Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 528: title

"You are the emperor!"

With Emperor Huotuo's final decision, no one will doubt Lin Feng any more. To doubt Lin Feng is to doubt Emperor Huotuo! What's more, in the battle just now, Emperor Huo Tuo had already made all his efforts and even fell behind, which is enough to show Lin Feng's strength.


Another great emperor was born in the universe, and he was transformed into a great emperor under the witness of many practitioners. It is still rare in the universe to achieve the name of a great emperor as a venerable person. This is almost unprecedented!

In fact, in the vast universe, there may not be now, but once, or in the future, there must be a planet-level perfect battle body, even if it is very few, there may not be one in hundreds of millions of years, but there will be.

Some ancient emperors or **** kings have also heard that in ancient times, there were practitioners who cultivated a planet-level perfect battle body.

Although the perfect battle body is rare, it has existed, but Lin Feng, as a venerable body, has achieved the name of the great emperor, but it is the first in the universe in all time!

Betas is stunned. He is a star beast, and he dreams of becoming a great emperor, even at the risk of taking risks during the Big Bang.

For this reason, he also fought with Venerable Star Pendant and Venerable Darkness, and now he only got a giant flower, but in the end it was cheaper for Lin Feng.

Moreover, it also saw Lin Feng swallow the giant flower, thus achieving the name of the emperor, and betas almost collapsed.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit, if I get a giant flower, it will be me who will become the Great Emperor..."

Venerable Star Pendant sneered: "Bettas, do you think Emperor Lin Feng is the emperor who achieved success by relying on giant flowers? Although the giant flowers are indispensable, they are mainly the perfect battle body. Do you have a perfect battle body? Haha, you even have a battle body. No, a giant beast is a giant beast, and it will never become a great emperor."

"Old man, do you want to fight again? See if I won't swallow you!"

Betas glared at Venerable Star Pendant.

Venerable Darkness also shook his head and said coldly: "Even if it is a planet-level perfect battle body, it is impossible to become a great emperor. The higher planetary laws are the key. To understand the higher planetary laws, it is not as simple as becoming a great emperor."

Both Betas and Venerable Star Pendant were silent. In fact, how could they not know that the star-level perfect battle body was actually not that strong. In order to become a great emperor, and to become a great emperor as a venerable one, a planet-level perfect battle body and high-level planetary laws are indispensable.

But any one of them makes almost ninety-nine practitioners despair.

If ordinary people can cultivate a perfect fighting body, or comprehend the laws of high-level planets, their achievements will not be bad. Maybe they can concentrate and become a great emperor.

Lin Feng is only a special case, there is only one in the entire universe, and others cannot follow suit.

Emperor Huotuo left, and Lin Feng slowly put away the huge battle body that was nearly 10 billion kilometers, and turned into the body of an ordinary person, and his figure flashed and flew in front of Raymond and the others.

Raymond, Long Wu, and Yu Jing were still a little stunned at this time. They had fought side by side with Lin Feng, even though they knew that Lin Feng was a monster and his talent was beyond their imagination.

But Lin Feng actually became the Great Emperor, and Emperor Huo Tuo himself admitted it.

This status change is really too big. The Great Emperor, even in the Beamon Temple, is still high above. Although he is also a disciple of the upper class, the status of the Great Emperor is obviously higher than that of other disciples.

The emperor of the temple even assisted the king to deal with some important affairs of the temple.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feng became the emperor, and even Raymond couldn't believe it. But what they saw with their own eyes, they had to believe it.

"Meet the Emperor!"

Raymond, Long Wu, and Yu Jing all hurriedly saluted. This is the most basic respect for the Great Emperor. In the vast starry sky, the Great Emperor's prestige spreads across the universe, and no one dares to disrespect the Great Emperor.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "You guys still call me by my name."

"No, each emperor's name cannot be called lightly. This is respect for the strong."

Raymond shook his head stubbornly. This is not to say that he is really stubborn. The name of the emperor is actually very important, because at the level of the emperor, the fusion of the battle body and the law can already interfere with the law, and even the operation of the universe, the emperor can also have a certain influence.

Even if it's just a name, it can be easily called.

Although Lin Feng has not yet reached the Great Emperor in realm, he was recognized as the Great Emperor by the Great Emperor Huo Tuo himself, which confirmed his identity as the Great Emperor. If they called Lin Feng's name, it would be disrespectful to other emperors.

Lin Feng didn't stop him, but Yu Jing rolled her eyes and said with a wry smile, "What is the title of the Great Emperor?"


Lin Feng was stunned, he naturally knew what a title was, such as the Great Scorpion Emperor, the Great Emperor Huo Tuo, etc., were the titles. As for the real name, few people probably know it.

When the original King Beamon was still the Great Emperor, his title was Beamon the Great.

Therefore, this title is also very important, and it almost accompanies the practitioner's life.

Although the title is important, Lin Feng has just been recognized as the emperor by Emperor Huotuo. Where is the title? Are you going to make one yourself?

Raymond smiled slightly and said, "Of course the Great Emperor has a title! Just now, the Great Emperor fought against the Great Emperor Huo Tuo, which was earth-shattering. It's called the Destruction Emperor!"

"The Emperor of Destruction?"

Lin Feng shook his head slightly, a little helpless. He also has a tidal body and an air-defying body. Can he still be called the tide emperor and the air-defying emperor in the future?

However, titles are also called by people. In the long years, only one title will be slowly accepted by everyone, then it is that title.

Destruction Emperor is not necessarily the final title. But now, Lin Feng had to accept this title.

"Great Emperor, are we still looking for new substances?"

"Of course I have to look for it."

Lin Feng glanced at Raymond and the other three, shook his head and said, "You all have a share in that giant flower, but I swallowed it all at the critical moment Therefore, the new material harvested in the future, I will compensate you appropriately."

Seeing that Raymond wanted to refuse, Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "Rules are rules. Since they are made, they cannot be broken."

Raymond was helpless and nodded, but he was actually a little happy inside. Lin Feng is the Great Emperor now, and if he makes a sweep, that is a real sweep, who would dare to compete with the Great Emperor?

Although this is a bit "shameless", after all, the second wave of the Big Bang is basically not involved in the Great Emperor. For those many practitioners below the Great Emperor, this is a "welfare".

It's a pity that Lin Feng did not have the "enlightenment" as the emperor. He will continue to sweep new substances. Those practitioners who are looking for new substances in the area of ​​the second wave of the Big Bang will be out of luck.

"Let's go, sweep up quickly, and welcome the third wave of cosmic explosions!"

Lin Feng's eyes flickered with a hint of brilliance. In the third wave, the emperor might be involved. If it is the fourth wave, it can only be fought by the great emperors.

At that time, practitioners below the Great Emperor will not even be eligible to participate.

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