Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 554: learn from each other

Next, His Royal Highness Longyuan also held a dust-cleaning banquet for Lin Feng, and Lin Feng was of course the most dazzling "protagonist". It's a pity that after the dust-cleaning banquet, Lin Feng was completely silent, very low-key, and did not do anything else, as if he had never been here.

On the contrary, the information about Lin Feng gradually spread, but it was also some basic information.

For example, Lin Feng was a former seed disciple, and he was promoted to the upper-level area by exception. He was not a planet-level being to become a disciple of the temple's upper-level area. This was the first time in the history of Beamon Temple.

Moreover, Lin Feng became famous in one fell swoop during the Big Bang, and was honored as the Great Destruction Emperor! Moreover, he is only the body of the Venerable, this is simply a legend!

Lin Feng's various information is really too bizarre, not everyone believes it, and even more suspicious.

Even several great emperors hold different views. Although they believed in His Royal Highness Longyuan, it should be right that Lin Feng is the Great Emperor, but how can a Venerable become the Great Emperor?

Lin Feng was very low-key again. His Royal Highness Yaodao used the name of exchanging lessons several times, hoping to have a fight with Lin Feng, but Lin Feng refused. In the end, the demon knife actually found His Highness Longyuan.

His Highness Longyuan said something, which made Yaodao even more angry.

"His Royal Highness Yaodao, you don't have to go and learn from His Highness Lin Feng. You are not His Highness Lin Feng's opponent."

His Highness Longyuan's words would not make His Highness Yaodao feel dissatisfied, but he also wanted to discuss with Lin Feng even more.

The other great emperors were also surprised. Since His Highness Lin Feng came to the border, he was like a superfluous person. He did not visit or move around with the other great emperors.

In other words, Lin Feng has not yet integrated into the boundary environment and has not been recognized by the emperors.

Lin Feng didn't care about some rumors and discussions outside.

At this time, Lin Feng invited Venerable Longwu to his residence and learned more about the annihilation of the galaxy from Venerable Longwu. From Venerable Longwu's point of view, it seems that the annihilation galaxy is very safe, and the annihilation monster is not that strong.

You must know that Venerable Longwu has been at the border for tens of thousands of years.

This made Lin Feng feel as if it did not match the records in the temple. However, thinking of the strange and mysterious aspects of the annihilated galaxy, Lin Feng was still very vigilant.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, I am not invited again."

Suddenly, His Royal Highness Yaodao walked in outside the door, and Venerable Longwu also hurriedly stood up to greet him. After all, His Royal Highness Yaodao is the Great Emperor!

Lin Feng was also full of helplessness and said, "Your Highness Yaodao, how about I am willing to admit defeat?"

"No, Your Highness Lin Feng, you are the Great Destruction Emperor, how can you admit defeat? I'm just discussing, how about His Highness Lin Feng satisfied my curiosity? Once His Highness Lin Feng has a discussion with me, I promise not to disturb His Highness Lin Feng in the future. "

The Emperor Yaodao simply sat on the chair and did not leave.


Lin Feng is very helpless, a great emperor is playing a rogue, what else can he do?

Venerable Longwu also said: "His Royal Highness Lin Feng, His Royal Highness Yaodao often challenges other emperors. If you don't meet his requirements, I am afraid he will really bother you all the time. In fact, His Royal Highness Lin Feng and His Royal Highness Yaodao have a good match. Disadvantage, in this way, His Highness Lin Feng can smoothly integrate into the great emperors of the border, after all, His Highness Lin Feng will stay in the border for a long time."

Lin Feng pondered for a while, thinking in his heart.

In fact, he will not stay at the border for a long time, only ten years. After ten years, he can leave for a few years first, and then stay for another ten years.

This is approved by King Beamon.

But what Long Wu said also makes sense. Since it has reached the border, it must be integrated into the great emperors. There are only advantages and no disadvantages. It's just a sparring match.

"Okay, Your Highness Yaodao, since you are so persistent, then I would be more respectful than obedient."

"You promised to learn from each other? Haha, if you can't do it on the planet, let's go to the starry sky."

The Demon Sword Emperor was overjoyed, and Lin Feng finally agreed. He was very curious about Lin Feng. How could His Holiness be comparable to the Great Emperor? Emperor Yaodao would not be reconciled if he didn't have a real battle with Lin Feng.

So, the two quickly left the planet and flew towards the starry sky.

"His Royal Highness Longyuan, His Highness Lin Feng and His Royal Highness Yaodao are about to learn from each other!"

Several other great emperors hurriedly found His Highness Longyuan.

"It seems that everyone is interested in taking a look?"

His Highness Longyuan said with a smile.

"Of course, His Royal Highness Longyuan has been selling out all the time and refuses to tell His Highness Lin Feng's true situation. We can only look forward to seeing if His Highness Yaodao can force His Highness Lin Feng's strength."

"Okay, let's go see it together."

Emperor Longyuan nodded. During this time, many emperors, including the Emperor Yaodao, were attacking and wanting to know more detailed information about Lin Feng.

But the Great Emperor Longyuan smiled and did not respond.

Therefore, it made these great emperors even more curious. Now Lin Feng has accepted the "challenge" of the demon sword. This is a major event in the border, and they will naturally not miss it.

When the eight great emperors flew to the starry sky, they found that there were already a large number of practitioners in the starry sky. Those practitioners of elementary planetary life, as well as the venerable ones, and even the quasi emperor came to the starry sky together.

After all, the battle between the great emperors is something that can be met but not sought, that is, the Great Emperor Yaodao often finds other great emperors to learn from, otherwise, other practitioners will not be able to see the great emperors take action.

Especially when His Highness Lin Feng, who was still very mysterious, made a move this time, it was even more attractive.

In the crowd, Long Wu was also surrounded by them. Long Wu is the top venerable, and he is only a line away from the quasi-emperor capital. Among the practitioners on the border, his status is still very high.

In particular, Long Wu also had a close relationship with His Royal Highness Lin Feng, which made more practitioners gather around Long Wu.

"His Royal Highness Longwu, who do you think is better between the Demon Sword Emperor and the Destruction"

Someone asked Long Wu.

Without any hesitation, Long Wu replied directly: "The Demon Sword Emperor may be very strong, but the Destruction Emperor is undoubtedly stronger!"

"Are you optimistic about the Great Destruction Emperor?"

Many people's eyes lit up, and they seemed to think that Long Wu was a little too confident. The Emperor Yaodao was also in the middle of the border, so how could he be worse than Lin Feng?

You have to know that His Royal Highness Lin Feng has only just become the Great Emperor. I heard that he is still a Venerable.

But Long Wu did not explain. The news that Lin Feng killed the Great Emperor Gu Xi during the Big Bang had not yet spread. Long Wu naturally knew that such a thing could not be said casually.

"You just have to look good."

Long Wu's confidence in Lin Feng made other practitioners even more curious.

So, everyone turned their eyes to the starry sky, where the two figures were facing each other.

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