Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 562: bottleneck

"what happened?"

The imaginary **** beads exuded a gleam of brilliance, which surprised Lin Feng. It wasn't a day or two for Lin Feng to get the Void Heaven Divine Pearl, but for a long time, and this has never happened.

This Void Heaven Divine Pearl, when Lin Feng comprehended one, he got the news about the Void Heaven God Palace. But after that, Lin Feng comprehended the space **** pattern on the Void Heaven God Bead, and he didn't get any other information except for the understanding of space laws.

"Could it be the information about Xutian Divine Palace?"

Lin Feng's heart moved, and he immediately extended his spiritual power into the Void Heaven Divine Pearl.


Lin Feng's mental strength was shocked, and then a picture appeared in his mind.

In the cold, dark starry sky, there is a space passage, looming, and in the space passage, there is a magnificent palace. This picture appeared in Lin Feng's mind for a long time, and then disappeared without a trace.

When Lin Feng woke up, he found that the Void Heaven Divine Pearl had returned to its original state. It seemed that everything just now was just an illusion.

But Lin Feng knew that it was not an illusion! Now that picture is still deeply imprinted in Lin Feng's mind, and he can vaguely sense the location of the virtual **** palace through the virtual **** beads.

It's just that the distance is far away, and the feeling is very weak. If you can enter the Quiet Galaxy, you may be able to sense the location of the Void God Palace.

"Xutian Divine Palace..."

Lin Feng naturally wanted to go to the Xutian Divine Palace. After all, it was a palace left by a **** emperor, and there might be unimaginable good things in it. Speaking of the Big Bang, would a powerful being like the Emperor of the Void Heaven participate in the Big Bang?

And with the strength of the Emperor of the Void, is it difficult to compete for new substances? Maybe there are many new substances in the Xutian Divine Palace.

The Xutian Divine Palace is a treasure trove, and Lin Feng can still sense it, but unfortunately, the Silent Galaxy is too dangerous, even if he knows that there is a treasure mountain inside, Lin Feng does not dare to enter.

Unless, Lin Feng's strength can go further!

If Lin Feng's strength is to improve, it is impossible to rely on the fighting body alone, and he has no signs of transformation. Therefore, we can only rely on the Falling Star Bead, the power of the Falling Star Bead can continue to increase, and Lin Feng has comprehended the fifty space divine patterns, which is enough to expand the space in the Falling Star Bead again.

Therefore, when Emperor Longyuan and others were guarding it, Lin Feng devoted himself to engraving the Space Divine Mark on the Falling Star Bead.

Lin Feng, who had completely understood the remaining fifty space **** patterns, would be easier to inscribe them on the Falling Star Bead.

Fifty-one, fifty-three, fifty-five, sixty...

The speed of Lin Feng's engraving of the Space Divine Runes was not slow. It only took a mere year to inscribe all the remaining fifty spatial Divine Runes on the Falling Star Bead.

The space in the Falling Star Bead has more than doubled.

Of course, not every space **** pattern can widen the same space, it is possible that fifty space **** lines are not as large as the space widened by one space **** pattern.

But the fifty space **** patterns were roughly the same as the fifty space **** patterns inscribed by Lin Feng before. Therefore, if all goes well, the space within the Falling Star Bead can accommodate another 100 million planets.

After Lin Feng inscribed the Space Divine Rune, he once again swept thousands or even tens of thousands of light-years away from the planets. In a few years, he was stuffed with Falling Star Beads.

As expected by Lin Feng, the number of planets in the Falling Star Bead reached 200 million, of which there were more than 20 million stars, which was roughly equivalent to a battle body of 22 trillion kilometers, more than two light-years. Compared to the previous Falling Star Orb, the power is doubled!


Lin Feng took back the Falling Star Bead. He could probably feel that the material limit of the Falling Star Bead was approaching. The space in the Falling Star Bead is completely gone, and no more planets can be accommodated.

Lin Feng still needs to master more and more magical space **** patterns.

It's a pity that now Lin Feng only has a hundred space divine patterns on the Void Heaven Divine Bead. Lin Feng also asked Emperor Longyuan, but Emperor Longyuan didn't have a single space **** pattern.

Even in the temple of Beamon, there is no space **** pattern.

Compared with the space battle body, this space **** pattern is too rare, and it is a secret that almost every space law practitioner does not pass down. Lin Feng was still able to find a space battle body such as the Escape Air Battle Body in the Beamon Temple, but he couldn't find any space **** pattern.

Without the Space Divine Rune, Lin Feng's wish to continue to increase the power of the Falling Star Bead was an extravagant hope.

"It's the neck!"

Lin Feng can feel that he has now reached his neck, or the limit. Whether it is combat training or law comprehension, it takes a long time and years of practice to have such effects.

And the Falling Star Orb can no longer be improved, and there is no space **** pattern, even if you get new material materials, it will not help.

For the first time, Lin Feng felt that his practice had fallen into the distress of stagnation. He had never felt this way before. Even if his combat training stagnated, he could still comprehend the laws.

But now, in all aspects, Lin Feng has been caught in the neck. Even after a long time, he may be stagnant. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

From the very beginning, Lin Feng had been cultivating, but now, the practice suddenly stopped, and Lin Feng was also very uncomfortable.

At this time, Lin Feng finally understood why those venerables, quasi emperors and even great emperors had stopped for hundreds of millions of years. Cultivation really has a neck and a limit, and few people can keep moving forward.

Every practitioner has a neck, the difference is that the neck comes late or early. Some practitioners' necks may reach the limit after six life transitions, trapped below six life transitions, and can never become a planet-level life.

Some are trapped in the Venerable or the Great Emperor, while others have been practicing until the King of Gods feels the neck.

Lin Feng is a little special. He has successfully cultivated all the way to the Venerable, the life of the higher planet. However, he was promoted with a perfect combat physique, so he never felt the neck.

But now, he felt the neck, and it was an all-round neck. If there is no special chance, he may only have the current achievements in his life.

**The neck is not terrible, because as long as the opportunity comes the neck will be broken.

This is also why so many practitioners are willing to take risks in the Big Bang, just to find opportunities, and Lin Feng now has an idea of ​​​​looking for opportunities.

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, it's up to you to guard the border for ten years."

When Emperor Longyuan sent a message that it was Lin Feng's turn to guard the border, Lin Feng went directly to the border.

"His Royal Highness Longyuan."

"His Royal Highness Lin Feng, the task of guarding is not easy."

"I understand, don't worry, His Highness Longyuan."

Emperor Longyuan still recognized Lin Feng's strength very much, so he felt relieved. After handing over the task to Lin Feng, he turned around and left.

Lin Feng looked at the distant boundary, many thoughts flashed in his mind, but in the end he gradually calmed down.

In any case, for the past ten years, he must guard the border and make no mistakes!

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