Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 975: You are dead, today!

Lin Feng looked at the high mountains covered by white mist, and there was a feeling of walking in the upper reaches of the clouds. This feeling made Lin Feng suddenly boiled, and wanted to find someone to fight. Of course, Lin Feng knew that it was still in Taiqingmen. Don't be too high-profile, either because you are the Lord of Heavenly Court, or you are the opposite **** man in the heart of the moon.

All of this, Lin Feng knows how to grasp the size.

Lin Feng continued to fly forward and finally came to the top of the mountain. Looking at the high-rise buildings above the mountains, the white mist was stained with white mist. The crowd walking above the pavilion seemed so small, but too clear. On the door, the exuding spurt of the awe-inspiring, let Lin Feng awe.

"It should go down, so the flight is not very good." Lin Feng realized that she was standing on the high ground of Taiqingmen. Some of them insulted the meaning of Taiqingmen, so Lin Feng whispered and prepared to land.

However, just in the moment when Lin Feng landed, a white light column passed directly through the mountains. The speed was extremely fast and it was shot in the chest of Lin Feng. The time was too short and the speed was more rapid. Lin Feng did not have any consideration. The opportunity, directly punched out, with a powerful creation of the world to smash the light column.

The thundering, deafening horror sound spread throughout the mountains, and even the entire mountain range was thousands of miles. At this moment, Chen Guangyu, who was desperately chasing after hearing such a terrible collision sound, suddenly turned pale, and his mouth whispered, all When I finished, I didn’t dare to stop at the footsteps and ran to the mountains.

Lin Feng’s fist has a burning sensation. This is the first time. What kind of energy will make you use the power of creation to hurt? Who is this mountain?

"Don't be too clear, do things need to be sneaky?" Lin Feng's cold eyes looked at the mountains, but did not find anyone who had a different move, everyone looked at themselves in vain, like watching a monster general.

Lin Feng’s drink spread throughout the Taiqing Gate, and it is estimated that everyone including the Qing Dynasty should hear it.

Brushing and brushing, there were more than a dozen figures in the pavilion, and the black and white dresses stood in the pavilion. I looked at Lin Feng, a gloomy and angry face. Some people were surprised, some were mocking, and some people ignored it.

Chu Chunqiu looked at Lin Feng above the sky, the corner of his mouth could not help but a slight arc, this person is still so confident and arrogant, also dare to fly at high altitude in Taiqingmen? Don't you know that this is a kind of contempt and ridicule for Taiqingmen?

Yuan Feng looked at Lin Feng, his face was full of shocks. After a few months of disappearance, Lin Feng’s current strength is actually a heavy Emperor? From the half-step Shendi to break through a heavy god, even used such a short time?

Fortunately, he has already broken through from the Emperor to the Emperor, standing next to the celestial arrogance of these peers, not showing weakness, even a kind of standing out, but he looked at Chu Chunqiu with some vigilance, intuition told him that this People are more terrible than Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the high platform from above, and Chu Chunqiu and Yuan Feng were here. It seems that many Tianjiao have already been in place. It seems that they are only one of them. However, the light column is very sharp and the reaction is weak. Some will be broken down and will die at that time.

Who is so embarrassed, and so overbearing, direct killing?

"How? Doesn't it appear? Is there a shrinking tortoise in Taiqingmen?" Lin Feng frowned and shouted.

At this time, Chen Guangyu ran up from the back with a pale face, watching Lin Feng still standing above the sky, his face changed again, and quickly shouted: "Lin Feng big brother, hurry down, hurry."

"Lin Feng, is he Lin Feng?"

Chen Guangyu’s shouts made some of the arrogance on the high platform frowned. Some strange and surprised. For Lin Feng’s name, everyone remembers and even impressed. This man named by the heart of the month, and Lin Feng’s many things Let them remember and forget.

So when they heard that Lin Feng was standing above the sky, his face was naturally a little scared, but it soon became relieved. Lin Feng is only awesome, but they are not the super arrogance of their respective clan?

The future clan is their own. There is no need to be surprised by a Lin Feng, how big the heart is, and how big the stage is.

Almost all Tianjiao has regained their gaze and no longer pays much attention to Lin Feng. Instead, they look for the people who just attacked like Lin Feng. The one shot was very sharp, and they could not be so perfect.

"Lin Feng Big Brother, come down, don't anger the Qingling Xuan Shishu." Chen Guangyu whispered and used only the sound that Lin Feng could hear. The face of Lin Feng’s face changed slightly.

Qing Ling Xuan? I have heard the name of this person for the first time, but since Chen Guangyu is afraid to be like this, it is definitely not a simple character.

"Where is he?" Lin Feng frowned and asked Chen Guangyu.

"I'm here!".

A cold drink spread throughout Kyushu. Everyone looked up and shocked. In front of Lin Feng’s body, there was a handsome white man with a bead in his hand and a blue one in his left hand. Jade ring.

The face of the white cockroach, the standard facial features and the tall nose, the narrow eyelashes are better than the girl's eyelashes, and there is a British spirit between the eyebrows, and the double shackles are heavy and heavy from beginning to end.

This is the first day of arrogance of Taiqingmen, Qingling Xuan!

Lin Feng's pupils shrink, looking at the white man in front of him, his eyes are full of horror, but the other side of the Emperor's triple realm, Lin Feng had to admire, this is indeed an uncompromising Tianjiao, you can feel the temperament At this time, Qing Ling Xuan is not the ones who are arrogant, but have real materials.

"You are Qing Ling Xuan?" Lin Feng shouted, the tone is as indifferent as ever, no matter how the heart feels about the latter, but Lin Feng will not fear the other side.

"Who am I, don't need you to control, I just want to tell you, after I made a high-altitude ban on flying, all who dared to fly, three were interrupted by me, two were killed by me, you are the sixth dare People flying at the height of Taiqingmen!"

"You said, how can I handle you?"

Qing Ling Xuan slightly raised his brows, and his tone did not contain a trace of anger, but it contained supreme domineering, which made people dare not despise.

Lin Feng looked at Qing Ling Xuan in front of her eyes. The war in her heart was completely ignited. Lin Feng, who wanted to fight a battle, met Qing Ling Xuan at the moment. The mind of the war was getting heavier and heavier. Finally, he couldn’t help but talk. There was a smile.

Seeing this, Qing Lingxuan was puzzled. It seems that the other party did not care about his words, but it aroused the other side's blood.

"Oh, a little meaning, I haven't seen anyone like you for a long time, Lin Feng, it's really different."

"No wonder the sister said that I like you, but it doesn't work. I won't agree with the marriage of the two of you. Then no one is useless, including my master, and clear!"

Qing Ling Xuan sighed and sighed, and the tone was extremely arrogant and even overbearing, as if he was the boss of Taiqingmen, and people had doubts.

Lin Feng looked at the latter with a sullen look, then smiled faintly: "Do not move, I can, if you want to stop, then play a game."

"I don't care what you are, Qingling Xuan or who, I only know that everything is to speak with a fist."

"You humiliate and ridicule me, can you explain what? You just want to pass me, showing that you are different."

"Don't look at how you look so handsome, you can pretend to be a tall son."

Lin Feng’s face is ridiculous, and the discourse is also scornful, but his heart is already ready for the battle. Qing Ling Xuan will never despise, but the words are to despise him.

This is Lin Feng’s own thoughts.

Sure enough, after Qing Lingxuan listened to Lin Feng’s words, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes contained some anger. For so long, no one ever talked to himself.

Fighting? well!

"Lin Feng, at noon, see the Wujimen's Promise, I will give you a chance to fight directly, but not now."

Qing Ling Xuan smiled with a smile on his face, then turned his head slightly and turned to prepare to leave.

In his eyes, no one can make the rules of battle, everything needs him to decide!

He walked three steps, but the golden light flashed in front of him, and Lin Feng’s figure appeared in front of him and stopped himself.

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at him coldly, then said coldly: "I have a habit of this person who wants to fight, who must fight!"

"No need at noon, just here, there are so many geniuses of various ethnic groups, there are them watching, I think it is more appropriate."

Lin Feng’s attitude made everyone’s face change and changed, especially Chu Chunqiu and Yuan Feng. As two people who know Lin Feng more, they are all sweating for Lin Feng at this moment. Is this person so daring?

In the face of Qing Ling Xuan, if there is no absolute psychological preparation and preparation for combat, it is impossible to act rashly, but Lin Feng has evoked the anger of Qing Lingxuan.

"Is there a problem with Lin Feng’s head? Qing Ling Xuan’s explanation is that he gave him a chance to admit his mistake. As long as he admits the mistake, he will not have to fight. Now he has pushed Qing Ling Xuan to the corner, this time he must start the war."

Next to Yuan Feng's red robe, the glamorous woman said with a smug face, and there was a strange color hanging above the corner of her mouth.

Yuan Feng looked at the seductive woman next to her eyes and said: "You are the mother of the ancient orc, Jialouluo, Galia?"

"Hey, isn't this the Yuanfeng son of the Yuan Temple? How do you recognize the little girl?"

Galia's face is The eyes of the soft and charming teasing look at Yuanfeng, showing her enchanting style, but in Yuanfeng's eyes, she wants to vomit.

"So old, also called a little girl? What is it?"

A cold drink came, standing in front of Chu Chunqiu's sullen man's face, looking at Caria.

On time, Galia changed her face and then looked very sullen and shouted: "The soul hides, how, you want to fight with me?"

"Why, I am afraid of you?" The burly man's black face, standing in front of him, maliciously facing each other.

"Enough! You want to make trouble, go to other places, this is Taiqingmen, not where you are wild!"

A broken drink, interrupted the contradiction of everyone, Qing Ling Xuan eyes cold and fiercely looked at a few people in front of him.

Suddenly, everyone stopped talking, and seemed to be jealous of Qing Ling Xuan. It seems that it is not worthwhile for a small thing.

Qing Lingxuan turned around and looked at Lin Feng above the sky, with a slight curvature in the corner of his mouth.

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