seeing the pale face of Qinghuangtian, the weak breath is caused by herself, and even more embarrassing.

"Green sister, if I say that Shura is just one of my identities, what do you think?" Lin Feng took a serious look at Qinghuangtian, and then asked the more cruel questions, but also had to face the problems.

Qinghuangtian was pale at the same time, and there were some confusions in her eyes. She knew Shura, but she did not know the strange man in front of her eyes. Even though Lin Feng was very handsome, she was still not used to it.

"I, I want to think about it." Green Phoenix squinted at his face, and then quickly ran away from Lin Feng, and soon disappeared.

Lin Feng looked at the lonely figure, but he was not worried about the safety of Qinghuangtian. After all, except for eleven people in the ancestors, there were no other people. It was like a small world, very safe.

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