Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1425: Lin Feng advances!


"The calm before the storm, it is terrible!" The cold smoke whispered on the side, but his eyes were full of worry. He was not confident about his namelessness. He was very confident about this disciple, but Lin Feng’s strength far exceeded expectations. To win this battle, you have to pay a higher price.

The sound of cold smoke just fell, I saw that the atmosphere over the platform suddenly became very heavy, and there was a chill, as if both World of Warcraft and Real Dragon were waiting for it. Under this momentum, many sacred gods under the ancestors The strong ones all retreat and avoid being implicated.

"Lin Feng, let's end." The nameless sighed, his eyes staring at Lin Feng, and then slowly slid out with one hand, giving a kind of claw of death sticking out of hell. This **** haze can't stand it. Lin Feng can't help but brave the cold wind on his back.

Extending a claw, revealing countless blood color magic, hell's indifference and murder is vividly reflected in the nameless, Lin Feng is very clear, this moment can not rely on luck to win, want to win, can only use their own cards.

"It is time to end, but it is you, not me!" Lin Feng opened his eyes, and suddenly a golden light appeared in his eyes, but it did not belong to Buddha light, more like a more sacred energy, this energy makes People are upset.

"Shendao, two days of ice and fire!"

The sound of the thunder is like a visitor from a foreign country. The sudden appearance of it on the blue sky is originally a warm sun, but with the palms of Lin Feng, the energy of the two sides is very concentrated. If the West is a cold world. It is suffocating, then the East is the arrival of the sea of ​​fire, making people fear.

One east and one west, one hot and one cold, under the two momentums, the world is all right, everything is on the ground, except for a few overlords, the rest of the sacred gods have changed dramatically.

At this moment, there is no need for fancy tricks. The two sides of the cloud are the result of the ice and the sky. At this moment, there is no need for any applause and exclamation. The **** claws go straight into the sky and it is proof.

At this moment, there was no argument, no exclamation, only everyone waited for the breath, and the subconscious clenched the fist waiting. Everyone was like this. Taizu also had sweat in his palm, and he hoped that he would camp in an unprecedented way. Can win.

"Lin Feng, you are really powerful, but between the sacred goods and the local products, you can't pass the gap, so everything is over!" The nameless cold screams, this moment he is like a **** squad, After a claw, the **** world was infiltrated, and everyone was caught in this fear and could not extricate themselves.

"Look at the results!" Lin Feng grinned, and he was reluctant to talk too much nonsense. The two sides of the ice and the fire quickly gathered together and went straight to the **** giant claws. The hell's claws were even worse, but before the ice fire, I can only hope to sigh.

Taizu, Qingyusheng, cold smoke, and even the tower owner of Tacheng, Tamu Xuan, all stood up autonomously, and their faces were different.

Calm, unprecedented calm, the unexpected collision above the high altitude does not seem to happen, but the two days of ice and fire are wrapped in the **** giant claws, this scene is seen by everyone, but there is no energy generated by the collision.

for a long time!

"Hey, I lost!"

A sigh, with extreme unwillingness, but extremely helpless, it is nameless, at this moment the nameless dejected, has to withdraw the arm, because as long as he continues to insist, then the next moment of ice and fire energy can swallow his arm After exhausting, Lin Feng stopped at the crucial moment. He appreciated the namelessness, so he did not want to hurt him.

After this was discovered by the nameless, my heart was even more uncomfortable. He was originally in a good fight, but in the end he did not send this heartache. Everything can only be said to be destined, but I have to say that Lin Feng is a enchanting one and wins!

There was no wounded battle, but the namelessness was traumatized by the soul. This scene will remain in his mind forever. Lin Feng’s stoppage at the crucial moment will be his greatest humiliation, even though Lin Feng is unintentional.

After landing, step by step back to the cold smoke, so far no name, no more words, he needs plenty of time to consider.

The face of the cold smoke is also very dignified. He naturally understands the mind of his own disciple. The more he is, the more he is worried. Who is the nameless person? The most understanding of him as a teacher, the nameless is deeply attacked at this moment. I don’t know why. There is still no courage to continue to work hard.

Lin Feng sighed and suddenly regretted that if he had a complete burst of energy in the two days, he might be hurt by namelessness, but he would not feel good, but at least he would not let the nameless suffer inexplicable humiliation, but he could do it himself. The cultivation of the nameless future may be his own demon, and he will not be able to defeat himself. It may not be possible to grow in this life.

Clenched his fist, Lin Feng felt that he would be so irrational for the first time. He only thought of one side but hurt more and shook his head. Lin Feng’s footsteps steadily landed and greeted everyone’s sight to the cold body. Before, the cold smoke got up, he looked at Lin Feng with vigilance, and did not want his disciple to have anything.

Anonymous looked at Lin Feng, his eyes were extremely complex and even more humiliating.

"If you think of today's battle as the battle I am letting you fight, then you are destined to stop."

"But if you see today's battle as a fair duel under unfair conditions, you will be calm."

"I am not arrogant to say that if we are all ancestors, do you think you are qualified to fight me like this? I am not trying to blow you, I just want to tell you that I am destined to be stronger than you in the future, if you If you don't understand this fact, you are destined to have nothing!"

Lin Feng, with all the strange eyes, did not hesitate to say such a serious sentence, and it was against the cold smoke, without any scruples, the land government judge, facing the nameless.

After the nameless hears Lin Feng’s ‘comfort’, his face is changed, and he is deeply shocked. However, when he thinks about it carefully, his heart suddenly becomes brighter!

Yes, I am fighting against Lin Feng, the sacred **** of the land, and I am already suffering from the realm. Lin Feng is still able to fight so freely and win the final victory, but if Lin Feng is also a **** ancestor, Then you may not even have the qualification to fight with Lin Feng.

If this is the case, why should you be too deep? Destined to be no longer a level opponent, is it still a competitor? No, no, when two people are not at one level, they are destined not to be opponents because they do not have that qualification and opportunity.

Lin Feng is destined to be the giant scorpion that shines through the whole battlefield, such as the ancestor of the Taizu, such as the super hegemon of the ancestors, and his ultimate achievement may be just a hegemon on the battlefield list.

After trying to understand this, the nameless shouted, only that life is still so beautiful, he still pursues a lot, why must Lin Feng be an opponent? Is this not looking for abuse?

"Thank you for your comfort". The nameless grin, and reached out, waiting for Lin Feng's arm to stretch out, Lin Feng grinned, his left hand swung, and the nameless tightly held.

"Come on, work hard together." Lin Feng solemnly sighed and said nothing. "Yes, maybe one day in the future, I am not like you said."

"I hope it is not!" Lin Feng also focused on Zheng, hoping that the nameless can break away from the strange circle of this idea.

The local government judges the cold smoke silently watching the dialogue between Lin Feng and his apprentice. In the end, he has to admit that his apprentice does not have any qualifications to compete with Lin Feng, because it is not at a level.

This bitterness and sense of loss, he also deeply experienced, because today he is ranked as the hegemon of the war list, but his best friend, childhood playmate has become a ancestor, the entire war To mention the existence of a trembling.

"Congratulations to Lin Feng for promotion!" Hanyan re-sitting in the chair, but the fist clenched the young man in front of him, but also from the heart.

"Thank you for your seniors." Lin Feng respectfully bowed slightly, this is a due respect to a predecessor of Ming Dynasty, but if it is the overlord of the Eastern Yuqing, he can only dismiss him.

"Well, Lin Feng defeated the nameless and advanced to the finals, and will compete with one of Jessin or Duan Long for a championship." Taizu's left hand waved, so that the entire field was quiet, and his anger was even more powerful than ever, no one dared to defy.

"Next, Jess and Duan Long ~ ~ you start." Taizu looked at the body of Jessin and Duan Long, waiting for the battle between the two people, certainly will be equally wonderful.

When the words fell, the field was quiet again, and no one dared to speak out, lest the atmosphere of this cold kill be destroyed.

Jessant stepped on the platform step by step with the eyes of everyone. Before that, Jessell walked past Lin Feng and looked at Lin Feng, but the feedback was just a cold look.

Jessin completely interrupted all the thoughts. In the past, the two were friends but they could not be called brothers. Nowadays, because of Tiandaoyuan, even friends can’t do it. It can only be regarded as a stranger and a stranger with contradictions. Perhaps it was true that I had left the Tiandaoyuan when I was in the eternal kingdom. I will meet again, not necessarily a friend!

At the moment, Duan Long did not know when he had a wide knife. The broad knife was engraved with 18 dragons. The wide knife of two meters long shimmered with a scary knife, and it was sharp and sharp. The swing will cause the air to be split and form a vacuum zone.

The gods, and almost perfect gods, are quite enviable.

Taizu could not help but win the eye of the glory, this Duan Rong for his deputy city lord to win, even to his own wide knife to Duan Long to use, this Duan Rong really wants to compete for the championship of the dynasty.

"Lin Feng, you have to hold on, no matter who is promoted, it is a fierce battle!" Taizu whispered, his face was never heavy.

[Today's three chapters are updated, the third time is three o'clock in the afternoon, brothers, flowers give me 6 up]

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