Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 428: star flower

Three months later, Lin Feng was in the secret room.


The surrounding space seemed to be distorted, and then it was like a mirror, covered with dense cracks, and then shattered in an instant, revealing the dark space channel.

"The laws of planetary space, finally understood!"

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. For three whole months, he was comprehending the laws of space almost every moment, although his progress was very slow, which can only be described as turtle speed.

However, his improvement can be clearly seen every day.

As a result, he was able to successfully comprehend the laws of planet-level space within three months, and once he understood the laws of planet-level space, he suddenly realized it.

It turned out that the Space Law can also possess terrifying combat power, especially the Space Law alone, which can shatter the space in the universe, and can also use confinement.

A single planet-level space law is comparable to ordinary planet-level life.


Lin Feng's figure flickered, and he disappeared from the secret room. He had already entered the space passage. If it is just an ordinary body, the squeezing force of the space channel is very strong, and it can't even bear it for a long time.

Lin Feng displayed the tidal body, so that he could barely resist.

However, what is really most suitable for space shuttles is the Escape Air Fighter!

The tidal combat body can only resist the pressure of space, while the air escape combat body has a feeling of being integrated into the space channel.

If it travels with all its strength, the air escape combat body can travel a distance of about five light-years at most at one time. In fact, this is already very impressive. At a distance of five light-years, even a galaxy-level life cannot achieve a distance of five light-years in an instant.

Of course, if it is a tidal combat body, the distance is much shorter, but it can also travel a long distance.

Elementary planet-level laws can help the air escape body travel a distance of five light-years, which is actually very far. But if he wanted to return to his home planet, just relying on space shuttles, I am afraid that Lin Feng could be exhausted to death, which was not so realistic.

However, if there is any danger, he can escape completely, even if it is a galaxy-level life, as long as the space is not shattered with a single blow, then Lin Feng can escape through the space shuttle.

Of course, if those great galaxy-level beings were prepared and instantly shattered the space, Lin Feng would not be able to escape even if he had an air escape body.

But that's an extreme situation. Looking at the vast universe, how many great lives at the galaxy level can there be?

Therefore, today's Lin Feng can be regarded as invincible.


Lin Feng quietly shuttled back to the secret room. He needs to keep a low profile for the time being, at least not to expose his spatial talent. This is his trump card to save his life at a critical moment.

After all, the power of annihilation in the Spear of Destruction was running out. In fact, Lin Feng's combat effectiveness had declined.

Opening the secret room, Lin Feng saw that Lombertin outside seemed to be communicating with whom.

"Master, are you out?"

"Going out, what's going on recently?"

Lombertin inquired and said, "There is nothing to do in the temple recently, but two months ago, His Royal Highness Raymond came to you in person, but you are in retreat and can't see the guests, so I didn't inform the master."

"His Royal Highness Raymond? Did he mention what it was?"

"That's not true, but His Royal Highness Raymond said that if you leave the customs, you should contact him immediately."

Lin Feng felt a little strange, what could Raymond do to him?

However, Raymond is a medium planet life, and he is also famous in the upper-level area. He couldn't let His Highness Raymond come in person, so he simply went to visit His Royal Highness.

So, Lin Feng left the residence directly and flew towards Raymond's residence.


"His Royal Highness Raymond, His Highness Lin Feng asks to see you."

Raymond's followers came to report.

"Lin Feng? Let him in."

Raymond opened his eyes. Originally, two months ago, he went to visit Lin Feng in person to discuss some matters, but unfortunately Lin Feng was in retreat at that time.

Now it seems that Lin Feng is out of the customs.

Soon, the followers led Lin Feng into the hall. Lin Feng took a closer look and saw that it was His Highness Raymond who killed the Black Dragon Cult Master.

"His Royal Highness Raymond."

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, you are finally out."

Raymond said with a smile, his tone was kind and kind.

"His Royal Highness Lauremont ran in vain. I was in retreat at the time, and now I have just left, and I heard that His Royal Highness Raymond once came. I don't know if His Highness Raymond is looking for me?"

"I can't talk to His Highness Lin Feng if I have nothing to do? Last time I was able to kill that demon, thanks to His Highness Lin Feng, I can't repay it. I heard that His Highness Lin Feng has not had six life transitions, this flower of the starry sky. I will give it to His Highness Lin Feng, and Quan should thank His Highness Lin Feng."

"Flower of the Starry Sky?"

Lin Feng was shocked. He naturally knew that Starry Sky Flower had been in Beamon Temple for several months after all.

This is a real cosmic wonder. Under normal circumstances, the flower of the starry sky grows on some meteorites. Some meteorites, split up for various reasons, end up drifting in the universe.

There is a one in a billion chance that some tiny creatures will appear on it, and even plants will grow.

And the flower of the starry sky grew out of a small meteorite under the odds of one in a billion, and has withstood the impact of various radiations and disasters for many years in the universe.

The role of the star flower is also very simple, that is, it can promote cell division.

For ordinary life, this is not a tonic, but a poison. The speed of cell division is too fast for ordinary people to bear, but for cultivators, especially Lin Feng, who has fallen into a bottleneck and cannot progress in battle. This starry sky flower has become a sacred object, and it even has the hope of helping the battle body to go further.

Lin Feng has always wanted to transform the battle body into a perfect battle body, but even with the help of Planet Origin last time, he only raised the battle body to 830 kilometers. There is still a long way to go before completing the battle.

But if there is Starry Sky Flower, Lin Feng's battle body may not be able to reach perfection directly, but it can make the battle body go a step further and get closer to perfection.

This is of great significance to Lin Feng.

"His Royal Highness This is too precious. The Black Dragon Sect Leader was killed by His Royal Highness Raymond. I didn't help much."

Although Lin Feng desperately wanted to get the Flower of the Starry Sky, it was too precious. He also knew that Raymond was not just giving away such a precious thing just to thank him.

There must be some other reason.

Before understanding the reason, Lin Feng didn't want to accept Raymond's gift easily.

Raymond smiled slightly, Lin Feng's cautiousness was also what he expected.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, I have a little business. I would like to ask His Highness Lin Feng to help me."

Raymond stopped going in circles and spoke directly.


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