Seth's father and daughter depended on each other, and their home was just a shabby wooden house with nothing worth taking away.

Lin Shuhao dragged Jonathan to the wilderness like a dog and shot him in the head before returning to the manor with Seth.

In the future, my father-in-law will become an employee of his military factory and become a family member, which will save a lot of processes.

A simple family dinner was arranged, and Alice came through the door, which was a lot less troublesome than Jenny.

After Alice changed clothes and washed up, Lin Feng realized that he had made a mistake.

Lin Feng felt like he had picked up a treasure!

Tolerance is a great pleasure, and it is not enough for outsiders.

However, he was not in a hurry to have sex, but was prepared to take care of her for a while longer.

Although Alice is extremely talented, she is still a bit young. She was malnourished when she was growing. She is still a little thin and has very shaky bones.

After more than ten days, she became even plumper.

"Well, now it looks like I was right!"

"If you take good care of yourself, your frame will still have room for growth!"

Looking at her becoming more and more beautiful, Lin Feng smiled slightly.

He could still hold it in, but Alice was a little anxious.

"Sir, I think tonight……"

"I'm worried about you, don't worry, I'll make you feel comfortable later!"

Alice is young, just over sixteen, but she is very cautious. She has long understood the secret of survival in a deep mansion. She has not climbed into the master's bed for a day, and she is not stable in this large manor.

Lin Feng's decision has no influence. People can be shaken.

In order to have a better driving experience in the future, he decided to wait.

Seeing that the woman Lin Shuhao helped find was not moved by his father, Lin Yuanfeng discovered an opportunity. During this period, the family business and the farm had no major achievements, and then If this continues, he can hardly do his job as financial controller.

Lin Yuanfeng brought back two beauties, one big and one small.

Because he often inspects the Lin family property, he often travels around Edmond.

This is his During this inspection, I met two poor women on the way. Their husband died, and their mother and daughter were driven out by relatives who took over the property.

The mother has a beautiful appearance, a broad mind, and a slender waist. The girl has grown up like her mother. She is already 17 or 18 years old. They were uneven.

Lin Feng was a kind-hearted person. After meeting the mother and daughter, he waved his hand and took them in together with his mother-in-law. The condition of Catherine and her daughter was worse than that of Alice's family. They had nothing but a pair of clothes.

A sumptuous family dinner solved the problem. At the family banquet, we also learned the details of their mother and daughter.

It turned out that Catherine was not Angela’s biological mother, but her stepmother who was only eight years older than Angela.

But Catherine had just married Angela’s Father, that unlucky man was shot to death in a street conflict before he even touched her. The reason why they were kicked out by their relatives was because those relatives felt that one of them was an unlucky person and the other would marry off in the future. They are losers in dividing the family property.

The two people living on the street have not had enough to eat for a long time. The sumptuous family dinner satisfied both Catherine and her daughter. Lin Feng took advantage of it.

"Master, it’s time to get up at dawn!"

The older Catherine pushed Lin Feng to remind him that it was time to get up.

Angela was still sleeping soundly.

"The day's plan begins in the morning, we must seize the time!"

When I woke up again, it was already noon.

Lin Feng put on his clothes and stretched out his hand for food. Catherine was busy making the bed, and Angela could only serve.

After lunch, he accompanied them to talk and chat.

Lin Feng expressed his sincerity with great enthusiasm. Yi Li left and went to the study to summon the housekeeper Lin Shuhao.

"Has anyone else sneaked into our military factory and laboratory recently?"

I was so busy with concubinage and having children during this period that I almost forgot about the previous things.

Fortunately, when I was chatting with Catherine and the others just now, I talked about the various properties of the Lin family, and I found out that some officials from the Governor's Mansion had sent people to steal secrets. think of things

"As for the master, last time the fox hunted a chicken to scare the monkeys, now no one dares to covet the Lin family's property."

"However, our informant at the Governor's Mansion reported that the Chief of Public Security's attitude towards the Lin family is not very good."

"According to the information obtained by the informants, Howell is lobbying the Director-General of the Taxation Department and is likely to launch a joint investigation and enforcement against Lin's industry."

Lin Shuhao is very strict in his work. Since the last incident, he has spent a lot of money to bribe several officials of the Governor's Mansion to serve as Lin family's spies. He does not ask them to do anything important to influence the policies of the Governor's Mansion, as long as they can provide useful information..

After reporting the information, he made a gesture like cutting his neck and suggested in a low voice.

"Master, how about we recall Fox Hunt and kill this Howell!"

Lin Feng shook his head. The British Empire is still very powerful now.

If the dignified Chief of Security of the Governor-General's Palace of Ghana dies in an assassination, more troops may be transferred from the mainland, which will be very detrimental to the future development of the Lin family.

"Don't resort to dangerous tactics at all times, especially when dealing with these bunch of bureaucrats"

"Killing some white gloves who are in trouble will not arouse much attention and anger from the Governor's Office, but breaking the bottom line of the bureaucratic class will arouse the hostility of all bureaucrats"

"If the Lin family wants to grow stronger, it must win over all the forces it can win over, instead of making enemies everywhere!"

It is not an easy task to deal with the Chief of Public Security Howell. After all, this guy is one of the six giants in the Governor's Mansion. He also controls the police officers of all the police stations in Ghana. His military power is second only to Governor Ming. I asked the Earl. Lin

Feng thought for a while and felt that the most immediate priority was to deal with the most direct threat first and deal with the Director of the Taxation Department.

"Take 10,000 pounds and go to Ottawa. Be sure to bring the Director-General of the Taxation Department to our side."

"I will send Lin Gengxin to go with you. He is best at sneaking in and assassinating. If you can't bribe him, scare him."

"These cowardly officials may not value £10,000, but they are even more afraid of losing their lives!"

Lin Shuhao took the order and left. At the same time, following him was a thin man with an ordinary appearance who would be ignored if he were not paying attention in the crowd.

After finishing these tasks, Lin Feng began to practice.

Baduanjin, Five Elements Quan, Ten Santaibao practiced the Golden Bell Shield horizontally. He practiced the skills taught by his grandfather very seriously. Practicing the skills is like sailing against the current, and if you don't make progress, you will retreat. There is no room for slacking off.

Before the concubine gave birth, Lin Feng planned to work steadily and develop step by step. Secular forces.

The extraordinary powers currently include James and Victor, which are enough to cope with ordinary changes for the time being.

Relying on his super self-healing ability, James's Five Elements Boxing has been developed to a dark level, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, becoming the only member of the Lin family besides Lin Feng. The best master outside.

Victor's character is too violent and needs more time to be tempered.

If he doesn't obey orders absolutely for a day, Lin Feng will not be ready to help him awaken his mutant abilities.

So he has a stronger body than James. , but not as good as the former in the practice of Five Elements Boxing. It took more than a month to reach Ming Jin.

I took the time to go to Jenny's place. Her belly was slightly swollen. I believe it won't take long for her to give birth.

Pregnant women are very pregnant. Sensitive, Lin Feng gave a few words of comfort and left.

Afterwards, he went to visit Alice, but unexpectedly Catherine and her daughter were also there. The three girls even whispered to each other and seemed to have become close friends.

Lin Feng chatted with them for a while. He left.

After all, becoming stronger was his real intention. How could he waste too much time on them.

The miniature star in the brain seemed to be more inclined to the energy aspect, and the physical quality was not improved too much.

His current physical strength and strength are roughly equivalent to Captain America after being injected with the Super Soldier Serum.

If he wants to improve further, maybe it would be a good choice to master his boxing skills again.

He had experience in his previous life, so it shouldn't take much to practice it again in this life. Too much time.

According to Lin Feng’s estimation, they can re-enter Huajin before giving birth.


Time passed day by day, and in the farm and pasture, hundreds of black-skinned slave workers worked hard to plow the ground and sow seeds under the whip of the overseer.

The new products developed by military factories and laboratories have received production permission from the Governor-General's Office, and are in short supply in several major cities in Ghana.

The pharmaceutical factories and pharmaceutical companies that Lin Feng was obsessed with were successfully acquired after Lin Shuhao established a relationship with the director of the Taxation Department.

There are people in the DPRK who are easy to do business with. This is a wise saying that will never be broken.

During this period, Old Howlett wrote and wanted to see his grandson. Lin Feng took James and Victor on a trip and helped Victor's father Thomas collect the body.

It wasn't that John got angry and killed him later, but Thomas died of alcohol poisoning as he drank to drown his sorrows.

Victor was as silent as a mountain that day, carrying Thomas' body and walking vigorously into the col.

On a rocky beach, he dropped the body from his shoulders and silently dug the rocks with his hands.

James wanted to step forward to help, but he pushed him away.

With his flesh-and-blood hands, he dug a big pit in the rocky beach, and buried the body in it with his hands dripping with blood.

After filling in the hole, Victor searched around for a boulder and moved it to the grave with all his strength.

"Victor, don't do this, Thomas.……"

James was halfway through his words when he stopped abruptly under Victor's murderous eyes.

"He deserved his death and I am not sad! His mother was accidentally killed by him while drunk, so James, your comfort is like insulting me!"

"Next time, I'll kill you!"

When he said this, the nails on Victor's hands seemed to grow longer.

In Lin Feng's spiritual perception, there was a power similar to James's in his body, which was growing and might break out at any time.

Tame Things seem to be picking up speed with this ferocious saber-toothed tiger.

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