Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 681: 琅 神 神 神! (4 is more complete


In the sound of the whistling swords flying in the ears of Lin Feng, Lin Feng felt that the weight behind her was light, and the sword of the ancestors had already rushed past the purple gods, and the sharp atmosphere separated the whole space into two sections. The slap of Zi Yan Shen Zun had to hit in the air and then step back a few steps.

However, the power of a palm in the air is also a myriad of energy. The sword of the ancestors was blasted out, and fell heavily on the ground, slamming into the top of the mountain and making a humming sound.

"The sword of the ancestors?" Zi Yan Shen Zun eyes more than a trace of light, the eyes are obviously a lot of cravings, he wants this sword, he wants the soul of the sword ancestors.

"senior". Lin Feng's face changed greatly, and he quickly flew over the foothills, pulled out the sword of the ancestral scorpion, and pulled out the sword of the ancestral scorpion. Lin Feng couldn't help but tremble, only feeling a majestic and horrible energy. The palm of the hand gathered in the heart, and then covered the entire body of chaos.

Lin Feng wants to growl and want to release the majestic energy of the body. This feeling is exactly the same as the original shock, and it is more magnificent than that time, and this time Lin Feng is completely active. The sword of the ancestors is in the hands of the hands.

Everything seems so natural, everything is a rhythm that gives people the feeling of flowing clouds. Lin Feng holds the sword of the ancestral scorpion and steps out. The body is light and quickly flies to the front of the purple scorpion god. Lin Feng’s face is cold and cold. Pick up a long sword.

The face of the purple scorpion is unchanged, but the breath of the body is even more terrible. The horrible murderousness spreads over the shackles of the evil mountain. The purple scorpion screams and slams out, hitting the sword of the ancestral scorpion and making a crisp sound. The sword of the ancestors was shot and flew out. Lin Feng naturally followed the sword and flew up, but Lin Feng quickly maintained a good balance. The left foot stepped on a huge stone, and the whole person continued to fly with the purple god, and the hands were tightly held. The sword of the ancestors is like a tornado. It is magnificent and murderous.

The spiral-like Lin Feng soared in the air, and the swordsman passed through the outer shield of the purple scorpion, piercing the defensive light inside, and went straight to the chest of the purple scorpion.

At this moment, the purple goddess of sacredness began to gloomy, and after the violent screams, the fists slammed out and hit heavily in Lin Feng’s hand. Lin Feng felt an unprecedented pain and pressure, and wanted to step back a few steps, but found it I have been in the hands of Zi Yan Shen Zun.

The purple scorpion **** took a palm and shot it directly in Lin Feng’s hand. It was a very strong ancestral sword. This time it was not able to continue to be held by Lin Feng. It was directly destroyed by the purple scorpion god, and the purple scorpion **** Dispatched, facing Lin Feng's chest, directly blasted Lin Feng out of hundreds of thousands of meters, crashing several boulder.


The arrogant goddess of the purple scorpion stunned the sword and shocked everyone. All of them made a horrified voice. The sable gods did not pay attention to these people, but prepared to pick up the sword of the ancestors and appreciate it.

However, at this time, the sorcerer's sword spurred a horrible energy, which was enough to penetrate the chest of the sable goddess. The latter felt the breath of life and death in advance, not to mention a few steps back directly, while kicking Out, kick the sword of the ancestral scorpion out, deeply inserted in the back of the mountain.

A loud bang, centered on the place where the purple gods are respectful, and the horrible energy erupted in the surrounding kilometers, enough to sweep the dozens of miles around, and the scenes that are scary attract more people’s attention. Although the field is becoming more and more dangerous, there are more and more powerful people in the city.

"Master, kill Lin Feng, or he will grow up in the future, it is definitely a problem." Resuscitation Rong looked anxiously waiting, seeing Lin Feng just being shot and flew out, and did not receive a fatal momentum, suddenly changed his face, and some nervous.

Zi Yan Shen Zun listened to the words of recovery glory, it was nodded, the robes scorned, people have come to the front of Lin Feng, a heavy lift, and a few hundred feet of huge shadows appeared on the sky Lin Feng went down and there was no hesitation or accident.

Lin Feng looked desperately at the top of the black pressure on the top of the head, and now it is inevitable to die, but Lin Feng is very reluctant, recovery is super strong protection, wanting to revenge for the old man is simply harder, at the same time Just arrived in the Kingdom of God has not yet established a firm foothold, is it going to be tragic?

Lin Feng is very reluctant, he is not willing to leave the world, so he and his wife and children have a farewell.

The purple scorpion goddess face cold, killing Lin Feng is like killing an ordinary person. He never pays attention to such a small person like Lin Feng. If it is not because of recovery, he is even too lazy to come personally.

Zi Yan Shen Zun faceless expression stepped down, Bai Zhang's footprints exudes a cold biting atmosphere, enough to crush Lin Feng, without any accident.

"Old purple, do not feel embarrassed to bully a younger generation as a deputy god."

Despair brought not death, but a cold drink. Lin Feng looked at the sudden emergence of an arm in front of him, and reached a few hundred feet. Lin Feng looked at this incredible with his eyes. In the scene, one foot and one fist bang together, without any energy riots, just like ordinary people reach out and hands.

However, Lin Feng is very clear about how terrible the confrontation is. If any party loses, it may lead to the body's meridians.

The shadow of the foot disappeared and disappeared. The fist shadow of this hundred feet was turned into air. The two terrible giants and hands finally disappeared into the sky, and the hearts of countless people felt deeply shocked.

"Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng’s eyes are more than an old man. The old man is old enough, his face is full of gullies and wrinkles, but the depths of his eyes are deep and sharp, but the look is not like an ancestor-level character, but instead Like a young strong man, his eyes are filled with cold arrogance.


Jiang Yitian and Jiang Yizeng saw the old man's presence, and suddenly he was very happy. He quickly ran to the middle of the mountain and held his fist against the old man in front of him.

However, the old man frowned, and some frowns frowned and said: "The evil mountain is our birthplace. How can we fight against it?"

"We, I...". Jiang Yitian and Jiang Yixuan all slogan, do not know how to answer, but they can really feel that their old father is really thundering anger.

"Old man, after so many years, have you finally appeared?" Zi Yan Shen Zun smiled and stared at the old man in front of Lin Feng, and the tone was obviously softer.

"You are not dead, can I die?" The old man's answer is very direct. There is no point in trying to reconcile the meaning with the purple god. Instead, he will find the trouble of the purple god, which is very clear.

"Today you should not appear in the evil mountain." The old man's face is gloomy, and his tone is full of dignity. He looks at the purple **** and respects the cold, and the words are very domineering. There is no reservation because the purple goddess is the peak of the evil city.

It is only the sinister gods who can speak in the sinister city, that is, the biological father of the two lords, the grandfather of Jiang Xuan.

"The evil spirits respect, do you want to intervene in this matter?" The face of the purple goddess has changed slightly, and the glorious look gradually becomes gloomy and indifferent, looking to the evil spirits.

The evil spirits did not answer, but the expression in the eyes was self-evident, and he would not be afraid of the sacred gods, and the two top-ranking gods of the evil city, they were mutually restrained but cooperated with each other, so there is something to say. That's too clear.

The end result is that the purple scorpion **** stalwart with the recovery glory left the evil mountain, disappeared and disappeared.

Lin Feng’s eyes stared at the recovery glory, his eyes were full of resentment, his heart was full of anger, he could not go up to kill and recover the vengeance, but all this is simply impossible, as long as the purple **** is respected, Lin Feng If you want to take revenge, you will be delusional, unless the recovery is gone alone, and there is no jade that summons the purple god.

The evil spirits respected Lin Feng’s unwilling eyes, and faintly sighed: “No strength, no background, no forbearance, what can you do?”


The sinister goddess faintly drank, leaving Lin Feng a forbearance word, then the whole person walked to the sword of the ancestral ancestors, the sword of the ancestral temple itself was very trembling, and wanted to leave here, the sinister goddess was the chilly gaze Out of the voice: "How? Still want to escape? Your master is here, how do you escape?"

"Hey, you don't need to be in charge." The ancestors came out from inside the blade, and his face was unusually chilly. However, his face was more pale and powerless, and he instilled all the vitality into Lin Feng, so that his body had reached a serious load.

"Oh, you will harden your mouth, and I will go back and say." The evil spirits sneered at the laughter, and then stunned their eyes.

The ancestors first frowned and meditated for a long time, then looked up and looked at Lin Feng, who was unable to accept the facts. He could only nod and promised to go back with him.

The evil spirits smiled coldly, and then the left hand waved, the sword of the ancestors was held in his hands, there was no difference, and he went to Lin Feng and shouted to Lin Feng: "Follow me." Let's talk about You two two things, even let my grandson's teacher suffer aggrieved is simply unforgivable, what the old guy is afraid of? Next time I see Ziyan, give me a fight! ".

"Grandma's, no one dares to bully me around the evil spirits, who is a purple bet?"

The old man was obviously a little angry, pointing to the two sons to open their mouths, and Jiang Yitian and Jiang Yixuan could only smile charmingly, dare not refute the old father, thinking that they are also supreme, but they can only endure, Oh, wronged.

The evil spirits deity looked at the body of Jiang Xuan, and the distressed look of his face picked up Jiang Xuan, and the tone immediately softened a lot.

"Hey, my grandson, where was wronged, and said to Grandpa, Grandpa will avenge you."

Countless people are ashamed, they finally know why everyone is afraid to provoke this little son, it is not only the Dongcheng main guardian, but even the ancestors are guarding the scorpion.

Who is dare to provoke this?

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