People Are Hunter, The Strongest Killer Of The Zoldyck Family!

Chapter 129 Who Is Carlisle's Daughter? (Seeking Subscription)

"Master Gluttony and Master Laziness left the Dojo of the Divine Mind Society and went to the vicinity of the Sky Arena.

"Based on our understanding, they seem to be going to meet someone."

"That person's name is Carlisle."

"This is a private matter of the two adults, so we dare not intervene, but after waiting for a long time, I have not waited for the gluttonous and lazy adults to come back, so I sent someone~ to take a look

"It was discovered that the two adults were missing.-"

"There are traces of fighting at the scene."

"Nearby residents also saw some fighting footage."

"However, all the data in the monitoring has been cleared."

"Carlisle is missing, too."

Greed frowned.

"All the monitoring has been cleared? Since there are witnesses, don't the witnesses see the gluttonous and lazy combat opponents? You can find someone to draw their appearance.

"Back to Lord Greed, no."

Noke shook his head and said: "Those witnesses did not see the two adults facing each other."

"I didn't see it, what do you mean?"

Greedy eyes narrowed.

"Master Greedy, indeed not, I have already ordered people to torture and torture, those people must have no interest relationship with the other party, it is impossible to risk their lives to hide it.

"Other than that, is there any other information?"

"there is none left."

Greed turned around and wanted to discuss with lust.

But after looking back, I realized that lust had left at some point.

In a room not far away, two figures were entangled together.

A muffled voice sounded.

Greedy heard something, and his face turned cold.

"Gluttony and laziness are dead, is there still the mood to do this?"

Greed went to that room and knocked on the door.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Lust was a little dissatisfied, but he stopped his actions, put on his clothes, opened the door, and looked at Greed with cold eyes.

Suddenly he smiled.

"Do you want to be together?"

Greed looked at lust blankly.

"Not interested in."

"Gluttony and sloth are probably dead, and the order from above has come down. We must find out the murderer who killed gluttony and sloth as soon as possible, kill him, and take revenge.

"Let's discuss it."

After finishing speaking, Greedy turned and left.

Lust shrugged, a little upset, but still followed Gluttony.

I looked back.

"Wait, my sister will love you again later."

The two came to the conference room.

Not long after, Nock walked in.

Greed looked at Lust, and said, "According to what Noke said, gluttony and laziness are probably dead."

"As for their murderers, no one saw them, and all the monitoring was cleared."

"It is not a single person who kills gluttony and sloth, but a team."

"The opponent must be Nen, there is no doubt about it."

"The key lies in the opponent's ability."

Greed paused and said, "I have two guesses."

"The first one, the opponent is the Nen of Transmuter, who uses Nian Beast and Gluttony and Sloth to fight, so ordinary people can't see the opponents of Gluttony and Sloth."

"Nian Beast is invisible to ordinary people."

"Second, the opponent has Nen in stealth."

"Third, the other party has the ability to create hallucinations.

Lust pondered for a while.

"Since the other party has cleared the surveillance video, it will not be the second case, but only the first case, or the third case. If the third case, we don't need to worry about it.

"If their hallucinating Nen was strong enough to affect gluttony and laziness, it wouldn't be the scene of a fierce battle."

"So their ability to create hallucinations is only useful to ordinary people."

"However, it doesn't really matter."

"The opponent has cleaned up the traces so cleanly, it is difficult for us to find them from this aspect.

"Let's find it from the hostile relationship.

Lust looked at Nok.

"Noke, behind the Shenxinhui Dojo, are there any powerful people?"

Noke shook his head and said.

"No, there are no people behind the Shenxinhui Dojo, and the few forces that have made good friends with the Shenxinhui Dojo are not very good. It is impossible for them to be opponents of Gluttony and Laziness."

"Where's Carlisle?"

Greed asked.

"Master Greed, I don't know the situation on Carlisle's side.

Lust takes out the phone.

"I'll get in touch with the teacher in Carlisle."

Immediately, dialed a number above.

Not long after, a hoarse voice sounded from inside.

Lust hung up the phone.

Both Greed and Nock turned to Lust, hoping that Lust could give some useful information.

0......seeking flowers......

Greed is for the task.

As for Nock, he didn't want this matter to involve the Ding Wilhelm family.

Once the real murderer is not found, the Wilhelm family may be blamed.

"Carlisle's teacher said that this time Carlisle came here to find his daughter, and the reason why Carlisle found Gluttony was because in the process, he encountered a little trouble.

"Carlisle can't handle it by himself."

Greed frowned.

"Any information about Carlisle's daughter?"

"No, I only know that Carlisle's daughter is near the Sky Arena. The specific situation is not clear. Carlisle doesn't want others to know the specific situation."

Lust paused.

"However, to be honest, I don't think this matter has much to do with Carlisle."


"After all, where is Carlisle's strength? How strong is the person he can provoke?"

"It's more likely to be the Shenxinhui Dojo."

"And, people who secretly stare at the gangsters of our world.

At this time, Gluttony received a message, and his face changed.

"What's wrong?"

Lust looked over.

Gluttony said: "I just got the news that a killer entrusted the website with tasks related to gluttony and laziness. They were accepted and submitted, and the other party took away 2 billion ring nuns.

Lust's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Killer mission?"

"It's only 2 billion ring nuns?"

"One billion monks for one person."

"Just for such a small bounty, take action against gluttony and esophagus?"

"Are we that worthless?"

Lust sneered.

"This killer, does he look down on us so much?"

Greed said: "If the other party is really attacking gluttony and laziness because of the assassin's entrusted task, then the other party is likely to target us as well.

"Because our strength is not much different from gluttony and laziness."

"Our bounty is also 1 billion ring nuns."

Greed turned to Nock.

"Nock, the situation with Carlisle's daughter." Go and investigate.

"Yes, Lord Greed."

Greed then turns to lust.

"If it is true that the killer is targeting the seven of us, call the other people over as well.

"Whether it's a killer or a commissioned person, they all have to die!".

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