Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 502: the end of the universe

Among the four, on the surface, His Royal Highness Longwu is the strongest. The 30 million kilometers of battle alone is enough to dwarf the heroes. Even in the upper part of the temple, they are still strong.

Of course, if Lin Feng used advanced planetary laws, it would be different.

Generally speaking, the stronger the strength, the greater the right to speak. But in the combination of these four people, there are some differences. Although Longwu is the strongest, Lin Feng can clearly feel that the real caller is actually Raymond.

When Raymond made a plan, Long Wu generally would not object, and Yu Jing also took it for granted, which surprised Lin Feng.

Lei Meng said with a smile: "His Royal Highness Lin Feng may not know something, the three of us have actually worked together many times, so we have known each other for a long time. This time I brought down Lin Feng's Highness and joined our team, so Long Wu Your Highness and Your Highness Yu Jing are a little worried and want to try it out."

Lin Feng suddenly realized that it turned out that Lei Meng, Long Wu and Yu Jing were the "Iron Triangle", on the contrary, Lin Feng was redundant. It's no wonder that Long Wu and Yu Jing obeyed Lei Meng's orders. I don't know how many times the three of them have teamed up before coming here, and they seem to be going very well.

Maybe Longwu is very strong, but Raymond is good at making plans, making plans, and scheduling. And Lin Feng was pulled into the team by Raymond. Long Wu and Yu Jing just tried it out, but they didn't object. In fact, it was because of Raymond's special status in the team.

Although Raymond and the other three were the "iron triangle", Lin Feng was not dissatisfied, but felt that this team had a more "promising future". The reason is also very simple. Raymond and others have cooperated many times, and each time has been very smooth. Moreover, he is also very vigilant about new members, and he has to try it out. On the other hand, this also shows that they attach great importance to new members, and do not want to destabilize the team because of new members.

This mature and stable team is also what Lin Feng hopes to join. At least, he doesn't have to worry about being stabbed in the back by a player at a critical moment. In the North River Galaxy, there are too many cultivators like this. They can do everything for their own interests, and their promises are worthless.

Therefore, after so many years in the North River Galaxy, it is not that Lin Feng did not know other practitioners. But his real new appointment is still only You Lingzun.

After the four of them discussed it, it was actually Raymond's plan, and Lin Feng nodded.

Raymond's plan is very simple, get to the place of the Big Bang as soon as possible, and then make a new plan.

To this end, Raymond prepared a spaceship and even planned the planned route. Of course, Lin Feng had no opinion. As for Long Wu and Yu Jing, they were already used to Raymond arranging everything.

So, Lin Feng and others got into the spaceship and started heading towards the place where the universe exploded. Of course, the space channel was also shuttled during the period, but the place of the Big Bang was very special, and even the shuttle space channel could not be reached.

It even took a long time to fly, even if Raymond and others had purchased the most advanced spacecraft, it still took three years to finally reach their destination.

"The end of the universe is finally here!"

As the spaceship gradually stopped, Lin Feng and others also flew out.

Lin Feng looked around, he only saw that the surroundings were empty, not even a planet, and in the distance, there was a deep, dark area.

It seems that no light can enter that dark area, even the naked eye cannot see it, and can only sense it with mental power. It's like a black hole, but it seems more terrifying than a black hole.

This is the end of the universe!

The universe also has an end. Although it is huge and vast, it is not really boundless. This dark area, the end of the universe, is also known as the cosmic wall.

The Big Bang is the explosion in the cosmic wall. Inside the spaceship, Lin Feng had already heard Raymond, Long Wu and others explain the common sense about the Big Bang.

The cosmic membrane is the end of the universe, and the entire universe, like a 'living creature', is actually expanding continuously. The big bang is the expansion of the cosmic wall, and every time it expands, many new substances will be produced in the universe.

Most of these new substances are actually substances swallowed up by the expansion of the universe, and will not be produced in the universe.

When Lin Feng first heard about this kind of cosmic secret, he was also very surprised.

"The cosmic wall membrane turned out to be like this. I don't know what is outside the cosmic wall membrane?"

Lin Feng sighed with emotion. Who would have thought that the vast universe has an end, and it is constantly expanding like a living thing.

"Hey, I've heard that outside the universe, there is chaos. The universe we are in is called the Origin universe. In the chaos, there are many Origin universes, and some terrifying powerhouses can freely enter and leave the Origin universe. "

"Chaos? Origin Universe?"

It was also the first time that Lin Feng heard about it.

"I also occasionally heard His Majesty the King of God say something, but the specifics are not very clear. In short, you cannot leave the Origin Universe alone without becoming a cosmos-level life."

"Can't leave alone? What if someone else helped?"

Lin Feng's heart moved, as if he could hear Raymond's implication.

"Yes, His Royal Highness Lin Feng is really smart. If someone helps, he can freely enter and leave the Origin Universe. But we can't imagine such a strong person."

Lin Feng nodded, Yuan Cosmos, Chaos, etc., were too far away from him, and it would be meaningless to know more about them now.

"someone is coming!"

Long Wu suddenly said, and the four immediately became vigilant.

Sure enough a spaceship flew in the distance, and three cultivators descended from the spaceship. All of them had strong auras, not inferior to the four of Lin Feng.

"A practitioner of life on a higher planet!"

Long Wu's face was dignified, and the three of them didn't look weak, and one of them even made Long Wu feel a hint of danger.

The three of them also looked at Lin Feng and the others from a distance, and they were equally vigilant. But the three of them did not stop, but left far away, keeping a distance from the four of Lin Feng.

"It seems that many practitioners will come one after another. Let's occupy a favorable position first. This place is too close to the cosmic wall. Once the universe explodes, we will bear the brunt of the brunt, and we will not survive. We must stay away from here."

Everyone also nodded, the universe is still very calm now, they naturally don't have to worry. But once the cosmos explodes and the distance is so close, even the **** king cannot withstand the impact of the cosmos explosion, and there is a danger of falling, let alone their mere high-level planetary life?

So, the four of Lin Feng kept retreating to the back, about a light-year distance, and they couldn't even sense the cosmic wall membrane, so they stopped.

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