Chapter 217 The Frightened Avril 【Please subscribe, please fully subscribe, please automatically】

Early the next morning, Roan followed Shark and waited at the gate of Dragon Palace City.

After a while, Princess Otoji walked out of the city with Shirahoshi talking and laughing, and behind Shirahoshi was Avril, who had not seen him for a long time.

When Avril saw Roan, she was so excited that she immediately jumped up, but because of Princess Otohime, she didn't do that.

Although Avril is timid and sticky to Roan, she is still more polite, not to mention, Avril is very afraid of mermaids.

Maybe it's because I was bitten by a fish when I was a kid.

Roan once heard Avril's story that when she was a child, she was playing in the sea once, and a saber-toothed shark came.

From that moment on, Avril was particularly afraid of fish, and even adults would joke with him that if she was disobedient, fish would take her away.

That kind of feeling is like when I was young, adults often deceive children and say that if they are not obedient, grandma wolves will eat you.

When we grow up, we will know that there is no grandma wolf in the world, but when we encounter the same situation again, there will always be a grandma wolf in our hearts, reminding you that these things are things you should avoid.

At that time, the saber-toothed fish that almost ate Avril was the wolf grandmother in Avril's heart. This wolf grandma made Avril unable to accept the friendly and kind mermaid like Roan. Because in her memory, for Fish have a fear engraved in their bones.

Thinking of this, Roan couldn't help feeling a little distressed for Avril.

She could not have come, she did it for him, so she daring to see the sea god Mianjin, daring to follow him to Mermaid Island, and daring to follow him to stay in Dragon Palace City.

This little guy is pretty good.

He didn't speak, walked quietly behind Princess Otoji, and then found a chance to walk side by side with Avril.

"Avril, how are you playing with Princess Shirahoshi these days?" Roan asked, he knew that if he didn't enlighten her at this time, Avril would probably collapse.

"Such a big fish, I... Mr. Roan, let's leave, it is impossible for mermaids and humans to coexist peacefully."

Sure enough, although Avril appeared to be peaceful on the surface, Shan was still afraid of the mermaid.

Roan still doesn't believe in this evil.

He had to let the stubborn Avril change his mind first, otherwise, even Avril couldn't solve it, how could he make more strangers believe his words "humans and mermaids can be friends".

"Avelli, Shirahoshi is just a child, just a different race from us. Don't you really like children." Roan said.

Princess Shirahoshi is beautiful and cute. She is a cute little mermaid girl. What's the matter, Avril will feel that Shirahoshi is also very scary.

Roan wondered.

"Mr. Roan... It's not that I don't think Shirahoshi is cute, but when I think that Shirahoshi is also a fish, I get goosebumps all over my body, a talking fish, it's really scary." Avril whispered. Roan said in his ear.

It can be seen that Avril is very upset now.

It is estimated that the islanders of the whole island know that there are two human beings on the island, and they are also nervous all day long.

It's no wonder that Princess Otohime was careful and brought Roan and Avril along to eliminate the islanders' illusions about human beings.

Roan wanted to understand this, and decided now that no matter how the islanders touched or attacked themselves too much later, he would not be angry or resist, so that the islanders had a good impression of human beings.

In this way, Princess Otohime's wish can be fulfilled perfectly.

As long as Princess Otohime's wishes and ideals are successful, it also means that Roan's protection mission is successful.

Because the people who want to assassinate Princess Otohime just don't want humans and mermaids to get too close, so as long as Princess Otohime succeeds, they will lose their reason for assassination.

Do not attack yourself.

Roan felt that his theory was quite novel and was secretly happy.

But he can't just protect and not attack. After all, Roan's biggest purpose in coming to Ryugucheng this time is to find Vanderdaiken, then defeat him and accept the sea god Mianjin as his younger brother.

That can't be changed, Roan reminded himself.

At this time, the sea god Mianjinmi was in the depths of the sea not far away, quietly counting the fish swimming around, waiting for Roan to bring the captain's news, or the captain to return by himself.

Little did he know that he had been booked by Roan._

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