Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1391: Catch Lin Feng!

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"Haha, it’s refreshing, and the North Zu is so straightforward, then I will just say it." Longzu sees that Kundao has already pierced this layer of window paper, so they still need to hide what, can only say the purpose of this.

A non-vengeful ghost hate is the most troubled by the cold

"The purpose is very simple. Let's discuss with the top five in the northern war zone and promote a friendly friendship." Dongfang Yuqing smiled faintly, but his tone was not only to promote friendship so simple, what the real purpose was, and it was clear to each other.

"In this case, then the top five will play against the top five." There is a calm smile on the face of Kun Dao. Since it is a battle between the two sides, it will be against the war. He will not be afraid of being a host. Not to mention the top five in the northern war zone and the northeast.

"If this is the case, then you need to make some rules. Otherwise, there is no rule, how can you tell the winner?" Long Zu raised questions and looked directly at Kun Dao's eyes.

Kundao shifted his eyes and looked at it slightly. He slowly nodded and smiled: "Since all of you are guests, you should make this rule, I believe that you will be fair."

After the hatred of hatred, the enemy is learned by the ball

After the hatred of the enemy, the enemy’s enemies learned from the air by the sails, and suddenly, the face of the oriental 彧卿 became very dignified, facing the sword ancestor? This is a predecessor-level character, and his chances of winning are simply pitiful.

"This is of course, the rules we set will naturally be fair." Tianyu Road has a rare voice, and his face is very solemn. Then five people are tightly bound together to formulate a relatively fair rule.

Kun Dao is a shallow smile and stands in the same place. He likes the feeling of being respected and looking up. Only when he is high-spirited, he has won the favor of many northern disciples. The Nihuang has turned around and does not want to see it. To the disgusting side of Kun Dao, especially knowing that Kun Dao’s heart and soul is going to kill his own master, this kind of big rebellious thing is even more devastating to this North Zu.

The female ancestor is standing with the white female, this pair of mother and daughter flowers, under the gown, can not cover the sacred noble, a supreme elegance and handsome, from the aura of nature, making many people still The color is staring at the two women.

Lin Feng and Luo Chaosheng stood together, and they never talked. They didn’t know what to say. After a long time, they could only sigh and re-sit back to the chair. What kind of situation would be followed by Lin Feng himself? Going to control, as a big brother, his responsibility has been fulfilled.

"If I am unfortunately killed, go back and go to the mountains to find the land ancestors. Later, he will preside over the octagonal domain by his old man, remember!" Lin Feng quietly blinked his eyes and blood, and gave them two people. The voice shouted.

It was said that the faces of the two men suddenly changed dramatically, and they opened their mouths to say something, but they were directly stopped by Lin Feng with their eyes. Lin Feng turned around and went to see the two again, as if they had never said anything before; But the blood and the war have begun to startle, and I hope that Lin Feng will not be in trouble.

The octagonal domain alliance is mainly based on Lin Feng. Once Lin Feng has an accident, it will inevitably become a dying. The ancestors can shock everyone with absolute dominance, but at that time the heart of the octagonal domain will change. There will be many things going on at the time.

I hope that the octagonal field that unites will not change, and the blood and the war are silently thinking. The two are confused and forget that the southern hegemons are still making rules.

I don’t know how long it took, the five overlords in the southern warfare were separated. The dragon ancestor looked at Kundao and explained the good rules and Kundao in detail: "Our rule is that the two sides are overlord. In the battle, you should choose a different location and should not be above Tu Yingshan."

"You can choose five different places, but it is not too far from Tuyingshan. It is also a range of thousands of miles. After choosing one place, a matchup is made. The winner returns to Tuyingshan, and the loser leaves Tuyingshan directly. , how about returning to where you should go?"

"In order to ensure fairness, we will choose the two sides of the battle by lottery. How about you? In addition, among you, there is Lin Feng Xiaoyou, the sacred ancestor, so no matter who draws him, we will automatically use it and be fair to him. How about this?"

Long Zu smiled and said, this fair condition must also be expected by Lin Feng. Since the war is not going to take advantage of it, how can they bully a sacred ancestor?

In this way, it is absolutely fair, and no one should disagree. Longzu silently thought about it.

However, some people have raised doubts, and the person who raised the question is Lin Feng.

"The ancestors of the Dragon ancestors, and the predecessors of the hegemons, why should they be placed in different places, can't they fight on the Tuying Mountain?" Lin Feng asked the dragon ancestors with a wide face, hoping that the other party could give a standard answer.

The question Lin Feng wants to ask is precisely what many people want to ask. The battle against the overlord on Tu Yingshan, why choose other different places, is there any plot and tricky? After listening to Lin Feng’s doubts, Nihuang also frowned. He always felt that the overlords of the southern warfare had some misconduct, but they did not know what to plot.

"Oh, Xiaoyou asked well, I am afraid that you will not ask this." After Long Zu listened to Lin Feng’s question, it was a smile that was even more ridiculous. It seemed that some people would ask such questions.

"I guess it is good, should it be afraid of innocence?" Kun Dao did not wait for the ancestors to answer, it was a first drink.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng's face changed slightly, and Niu Huang suddenly realized that this is the reason?

Long Zu also gave a thumbs up and stared at Kun in a smile: "Yes, your northern hegemon will naturally not hurt you northerners, but if it is the battle between us and you, it will inevitably affect the innocent, you also It is clear that the strength of our overlord is terrible. If it is affected, it is not as simple as three people."

"So choose different places, and no one is allowed to watch, this is to ensure the safety of all people, isn't it?" Longzu's reasons have many reasons, but Lin Feng can only shut up, but my heart is still somewhat different, always feel They have other plots.

"Well, if that is the case, then as a host, I will give you five places." Kundao doesn't think much about it. He prepares five battlefields for the top five of the two sides to avoid innocent casualties.

After the end of the enemy hate the enemy hate the moon feather feather pick

"The first place is three hundred miles away, Yanque Ridge, the second is the northern forests five hundred miles away, the third is Moganshan thousands of miles away, and the fourth is seven hundred miles away. In Tenghu, the fifth place is Longyan, a hundred miles away."

Kun Dao read these five areas, all of which are uninhabited. In addition, everyone is forbidden to watch and ensure that they are innocent.

"Okay, then draw lots to decide the opponent." Longzu nodded and smiled. After the left hand waved, five golden dragons appeared on the sky, swinging left and right, seemingly waiting for the sacred mission.

"Five, you pick a gold dragon to crush them, and we have five corresponding names." Longzu smiled and looked at the five people of Nihuang, waiting for the golden dragons and shadows they chose.

"Haha, I will come first." The leader can't wait to fight for a new fight. Of course, he prays not to meet Longzu. He is not afraid of him except Longzu.

boom! A hammer smashed in the past, Jinlong light and shadow instantly broke into countless segments, and the fall became a golden meteor. Of course, everyone does not pay attention to this. Everyone is concerned about who the opponent of the leader will be.


The vast light and shadow appeared above the sky, but it was only fleeting.

With a slight glimpse of his head, his eyes began to get complicated. Did he start to fight against the devil of the demon ancestors? But thinking about it is also something that is expected.

"Haha, okay, konjac, how do you go to Moganshan?" Kui first laughed and asked about the konjac.

"Of course, go." The konjac will not refuse, and the step of laughing will go straight to Moganshan, and the first laughter will disappear on the Tuying Mountain.

Many people saw that they wanted to join in the fun. Kun Dao saw these shameless disciples and screamed: "Take me back, who dares to go?"


Everyone was stunned, and after repeated thoughts, they stopped and did not dare to anger the North Zu, and they were really worried that they would be affected.

Sun is not in the enemy, Sun Xue, picking up the lonely yang

"I choose this." The sword ancestor sings with one finger, and the golden dragon bursts open. Under the light and shadow, the clear name appears above the sky, and the oriental 彧 !!


In an instant, suddenly, the face of the oriental 彧卿 has become very dignified facing the sword ancestor? This is a predecessor-level character, and his chances of winning are simply pitiful.

"Tenghu!" The sword-stricken **** sang a cold drink, and the whole person has disappeared with the long sword on the Tuying Mountain. Dongfang Yuqing also left here silently, but he will not forget the agreement between the five people!

Catching Lin Feng is the real purpose!

"Let me do it".

"I come". Nihuang and the female ancestors stood up at the same time, and they used their own methods to crush Jinlong and exposed their opponents.

The female ancestors battled Su Gu, the patriarch of the Sioux! The location was chosen in the Northern Forest!

Nihuang is against Tianyu Road! The location was chosen in Yanque Ridge.

In this way, the last golden dragon is automatically broken, and Longzu is against Lin Feng!

Post-inferior local enemy station

At this moment, a million people were stunned, and they couldn’t say a word. They looked at Lin Feng with pity, and Lin Feng finally picked Longzu? The ancestor of the Southeastern Dragon? How is this fighting?

Lin Feng also smiled bitterly. If it is really Longzu, then it is useless to summon the ice spirit. Maybe even the ice spirit will get in. Fighting yourself, the outcome is still unpredictable.

At the same time, I also want to try to determine how much the gap with Longzu is under fairness. If I can remain undefeated in the hands of Longzu, then I will have more confidence in myself.

"Oh, Lin Feng Xiaoyou, you and I will go to Longyan!"

"Yes, seniors." Lin Feng clenched her fists and sighed. She turned her head back and squinted at the war of fear and blood, and told them to be safe.

[Brothers, the first time in the morning every morning, there is no accident, and it will be nine o'clock in the morning, not eight o'clock, I hope the brothers will tell you! 】

After the love of the land, I hate the moon and the morning is cold.

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