Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 2 Chapter 504: Forget about it before! (11 more...

Lin Feng walked on the sacred path of the ridge. Unlike the gazebo that came here last time with Yandi, Lin Feng was a bit embarrassed. She was afraid that Yandi would recognize her identity, but he eventually recognized it.

But this time the mood is different, Lin Feng walks behind the girl in the white skirt, my heart is very calm, but there is an implicit expectation in the calm, what kind of woman is the snow, she and Sima What Yan said, let Sima Yan reluctantly withdraw from the game.

All this is a mystery, it is worthy of Lin Feng to study. When Lin Feng followed the white dress girl to this not too big gazebo, the sky outside was dark and inky. There is no star and moon in the night, but Lin Feng glances. I saw the dignified white woman standing above the gazebo.

The woman's complexion is a touch of elegance and nobility. Lin Feng can also see a blush on the face of the snow, breathing evenly snow, standing up full of crisp breasts, white wrap, giving the impression that it is so pure and Light, but different from dreams, when the dream is not ruthless, the breath is a warm and cold feeling.

Lin Feng looked at the white dress girl did not enter the gazebo, but after leaving her own slight salute, she left the curved mountain road, leaving only Lin Feng and the snow.

One man and one woman, alone in the gazebo in the middle of the night, the surrounding atmosphere is extremely quiet, there is only a screaming sound around, Lin Feng did not speak, and the snow is standing like this. For a time, the atmosphere is extraordinarily quiet, and even the Lin Feng Some can't stand it.

"Snow Snow Maiden, are you looking for me to have something?"

In the end, Lin Feng couldn't resist this strange atmosphere, and first broke the silence, and asked the snow to ask.

With the sound of Lin Feng, the atmosphere eased down, and the snow screamed with a smile on his face. His face showed a pure smile, without a trace of falsehood.

"I thought that you would never be the first to talk, Lin Feng, after so many years, you still haven't changed." Suddenly the snow laughed behind, and put down the soft and boneless little hand, looking at Lin Feng and smiling.

Lin Feng listened to the words of the snow, and couldn't help but tremble, and looked up at the woman in front of her eyes. After a long time, she slowly sighed: "It seems that you are the tears of the Iraqi people."

"Well, it's me, I haven't seen it for a hundred years, Lin Feng, are you okay?" Snow nodded and asked carefully about Lin Feng's situation. After the question, her face was a little rosy.

"Well, it's not bad. I have had the opportunity to come to this godland. It has been a few years now, and it is a bit of an achievement."

Lin Feng nodded and answered. After this sentence was finished, Lin Feng actually found that she had quite a lot of words before, but she couldn’t say it on this day. She could only look at the tears of the Iraqi people.

"I didn't expect you to come to this big world, I thought you would be a carefree master in Jiuyi." Yi people burst into tears and smiled, looking to Lin Feng smiled.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng smiled faintly, squinting at the tears of the Iraqi people and asked: "What about you? What are you doing now?"

"I? Didn't do it, do something for me." The Iraqi people listened to Lin Feng’s questioning, his face changed slightly, and his tone paused, but soon a bright smile appeared on his face, and he replied to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng listened to the answer of the Iraqi tears, and couldn’t help but tremble. The eyes looked extraordinarily pure to the tears of the Iraqi people. Some unbelievable repetitions asked: "Do you know each other?"

"Yeah, you still don't know, I have found Xianggong, and I would like to thank you Lin Feng. If there is no you, huh, I may be alone now."

"I am very good to me, I also know how to hurt me, love me, think about it, I am even more happy than you, although you have more women, but I am afraid it is not particularly happy?"

The Iraqi people smiled with tears, and the smile on their faces was exceptionally embarrassing. There was no such thing as a slight difference. Lin Feng’s details were accurate. There was no such thing as a slight difference. That is to say, she was not arrogant, and she did not deliberately blame herself.

Conversely, Lin Feng smiled and gasified himself? Why do you want to be angry with Iraqi tears, and what qualifications do you have for her? I can't give people happiness, and I and the Iraqi people are destined to go to two different paths. When choosing the tears of the Iraqis, they must give up all their women. Lin Feng cannot agree.

Therefore, Lin Feng and Yiren’s tears have always suffered such a torment, but now it may not be, the Iraqi tears have found their own soul.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's face squeezed a smile, but people looked very fake and fake.

"Oh, this way, I wish you happiness, you finally found your happiness." Lin Feng smiled and didn't know what to say next.

Snow, this is still called 嫣然雪, the woman may not have been a tearful Iraqi.

Suddenly the snow licked the pink lips, watching Lin Feng seem to be breezy at this moment, but she can feel that Lin Feng still did not completely let go of this relationship, he did not have a way to let him do what he did.

"Let's put it down, Lin Feng, let us forget the past, let us all be a generous person, your life without me, is destined to be wonderful."

"I found my own happiness in the snow, he is very good to me, and he knows about me and you, but never cares, I am very happy now."

Speaking of snow, looking at Lin Feng’s eyes is so pure, her words come from the heart.

Lin Feng listened, my heart can only be said to be a sigh, feeling that this is fate, forget the past, because the former people are not their own.

"Well, stunned Snow Maiden, my name is Lin Feng, I am very glad to meet you today." Lin Feng laughed freely and gave a slap in the face of the snow.

Suan Xue also held his hands in his waist and gave a gift to Lin Feng. He smiled lightly: "The little girl is stunned by the snow, the miraculous companion of the recovery."

"I have a chance, I will visit you, I don't think it's too early, I am Snow Lady, go back as soon as possible, lest you worry about it."

"I will go first, leave."

Lin Feng sighed deeply. There is really no meaning to stand here with the tears of the Iraqi people. This is not a place for a secluded meeting. It is not a place of mutual affection. Here, it should be regarded as a pavilion that completely breaks the emotional entanglement between two people.

Perhaps Lin Feng will not appear in this pavilion again in this life, here is his own humiliation.

Forgot the past? It’s easy to say, the Iraqi tears will never think of it. Lin Feng’s dignity has nothing to do with the enemy and friends. She is a shame to him here. Lin Feng is not a careful eye, but it is definitely not a measure of a gentleman.

You may have found a better husband, but in Lin Feng's future, you must be better and stronger than the recovery. You can not choose me if you are in tears, but I will let you see Lin Feng, the person you choose. In the end, how!

Lin Feng walked away, and snow looked at Lin Feng’s downhill road. A gorgeous satin floated from below, and I remembered it, this is Lin Feng’s half sleeve, and the snow holds the half of the satin in the hand. Do not live a bit more painful color.

"Broken? What do you want to tell me?" The Iraqi people looked down at the darkness of the mountain. They could not see Lin Feng's figure, and their hearts were complicated.

Lin Feng slowly returned to the front hall ~ ~ did not enter the hall, went directly to the dream room, the dream is still coma, into this house, Lin Feng feels a hot breath.

"This is the firepower ban of the predecessors?" Lin Feng entered the house and saw the wild girl and Tang Youyun are here, he asked out loud.

Both women stood up and looked at their own eyes with tender eyes. Lin Feng looked at Tang's faint and wild girl, and the uncomfortable feelings in her heart suddenly swept away. Why should I be sad for something that was already impossible?

I still have a lot of women who love themselves, women I love, Tang secluded, dreams, wild women, even Qingfeng, Qiuyuexin and Duan Xinye, and Liu Fei, who is silently paying for the monarch.

I can’t live up to these women, and it’s not necessary to mess up my heart for an Iraqi tear.

"People, let us serve you tonight?"

[Update three more, immediately come out on the fourth, don't worry.]


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