Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 825: condition!

"No need, no more you, no meaning." Lei ran and smiled and shook his head. He couldn’t continue to blame Lin Feng. Because the absolute strength is here, Lin Feng will win no matter what he tests. Instead, he will let Lei’s disciples have no face, and they will not let the first few brothers out. Off, this is not realistic.

"Well, in this case, can I see Lei Jingang's predecessors?" Lin Feng nodded, and a smile on his face looked at Lei Ben.

"This one…". Lei Ben listened to Lin Feng’s questioning, and his face suddenly showed a trace of embarrassment and embarrassment. Because he had previously proposed Lin Feng’s defeat of thirteen people, it was not that Lei Jingang was willing to do it, but that he had to make a decision because of the hardship of Lin Feng, but there was no I thought that Lin Feng actually won, so that he did not know what to do.

"How?" Lin Feng saw Lei Ben's face settled down. His look was also gloomy. There was a slight sorrow in his eyes. Is it true that Ray Ben is acting from his own will? Isn't it the idea of ​​Lei King Kong?

Lei Ben’s face was awkward, and the atmosphere was silent for a while. I don’t know what to do.

"Lei Ben, let Lin Feng go to the hall to wait for me."

Suddenly, the dull atmosphere was broken by the sudden cold drink. This drink was like a thunder in the thunder, and it was extremely terrifying. Lin Feng said that this was the most horrible voice he had ever heard.

Lei Ben’s face was overjoyed. He heard the voice of Lei Jingang and resolved the crisis. He was very excited and quickly said to Lin Feng: “The teacher said, please go to the hall to wait for the old man, I will take you there. ".

Lei Ben said, did not give Lin Feng the opportunity to humiliate him, went straight to the hall to go, Lin Feng shook his head and smiled, did not say anything more, Lei Ben was difficult to himself, which seems to be quite stingy in Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't talk anymore. He followed Lei Bhun's body and then went to the original hall of the city, which is now the main hall of Leimen. Lin Feng walked in. Lei Ben arranged a seat, and Lin Feng sat in a chair and waited.

In order to avoid embarrassment and his own uncomfortable, Lei Ben left the hall, but let the thirteen younger brothers guard the Lin Feng, but thirteen people almost watched Lin Feng with their eyes of worship and admiration. I only heard a few words about Lin Feng’s rumors, so there are some ups and downs in my heart.

They are all young people, so they have some disdain for Lin Feng’s name, but after seeing the true strength of Lin Feng, these talents understand that the difference between true Tianjiao and their ordinary Tianjiao is so far.

A little bit of time passed, Lin Feng remembered that it was still a sunny moment at noon. However, it was already six hours passed. The sky above the city’s main house was already dark, the stars appeared, and the lights of the evil city were bleak, and the night was announced. advent.

Thirteen people couldn't stand anymore. They wanted to go to the night market outside the city. Leimen was closed for so long, and now he is relieved. None of these disciples, including Lei Ben, can stay.

Lin Feng saw these people with a hint of anxiety and urgency. They seemed to want to leave the hall. This made Lin Feng want to laugh out loud. This party is not in a hurry. These disciples are anxious to guard their disciples. .

"If you want to leave, just leave, don't worry about me." Lin Feng looked at the thirteen people with a smile on his face, and his tone was calm.

"This, isn't it?" After listening to Lin Feng's words, Xiaoqi frowned, but his eyes had been deeply betrayed him, and his eyes were already impatient to leave.

Lin Feng grinned and picked a brow and smiled: "Oh, well, since you don't want to leave, keep waiting."

Lin Feng said, it is to take back his eyes, no longer look at the look of Xiaoqi, but his heart is secretly counting, Lin Feng bet, not five figures, Xiaoqi certainly can not wait to speak.



"That, Lin Fengge, I am going out."

Not yet waiting for the five numbers, Lin Feng only counted two numbers in his heart. Xiaoqi couldn’t help but feel anxiously. He ran out of the hall directly and quickly disappeared into the night. in.

The remaining twelve people, look at me, I look at you, the face of an urgent look.

"You don't have to endure it. If you want to go out, you can go out. The whole house is your Leimen. Are you afraid of what I am doing?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at the disciples who had stopped here.

Hearing the words, the twelve faces suddenly rejoiced, and then they ignored Lin Feng. The twelve people rushed out after the fight, and like Xiaoqi, they disappeared into the night.

Lin Feng looked at these people and left the hall. Finally, he grinned and regained his gaze. His left hand knocked on the chair and made a squeaking voice.

"Predecessors, although I don't feel where you are, but I know that you can definitely see me now, you are not confused, but rather smart, you should know what the younger generation is."

Lin Feng adjusted his breath, and he raised his head and said this to the colorless and odorless air. This may be strange to outsiders, but Lin Feng knows what he is doing.

"The younger generation admitted that they defeated Lei Ben in the clan contest and let the nobles not enter the top six. I am very sorry about this, but you are a heart-warming person and should not be jealous of these."

"Since Leimen has always been in the evil city, then the predecessors must know the relationship between me and the evil city, and I know the relationship between me and the evil city, so my disciples are worried after the evil city is occupied by you. The safety of his family."

"The younger generation does not ask you to return the evil city to the Jiang family. This is of course unrealistic. The younger generation just wants you to let go of his loved ones, as well as my master Zi Zi Shen Zun."

When Lin Feng said that the face was full of sincerity, because Lin Feng dared to come here alone, it showed that with the sincerity of barefoot, Lin Feng firmly believes that Lei Jingang should not be unreasonable.

Lin Feng will say everything he wants to say. As for whether someone will answer it next time, then it is the matter of Lei Jingang. Lin Feng’s intuition has always been very accurate. Although he can’t feel the atmosphere of the legend, he can still use common sense. I know that it is impossible for Lei Jingang to leave himself alone.

Because he defeated thirteen people, he should be able to attract the eyes of Lei King Kong. Since this is the case, Lin Feng knows that Lei Jingang is absolutely concerned about himself.

It’s just that Lin Feng doesn’t know why Lei Jingang wants to put himself here instead of coming out to see himself. Is it true that Lei Jingang wants to test his psychological quality? This should not be necessary. For a state of mind, he has already completed himself. It is completely unnecessary to say that Lei Jingang is doing this.

"Boy, you are finally willing to talk to Laozi, haha."

Lin Feng was meditating. He suddenly saw a hearty laughter in the hall. It was different from the previous break. The laughter at this time also started from the heart, not with any shocking effect.

Lin Feng was shocked and looked up at the door of the temple. Then he saw the burly figure of Lei Jingang stepping in, carrying his hands and a thick smile on his face.

Lin Feng quickly stood up and held a fist and bowed a little, and shouted: "Predecessors, the words of the younger generation are more offensive, please forgive me."

"Haha, what predecessors and juniors are too hard, I will call you Lin Feng, you will call me Lei Jingang."

"Don't dare, how can the kid call your real name, the kid still calls you a predecessor, you can call my name." Lin Feng listened to Lei Jingang’s words and shook his head. He really wanted to call it, but he really got Lei Jingang’s plan.

"Haha, it really is an elf ghost." Lei Jingang listened to Lin Feng’s words, and suddenly laughed loudly, and his tone was more pleasant than before.

" Lin Feng, I have already known your intentions, but I want them to let them go and there is a purple god, I have a condition that you need to promise."

Lei Jingang laughed, but the expression on his face has become extremely stiff. Although he is laughing, but there is no smile, it is terrible.

Lin Feng looked at Lei Jingang's expression and suddenly felt that he had some calculations. It seems that he could not let Leimen release people without agreeing to this condition.

Lin Feng was silent. She was very reluctant to let Lei Jingang take her nose. But she thought that Jiang Xuan was always alone, and her eyes were always wet. Lin Feng was a teacher, and she couldn’t bear it.

After all, for the little guy, he will converge on his character.

"You say, as long as I can do it, the kid promises."

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Lei Jingang solemnly. His tone was even more determined.

Wen Yan, Lei Jingang's face instantly brightened, and there were some conspiracy looks in his eyes.

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