People Are Hunter, The Strongest Killer Of The Zoldyck Family!

Chapter 137: World Gang Leader Status! (Seeking Subscription)

Ron didn't have the ability to use a rotten knife, but only relied on the sharpness of a rotten knife.

A wound appeared on the opponent's waist.

A lot of blood gushed out.

The other party's face became very ugly in an instant.

However, the opponent still didn't give up, but turned around and rushed towards Ron.

The ferocity in his eyes became stronger than before.

"Even if I die, I will hold you back!"

"Just a brat, don't be too arrogant!"

Ron shook his head.

Raising the dead knife in his hand, he slashed across it.

This time, it hit the opponent's throat accurately.


The opponent clutched his throat, unwilling to fall down.

Such a scene, in this trial ground, is nothing more than an insignificant point. Such things are happening in many corners, and it is not just a resource grab.

It is a battle of life and death.

A month passed.

A middle-aged man appeared at the door of the ruins.


The door opens.

"The assessment is over!"

Following the sound of the middle-aged man, figures emerged from the ruins.

"Congratulations, you have passed the examination."

"Starting today, you are one of the candidates for the Seven Deadly Sins."

"keep it up."

An identity card was earned in Ron's hands.

"This is your ID card."

"With this, it proves that you are already the cadres of the world's gangsters."

"In this city, you have the right to move freely."

"Except for very few areas, you can all lose.

Hearing this, Ron's eyes lit up.

That's what Ron wanted.

What became one of the members of the Seven Deadly Sins.

What became one of the members of Yin Beast.

What becomes a cadre of the world gangster.

None of this Ron cares about.

What Ron wants is the right to move freely in the world's gangsters.

The ultimate intention of the observer, the main focus, lies in observation.

At Zoldyck Manor, Ron needn't worry.

Because Ron himself is one of the owners of Zoldyck Manor, he will not be blocked wherever he goes.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the characteristics of the Zoldyck Manor have been absorbed to 100%.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Zoldyck Manor is not very large.

This is not very big, not compared with other manors.

As far as manors go, Zoldyck Manor is definitely at the top of the list.

This is not very large, compared to other regions of Ron absorption properties.

Going to the Sky Arena, the situation is a little more complicated.

The floors below are easy to talk about. As long as Ron buys a ticket, he can go anywhere.

But the 251st floor of the Sky Arena caused a little trouble for Ron.

The Fighting Conference is held every two years.

Ron waited until the fighting tournament was held, and the regiment absorbed the characteristics of the sky arena to 100%.

Meteor Street, on the other hand, has such a huge area that it is completely a country.

I also encountered the truth about the KUTO bandit group.

It took Ron a lot of time to complete the absorption of the characteristics of Meteor Street.

In the case of the world gangsters, the area is also huge.

Compared with Meteor Street, it is more scattered.

Not one city, two cities, but scattered in many countries, various cities.

Orion is one of the core cities.

Ron is currently not sure how much world gangster stuff he needs to observe to achieve 100% progress, but as much as he can get in the city of Orion, Kang Huang can get more.

The previous experience on Meteor Street let Ron know that it is not necessary to observe everything in the area.

On Meteor Street, Ron has many existences that have not yet been observed.

A figure was waiting not far away.

Next to it is a car.

Ron recognized him.

This is one of those greedy stewards.

"Master Ron".

"Mr Waters.

Waters opened the car door and said, "Master Greedy is away on a mission, so he's not in Orion, Lord Ron, if you need anything, you can tell me.

Ron nodded and got in the car.

"Mr. Waters, can you show me around Orion?"

"The person who gave me the cadre ID card just now said that I can go to most areas of this city, but there are also very few areas that cannot be approached.

"Can you tell me about it, can you introduce me?"

Waters nods.


Waters drove the car himself.

Ron was in the passenger seat.

The car was driving at a moderate speed.

Ron looked at the crystal ball in front of him.

Twenty days ago, progress in the crystal ball stopped because Ron was trapped in the Ruin King.

Now out, the crystal ball started absorbing again.

Waters introduced while driving.

"This city is one of the core cities of the world's gangsters, and it is also the most important city."

"Flowers, magnificent

Waters had a look of pride on his face.

"Master Ron, you have obtained the status of a cadre of the world's gangsters, and your authority is higher than mine."

"If you want to say that you can't go to places, it may be these four places."

"The first, the tallest, largest, and most gorgeous annex building in the center of Orion City.

"Large conference building."

"I haven't entered here before, Master Greed has been, but the number of times is very small"

"There are rumors outside that if the old man comes to Olean, he will stay in the conference building."

"Second, Sapper.

"Gangsters in our world have their own weapon manufacturing assembly line, and they don't completely rely on external weapons. Firearms, grenades, rocket launchers, etc., can all be made by themselves."

"It's even for sale."

"The third one, Experimental Base No. 2."

"This experimental base is very mysterious, and I don't know exactly what's going on inside.

"By the way, the person you asked Mr. Greed about before, Mr. Ron, is the person in the No. 2 Experimental Base." (Nuo Dehao) "The fourth one is the Yin Beast Manor.

"It's the place of Yin Beasts. Others are not qualified to enter unless they are invited."

"very dangerous."

Ron nodded.

"I see, Mr. Waters, thank you."

Back at Greed Manor, Ron entered the room, thinking seriously.

"Except for those four areas, I can go to other places."

"Then, in the future, I will divide the time into two parts."

"A part, go to the places where you can go and absorb the features."

"One part, training."

You'd be suspicious if you'd been out and about all day.

A greedy, Ron is not afraid.

But here is the core area code of the world's gangsters.

"The large conference building, the engineering factory, the No. 2 test base, and the Yin Beast Manor."

"In these places, we must look for opportunities to enter."

"There's no rush."

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