Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 721: Come to the balcony!

"Lin Feng, what are you doing?" The face of the evil spirits changed suddenly, and looked at Lin Feng and looked at Jiang Xuan. What is it prepared for? With Jiang Xuan left the evil city?

"I took him out for a few years. When he came back, he would take over the position of Jiang Yitian." Lin Feng faintly sighed, holding Jiang Xuan ready to leave, Lin Feng could not let Jiang Xuan continue to stay here.

The sinister goddess listened to Lin Feng’s words, his eyes became cold, and he shouted: “You are not qualified to take my grandson!”

"Grandson? You still admit that he is your grandson? Well, if you kill him, I will put Jiang Xuan." Lin Feng sneered out, pointing to Jin Xuanlun after the evil spirits, his eyes were full of murderous, and Jin Xuanlun looked pale.

The evil spirits respected Jin Xuanlun behind his eyes. His eyes were full of helplessness. He couldn’t do it, and he couldn’t take the whole evil city to take risks.

"Can't you do it? Since you can't do it, what qualification do you have to be the grandfather of Jiang Xuan? You mean that you love the little guy?" Lin Feng faintly looked at the face of the evil spirits, and could not help but ridicule. Smile, wanting the former to kill Jin Xuanlun is harder than going to heaven, since Lin Feng can only leave with Jiang Xuan.

"You better let go of Xuan." The eyes of the evil spirits are extremely complicated. He is very reluctant to make a relationship with Lin Feng. He does not want Jiang Xuan to be disappointed with him, but there are many things that he can't decide.

"If I say no?" Lin Feng did not care about grinning. Today, even if the evil spirits respected himself, Jiang Xuan could never easily hand it over to the evil city.

"You can give it a try?" The evil spirits of the gods became faint and condensed, and stepped out and ran straight to Lin Feng. The left hand forced a hand and ran toward Jiang Xuan. Lin Feng snorted and punched. The forces of chaos all over the body burst out, gathered together on the fist to erupt, punched out, bursting out of horrible energy, and the huge spare force directly shook the evil spirits, Lin Feng snorted and was shocked to fly out. But Jiang Xuan in her arms is still clinging firmly.

Under one stroke, Lin Feng occupies the disadvantage, but it has shocked countless people. Don't forget that Lin Feng is only a median god, but what is it? That is the oldest upper god, and belongs to the leader of the upper god, the existence of the old monster level.

Such horrible strength was actually shaken back by Lin Feng, and countless people began to re-examine the extent to which Lin Feng’s strength reached a certain level.

He did not think that he would be attacked by Lin Feng and retreat. Although Lin Feng was directly bombarded by himself, it still could not change the fact that Lin Feng could not die in his hands, which made the evil spirits feel a little confused. This is the case today, if it is a few years?

The evil spirits can't imagine the extent to which Lin Feng would break through the upper gods at that time, but it would be several times more horrible than now, and what should he do at that time?

He thought a lot of questions, but he didn't particularly worry. First, Lin Feng only had a contradiction with Jiang Xuan. Even if Jiang Xuan returned to the city again, Lin Feng would not be difficult for him. Yourself.

The evil spirits are extremely gloomy, staring at Jiang Xuan’s for a long time in Jiang Feng’s arms. Jiang Xuan’s face is black at the moment, and the lips are purple and scary. The body is no longer a clear force, but rather a taboo. The gas.

Everyone can delay, but Jiang Xuan can't put it down, and the evil spirits are biting their teeth. Doesn't he want to kill Jin Xuanlun? However, in order to protect the evil city, he can only sacrifice Jiang Xuan. In fact, his heart is even more painful, and he has protected the evil city but no one among his loved ones understands him.

Because now Jiang Yitian and the ancestors of the ancestors can't understand the practice of sinister evil spirits, and it is simply a weak practice to sacrifice Jiang Xuan for the stability of the evil city.

Lin Feng stared tightly at the evil spirits, and the palms shivered slightly above the vaguely visible blue veins, but Lin Feng deliberately concealed them, and did not let the evil spirits see the same.

"Master, let's go." Lin Feng looked at the Zi Yan Shen Zun on the rostrum. If he wanted to leave here with peace of mind, he must be guarded by Zi Yan.

"Haha, okay, let's go, let's go, haha." Zi Yan Shen Zun’s hearty laughter came out, stepping out to Lin Feng’s front, Lin Feng made a look at the latter, and the two were ready to leave.

"Stop, give me a stop." The evil spirits are a little anxious. He can't watch the grandson being taken away by Lin Feng. Moreover, Jiang Xuan is seriously injured. How can he travel long distances?

"Father, let him go."

However, the voice of the evil spirits has just fallen, Jiang Yitian is in front of Lin Feng, and his eyes are much more cold and staring at the evil spirits. He cannot understand his father’s practice, but he has to fulfill his father’s responsibility and cannot let Jiang Xuan A slight grievance.

"You are really prestige, hehe." The old ancestors also slowly walked down from the rostrum. His attitude became the same as when he first saw the evil spirits. His eyes were full of indifference and disappointment.

When he saw this place, his heart suddenly became cold. He felt powerless. He felt the old ancestors refused to be thousands of miles away, and the countless loss of his brother. The two brothers seemed to have returned to the past. That's the relationship.

"Brother, son, you...". The evil spirits are bitter in the heart, why is the practice of his choice not understood by relatives?

"Don't say it, let's go." The old man of the ancestors screamed and squinted at Lin Feng. He also followed Lin Feng and left the place, leaving the cold and sinister city without human touch.

The evil spirits deity want to stop Lin Feng and others, but seeing Jiang Yitian's cold and desperate eyes, the old man suddenly trembled, and he knew that even his son did not trust him.

The sigh of sorrow and sorrow, and only a few people in Lin Feng left the square without any problems. The original ceremony of Jiang Xuan became like this.

Jin Xuanlun’s face was full of sorrow, his conspiracy was finally reached, haha, everyone thought he was really afraid of death, but no one knew that this was his ultimate goal, that is, to divide the evil city, as long as There is a flaw in the city of evil spirits, and the days of the destruction are not far away.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Jin Xuanlun put away his smile and conspiracy, and he was so grateful that he was grateful to the evil spirits, and he sighed and sighed. He really wanted to smash Jin Xuanlun into slag, but he could only stop at In the middle of the air.

"Let's go, let's go." The sinister gods are thousands of years old, and the body is crumbling at any time. It is just an illusion. The old man is just too tired. After this incident, the evil spirits become more silent.

The evil spirits departed from the square, and the figure disappeared. Jiang Yitian witnessed the disappearance of the evil spirits. The frost in his eyes dissipated. He could understand the old man's practice, but he could not forgive the old man's practice.

"And the end of the ceremony." Jiang Yitian stood directly on the square and announced the end of the ceremony. From the beginning to the end, the representative of Zeguo did not say any words, even their little son did not shoot, because the ceremony has ended halfway.

The elders and young sons of Zeguo left the field and walked down to the stage. They held rounds with the lazy men in silver robes. Both of them kept a great respect for men, but the silver robes men looked pale from the beginning, and now they are as always.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng!" The man whispered, looking at Lin Feng, who had disappeared long ago, his face showed a strong interest.

"You go back first, I need to leave for a while." When the man said this, he took the shoulder of the younger son of Zeguo, and then disappeared into the crowd. He did not notice where the silver robe man went.

Lin Feng holds Jiang Xuan, followed by the old ancestors and the purple scorpion goddess. The three men flew in the opposite direction of the back mountain, but Lin Feng saw Jiang Xuan’s toxin spread faster and faster, even the closed meridians were When it opened, Lin Feng had to use his chaotic power to block the toxins, but it could not be sealed for a long time.

"Lin Feng, fast, go to the balcony."

Just when Lin Feng didn't know what to do, the voice of the old ancestors came from the ear. Lin Feng listened to the old man's words and immediately thought of the balcony. He immediately thought of the fire, and only Xuanhuo could remove the toxins. Thereby achieving the purpose of washing the marrow.

"Go, go now." Ziyan Shenzun is the most active performer. He really cares about Jiang Xuan's life and death, but he is more concerned about getting rid of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng can't think of it so much. He directly flies to Jiang Xuan and flies to the city's main government. The distance between the city's main government and Houshan is only a thousand miles. It takes a long time for Lin Feng to fly to the city government.

At the moment, the city's main government, Jiang Yitian and others have not yet returned. Lin Feng did not alarm the guard and went directly to the house of Jiang Xuan. The Zishen Shenzun and the ancestors were responsible for guarding outside, and at the same time arranged an enchantment, no one would find it here. abnormal.

Lin Feng walked into the house with Jiang Xuan. Lin Feng went to the bed and found the mechanism to open the floor. The two organs were pressed down, and the floor inside the house collapsed, revealing a black hole. Lin Feng came here once, especially for the environment. Familiar, directly holding Jiang Xuan jumped in.

Lin Feng is only concerned about the safety of Jiang Xuan at this moment. The safety of the little guy is even more important than Lin Feng’s own safety.

The feeling of falling continued for a certain period of time, and finally fell on the white marble. Lin Feng’s traces were still there, and it was deepened at the moment.

The temperature here is a few thousand degrees ~ ~ for Jiang Xuan is the best, but Lin Feng has no feeling.

Lin Feng found the raised organ under the balcony, gently pressed it down, suddenly the sound of the bang, the balcony was opened, and the fire was roaring in the sea, as if a fire dragon was roaring, Lin Feng found The temperature inside is much higher than when I came last time.

Lin Feng placed Jiang Xuan on the ground and summoned the smashing boots. When the blue boots were put on, Lin Feng only felt that the whole world had become cool. Lin Feng tried to touch the flame inside the balcony. I met the flame, but I didn't feel anything.

Put on the mixed yuan 霹雳 boots, the whole body seems to be coated with a layer of frost, this Xuanhuo has no harm to himself.

Lin Feng picked up a flame, and trapped it with the force of chaos. After the refining of the flame, the fire of the fire was taken by Lin Feng’s palm on the forehead of Jiang Xuan, and the black face of Jiang Xuan became red. The black gas gradually dissipated along the chin, and finally the face was only red, and the black gas began to spread to the chest.

"not enough".


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