Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 166: Method

"Commander-in-chief, the people from Shannan Base are here!"

In fact, without notice, everyone in the Shanbei Base saw that a huge spaceship was flying towards the Shanbei Base in the distance, and the sign above was officially the Shannan Base.

"I'll go meet it myself."

Morey said in a deep voice that no matter how much he disliked the people at Shannan Base, but Shannan Base worked so hard to come to support, he, the commander-in-chief, must not neglect the people at Shannan Base.

So, under the leadership of Morey, many warriors from Shanbei Base rushed to meet the spacecraft from Shannan Base.

At this time, in the spaceship, Lin Feng could see a huge base below. This base was much larger than the Shannan base, and the architectural style was extremely strange.

There is no aesthetic feeling at all. From a high altitude, it is a huge fortress, which is completely piled up by hard steel.

The spaceship landed quickly, and Lin Feng also took the people off the spaceship.

"I am Morey, the commander-in-chief of Shanbei Base. Thank you for coming to support us."

The warriors of Morei Shi's Loose Cultivation Alliance have a Western face, but they grew up in the East, and have long been the third-order metamorphosis realm, and they have been guarding the Shanbei base for 20 years.

Lu Wei stepped forward and introduced: "Commander Morey, this is Lin Feng, commander of our Shanbei Base!"

"Brother Lin Feng, I have heard of your name for a long time. The winner of the Human Hero Medal is really enviable. I have been in the Shanbei Base for 20 years, and I have not even won a Human Defender Medal. Brother Lin Feng is really young and promising. "

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Commander Morey is being polite. I wonder how the Shanbei Base is doing now?"

Seeing that Lin Feng directly asked about the situation at Shanbei Base, Morey nodded secretly.

"The situation at the Shanbei base is not very good. I will take Brother Lin Feng to see the situation outside the base."

After he finished speaking, he took Lin Feng to the tower.

When he got to the city tower, Lin Feng saw that the outside of the Shanbei base was almost densely packed, and there were earth ants everywhere. These ant beasts seem to be crazy, constantly attacking the Shanbei base.

The Shanbei Base has perfect defense measures, but even so, the uninterrupted attacks of the ant beasts also caused the Shanbei Base to pay a lot of casualties.

"Didn't think of taking the initiative to attack?"

Lin Feng asked actively.

Morey glanced at the people behind Lin Feng, and did not answer directly, but asked softly, "I wonder how many people Lin Feng brought to Shannan Base?"

"With me, there are a total of eleven non-human powerhouses and three thousand ordinary warriors."

Lin Feng answered truthfully.

"Are there only eleven non-human warriors?"

There was a hint of disappointment in Morey's eyes. In fact, he had known it for a long time. He didn't know how to hold too much hope. Could it be that he still didn't know what was going on at the Shannan Base?

These eleven people are almost half of the strength of Shannan Base. Shannan Base still has armor-piercing beasts to guard against, and it is impossible for all of them to come to support Shanbei Base.

This is almost the limit of the Shannan base.

But knowing that he knew, and hearing Lin Feng say it himself, Morey was still very bitter in his heart. There are eleven inhuman powerhouses in the mere area, and none of them are third-order warriors in the Transcendence Realm. What can they do?

Lin Feng naturally noticed the disappointment on Morey's face, but he didn't say anything. The Shannan Base really had this strength and could only bring so many people to support.

"Brother Lin Feng, look in the distance, those earth ant beasts with faint silver rays of light, they are the monsters among the earth ant beasts, there are hundreds of them, how dare our Shanbei base take the initiative to attack?"


Lin Feng was taken aback. He followed Morey's gaze and looked into the distance. Sure enough, there were those earth ant beasts glowing with silver light. In fact, it's only twice as big as the average earth ant beast, and it's far worse than the armor-piercing beast's size.

But they are the most ferocious earth ant monsters, not only have the sharpest and sharpest teeth, can bite the hardest steel, but also can spray an acidic liquid, which is extremely corrosive.

Even if it is a mortal mortal warrior, if there is no star power to protect the body, it will basically be corroded into serious injuries, or even die directly, and it cannot be removed at all, which is very terrifying.

An earth ant beast monster is so terrifying, let alone hundreds of them?

When Lin Feng fought against the Zerg outside Longpan City, he saw 30 monsters, and when he fought against armor-piercing beasts at the Shannan Base, he saw 40 or 50 monsters.

But it was the first time he had encountered hundreds of monsters!

"Do you know the reason for the earth ant beast's attack this time?"

Lin Feng knew that these monsters were all wise. It was impossible for them to attack the base for no reason. Moreover, they were on such a large scale. Did they want to destroy the Shanbei base in one go?

"Our Shanbei base has never encountered such a large-scale attack, and it doesn't seem like they really want to attack the Shanbei base."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Feng was a little confused. He didn't attack the Shanbei base but surrounded the Shanbei base. How could this be possible?

"Because of the queen! These ant beasts have a general-level ant queen who controls all the ant beasts. Every time they attack the Shanbei base, the ant queen must be involved. But this time, it's very strange, we didn't find the queen's ant. Any trace, and these ground ant beasts are rushing out of their nests frantically, and they seem to be scrambling for each other, as if they are not under strict command, but a little scattered and even a little frightened."

"I wonder if something happened to the ant beast's nest, and our Shanbei base just suffered from Chiyu?"

Lin Feng was also paying attention to these terrestrial beasts, and he also felt that, as Morey said, terrestrial ant beasts are strictly gregarious beasts, and their internal structure is much stricter than that of armor-piercing beasts.

Only the queen ant is qualified to command the ant beast, and even those monsters of the ant, without the order of the queen, cannot be a wise ant beast.

Morey has been at the Shanbei Base for 20 years. Obviously, he knows the ground ant beast very well, and his analysis is also well-founded.

But no matter whether the ant beast's nest has changed, or whether the Shanbei base has suffered from Chiyu, these analyses cannot solve the current difficulties of the Shanbei base.

These earth ants must be repelled!

"Brother Are you sure there is no trace of the queen ant?"

Lin Feng seemed to have thought of something.

"I'm sure that the attack of the ant beasts this time has absolutely no inspiration from the queen. Otherwise, the hundreds of ant beasts and tens of thousands of ant beasts attack in an orderly and large-scale attack, and our Shanbei base can still persist. Bring someone to support Brother Lin Feng?"

Morey said decisively, he has been guarding the Shanbei Base for 20 years, and he would never make such a joke.

"If there is no queen ant, I have a solution that I can try, but it is a little dangerous."

Lin Feng pondered for a while and said.

"any solution?"

"Go straight to Huanglong! It's very simple. It's impossible to deal with tens of thousands of ant beasts, but as long as the monsters of hundreds of ant beasts can be defeated, the crisis at the Shanbei base will naturally be lifted."

Lin Feng said calmly, in fact, this was also the way he solved the crisis at the Shannan base last time. It was simple and direct, but it was the most effective.

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