Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 5 Chapter 1581: Forced Guoan 3 male!

() Wang Yuan hesitated and nodded. When he just wanted to speak, he heard Lin Feng said: "Hey, it seems that the people of the so-called National Security Bureau are just timid people, and a group of grass bags, and they have sent four masters. But I didn’t even grasp my grasp. It’s really a vegetarian meal...”

Lin Feng's tone is yin and yang, and the ridicule between the banter and the cynicism is very obvious. This can make these few **** guys unable to bear it. One of them immediately said: "I personally promise you on my behalf, as long as you can win me, I Never come to you later!"

When he spoke, other people were directly cut off, and the fire-fighting comprehension who was ready to do it also said: "I also promised this condition!"

Finally, Wang Yuan and another person also agreed, Lin Feng just smiled lightly, nodded to the fire system comprehension: "Come on, I only give you five opportunities, if you hit within three strokes Unbeaten me, then there is no chance!"

The man snorted and rushed directly toward Lin Feng. At the same time, the arm of the attack immediately shrouded a hot atmosphere. It was like the whole arm burning. Lin Feng did not dare to be too lightly enemy. Going to touch his arm, but a little flash to the side to let the fist, but also a punch, shot to the other side of the lower abdomen!

This palm contains the power of overbearing punches. If you really take it, you will have to shatter Dantian directly!

The other party, Lin Feng, escaped his own Ling Li attack so easily. He was shocked and hurriedly avoided. At the same time, his arm became elbow and slammed into the head of Lin Feng!

The speed is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, the movement is very coherent. Lin Feng is not scornful. It is contained in the palm of his hand. He catches the elbow and hardly hears the slamming sound. There was a fiery fire between Lin Feng’s palm and the other’s elbow!

This breath spread like a wave, and the temperature in the entire stadium has risen by a dozen or so!

And the leaves of the dead trees under Lin Feng and the other's feet, actually burned up!

The other party saw Lin Feng even dare to pick up his own red Yantong arm fist, can not help but be shocked, his power of this move is not a joke, this red temperature is at least a few Baidu high, the strength is a few thousand pounds This huge, even if it is hit on a diamond rock, it will be knocked apart!

"Two tricks, you still have three moves!" Lin Feng deliberately provocatively said in his ear.

"Oh, ignorant children, let you see the power of real fire attacks!" He was also irritated, and when he pulled out, he took a shot and suddenly spewed a piece from his palm. The thick flame of the bowl shot at Lin Feng’s front chest!

Lin Feng immediately made a push to push the situation, and screamed in the mouth: "Wave!"

From the two palms of Lin Feng, they blew two strengths and formed a barrier that swept away. They directly blocked the mighty fire snake in the future, and the fire snake seemed to be invisible. The glass is generally rolled up and down!

Lin Feng smiled and looked at each other, and there was no idleness in his mouth: "I see how much your infuriating is, you can burn it!"

Since the recovery of the Wuhun world, Lin Fengqi’s vitality is extremely abundant, so he has confidence today!

In fact, the other side is now worried about the lack of instinct, but it was directly broken by Lin Feng, and there was a slight panic on his face. His panic didn’t matter, his heart was uneasy and he was unstable. Lin Feng’s palm was swept away. And go!


The enemy’s far-off enemy’s independence

The other party was directly blown off the ground by this strong palm of thumb. It flew directly 20 to 30 meters away. This landed on the ground. He stepped back seven or eight steps and barely stood up. The face is like a purple eggplant!

Lin Feng’s palm was just too strong, and he directly scored the opponent’s palm. As a result, the opponent was injured by his own fire attack, causing the body’s infuriating countercurrent!


Finally, he still couldn't hold back, spurting a blood, the whole person swayed, and an accomplice had ran over to help him!

This time, everyone in the room was shocked. Wang Yuan couldn’t help but scream: "This Lin Feng is amazing!"

I want to know that the three people brought by Wang Yuan today, although not the top players in the Department of Physical Affairs, are considered to be the best in the second-tier echelon. I have never encountered this in three strokes. Being beaten to vomit blood!

The real first-tier echelon masters, but Wang Yuan is not moved, it is all Huaxia heads of state talents have the right to dispatch!

"Hey, say five good tricks, you vomit blood in three strokes, do you want to stop playing?" Lin Feng joked.

After the branch, the enemy of the enemy, after the investigation, cold, hate, cool

"Hey, little nephew, don't be crazy, let Laozi come to teach you to teach you!" A medium-sized man, his mouth swayed and his arms went up!

Lin Feng couldn't help but sink into his face. For those who swear in the mouth, Lin Feng has never felt good!

After the land is not a ghost, the sun ball is strange

"Clean your mouth and talk again, don't squirt your mouth!" Lin Feng glared at the man. He was almost one meter tall and seven-five. He was also a strong figure. Lin Feng had already seen his difference. That is his pair of eyes, and there is a blue spark in it!

"Grass, the little scorpion is also very good to install, I have always been talking like this, you are not obeying to hit me?" This guy is a very unreasonable scorpion!

The enemy of the enemy is not a cold enemy

Sun Di Qiu Ke cool knot surgery cold cold Ji Yuan

It is no wonder that he, he has been engaged in undercover work for a long time, has been mixed in the underground abilities organization, so he has developed a bad disease!

"Hey, then I will let you find your teeth!" After Lin Feng finished, his figure swayed and attacked the past. He reached out and smashed his face toward his face!

"Come on!" The other party not only did not dodge, but reached out to grab Lin Feng's wrist, while the other side's eyes flashed blue, and the body covered a blue arc, making a slap in the face!

The land war that looked at me suddenly screamed. He was 30 meters away from both sides, but it was still involved in the electric field emitted by the arc. The hair of the hair was all set up in an instant!

The land war is banned: "Thunderbolt abilities!"

This is a very special ability system. It is not among the five elements. If it is said that it belongs to the five elements, it is quite controversial!

The land war knows that it depends on the radiation range of the other's electric field, at least tens of thousands of volts, and even the leaves on the ground are suspended by the electric field!

If Lin Feng is in direct contact with this powerful arc, it must be burned to coke on the spot!


A loud noise, Lin Feng's body was fiercely wrapped up by a group of thunder fires, the arc in these thunder fires is like a blue snake, desperately going to Lin Feng's body!

"Hahaha, let you know that I know the power of the lightning system!" The man laughed loudly!

However, I just laughed twice, but my face changed instantly. I looked at Lin Feng, who was in the air, and confused. "You are not afraid of electricity?!"

Lin Feng was cold and cold at the moment: "You know it is too late!"

At this time, the electricity on the other side continued to get into Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng was like a human light stick. The whole body was blue and bright, and the other party was anxious at this time because he had already discovered that his body was working. Was plundered by Lin Feng!

He shouted, flew out and flew out more than 20 meters. This was forcibly cut off the transmission of this current!

"Hey, it's very comfortable. You have done a good massage. It's just that you have a low voltage and a low battery. What kind of use is this kind of chicken-like power? Is it necessary to charge the phone?" Lin Feng smashed a few arcs that were still flowing on the surface of the body, shaking his head!

"You... you are **** too mad, eat me a palm of your heart!" He was ridiculed and angered, and he immediately took two palms toward Lin Feng. Two blue spherical lightning bolts rushed toward Lin Feng!

When the blue electric ball came out of the palm of his hand, it quickly became bigger. When Lin Feng was in front of him, he had grown up to be two laps bigger than basketball!

The power of this electric ball is not only because it is charged, but because it compresses a lot of energy inside it, as soon as it touches the object, it bursts open and can blow the stone into powder!

Just as these electric **** are approaching Lin Feng forward, Lin Feng’s body has also changed. A purple light flashed, and Lin Feng’s body has been protected by a layer of purple armor.

Sun Buyuan Kekuo Xuexue battle month master solitary

One of them was playing on Lin Feng's armor and directly blasted the flower. The power is really not small. It is that Lin Feng has been blown back two steps, which is considered to be stable!

The other, because of Lin Feng's retrogression, directly rubbed Lin Feng's body to the rear, and ran into the roof of the steel frame of the tens of miles away. With a burst of sound, the roof of the stand was directly blown up and collapsed!


A few screams, from the other side of the stands came a few screams, then saw a few people mad like the ran to the exit, the original couple just did not go, but hide in the dark I want to see the fight!

Jie Yuanke is not a grandson

However, what they see today is not an ordinary fight, but a real life and death duel!

"Oh, it seems that your power is not bad, come here, there are some powerful tricks to try again!" Lin Feng said step by step toward the other side approaching!

Sun Yuan is not far away from the single ship hate the sun

At this point, the other party was also forced to rush, and his mouth angered: "Five thunder!"

However, he saw his hands symmetrical and drawn a circle. A blue lightning disc appeared on the place where he immediately crossed. Five different color lightning **** hit the four places, and then his hands raised. Lin Feng is coming!

Jieke far away from the Sun ball to pick up the enemy

This circular lightning seems to be the same as the eyes, directly covering Lin Feng's head, and there is a lightning connection in the other's hands, used to control the five thunderballs, five thunderballs can not Released a turn of the road, hit Lin Feng’s head and hit a layer of arc on the armor.

The end of the family is far from the Sun ball and the enemy. The palm of the hand, Lin Feng’s palm is too strong. He directly scored the opponent’s palm. As a result, the opponent was injured by his own fire attack, causing the infuriating body. countercurrent! Big Wild Goose Pagoda photo beauty is naked and full of indecent exposure! ! Pay attention to WeChat public number: meinvmo1 (long press for three seconds to copy) online watch!

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