Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1361: Distance breakthrough, only 1 line...

"It is really difficult to distinguish. If you smell the same, if it has this baby fragrance, it will inevitably damage its value, so it is not easy to distinguish." , the latest chapter visit: ШШШ..СоМ. Lin Feng was also very guilty. I thought that I could finally distinguish one kind of thing, that is, this scent, who knows that there are two other kinds.

Sun Qiu, the enemy of the enemy, is connected by the lonely grandson

"Father, do you want to bring all three back, let the old man distinguish?" Zhuang Lingyun thought of a way, this is no way, but Lin Feng vetoed, Lin Feng means that if all three No, it’s not white this time.

Suddenly, Lin Feng frowned and thought of a way that was not the way. When he raised his head, he asked Zhuang Lingyun, the whereabouts of Tiandeng Temple.

Zhuang Lingyun did not speak, but silently removed the Tianyan Hall from the space ring. A heavenly hall of the slap-sized hall was surrounded by white light, but the next moment was filled with black. The 'color' of the light, 'crossing' for the corresponding.

"Return the temple to the original state." Lin Feng drank a sentence, then waved his hands in the void to guide the posture, suddenly the three smells were mobilized, Lin Feng's palms swing around the void, these three smells are at different levels and dance with both hands.

At this time, Zhuang Lingyun has enlarged the Tian Yan Hall to a hundred-meter-high Tongtian Hall, full of style and a little mystery.

Enemy, distant ghosts, grandchildren, school, lonely moon

"Open the door!" Lin Feng screamed, and the two palms shook. Suddenly, all three temperatures rushed to the heavenly hall. Zhuang Lingyun opened the passage at the same time, letting these smells flow into the air. among them.

"Separate the levels, let the three fragrances, do not affect each other." Lin Feng also pleaded with a sentence, Zhuang Lingyun closed his eyes, a slight glimmer of light in the eyebrows, Tiandan Temple finally closed the passage, and the three fragrances were also divided into different halls.

"Ling Yun, take me in, I know how to distinguish." Lin Feng directed Zhuang Lingyun to open the side door of the Tian Yan Temple, and the two men walked in from inside.

This is the first time Lin Feng has entered the Tian Yan Hall. The layout inside is still very simple. The ancient architectural features show a hint of ancient atmosphere, but this does not hinder the distinction between the three fragrances.

"Lin Feng, you owe the old man a favor, need to return!"

Just as Lin Feng was about to enter the room where the three smells were stored, the air in the hall suddenly sounded full of madness, and Lin Feng, who was gathering in the 'fine', was shocked, but soon remembered, this day There are guardians in the theater.

"Older generations, you can rest assured that if you have a request, the kid can do it, you will definitely do it." Lin Feng respectfully looked at the void and shouted, this time I felt the surrounding shielding atmosphere disappeared, Lin Feng sighed and continued to walk into the room with Zhuang Lingyun.

"What I just said is the guardian of the Tiandan Hall. Father, he said that the human condition does not refer to this, but the last time, you put all the blood dragon cubs into the Tianyan Hall!" Zhuang Lingyun did not know. How to say to Lin Feng, but it must be said, not for yourself, but also for the heavenly theater.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng's face ‘color’ a glimpse, then some embarrassing, turned out to be this person...

Lin Feng did not forget to hide these blood dragon cubs, and used this day as a habitat for blood dragon cubs. As a result, all the blood dragon products were leaked in the heavenly theater, and the harmful Zhuang Lingyun suffered. Tired, clean up with the guardian for a month!

"Reassured, I will not forget." Lin Feng and Zhuang Lingyun made a promise, and they also made a commitment to pay attention to their guardians at this moment.

Soon, Lin Feng walked into the room, which is a large hall, divided into three parts, each part is filled with a fragrance.

"This time, it will not be a 'wave' fee, as long as the fragrance does not disappear, you can use it without limit." Lin Feng whispered, and her heart was satisfied.

Zhuang Lingyun also understood Lin Feng’s intentions. Standing in the room and smelling the three fragrances one by one, you can see which one feels different, then the rest can be let go.

Enemy is not enemies

"Lin Feng, throw out the smell on the top of your head and Zhuang Lingyun's head. Don't pollute the Tian Yan Hall. The fragrance you want is floating on the space in front of your eyes!"

At this moment, the guardian of the Tiandan Hall once again made a sound, but this time Lin Feng really paid attention to it, because the guardian directly told Lin Feng which flavor is a scent.

“Predecessors, do you know?” Lin Feng looked up and asked her face with a surprise, looking at the sky.

"Crap, the old man as an ancient instrumental spirit, can you not know a scent of such a scent? You have a dog, you can meet a scent of fragrance."

"A glimpse of fragrance, no 'color' is invisible, and the 'meat' eye can't be distinguished. Only when you feel it yourself can you feel the difference, but each kind of fragrance gives people different effects. There are a lot of scent in this world that is unreasonable to explain clearly, and its existence is also a mystery."

"And the scent of fragrance you have encountered today is a growing fragrance. If you don't have an accident, it's enough for you to grow a lot!"

Enemy is not cool, Sun Xue is not far from the sun.

The guardian screamed and explained that Lin Feng was more and more shocked. At the same time, he understood why a scattered old man kept hissterious, because he really didn’t know the role of this scent, he could only make himself Fine taste.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Lin Feng sincerely clenched his fist and bowed, even if he could not see the guardian, there was no less respect.

"Don't thank the old man, don't forget the blood dragon cub products!"

Hey, the absolute ambiguity makes Lin Feng not know what to do, or the singer of Zhuang Lingyun, let Lin Feng react.

When Lin Feng listened to the guardian, he scattered the two fragrances on his head, leaving only the last one, which is a scent of fragrance.

"Lin Feng first went to absorb, and the rest to Lingyun." The guardian issued a request to Lin Feng, not to be told, Lin Feng also nodded, otherwise his own meaning is also true.

Lin Feng stepped out, and finally stood at the end of the hall in front, then sat down on the 'legs', his body leaned forward slightly, closed his eyes, and the gods explored, and immediately surrounded by a golden 'color' of Buddha light, Lin Feng sat in the middle, and instantly felt like a **** Buddha.

The scent of the air that filled the air gradually fell to the front of Lin Feng’s nose. Lin Feng finally smelled this taste. A strange aroma smell, Lin Feng could not explain it in words. If the taste is closest to the fragrance, then Only the taste of the mountain top in the morning is similar.

Inhaling the aroma of the body, it seems like a glass of sake, Lin Feng really feels the cool feeling of the silk, as if frozen every inch of the meridians, every inch of skin, the creation of the spirit also released the vigilance, all-round acceptance The coolness of this fragrance.

The golden ‘color’ Buddha light above Lin Feng’s body was fainted and disappeared. All of them disappeared. Lin Feng is an ordinary person sitting on the ground, and the fragrance annihilates any energy.

Lin Feng was also in a deep state of meditation at this moment. The cold feeling in the body and the scent brought him his pleasure, so Lin Feng wanted to swear / '吟', but still resisted; the left hand was cool and cool. The petals of the snow 'flower' melted on the palm of your hand, and the left half was filled with energy instantly, and you wanted to clench your fists to store the energy.

But these energies have escaped from the right hand side and the palm of the right hand a little bit. No matter how the control is effective, this coolness penetrates from the body, but Lin Feng feels a real change. This change comes from The change brought by the fragrance.

In front of the thatched cottage of 100,000 miles, a scattered person still sat alone at the table to drink tea. The tea was still hot. One day passed, Lin Feng did not return, but he always felt that Lin Feng was almost the same.

Fire spirit and ice spirit are a little anxious, they all want to fly to 100,000 miles away, what if Lin Feng is in crisis? There is something anxious on the face of the ice spirit, and the heart of the fire spirit is not a taste.


"You two ‘female’ children are just right, what are you, you know better than anyone else, the two founding Yuanling, do you still need the old man to say it?”

Suddenly, the words of the spirits and the thunders of the fire spirits blew in their hearts, causing the two 'female' faces to change dramatically.

The old man has a bright smile and faintly said: "The two founding Yuanling, who is the eternal kingdom, have even the same feelings and desires. This is really the most terrible thing in a million years. You know very well, once you start Yuan Ling has love, and with care, then the world they maintain may lose order. You should be very clear!"

The old man continued to say, it seems that no one is in front of him, he is talking to himself, but the reason is clearly placed in front of the ice spirit and the fire spirit, the fire spirit is better, there is no feeling for Lin Feng, the ice spirit Very troublesome!

"So you'd better be self-disciplined. Lin Feng can't be ruined by your two ‘women'. Once you give him the true feelings, he may be destroyed by the rules!”


Both 'female's heard the most serious two words, scared to be clever, especially the ice spirit, behind the cold sweat, she finally realized that it is a mistake to like Lin Feng, not only will they be ruined, Lin Feng will be given the rules Destroyed.

The lucid spirit of the ice spirit, the face of the 'color' cold swearing: "Older generation, do not need you to remind, we naturally understand."

"Haha, understand, just understand." The old man laughed aloud, and the beard no longer spoke, and his thoughts drifted to the distance again. What happened to his apprentice?

Enemy is far from ghosts and grandchildren


An old blood spurted out from Lin Feng's Lin Feng instantly woke up from the deep meditation, the face 'color' was very ugly, and the face of Zhuang Lingyun's face was 'colorful'. Stumbled and ran to Lin Feng, anxiously watching Lin Feng: "Father, are you okay, father?"

The enemy’s land is not a cool master

"Nothing, don't worry, it's a scent of scent that pushes out the toxins in my body, don't worry." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled. Zhuang Lingyun was so cared about himself. He was very pleased. As for this old blood, it was indeed poisonous, and the toxins left behind by others for so long.

"Father, what is the result?" Zhuang Lingyun saw that Lin Feng was fine, and he was relieved, but he was curious as to how much Lin Feng was brought by this fragrance.

"Distance breakthrough, only one line!" Lin Feng ‘touch’ the ‘touch’ Zhuang Lingyun’s small head, very happy and excited smile.

Only one step away from the holy ancestors!

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