Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 155: Changes in natural abilities (below)


Before Lin Feng could fully appreciate the "change" of the armor's ability, those armor-piercing beasts couldn't wait to pounce. Although these armor-piercing beasts are relatively mild in temperament compared to other fierce beasts.

But in battle, these armor-piercing beasts are no worse than other fierce beasts, and even more fierce.

Lin Feng had just landed, and his armor quickly covered his entire body. From the front, back, left, and right, dozens of armor-piercing beasts rushed over immediately. These armor-piercing beasts had rough and thick skin, their skin was as hard as a rock, and their strength was enormous. They charged with all their strength. Below, the momentum is not small.

Lin Feng frowned. He felt that the "sarcoma" on his back was really uncomfortable, so when he thought about it, almost like instinct, the "sarcoma" on his back suddenly burst open.


The "sarcoma" behind Lin Feng suddenly burst open, like a high-pressure water gun, and a dense green liquid splashed from the "sarcoma".

These liquids looked disgusting, and suddenly splashed onto dozens of armor-piercing beasts. Suddenly, these armor-piercing beasts screamed and fell to the ground one by one, and their hard skin was immediately corroded by a large piece. The pain kept rolling on the ground, and finally died on the verge of death.


Lin Feng was slightly startled, but he didn't expect that the "sarcoma" behind him could spray out a corrosive liquid similar to acid, and the power was also very good.

Lin Feng thought about it carefully. His armor talent was actually inherited from the genes of the elephant-trunk beast. Apart from its rough skin and flesh, the elephant-trunk beast was well-defended and powerful, and it didn't seem to have any corrosive liquid.

Could it be that these "sarcomas" are actually things that breed corrosive liquids? But where did the "sarcoma" corrode the liquid come from? In other words, there was originally such a talent in the gene of the elephant-trunk beast, but it did not take shape. Instead, Lin Feng inherited the gene of the elephant-trunk beast and developed this corrosive ability from the depths of his genes?


No matter what, the battle had already begun, and those armor-piercing beasts were particularly angry and attacked Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng didn't have time to study the "sarcoma" behind it. Although he didn't have a knife, he could use his hand instead.

"Lightning Arc Knife!"

Lin Feng's whole person seemed to be transformed into an arc, and then, all the armor-piercing beasts that were cut by Lin Feng's knife fell to the ground one by one. Some of them didn't die, but there was a long wound on their body.

"so smart?"

Lin Feng stretched out his palm. Although he didn't use a knife, he displayed a sharp horn. The sharp horn seemed to have changed at the moment. Not only did the thorns become harder and sharper, but there was also a faint thorn on it. The group of rays of light seems to be a different force.

Anyone who is stabbed by a sharp horn will enter the body of the armor-piercing beast with the power of light, and then explode with a bang.

This kind of different power, the sharp corners of the previous are not there.

Lin Feng's sharp horns come from the genes of unicorns, but it seems that even unicorns do not have this "extraordinary power". How can the sharp horns inherited from unicorn genes have such extraordinary powers?

Could it be that the unicorn itself actually has this kind of power in its genes, but it's just that even the unicorn has not developed this ability?

Lin Feng vaguely had such a guess. Sarcoma and Alien had never appeared before, but now they appeared strangely.

but. Now Lin Feng doesn't have time to study such a profound and complex issue. This has to be left to those experts and scholars to slowly study how many special abilities are hidden in the unicorn genes.

Since the sharp horns are so powerful now, it is beneficial to Lin Feng, so he continues to use the lightning arc electric knife. Any armor-piercing beast that collides with will not be intact, and will either be seriously injured or killed.

In a blink of an eye, a pile of thick armor-piercing beast corpses had accumulated around Lin Feng.

Many of the warriors on the city tower saw their eyes straight.

With the strength of one person, Lin Feng actually resisted the impact of so many armor-piercing beasts. It must be known that even a non-human strong person would be at a disadvantage if he used star power.

Moreover, he can only defend, not attack. Where is Lin Feng, who can do it with ease, almost like a meat grinder, strangling those armor-piercing beasts.

"The commander-in-chief has bought time for us, open the city gate, and everyone rushes out!"

There are no armor-piercing beasts at the city gate, so if you rush out at this time, you are not afraid that armor-piercing beasts can forcefully rush into the base. Therefore, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that Lin Feng has won for everyone.

The twenty-one non-human powerhouses remaining at the Shannan Base immediately jumped off the city tower, and immediately cleared a long safe passage outside the city gate.

At the same time, the city gate opened, and countless warriors rushed out.

The screams of killing on the battlefield were loud, and Lin Feng also stopped. He glanced at the other twenty-one inhuman powerhouses and shouted loudly, "Don't get entangled with ordinary armor-piercing beasts, and act as planned!"

On the battlefield, all non-human powerhouses know very well that what they have to deal with are those monsters that are armor-piercing beasts, and those monsters are the most important. As long as those monsters are repelled, ordinary armor-piercing beasts will naturally retreat.

If they are entangled by ordinary armor-piercing beasts, it will not be worth the loss, and maybe they may fall into the frantic siege of armor-piercing beasts and die of exhaustion.


No one thought that the first person to rush out was Chen Xue, the woman who led to this battle, it is no exaggeration to say that she was the culprit. Even after this war, regardless of the outcome, Chen Xue will be sent to the martial artist court.

However, now Chen Xue is still a non-human strong, she is still the captain of Shannan Base, her brave performance will also inspire other warriors.


No matter what Chen Xue thought, Lin Feng had already chosen his target. There were four armor-piercing beasts, and two of them were particularly powerful. They should be the strongest among the group of armor-piercing beasts.

Lin Feng suddenly jumped into the and rushed towards the armor-piercing beasts behind him. At the same time, other non-human powerhouses also flew up one after another, temporarily leaving the battlefield and getting rid of ordinary clothes. A beast's siege.

Perhaps, the only advantage of non-human powerhouses over armor-piercing beasts is that they can fly. If it is a Zerg, such a reckless flight is likely to be directly bound and pulled down by the tentacles of the Zerg.

But armor-piercing beasts don't have such ability. They have hard skin and sharp claws. They can quickly dig out underground passages, but they can't fly.

Lin Feng's speed increased again, and then suddenly landed in the middle of the four armor-piercing beasts. Several armor-piercing beasts wanted to deal with other inhuman powerhouses, but were blocked by Lin Feng's extremely fast speed.

In terms of speed, let alone these armor-piercing beasts, even those inhuman powerhouses, as long as they don't have the talent for awakening speed, can't compare to Lin Feng's speed.

The four armor-piercing beasts are also very intelligent. They understand Lin Feng's "meaning" and actually want to challenge them!

The four armor-piercing beasts were very angry. Since they couldn't avoid Lin Feng, they simply surrounded Lin Feng and approached him step by step.

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