Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 2 Chapter 464: The crisis is coming! (2 more base...

"Lin Feng, it’s a futile day, hehe."

Yan Di’s face was depressed and lying on the ridge. He was breathing heavily. He flew for thousands of miles at low altitude today. However, he did not find a World of Warcraft. This time, even if he was covering the mouth of Warcraft, he would not cover himself. How exciting and provocative, these Warcraft will not be irritated.

"I knew it, I just took it." Lin Feng also sighed a little depressed. If you know that this crazy combination has become a welcoming existence of Warcraft, it should not be so crazy in the first month. This month, it has already smelted more than one hundred. A World of Warcraft, more than one hundred blood Dan is placed in the blood.

"What to do? Is there any way now? If there is no World of Warcraft in the next month, it may be overtaken by Yan." Yan Emperor calmly looked at Lin Feng and asked if there was no Warcraft in front of the two in the future, this record may be surpassed by Yan.

However, after listening to Yan Di’s words, Lin Feng couldn’t help but laugh out loudly. He sneered at the eye and said: “Do you think they have a chance to catch up with us?”

"We are afraid of Warcraft, one by one, Warcraft is not afraid to come out for food, let alone we can not find World of Warcraft, they can not find World of Warcraft."

Lin Feng said, a faint smile, Yandi listened, and could not help but nodded, Lin Feng's words are correct, the two have been afraid of Warcraft, not to mention that they are themselves, it is impossible to see How many World of Warcraft traces, so this time the battlefield winner is already on his own side.

Of course, most of this credit is due to Lin Feng. If it is not because Lin Feng’s everything can smelt everything in the world, otherwise the outcome is really unpredictable.

"Where are we going in the next month?" Yandi looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"Is it going to go out now?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, it will take a month to open the Tianyan battlefield and let our gods go out." Yandi nodded and said.

"In this case, let's go find a beast? Although there is no need for a token, but the beast is different from Warcraft, it should not be malicious to us." Lin Feng turned his eyes and couldn't help but smile.

Yan Di looked at Lin Feng like this, suddenly a tight heart, quickly asked: "Brother, you ... you should not play the idea of ​​the beast?"

"How is it possible? I am the kind of person?" Lin Feng quickly denied it, but Lin Feng's eyes still turned, silently clenching the blood of all things, if you really met the beast, this beast is good, if it is good, if Also against his own malicious side, then Lin Feng does not care to smelt a few beasts.

The blood Dan of the beast refining should be much higher than Warcraft. Lin Feng thought, could not help but smirk.

Yan Emperor looked at Lin Feng with a suspicious look, and then stunned Lin Feng, thinking that you are not such a person?

"Quickly say, where is the beast?" Lin Feng did not continue nonsense with Yan Emperor, but he asked.

Yan Emperor is not a good gas grin, then lazy sighed: "Hey, the beasts meet you, fear is also unlucky, they are responsible for guarding the Quartet, the land of the sea of ​​fire in the south is Suzaku, the land of the blue sea in the north is Xuanwu, the sea of ​​the East The land is Qinglong, and the sea of ​​the forest in the west is the white tiger."

"But don't hit their ideas, you have to know that they are beasts, so it is impossible to be as strong as Warcraft, and they are not bound by the Tianyan battlefield. Their strength is already high-level of the Emperor. ".

Yan Di sorrow looked at Lin Feng, meaning to let you play the idea of ​​the beast, don't blame me for not reminding you.

When I heard the explanation of Yan Emperor, Lin Feng had a hard-pressed heart and couldn't help but sink. Some helpless smiles, the reason why the beasts here can suppress World of Warcraft is because they are not bound by the battlefield.

"That's going to go, I will visit these four holy beasts and go to the North Sea first."

Lin Feng considered it for a long time and finally chose to visit the beast. But this time, I dare not use the idea of ​​these beasts again. If I want to refine these four beasts, I must have the strength of the Emperor’s high-level, otherwise it is unlikely. of.

"Go ahead." Yan Emperor took Lin Feng with helplessness. He could only go to Lin Feng for a trip. Anyway, he has killed more than 100 Warcraft in this month. It can be said that he has won this competition completely, then the rest of the month is naturally East. Daisy went and saw it.

Lin Feng could not find the place of the North Sea. Yan Di naturally flew in front of Lin Feng and led the way for Lin Feng. The two men flew at high altitude and accelerated their speed. They soon disappeared.

But after a moment when the two left, the three men in black rushed over the ridge. The man headed by the man was not someone else. It was the man who wanted to kill Lin Feng that day, that is, the three men who followed Yan Yan. .

The black man who looked at the head looked at Lin Feng, who disappeared and disappeared. He shook his fists and screamed loudly. "The military commander said that this time is a great opportunity to get rid of Lin Feng. We are countless. This time, I finally have the right mobile phone."

"Big brother, we sneaked into the Tianyan sect for hundreds of years. The purpose is not to better serve the Emperor of Heaven. This time, since the military commander has a life, we naturally have to abide by it." The middle-aged man behind the man looked at the man with a respectful face and said to the man that when the Emperor of Heaven was facing, the man’s face was full of pride.

"The military division and this Lin Feng is a deadly enemy. The military division said that he wants to make ghosts behind him. Counting Lin Feng counts on me. Hey, this time the military division is superb, how can I see Lin Feng?" The man snorted and twisted his face. Hehe, the yellowed teeth are exposed, it seems a bit disgusting.

"What do we need to do? Please show your brother."

"You go back and pretend to be flustered and tell the Yan Yan, and say that my brother and I were killed by Lin Feng, and I also named the name of the surname to go to the appointment."

"The location is in the center of the Baili Desert. The Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor is the one who brought in the ring. There are more than a dozen, each of which is a strongman of the Emperor level. This time, in any case, it must be killed. It’s hot."

"Why are you killing Yan, we are not going to...?"

"Hey, idiot, your pig's head, killing Yan Yan, pushing all the blame to Lin Feng, you guess what the savage grandfather will do? Do not kill Lin Feng."

"And in order to avoid this failure to kill the knife, the military division has made another trick. Let us introduce Lin Feng into the vast desert. Let him see the beggars being besieged, so he can't shoot. As long as he shot, we will kill him together."

"As long as he is dead, Yan Yan is dead. We only put Yan Emperor back. When we are venting some storms, we are not afraid of the anger and anger. As long as he is angry, Lin Feng’s friends, relatives, sisters, can still live. Go on?"

The man in black said, the color of his face was getting more and more, and finally he reached the extreme, his face was distorted. He only loyal to the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven would kill Lin Feng, and they would not hesitate to start.

Hidden in the Tianyan sect for hundreds of years, this time finally have to really shoot!

The three men split up and quickly settled down on the ridge. The silence was a little scary, but the surrounding atmosphere became chilled, and the cold people couldn't help but tremble.

Lin Feng and Yan Di flew straight to the North Sea. They did not know that a plot against Lin Feng appeared again, and this time it was obviously coming to Lin Feng’s death.

Who is the military division of the Emperor of Heaven? it goes without saying.


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