Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 893: Bad news!

"It seems that the disappearance of the Lord has a great relationship with you."

The evil spirits smiled coldly, and the old and wrinkled faces were full of ridicule, but they did not have the anger that they were going to be mad.

This detail Lin Feng deeply looked at it, and couldn't help but be cautious. At the same time, a bold guess was also thought in Lin Feng's heart. That is, the evil tomb may have been resurrected successfully, and it is even possible that it has been with the evil spirits. Waiting for someone to contact.

As for why the evil tomb has not yet appeared in the ancient evils, Lin Feng is somewhat surprised and confused.

"It seems that the evil tomb has returned?" Lin Feng slightly raised his brow, still smiling at the evil gods, laughing out loud.

"Haha, Lin Feng, you are not too stupid, even guessed that our Lord has returned." After the evil spirits listened to Lin Feng’s laughter, they laughed loudly, and the smile on their faces suddenly became a lot of mockery.

"Lin Feng, we have been waiting for you for a few months, and today you finally came to the net, haha, I can only say, Lin Feng, your death is here."

The face of evil spirits is full of ridicule and sarcasm. The depth of his eyes is a lot more sorrowful and resentful. He can't wait for Lin Feng to die as badly as possible.

"How? Is there any card that doesn't appear?" Lin Feng looked at the evil spirits and asked a few people to smile and ask, still did not put the words of the evil gods in mind.

Perhaps, the ancient evils made a lot of preparations for themselves, and prepared a lot of tricks, the purpose is to kill themselves, in addition to this big problem, but for Lin Feng, these people are not a big worry, but they are difficult in this life Think of it, will you have a corpse demon army?

However, this time Lin Feng is not prepared to use the corpse of the corpse in the beginning, so it is a bit boring for Lin Feng. It is better to have a good time to play, so take a good look at the ancient evils. When they are destroyed, everyone looks desperate and performs better.

Lin Feng experienced this desperate mood in the ancient evils, so Lin Feng must have everyone in this area feel this desperate mood. This is the true purpose of destroying the ancient evils. It is not the purpose to destroy them. Let them Despair is the purpose.

The evil spirits do not know the things of the corpse, otherwise I am afraid that there is no mood to threaten Lin Feng.

The cold and proud color of the evil spirits, with Lin Feng, his ridiculous look in his eyes is getting more and more.

"You are only a half-step god, but I don't believe it. Three-and-a-half-step gods can't kill you alone?" The face of the evil **** is extremely embarrassing, and he becomes extremely violent. He can't restrain himself. The anger is about to kill Lin Feng.

"Demon, evil arrogance, we three people shot together, kill this child!". The evil spirits screamed, the first one to shoot first, even when they were still in conversation with Lin Feng, they could not restrain the anger and suddenly shot.

Evil arrogance and evil ink look at each other, but also face a gloomy step, and go straight to Lin Feng, the only purpose is to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face is unchanged, still faintly watching the three people go straight to themselves, the terrorist attack has rushed to the whole person, the purpose is to kill themselves.

"Sometimes, stupidity is the key to death, huh, huh." Lin Feng looked at the three people's look, and wished they would rush to kill the first one, but in Lin Feng's eyes, the three people just rushed to death.

This is stupid.

The evil spirit is the fastest, the voice has not fallen, and it has already appeared in the eyes of Lin Feng. A fist rushes to the door of Lin Fengmen, as if to vent all the strength of this boxing force.

Lin Feng’s face had a sardonic smile, and he also punched a punch, and quickly accumulates power. The power of creation is filled with the entire arm.


The two fists collided, and the horrible energy directly flew out the evil spirits. Lin Feng saw the opportunity and stepped out in one step. It appeared in front of the evil spirits. The latter saw Lin Feng’s sudden appearance in front of him and his face changed greatly. It is to withdraw.

However, at this time, Lin Feng’s foot was already stepping on the chest of the evil god, and the horrible energy of the throne passed through the ribs of the evil god, only to hear the sound of the broken bones, accompanied by the screams of evil spirits. The sound, the evil spirits respected the whole person and fell heavily on the ground, slamming a loud noise, and the ground was bombarded a few meters deep pit.

Lin Feng did not stop, turned around is against the evil ink and evil arrogance. And the two men banged, all used the strongest power, mobilized any power that can be used in the whole body, only one purpose, hit Lin Feng .

However, Lin Feng's half-step gods can not be compared with these people. Although they are half-step gods, Lin Feng has already left these old guys far behind.

Lin Feng’s double fists clenched, and the deterrent of the overbearing punches rushed out. In any case, both the evil ink and the evil arrogance felt the wind in front of the eyes sway, their hearts could not help but tremble, and at this time, Lin Feng’s fist shadow The already heavy bombards are on them.

Without any accident, the two men were directly bombarded by this heavy punch. They were kicked out by the same heavy foot of Lin Feng on the high altitude. The two men flew directly to a pavilion, vomiting blood, and the wolverine figure directly Falled to the ground.

The three major steps of the Emperor joined forces to kill Lin Feng, all of which were defeated by Lin Feng.

All the disciples of the ancient evils looked silly. When did they see the high-level evils of the ancient evils being so easily abused by Lin Feng? This is simply something that is hard to imagine in dreaming, but it still happened.

Lin Feng stood firmly on the ground, his eyes glanced at the three people who were stunned, and then put his eyes on the disciples of these ancient evils. Everyone who saw it was a horrible thing.

"It's over, the ancient evils should stop here!". Lin Feng's cold anger screamed out, and then stepped out, the whole person rushed into the crowd of hundreds of disciples with an absolutely strong attitude, killing must be done.


"Don't kill me, don't ah!!".


In an instant, only the screams and the pleading of the whole city can be heard. Under the horrible momentum, no one can survive, all of them are killed by Lin Feng.

This time, no matter whether it is evil spirits or evil inks and evil arrogance, I can only see Lin Feng, who is looking at the cracks, watching Lin Feng kill the future of these ancient evils, and all the disciples of more than 300 ancient evils, all Killed by Lin Feng, there is not one left!

Lin Feng was somewhat hesitant during this period, but he already understood that he had to do this because he had a soft heart and left irreparable harm to his future. This kind of thing will not happen next time.

It is enough to have the lessons of the Emperor and the recovery.

However, Lin Feng did not think that after killing the last disciple of the ancient evil family, the evil tomb still did not appear in the ancient evil family, and did not even come out to block it. Lin Feng was puzzled and felt a little uneasy at the same time, as if something suddenly happened. It’s terrible to tie it up in my heart.

What is it, I didn’t think of it? Lin Feng asked herself, but there is still no answer, but this feeling is not strong.

Dead, more than three hundred disciples were all killed by Lin Feng, one is not left, the evil spirits respect three people with blood, desperately watching this scene.

"Lin Feng, the last thing I regret in my life is to blame you!" The evil spirits looked at Lin Feng almost as if they were sluggish. The words were very complicated and whispered a few words.

"But I regret even more, I didn't have the first time to kill you in Golden Wheel City!" The evil spirits said, his eyes changed from sluggishness to shackles, his face was full of sorrowful look, and he could not wait to lively tore up Lin Feng, but he knew very well that even if he was half-step, he could not kill Lin Feng.

The three men were defeated by Lin Feng in a breeze, and they were defeated. They still have a chance to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng listened to the words of the evil gods, and the words filled with desperate tone made Lin Feng very happy. It is necessary to feel that the pain that he had suffered here should be repaid.

The future of all the ancient evils was killed by themselves. Whether it was evil spirits or evil inks and evil arrogance, the face was written with despair, the eyes were congested, and the blue veins on the body were all desperate.

"I am very concerned that since the evil tomb has been resurrected, why not appear here?" After Lin Feng looked at the evil spirits, he asked the voice.

Hearing the words, the face of the evil spirits changed, and the evil arrogance and the evil ink were also the same. All three people put their minds on the more than 300 disciples who died, even ignoring that they still have a life-saving straw, that is, the lord. Evil tomb.

"Haha, Lin Feng, you can't mention it. Since you mentioned the owner, Lao Tzu will tell you that you don't want to see your four women in your life, haha."

The sudden laughter was introduced into Lin Feng’s ear, but it made Lin Feng’s face change.

"What do you say? Say it again?" Lin Feng's heart suddenly became chaotic, roaring, and went straight to the front of the evil spirits, grabbed the collar of the evil god, and glared at the evil god.

The evil spirits sneered at the ridiculous smile The depth of the eyes is revealing the ambiguity and coldness.

"Haha, Lao Tzu said, your four women and sons, you don't want to see you again in this life, haha, they are in the hands of the Lord."

Hidden under the face of the evil spirit is a joke-like heart. He knows that the ancient evils will be destroyed today. Except for the evil tombs, all will become dead bones, so before that, he will have no scruples. .

This is the most anti-Lin Feng news, then his evil spirits will be thoroughly attacked Lin Feng, as long as Lin Feng is upset, then everything is half successful.

With the horror strength of Lin Feng, he knows that the evil tombs are not necessarily the opponents of Lin Feng, so it is the most important thing to mess up Lin Feng’s state of mind. The heart is chaotic, what strength?

It seems that his conspiracy has worked!

Lin Feng is cold and screaming at the evil spirits, but his heart is flustered. This news is simply a bad news.

Bad news!

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