Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 558: Quiet Monster

"The silence monster appeared?"

Lin Feng froze in his heart, and looking at the date, it has been two years since he left.

For two years, he has been capturing the planet, and the border has always been calm. Lin Feng's so-called guarding is not "due to his duties" at all.

"It's good that Emperor Longyuan didn't blame him. I haven't been guarding him for two years. I have to perform well this time."

Lin Feng shook his head. In order to enhance the power of the Falling Star Bead, he left the border for two years. Fortunately, there have been no Silence Monsters in the past two years.

But now that the annihilation monster appeared, Lin Feng naturally had to rush back, and he could let Emperor Longyuan send a message in person. I'm afraid the annihilation monster this time is not weak.


Lin Feng quickly switched the battle body, and traveled through the space to return to the border.


The nine great emperors, including the Great Emperor Longyuan, the Great Demon Swordsman, and the Great Bellam, are now all waiting in battle.

In the starry sky, countless practitioners have already displayed their combat bodies. Whether it is an ordinary planet-level life, a Venerable, or a quasi-emperor, their expressions are very solemn.

On the other side of the starry sky, countless annihilation monsters have emerged from the dark annihilation galaxy. The huge annihilation monsters almost occupied the entire starry sky, and the number was too many.

If it was just a simple number, the nine great emperors would not have such a solemn expression. That's because among the densely packed monsters, there are eleven monsters that are obviously much stronger, lying across the starry sky.

Each of these eleven monsters is comparable to the battle body of the Great Emperor, exceeding the body of a light-year, like a nebula, and there is a terrifying aura that covers the sky.


A space ripple appeared in the starry sky, and then, Lin Feng's figure emerged from the space.

"The laws of space?"

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng actually understood the laws of space?"


Seeing this scene, many practitioners' eyes are straight, especially most practitioners know what the law of space means, which almost means that if there is no means to block space, Lin Feng will be invincible.

The three advanced laws also contain the laws of space. Planet-level perfect combat body...

The great emperors were silent, if they still thought that His Royal Highness Lin Feng was extremely talented and could vaguely catch up. Well, now, no one has such an idea.

Such a genius may be destined to be a legend at birth and cannot be overtaken by others.

Even the Demon Sword Emperor was silent at this time.

Emperor Longyuan knew it for a long time, so he was not surprised.

Lin Feng flew over, and he also hurried back to the border, so he traveled directly through space, but he didn't care too much about "exposing". With his current strength, what if he was exposed?

Even if the top emperor wants to deal with him, he has to see if the space can be blocked. Otherwise, Lin Feng can easily escape. The magic of space laws cannot be restrained by anyone.

"His Royal Highness Longyuan, I'm late. How is the situation now?"

Lin Feng also felt a little ashamed. He came to the border just to guard his mission. Now he "doesn't do his job properly" and left the border. If Emperor Longyuan wants to blame, he has brought it on himself.

However, Emperor Longyuan didn't care that Lin Feng left the border for two years, his expression was very solemn, and he said solemnly: "The situation is not optimistic, I have been guarding the border for so many years, and I have never encountered such a large-scale annihilation monster. I suspect that there may be an accident in the silent galaxy, otherwise there would not be so many silent monsters leaving the silent galaxy."

"What can happen to the dead galaxy?"

Lin Feng raised his head and glanced at the silent monsters in the distance. This was the first time that Lin Feng had seen the Quiet Monster. The densely packed Quiet Monster made Lin Feng feel like his scalp was tingling.

In particular, the eleven monsters with an extremely huge body, comparable to the battle body of the Great Emperor, exuded a terrifying aura.

These annihilation monsters exude an aura of destruction, and they are far purer and more terrifying than Lin Feng's annihilation power. It seems that they are born to destroy.

Emperor Longyuan shook his head and said: "I don't know what happened to the annihilation galaxy, after all, no one dares to enter the annihilation galaxy. However, no matter what happens to the annihilation galaxy, these annihilation monsters cannot be allowed to rush. Enter the Beamon Galaxy!"

There was already a hint of awe-inspiring killing intent in Emperor Longyuan's tone.

"Yes, they must never be allowed to enter the Beamon Galaxy!"

"Hey, we can finally fight. We have been guarding the border for so many years, and there is not much use for it. This is the first time we have encountered such a large-scale annihilation monster, and we can finally fight with confidence."

"A mere emperor-level annihilation monster, I believe it can still be resisted."

Many great emperors are not too worried, even if the scale of the annihilation of monsters is unprecedented this time? They have so many great emperors, didn't they wait for this day long ago?

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste to arrange ten great emperors to guard the border?

Facts have proved that not only is it not a waste, but it is also just right. If this boundary is not guarded by more than ten great emperors, it is really unclear what it will become.

"I will deal with two Great Emperor-level annihilation monsters, and you can choose the rest."

Emperor Longyuan selected the two strongest monsters of the Great Emperor level. He is the top emperor, and he also has such strength.

"Haha, then we're welcome."

The Demon Sword Emperor also seemed very excited. In the past, he asked other great emperors to learn from each other, but it was just a discussion. It was not a life-and-death battle. His Demon Sword was the strongest, but he didn't use it.

Because once the demon sword is displayed, sometimes even he can't control it, and it is inevitable that there will be accidental injuries.

Now he can finally fight against the Great-Emperor-level annihilation monster. This is not a competition, but a life-and-death battle. At that time, his demon sword can drink the blood of the annihilated monster.

The other emperors didn't care too As dignified emperors, how could they be afraid of some dead monsters who don't understand anything, and don't even have much wisdom?

After the eleven Great Emperor-level annihilation monsters were "divided up" by Lin Feng and others, the remaining monsters would naturally be dealt with by other Venerables and Emperors.

However, this time was unusual, and Emperor Longyuan also repeatedly reminded: "Remember, everyone must fight quickly, and strive to solve these annihilation monsters as soon as possible. No one can tell how many annihilation monsters will appear. "


Everyone also nodded. Although their faces were very relaxed and they seemed to be indifferent, they were actually vigilant in their hearts. It's really strange that so many silent monsters suddenly appear, and it's always right to be cautious.


Emperor Longyuan started the first action. He displayed his battle body, and the battle body that was more than ten light years old suddenly enveloped most of the starry sky. The two strongest annihilation monsters also roared and rushed towards the Great Emperor Longyuan.

War is imminent!

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