Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 538: Meet Huo Tuo again

In the starry sky, the two great emperors have already made a real fire. The two great emperors together, the battle body exceeds two light years. Every time it expands, the mighty aftermath spreads in all directions, and countless planets are turned into powder. .

What the two great emperors are fighting for is a new substance, hidden in a vortex of millions of kilometers in length and breadth, as if something is still nurturing.

But just looking at this power, you know that it must not be an ordinary new substance, and it is no wonder that the two great emperors have fought each other.


The two great emperors fought hard again, regardless of the outcome, they both slightly retreated a certain distance.

"Emperor Longyuan, even if you and I fight for a few more years, we may not be able to tell the winner. I'm afraid such a big movement will alarm the emperor. You don't want to work in vain? How about half and half?"

The seven-colored emperor's eyes flickered, obviously he didn't want to fight anymore, and proposed half of them. If we continue to fight, I am afraid it will really be the snipe and the clam fighting for the fisherman to gain.

He didn't want to be a "snipe clam".

Emperor Longyuan pondered for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: "Emperor Seven Colors, half of each is good, but who will keep the new substances?"

"Of course it's me. I discovered this new substance."

The seven-color emperor does his part.

"Hey, the Great Emperor of Seven Colors, if you leave, who will I ask for? Even if you destroy your Seven Colors Sect, would you care? I think it's better for me to keep the new substances."

"You? Emperor Longyuan, there are three emperors around your Longyuanxing, and you are all good friends with them. If you get new substances, how can you give me half of them?"

Of course the Great Emperor of Seven Colors didn't want to, they didn't trust each other.

"Then it's divided on the spot!"

"Alright, it's divided on the spot!"

The Great Emperor Longyuan and the Great Emperor Qise immediately shot, but when they were about to get the new substance, a figure appeared in the sky above the vortex.

"I'm sorry, the two great emperors, I want this new substance!"


The new substance was grabbed by the figure, and then the huge body retreated directly, and in a blink of an eye, it retreated very far.

"you dare!"

"Emperor Huotuo, put down the new substance!"

The Great Emperor Longyuan and the Great Emperor Seven Colors were extremely angry. Unexpectedly, the new substance was actually given to the Great Emperor Huo Tuo. They had been fighting for a while, and this period of time was enough for some great emperors who were a little closer to arrive.

Both of them were extremely angry. They never thought that Emperor Huo Tuo would come so quickly. They got the new substance one step ahead of them, and they could only chase after them frantically.

It's a pity that Emperor Huo Tuo was faster than them, and they could only watch the distance between Emperor Huo Tuo and them getting further and further away.


Emperor Huo Tuo was running away with all his strength, but suddenly, he looked up and saw the two figures in front of him, but his heart sank.

"The Great Destruction, the Great Scorpion."

Emperor Huotuo looked complicated, why did he meet Emperor Destruction twice?

If there was only one Great Destruction Emperor, then he would be fine, but now there is still one Great Scorpion Emperor.

"Haha, Emperor Huo Tuo, leave the new substance behind."

The Demon Scorpion Emperor fiercely displayed his combat body and grabbed it hard.


Huo Tuo's huge flame palm fought against him, but the two sides took a few steps back, and there was no winner. In particular, there is another Emperor of Destruction who is staring at him. Emperor Huotuo knows that it is difficult to keep the new material.

At this time, Emperor Longyuan and Emperor Qise were overjoyed, and they also rushed over. For a time, the four emperors surrounded Emperor Huotuo in the middle.

The Great Emperor Longyuan and the Great Emperor Qise naturally also saw Lin Feng and the Great Demon Scorpion Emperor, and their hearts sank, but they did not dare to force the Great Emperor Huotuo too much. ?

"Emperor Huotuo, what a coincidence, we met again."

Lin Feng's smile was half a smile, and when he thought about it carefully, he really had a "destiny" with Emperor Huo Tuo. They could meet twice in a row, and they were all fighting for new substances.

Emperor Huo Tuo looked around, but he couldn't escape. With Emperor Siwei there, it would be very difficult for him to escape, and he would even suffer heavy losses and fall.

He dare not take risks!

"You four, who should I give the new substance to?"

Emperor Huo Tuo swept past the four of them.

The Great Seven Colors suddenly said: "Emperor Huotuo, give me the new material, you and I will join forces, and I will help you break through! We are half of the new material, how about it?"

"Hey, Seven Colors Great Emperor, who would believe what you said? You helped him break through? Could it be that the three of us can't trap you?"

Emperor Longyuan sneered, and then said in a deep voice: "Emperor Huotuo, maybe you don't know a piece of news yet. The two people standing in front of you might really want to kill you."

"Huh? Why?"

Emperor Huo Tuo's eyes flashed brightly, but he was a little puzzled. He and the Great Destruction Emperor are at best just fighting for new substances, and there is no enmity or enmity with the Great Demon Scorpion Emperor. How could anyone want to kill him?

"Emperor Huo Tuo, you and them are indeed free from grievances and enmity, but not necessarily the Great Emperor Gu Xi! The Great Emperor Gu Xi came forward for you, but was killed by the Great Emperor Destruction and the Great Demon Scorpion. This incident has spread all over the starry sky. You don't know?"

"Emperor Gu Xi is dead?"

Emperor Huo Tuo was silent, he really didn't know. However, he knew that the Great Emperor Longyuan would not deceive him, not to mention that there was a confrontation between the Great Emperor Shattering and the Great Demon Scorpion, and there was no need for the Great Emperor Longyuan to lie.

Lin Feng and Scorpion looked at each other, but he didn't expect that Emperor Huo Tuo didn't know about it. However, the two were already psychologically prepared, and Emperor Huo Tuo would know sooner or later.

"Emperor Huotuo, if you want to take revenge for Emperor Gu Xi, just do it, I'll be waiting for you at any time!"

Lin Feng's voice was cold, and he admitted it face to face.

"Vengeance? Why does this emperor want to take revenge? Although Gu Xi has a good relationship with me, he is only a general friend. His death is his doom. I have persuaded him long ago not to be so hot-tempered. Today he will not be punished. If you kill you, you will be killed by other great emperors in the future."

Emperor Huo Tuo shook his head, without a trace of sadness, but Lin Feng was surprised.

"You don't want revenge?"

"I don't want to. It's not worth fighting against the emperor for a dead friend!"

Lin Feng just stared at Emperor Huo Tuo, but the other party's expression did not change, as if it was a matter of course.

"This is the emperor!"

Suddenly, the voice of the Great Scorpion came from Lin Feng's ears. In the North River Galaxy, the Great Scorpion had seen too many things like this. Not to mention the Great Emperor, even the Venerable, the elementary planet life, the so-called friend, may be worthless.

"This is the emperor!"

Lin Feng repeated this sentence He suddenly felt pity for the Great Emperor Gu Xi, and even felt that the death of the Great Emperor Gu Xi was really worthless. The Great Emperor Gu Xi was not only hot-tempered, but also unknown.

Lin Feng was clearly mentally prepared to face the revenge of Emperor Huo Tuo. But now, Emperor Huo Tuo has no intention of revenge at all.

Just like Emperor Huotuo turned around and left immediately after learning that Lin Feng had the power of the emperor, giving up the giant flowers. This is enough to show how "realistic" Emperor Huo Tuo is.

"The Great Destruction Emperor, you and I are destined to give you this new substance."

Before Lin Feng could react, Emperor Huo Tuo threw the new substance directly.


The new substance is in hand, without any conspiracy, this is the new substance.

But Emperor Huotuo, would he really be so kind and give him the new substance?

For a time, even Lin Feng was a little confused.

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