Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 525: 7 life jumps

"It's broken, it's a pity that it's an original weapon!"

"If a black hole can be sealed in a small bead, only a **** king can have such an ability. It seems that this Lin Feng is a disciple valued by **** kings. It's a pity that the majesty of the emperor cannot be offended, even if he is The disciple that God King values ​​highly will surely die today!"

"After the three blows, what else can Lin Feng do to counter the might of the emperor??"

Emperor Huotuo smashed the black hole bead with three strikes. Without the protection of the black hole bead, Lin Feng had to face the power of the emperor. At this time, no miracle was found, and Lin Feng's combat physique just improved a little.

For a cultivator of elementary planetary life, what is the use of improving the combat physique? Not to mention a little improvement, even if it is increased tenfold or a hundredfold, it will not work.

"Complete Battle Body!"

Emperor Huo Tuo saw Lin Feng's clue at a glance, the perfect battle body, the planet-level perfect battle body, this is really amazing. Even his eyes shrank slightly, the planet-level perfect battle body, that is almost a legend, but he didn't expect it to appear in front of him now.

However, what if it is a planet-level perfect battle body? In front of the emperor, even a planet-level perfect battle body would be useless.

"The majesty of the emperor, no offense! Death!"

Emperor Huo Tuo was really angry, and he slapped his palm again. In front of the emperor, Lin Feng repeatedly "ignored" the emperor, and Emperor Huo Tuo naturally wouldn't be polite.

He wanted to see this palm, what other means did Lin Feng have to resist?

Looking at the overwhelming palm, the emperor struck, even Lin Feng, who was in a state of perfect combat, felt as if he was about to suffocate. Although he has reached the perfect battle physique, his strength has not improved much.

However, the role of the Perfected Battle Physique is transformation. Once the Perfected Battle Physique is cultivated, it means that the most perfect state has been reached, and transformation is something that happens naturally.

Elementary planetary life, naturally can't compete with this palm, but what if it transforms?

Lin Feng didn't have any hesitation, as soon as his mind moved, the countless cells in Zhan's body naturally began to transform.


The cells in Lin Feng's body split almost instantly, and they split countless times. In the entire starry sky, even the power of the tides gathered frantically around Lin Feng.

Lin Feng seemed to have transformed into a black hole, swallowing everything around him.


"Actually, he has transformed at this time. His combat body is very strong. Under normal circumstances, once a cultivator of elementary planetary life transforms, his combat body will increase by at least a hundred times! With Lin Feng's talent, I am afraid it is more than a hundred times, right?"

"It's terrifying, it's really terrifying. His battle body is about 900,000 kilometers, right? I didn't pay much attention to it just now. He is only a primary planetary life, and he has the ability to suppress the Dark Lord and become a top quasi-emperor?"

"Elementary planetary life... Could it be that he is a cultivator who has cultivated a planet-level perfect combat body in the legend?"

When Lin Feng began to transform, many practitioners' faces changed wildly. They found that Lin Feng was only a primary planetary life, and he was now undergoing his seventh life transition.

This is so incredible!

Some ancient and knowledgeable practitioners have heard the rumors of the perfect battle body, but they did not expect it to appear in front of them. It is really shocking that a primary planetary life becomes a top quasi-emperor.

At first, none of them paid attention, thinking that Lin Feng hadn't displayed all his combat bodies.

But now it seems that Lin Feng didn't display all the battle bodies, but his battle bodies are really only a few hundred thousand kilometers.

At this moment, no one ridiculed Lin Feng anymore, and no one looked at this battle with the mentality of watching the excitement and watching the game. A legendary perfect battle body, facing a great emperor, even if it is a temporary transformation, becoming the most terrifying venerable, the most terrifying quasi-emperor, can he be able to compete with the great emperor?

Many people are not sure, and no one is optimistic about Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng was immersed in the excitement of the constant transformation of the battle body during the life transition.

Power, invincible power!

When the cells of the battle body split madly and the endless energy poured into the body, Lin Feng felt the power, which was completely different from the laws of the higher planets, and belonged to the power of Lin Feng's battle body!

The 990,000-kilometer combat body has improved wildly!

Ten times, a hundred times!

The life transition of general practitioners, especially the life transition from six life transitions to seven life transitions, the process of transitioning from elementary planetary life to higher planetary life, is a qualitative improvement, and basically the battle body is increased by a hundred times.

But Lin Feng is different. He is a complete battle physique, and his battle physique has reached perfection. Therefore, after his seven life transitions and his battle physique has improved a hundred times, it seems that he can continue to improve.

Hundred times battle body, how terrifying is that? A full 99 million kilometers! Such a terrifying combat body is almost a quasi-emperor.

Without relying on the increase of the law, Lin Feng dare not say that he is the first person to reach the quasi emperor only by relying on the combat body, but he is definitely very few in the entire universe.

The planet-level perfect battle body is a legend, even if even the **** king hadn't cultivated the star-level perfect battle body at the beginning, this perfect battle body naturally has its own uniqueness.

The 99 million-kilometer battle body is only temporary. Lin Feng's battle body is still changing. After a hundredfold increase, it has not stopped and is still changing.

This is so out of the ordinary that many practitioners can't believe it.

But it happened right before their eyes, and they couldn't help but believe it.

The cells of Lin Feng's whole body were cheering, and he even felt "thirsty". He knew that this was because the body was in urgent need of energy. The energy in the universe alone could not satisfy Lin Feng's continuous transformation. .

After all, Lin Feng was only a few hundred thousand kilometers of battle before, but now it is close to 100 million kilometers. Even if it is only a little bit higher, the energy required is an astronomical figure, far beyond the imagination of ordinary practitioners.

However, the entire starry sky is now empty, and during the Big Bang, there is nothing left except for the cosmic waves and tidal forces everywhere.

It can't say nothing, at least there is a flower in front of Lin Feng's eyes, and it is a very magical flower. It is a new substance ejected from the big bang of the universe, and it is a divine object that flows into the universe from chaos!

Moreover, this giant flower can even help the division of war cells.


Lin Feng opened his big and instantly swept across a radius of millions of kilometers. Whether it was a giant flower or some huge meteorite, it was all swallowed by Lin Feng at this moment.

As Lin Feng swallowed the giant flower, his body cells seemed to be injected with a powerful magical energy, which seemed to be completely different from ordinary energy.

Perhaps, with a little chaotic energy.

Even a trace of chaotic energy is not comparable to the energy in the universe. Before, Lin Feng was only a primary planetary life, and his understanding of giant flowers was not that deep.

And now, he finally understood why Emperor Huo Tuo took action to **** the giant flower. Perhaps, Emperor Huo Tuo was for the chaotic energy contained in this giant flower.


Lin Feng's battle body transformed again, expanding wildly, and Emperor Huo Tuo's palm also slammed down, completely shrouding Lin Feng's battle body. With a single palm shot, everything within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers was annihilated and transformed. Be ashes!

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