“Let you continue to follow and see what you want to do.” Chiba muttered in his heart, as usual, as if nothing was wrong.

He did not change his mind and continued to rush to the suburbs.

“你们可以出来了,我早就发现你们跟着我了。”Chiba 来到郊区外,站在空地上,转身过去,对着树林start to talk 说道。

As Chiba’s words fell, there was a movement in the woods, and then three silhouettes rushed out of the woods, falling a few meters in front of Chiba.

The three ninjas are wearing black clothes, with colorful, grim masks on their faces, covering their true faces, and carrying Katana on their backs.

These three ninjas are members of the root organization, and this time they accepted Danzo’s order to bring Chiba back to Root Base.

If Chiba can be brought back to Root Base, then Danzo has a way to get Chiba to join the root organization and work for Danzo.

After all, the root organization is not just an assassination team, but also secretly doing other things, including some experiments, to prepare some poison.

Although Chiba is only a child, it has a mature soul, and it still exists. It is natural to see through the meddlesome feeling, knowing that the people in the root organization are not good stubble, and they cannot return to Base with them. Otherwise, it will only make things change Even more troublesome.

“little demon ,你倒是很不错嘛!能够发现我们,比一些Genin 可抢夺了。”站在中间的根组织member ,looks-at Chiba ,start to talk 说道。

“If you see me as a little demon, I think you will regret it.” Chiba said calmly, without any fear at all.

The member strength of these three root organizations is not bad. It is estimated that they have reached the Chunin Level and have executed a lot of assassination missions, but they still have a long way to go to deal with Chiba.

“Lord Danzo 想要请你去根组织一趟,不要试图反抗,跟我们走,否则只会多吃点皮肉之苦。”根组织的member start to talk 说道,声音透着一丝冷意,at the same time 有着不容抗拒之意。

In their opinion, even though Chiba has a good talent, after all, it is still a little demon, and strength will not be strong. If Chiba wants to resist, it is impossible, and it will only make him suffer.

“Sorry, I don’t have time now. I have to rush to train.” Chiba shaking ones head said, rejecting the “invitation” from the root organization.

“你这样拒绝我们,可不是什么明智的想法,既然你不肯跟我们走一趟,那我们就自己动手了。”根组织的member start to talk 说道,发出叱喝。

They were decisive. After making the decision, they did not hesitate. The three members acted, entangled Chiba from different directions, and started the offensive.

Three root members rushed over, one withdrew Katana, and two quickly hand-sealed to launch the offensive.

“It’s just up to you,” Chiba said jokingly, without any fear at all, glittering in his eyes.

The next moment, he took action and started the shaving of marine Six Powers. The whole person disappeared from the place and appeared in the root organization member that extracted Katana.

After pulling out Katana’s member, before launching Attack officially, I saw Chiba appear like a ghost, and couldn’t help but be shocked. I was surprised that Chiba’s speed would be so fast.

不过,他也是有不少actual combat 经验的,面对这样的Attack ,没有retreat 的念头,而是叱喝起来,向前冲了过去,逼近Chiba ,挥动手中的Katana ,强势Slash 过去。

面对根组织member 的Attack ,面对Slash 过来的Katana ,Chiba 神情依然从容,没有惶恐。

他迅速从腰间的挎包里,取出一把shuriken ,握在手中,抵挡Slash 过来的Katana 。


Katana 和shuriken 碰撞在一起,发出Metal 碰撞的声音,还有sparks 迸发出来。

其他两个member 看到Chiba 出现在第三个member 身前,心中有些诧异,不过并没有慌乱,立即改变方向,向着Chiba 包夹过去。

在shuriken 和Katana 碰撞在一起的时候,Chiba 借助这股冲击的Strength ,at the same time 施展Geppo ,迅速扭转body ,一脚向着other side 的头部横扫过去。

手持Katana 的根组织member ,看到Chiba 的右脚向自己袭击过来,面目之后的eyes ,不由得睁大起来,露出惶恐的神色。

他没有想到,在这种情况之下,Chiba 竟然还能够发动如此Attack ,实在是出乎意料,完全没有想到。

因为Chiba 的Attack speed 太快,所以other side 根本不能躲避,被Chiba 一脚横扫,整个人倒飞出去。

看到other side 倒飞出去,Chiba 并不打算放过other side ,迅速施展剃,飞速追击过去,继续出现在other side 身边。

Chiba 出现在根组织member 的身边,没有丝毫迟疑,右手上爆发出一股Flame ,猛地向other side 的body 砸落下去。


根组织member 遭受这样的重击,根本不能承受,直接撞击在地面上,砸出一个泥坑,惨叫一声,便昏死过去,不省人事。

Chiba 用最快的speed ,把一个根组织的member 解决掉,为自己减轻了压力,展现出足够让根组织member 忌惮的strength ,让opponent not dare despise 他。

剩下的两个根组织member ,看到一个队友轻易就被Chiba 击败,他们心中骇然,真是not dare despise opponent 。

他们冲向Chiba 的时候,就没有半点迟疑,也不打算start off leniently ,已经运转Chakra ,both hands hand seal ,各自施展出不同的Attack 。

“Fire-Style ·火球之术!”

seal completed 成之后,一个根组织member 口中喷出Chakra ,形成三个足球大小的火球,分别从不同的方向,向着Chiba 袭击过去,不让Chiba 轻易躲避。

“Wind-Style ·前面风!”

另外一个根组织的member ,施展出Wind-Style Ninjutsu ,从口中喷出Wind Attribute Chakra ,形成上千个小型wind blade ,向着Chiba 袭击过去,密密麻麻的,几乎占据了这片Space ,不能躲避。

Chiba 刚刚稳住body ,就看到两个根组织member Attack 过来,而且将他包围在中间,根本不能躲避。

“嘿,还不太够看。”Chiba 冷啸起来,透着不屑,根本没有丝毫忌惮。

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