Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 512: firm belief


In Lin Feng's mind, heaven and man were at war, and all kinds of thoughts and ideas collided. In the end, he resisted the "temptation", strengthened his belief, and had no life transition.

Of course, it's just that there is no transformation for the time being. Maybe this is an excellent opportunity. If you change to any cultivator, I am afraid that you will not give up this opportunity.

But Lin Feng gave up, and jumping with a life span of 300,000 kilometers may seem very good, but Lin Feng is still obsessed with transforming as a perfect fighting body.

It's not just because of the transformation of the complete battle body, the strength has increased greatly, but also because of the more important reason, Lin Feng wants to go further on the road of cultivation.

He not only wants to become a great emperor, but also wants to become a **** king, even a **** venerable, a **** emperor, and even finally transcend the universe and become a universe life!

If you want to go further on the road of cultivation, although there is no certain requirement that you need to complete the battle physique, each step of cultivation is to lay the foundation. go further.

Is it worth giving up a great opportunity for transformation for an ethereal future?

Maybe many people think it's not worth it, but Lin Feng thinks it's worth it. He is still very young, and he has always been smooth on the road of cultivation. Now there are new substances that can help Lin Feng get closer to the perfect battle body. What else is he dissatisfied with?

There is still a long time in the future, and he believes that he will be able to improve his combat physique little by little, and finally cultivate a perfect combat physique.

As Lin Feng strengthened his beliefs in his heart, his battle body swelled again.

310,000 kilometers, 330,000 kilometers, 350,000 kilometers...

Although Lin Feng's battle body is constantly expanding, and the expansion speed is still very fast, this is not a transformation. The moment Lin Feng gave up his transformation, he had already lost this opportunity.

Although he temporarily lost the chance to transform, Lin Feng's battle body continued to transform under the increase of new substances.

380,000 kilometers, 400,000 kilometers, 450,000 kilometers, 500,000 kilometers, 600,000 kilometers...

Lin Feng's battle body swelled faster and faster, and in a blink of an eye it had even expanded to 600,000 kilometers, which was three times larger than the previous Lin Feng's battle body.

The 600,000-kilometer battle body is only a primary planetary life, who has seen it?

Long Wu, Lei Meng, and Yu Jing next to him were all protecting Lin Feng, but they were all dumbfounded when they saw the speed of Lin Feng's battle body increase.

"Is the effect of the new substance really that good?"

Yu Jing couldn't help being a little excited, she suddenly tripled her battle body, and it seemed that it was still increasing. She does not seek to triple her combat body, she is satisfied with three achievements.

Raymond said with a complicated expression: "I'm afraid it's not just the reason for the new material. If I guess correctly, the battle body of His Royal Highness Lin Feng is probably transformed into a planet-level life with a perfect battle body!"

"What, transforming into a planet-level life with a perfect combat body?"

Yu Jing was stunned, even Long Wu gasped. They all know that Raymond has a lot of knowledge and has always been convinced of Raymond, but now, the two of them can't believe it.

"Raymond, did you read it wrong? The perfection-level combat body is almost a legend. How could His Highness Lin Feng be transformed into a planet-level life with a perfection-level combat body?"

Long Wu didn't quite believe it. Although they had heard of the perfection-level combat body, it was only a legend, and they had never seen it before. As for the Temple of Beamon, no one has ever cultivated a complete battle body.

If it is said that Lin Feng is indeed very strong, he is simply blessed with the understanding of the law, which is very incredible. But if it is said that Lin Feng has cultivated a perfect battle physique, Long Wu will not believe it at first.

Raymond took a deep breath and said slowly: "Complete-level combat body is not a legend, at least there is a person in our Beamon Temple who has cultivated a perfect combat body."

"Our Beamon Temple has disciples who have cultivated a perfect combat body? Impossible, if there is, I can't be unaware..."

Long Wu never believed that his time in the Beamon Temple was even longer than that of Raymond, and he had never heard of any disciple who had cultivated a perfect battle physique.

But Raymond said slowly: "Who said he was a disciple?"

"Not a disciple, then..."

"His Majesty the God King was transformed into a planet-level life with a perfect combat body!"

"What, His Royal Highness?"

Long Wu and Yu Jing looked at each other and looked at each other.

In their eyes, the aloof God King Beamon is as deep and unpredictable as the vast starry sky. For God King Beamon, even the core disciples in the upper section of the temple actually know very little.

"Yes, His Majesty the God-King is a practitioner with a perfect combat physique. It's a pity that His Majesty the God-king failed to cultivate a perfect combat-body when he was living at the planet level. His Highness Lin Feng must have received the attention of His Majesty the God-king, and even, His Majesty the God-king also pinned a glimmer of hope on His Highness Lin Feng."

Raymond didn't know from which source he learned these secrets, but neither Long Wu nor Yu Jing had any doubts. They have known Raymond for a long time, not a year or two, nor a decade or a hundred years, but more than a thousand years!

"If before, I wasn't sure that His Highness Lin Feng transformed into a planet-level life with a perfect combat body, then this time, using a new substance, His Highness Lin Feng can improve the combat body so much. It must be extremely stable. It can only be done with the basics. I wonder if His Royal Highness Lin Feng can create miracles and finally cultivate a perfect planet-level combat body. If that is the case, I am afraid that there will be an invincible emperor in my Beamon temple in the future, and there is even hope to become a temple. Second God King!"

Raymond's eyes were staring at the figure in the starry sky.

The more he got to know Lin Feng, the more fortunate Raymond was. He had invited Lin Feng to form a team, and so far, he still had a good relationship with Lin Feng.

Just based on this relationship, Raymond, Long Wu, and Yu Jing didn't know how many benefits they could get.

At this time, Lin Feng was watching the battle body with all his attention, and he didn't know that Raymond had already grasped his foundation. But even if he knew, it was nothing, at best it was just a knowing smile.

Because of teaming up with Raymond and others, and still in the dangerous wave of the Big Bang, all kinds of methods and secrets will be exposed sooner or later.

It doesn't matter if it is exposed, as long as the strength is strong, then no one dares to have any bad thoughts.

Lin Feng has already seen everything, so he is even more eager to cultivate a perfect combat physique. Even if he cannot reach the perfect combat physique now, he should try to get as close to the perfect combat physique as possible.

Therefore, he invested 100% of his energy, and frantically merged new substances to promote the expansion of the battle body.

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