Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1411: Powerful hegemony!

"It’s good to call me Lingjiao."

Sun Qiuyuan does not look after the ghosts

In the apse, only Ninglingjiao and Lin Feng, Taizu has already gone to rest. The reason why Linglingjiao left Lin Feng is to explain to him that he is a brother. He does not want to have a knot in Lin Feng’s heart. This hinders the relationship between the two.

"Good, Lingjiao sister." Lin Feng nodded, and did not care too much, whether from the strength of the spirit of Linglingjiao or the age, there is indeed this qualification to be his own long sister.

After the Qiu Keke cool ball picks up the cold early

"Lin Feng, I explained, you understand?" Ning Ling Jiao grinned, the smile is very sweet and sweet, Lin Feng is easy to accept, and Lin Feng did understand the reasons for all this, but also nodded she was.

"Well, it is estimated that your team is still waiting for you. You are going back to the government. This time, it is estimated that you and the Emperor Qianqing are secretly competing. The criminal law army and the combat army, but two incompatible forces, you can If you can't recruit more people, it's up to you." Nian Lingjiao smiled, but the words still expressed concern about Lin Feng.

Sun Kedi is not a cool ship

Sun Kedi is not a cool ship, and it is obvious that the princes of the dynasty have seen the princes of the dynasty. The ten people do not know how to be good. In the end, they can only go to Lin Feng’s sedan chair by a man, and ask carefully: "Adult, this It’s the prince of Dun, the nephew of Taizu, can’t afford it.”

After all, Lin Feng came to the Zhenwu Dynasty for ten days, and it only took two days to be an official. However, Dongfang Yuqing has been doing prime minister for countless years. This kind of connection and influence is not comparable to Lin Feng, but after all, he recognized Lin Feng today. For the brothers, that is equivalent to the prince, and believe that the smart Zhenwu dynasty will still be scrupulous.

After Lin Feng and Nian Lingjiao said the words, Lin Feng turned and left the apse. After going straight to the main hall, he walked out of the temple door and saw the anxiously waiting for the land at the outside gate. After the land warfare saw Lin Feng, he quickly walked up. The anxious face returned to normal.

"Adult, are you okay?" The land war has now pinned all his hopes to Lin Feng. Once Lin Feng is down, he can imagine how miserable he will be, so he will do his best to help Lin Feng.

"Nothing, the princess and I said a few words, let's go back, you also tell all the criminal-sized officials to come to our house."

Lin Feng told him to go inside the carriage. The honor guard of Haohao Tangtang drove straight out of the palace gate and went straight to the core area of ​​the Zhenwu Dynasty. He nodded in the land war. He rode the horse and left the palace directly, but ran the opposite. Going in the direction, he wants to inform all criminal law officials.

Lin Feng’s carriage is not too fast, so Lin Feng can look at the scenery outside the window. After quietly, I appreciate the luxury and extravagance of the Zhenwu Dynasty. It is a kind of enjoyment. Above the whole battlefield, I am afraid that it can be more luxurious than the Zhenwu Dynasty. The building complex is estimated to be gone.

An empire-based dynasty necessarily sees secular power as very important, so the same will also value secular gold and silver installations, which are not excessively pursued by other forces, such as the northwestern mainland, similar to such a luxurious palace. Even in the neon enchantment, there is not much!

The team traveled outside the core area of ​​the Zhenwu Dynasty, and then returned to the mansion in a moment, but there was a scene of disharmony in front of him, which made Lin Feng angry.

I saw a tattered father and daughter being stopped by an honor guard, and one of the guards squatting on the woman's cuffs, ready to break the girl into the team, and the tattered old man desperately defended The girl, but after all, is weak.

The strength of the old man is not weak, the five realms of the Emperor, but the members of these honor guards are the strongest of the gods, so that there is no strength to confront them, and the old man is immediately pressed. On the ground.

"Old things, our princes have valued your niece, it is your blessing. Maybe you are the prince's sorrowful tomorrow, hey, don't give your face a shame." The man snorted and smiled sarcasm, then ran straight into the team and walked straight into the team.

"Let me go, let go!" The girl's face was pale to the extreme, struggling with desperation, but she could get rid of the man's **** when she was weak.

I have to say that this woman wearing a rudimentary dress looks good, at least it is also a beautiful Bixiu woman. The woman’s beautiful pair of imitations resembles a pool of water, with a light blue luster. At the same time, the woman’s body is also full, one meter tall. Make the woman look too good, if she put on a luxurious dress, it is the prostitute of the rich and wealthy family.

Unfortunately, she does not have a good background and can only be bullied by power.

The enemy is not far from the Koku

"Oh, oh, God, open your eyes, look at them, these Wang Sungui are simply infertile, ah, God, our civilians are bitter!" The old man squatted on the floor, snotting a tear The loud voice is arrogant, he can't stand these dog-stricken beasts, humiliating civilians, and not letting civilians rebel.

The enemy is not far from the cold, the ship is attacked by the cold feelings. "Let me open, let go!" The girl's face was pale to the extreme, struggling with desperation, but she was able to break free from the man's bondage.

This era, such a prosperous world, has slowly decayed!

"Mom, old things, see Laozi not killing you!"

With a roar, the man clenched his fists, and the horror of the gods and ancestors ran through the streets and went straight to the old man. He wanted to kill the old guys, and only then could he stop.

"Don't, oh!" The woman cried like a tearful person, trying to break free, but she could only kneel on the ground and watch her father be about to be killed. I couldn't help but hate this secular and hate this era of rights.

"Parking!" Lin Feng sighed and frowned. It was really impossible to see it. It was a wave of his left hand, and he ordered the man to stop the sedan. Then there was a man who opened the curtain and asked with a serious face: "Adult, Do you have something?"

"Go, save the old man!" Lin Feng looked far away, pointing to the old man, this man's face changed slightly, but did not dare to defy the order, suddenly disappeared in front of the carriage, turned ghostly In front of the old man, the man who wanted to kill the old man was taken out by a slap.

A loud bang, the guardian of the martial art team directly flew a carriage, and a blood was directly sprayed out.

"Mom, do you dare to beat me? Brothers, go!" The man's face was pale, and he could see through the shackles and sinister poisons. After he got up from the ground, he called all the members of the honor guard team.

"Hey, the French King is here, who dares to move!"

The next person snorted and lifted his left hand, and he took out a golden token with the unicorn beast engraved on it.

Suddenly, the man who was shot and flew out of his face, and the members of the honor guard behind him also stumbled, and they did not dare to move. Although they were the men of the Prince, they also knew that the Zhenwu Dynasty had a very cow. Si Gongqing, Fawang.

The old man stunned, and subconsciously looked at the luxurious team behind his eyes. In the sedan chair, is that the king?

When the girl glared at this time, she ran to the old man and raised the old man. The father and the daughter huddled together, and the body trembled and his face was pale. When he saw this scene, Lin Feng’s heart would be broken. This is under power. Ordinary people who dare not speak out can only be oppressed, but they can only bear it.

Lin Feng suddenly realized that he should do something about the ruler who is in charge of criminal law. Perhaps he should not only think about revenge. He feel the cruelty in this world of power, and why is it not a cultivation? The cultivation of the heart?

At this moment, the two guards of the martyrdom began to pick up, Lin Feng's men, or the ten priests left by the princess to his descendants, at this moment will block the death of the Prince's team.

The knot is far away, the ghosts and grandchildren are greedy

The knot is far away, the ghosts and grandchildren are eager to learn the cold. "What do you say?" The man’s face is sinister, his eyes are cold and extreme. He clenches his teeth. Although he is not as strong as the other, he is behind the prince, this Fawang actually caught himself?

In this way, the Prince has to come out. After the sedan chair has landed, the curtain has been opened. A luxurious man wearing a dog-like model has come out with a fan. The length is good, the handsome man, as for him. The strength is not too high, but it is the sacred ancestor.

"This, Prince of Dun?"

The enemy is not far from the enemy, the stranger is too skillful.

As the descendants of the long princess, there are many people who know each other. When they saw that the Prince was coming out, everyone had subconsciously stepped back a few steps and his face was pale.

"Hey, isn't this a fascinating follower? Why? Lingjiao is inside?" After the prince held the fan and glanced at the ten descendants, he couldn't help but smile.

Seeing the Prince of Dun, the ten people don’t know what to do. In the end, they can only go to Lin Feng’s sedan chair by a descendant. They ask carefully: “Adult, this is the prince of the king, the nephew of the ancestors, provoke Start up."

Lin Feng listened to this, slightly raised his brow, the ancestors of Taizu? The Eastern Emperor Qiang is the nephew of Taizu, and now he has another nephew of Taizu? How many emperors and grandsons did this Zhenwu Dynasty have?

A branch of the team is not alone, the ball is solitary

"How can you not get it?" Lin Feng sneered, asking the next person, the next person standing outside, then he stopped, he did not know how to answer.

"Go, grab the man who is playing the old man, and then let us go!" Lin Feng's tone of coldness commanded the next person, the tone was firm and unquestionable.

No, no, no, no, no, no,

Hearing the words, this man’s face was awkward, and then hesitated. He didn’t know what to do. The long princess told me that they had recognized Lin Feng as the main son for a while, and all orders could not be disobeyed, but the Prince was not good either. The presence of heat.

"How? My words are not good?" Lin Feng saw that the next person did not dare to go, could not help but ask.

The next person’s face was a bit embarrassing, but he could only turn around and walked quickly to the father and the daughter, pointing to the man who had just robbed the girl and said, “You, go with us!”

"What do you say?" The man's face was sullen and sullen, his eyes were cold to the extreme. He clenched his teeth. Although he was not as strong as the other side, he was behind the prince, and this prince actually caught himself?

Prince Dun also frowned. I thought that after signing the name, Lin Feng would leave with interest, but did not expect Lin Feng to become more and more serious to catch his own hand?

"You go father and the daughter, I want it!" Dun Prince squinted at the girl who looked good, and his heart was really itchy. He must not let go of this place, otherwise he would regret it. So he snorted and resolutely refuted the ten descendants of the princess.

Lin Feng can hear the words of this Prince in the far distance. There is no way to deal with it personally. It is impossible for these people to ask them to fight against the Prince. After all, there is a big power gap.

Lin Feng opened the curtain and walked out of the sedan chair. At this moment, the father and the daughter looked silly. They had forgotten the fear. They saw different officials. They couldn’t help but have hope. They thought that the other was a Prince, too. The ancestors' nephews, this hope is gone.

It is simply too difficult for the officials to guard against the power and to crush the dead. It is too difficult to expect this king to support them.

Lin Feng ignored the complicated and lost eyes of the father and the daughter, and stood directly in front of the Prince of Dun. The two men were opposite each other and the atmosphere was very cold.

[Today's three chapters, at the same time, I would like to thank the frog dream brothers and the QQ series of digital brothers for their rewards. Thank you, thank you for your support of all the brothers, thank you! 】

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