Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1367: The apprentice changed to a younger brother!

"You don't want to be vocal, stand by, I will go to the ancestors!"

"As for other things, come back and say."

Lin Feng returned, everyone's face was very excited, very excited to want to feast to celebrate, but Lin Feng let everyone stand by, then a person rushed to the direction of the ancestral home to fly, from beginning to end There is no chance to say a word to others.

Zhuang Lingyun did not follow, but stayed in the center of the barren domain. Song Qiuji went to Lingyun and asked a little heavy tone: "What happened to your father?"

"Can't say, the righteous father told me not to say, you wait for him to come back and ask him." Zhuang Lingyun originally wanted to publicize Lin Feng’s acceptance of the two ancient hegemons, but Lin Feng refused to let him say that he could only obey, and would not say to them with Song Qiujiu.

Zhuang Lingyun went alone to the hall belonging to him, and then once again placed the Tianyin Temple in front of the main hall, and the empty space of Nuo Da became crowded, and the two halls complement each other.

Song Qiujiu’s eyes are opposite, the face is full of surprises and incomprehensible colors, but Song Qiujiu, as the butler of the octagonal domain, must coordinate at this time.

"You, first go back to the hall, the lord will come back soon." Song Qiuji held his fists and looked at the strong people around him, including the cold and the war, the power giant, Chu Chunqiu and so on.

It is said that everyone can only go back to the main hall and wait for Lin Feng to return from the ancestors, but the atmosphere is a lot dull. There is a mysterious new force outside the octagonal domain, and Lin Feng is so mysterious after returning. The more anxious.

Lin Feng hurriedly flew into the mountains where the ancestors lived in high altitude, and soon appeared at the foot of the mountain. Tazu and a scattered person all followed, looking at the scenery of this rolling mountain and clear water Qiongtian. A scattered person and Tazu can not help but nod.

"The old man, this apprentice, will know how to enjoy." A scattered person is joking with a beard and smiling. He has always expected such a life, but he has never had a chance.

"Two wait a minute, I went up to call the ancestors." Lin Feng respectfully informed the two people, then stepped out and flew directly into the top of the mountain. After standing on the top of the mountain, Lin Feng saw Lin Zu being outside, his face was a little pale, but he still insisted on biting his teeth.

"Zuer, what's wrong with you?" Lin Feng's face is full of surprises and incomprehensible colors. Is this the ancestor who is punishing Lin Zu? Lin Feng stood beside Lin Zu, and Lin Feng looked up slightly after seeing his father. Some of them bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

The enemy of the enemy is not far from the enemy.

"This kid didn't complete the task, I punish him for a day!"


The door of the wooden house in the distance was pushed open, and the ancestors inside came out, and squinted at Lin Feng’s faint shouting, the harsh color of his face.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng can only nod, although he is distressed that his child is guilty here, but Lin Feng can also see that Lin Zu’s punishment for the ancestors is not convinced, that is to say, Lin Zu recognized this predecessor to teach him and even punish him. There are no objections.

"Predecessors, I will show you two people." Lin Feng looked at the ancestors in front of him and whispered, letting the face of the ancestors change slightly, and smiled slightly: "What do you want me to see?"

The ancestors couldn't think of what Lin Feng would let him see. He was almost aware of the people in the octagonal domain. People outside the octagonal field, Lin Feng did not need to introduce him to him.

Lin Feng saw the doubts and curiosity of his ancestors. He did not directly call out the name of a scattered person. Instead, he retelled the two domineering verbal words: "The splendid ancestors are not as good as the war world!"

When Lin Feng said these two sentences, he carefully looked at the expression of the ancestors. He saw that the ancestors were shocked and excited, and finally the ecstasy. The extremely excited ancestors directly clasped Lin Feng’s arm. The tone of the quiver asked: "You, you, have you seen my teacher?"

"Oh, earth baby, how? Lin Feng saw the master, let you be surprised?"

The voice of the ancestors did not fall, and they flew up and down the mountain. Two scattered figures were in front of them. After Tazu was behind them, the two overlords walked slowly to the front of the wooden house. Lin Zu was squatting on the side, after seeing the two strong men. I was completely shocked. Looking at Lin Feng, I seem to ask my father where to find so many strong people.

The ancestors were shocked and stunned. When they saw a scattered person, he was already excited and couldn’t speak. The old face could only be more and more wrinkles. In the end, the ancestors squatted in front of everyone. At the foot of the scattered people, the voice shouted sincerely: "The teacher respects, the child is not filial, and can't save your old man!"

The scene is very shocking. Fortunately, there are only a few people here. If you see the ancestors of the ancestors squatting to others, you will definitely shock everyone.

Lin Feng looked at the ancestors and a scattered person and finally reunited. The mentor and the disciples recognized this as a good thing.

"Tazu predecessors, let's go." Lin Feng knew that Tazu had a sound. Tazu turned around and prepared to go down the mountain, leaving the space to the ancestors and a scattered person, but he also saw Lin Zu lying on the ground, only to feel a little different.

"This baby talent is really good, hehe." Tazu stopped at Lin Zu’s side and felt a beard with emotion.

"This is my son, Lin Zu." Lin Feng sees Tazu also praised Lin Zu, and his heart warmed up. Then he looked at Lin Zu and said: "Zu Er, I have seen Tazu."

"Lin Zu met with Tazu." Lin Zu can feel that the old man in this golden robe seems to be stronger than the ancestors, and he is stronger, so he also visited the Tazu from the heart.

"Haha, yes, you have a good son." Tazu took a shot of Lin Feng's shoulder, and then the whole person has disappeared on the top of the mountain. Lin Feng turned back and picked up Lin Zu and left the mountain. There will be many words to be said about the reunion of the mentor and the apprentice, so Lin Feng also put Lin The ancestors took away.

For an entire hour, Lin Feng and Tazu waited for an hour. After an hour, Dizu and a scattered person appeared at the foot of the mountain, Lin Feng was in front of him.

"Lin Feng, are you going to arrange the Master and the Tazu predecessor?" The ancestors looked at Lin Feng with a complex face. This is the return of the two ancient hegemons. If they are known by other people in the war, they will definitely It caused a big wave of Xuanyuan, and it was very difficult. It is very likely that all the modern hegemons will kill the ancient hegemon.

After all, the return of the ancient hegemony will naturally pose a potential threat to the contemporary hegemony, so the ancestors worried that this situation would appear on a scattered person and Tazu, and it would make the octagonal domain into an unprecedented crisis.

If the octagonal domain accepts these two ancient hegemons, it can indeed become a second-rate power, even surpassing the magic domain and the human race, and surpassing the Western Buddha world, and surpassing the power of the northern Kundao.

However, it is also possible for the four ancestors to unite to suppress the octagonal domain. Once that happens, the entire octagonal domain will be in crisis. The ancestors did not want Lin Feng to go to this step, and even less hope that the teacher will return to be contemporary. The overlord killed.

Before this question, Lin Feng did not expect that Lin Feng’s face suddenly changed after being raised by the ancestors. Fortunately, there was no such thing as letting Zhuang Lingyun say it, otherwise the octagonal domain would really be in crisis.

The two hegemons are indeed very powerful, but if compared with the contemporary hegemons above the war, it is still a drop in the bucket, there is no chance of confrontation, so there is only one way in front of Lin Feng, can not let the two ancient hegemons in the octagonal domain.

"I mean very clearly, stay! This thing will be exposed sooner or later. The owner of the temple has discovered the traces of the two predecessors. I think he will definitely leak this news."

Enemy territory, the enemy, the cold war, the early ball

"There is no way, the soldiers will block the water to cover the soil. If there is a crisis, I will not be able to liberate the relationship with the octagonal domain. All the hegemons will deal with me alone."

Lin Feng did not think that after the issue of the enemy’s enemy’s enemies and the cold-earning morning ball, Lin Feng’s face suddenly changed after he was raised by the ancestors. Fortunately, there was no such thing as letting Zhuang Lingyun say it, otherwise the octagonal domain It will really be in crisis.

"As for the two predecessors, it is not a big deal to return to the restricted area of ​​the deep sea magic forest." Lin Feng smiled faintly, but did not retreat because of the complex situation imagined by the ancestors, but he was afraid; since he has dared to bring back the two ancient hegemons, why not the crisis behind?

Looking at Lin Feng’s firm expression, there is no fear or tension. The ancestors smiled. A scattered person laughed too. He couldn’t help but smiled and said: “Sure enough, the baby is a child. Later, Lin Feng is the close disciple of the old man. You will later Just call him a younger brother."

A scattered person said with a smile, but let Dizu and Lin Feng stupid at the same time, Lin Feng's face is strange, but the ancestors are blindly bitter, from the apprentice to the younger brother, this feeling is simply unacceptable, He can't refuse to decide on his willfulness.

"Teacher, we have a common master in the future." The ancestors of the ancestors looked at Lin Feng with bitterness. Lin Feng kept waving and refusing, but it was serious that a scattered person was serious. Lin Feng had no way.

The apprentices recognized each other, and at the same time, the apprentice also changed to a younger brother!

"Lin Feng, just now your brother's speculation is just to scare you, and not to mention the particularity of the war world, it is said that the ancient hegemony and the contemporary hegemony have always been inherited relations, most of them are related to each other, just like the ancestors Like the old man."

"So there is almost no contemporary hegemon to unite to annihilate our ancient hegemons, but there are indeed some dangers. Since you are not afraid of it, it doesn't matter."

"The old man and Tazu can stay in the octagonal field, but if it does not involve the hegemonic level, we will not show up, and will not go out to help you, when the octagonal domain has reached the crisis of life and death, we will both come out ,how is it?"

A scattered person looked at Tazu, and asked the latter's opinion. Tazu nodded faintly. His meaning was similar to that of a scattered person. He did not have much access. He also agreed with a scattered idea and could join the octagonal domain. But it will not destroy the order and balance of the war world today.

If the high-profile announcement of the two ancient hegemons to join the octagonal domain ~ ~ will certainly cause panic throughout the war, and even today's pattern will be destroyed.

The five ancestors who were excluded from Hongmeng were the four hegemons, and then followed the fifty overlords on the battlefield list. These strong players will also be affected.

Therefore, even if they join, they will never reveal the news. Let the octagonal domain become famous and do its own thing, or rely on Lin Feng’s own strength to bring the octagonal domain to an adaptive position.

If Lin Feng breaks through the ancestors of the land, he may be able to uncover this mask.

The knot is not cool, and the secret is secret.

"I agree with the ideas of the two seniors, and I personally agree." Lin Feng focuses on the head. On the contrary, he is afraid that Tazu or a scattered person will intervene in the octagonal domain. It will be difficult. Since they do not intervene, Lin Feng himself is relieved.

Anyway, this time it was earned by the octagonal domain. In the dark, there are two more ancient hegemons, plus the two founding spirits of Ice Spirit and Fire Spirit. Who can think that there are already five in the octagonal domain at the moment. A dominant powerhouse!

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